mcMMO-Dev / mcMMO

The RPG Lover's Mod!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Users not getting XP for carrots and potatoes. #906

Closed Arthurk95 closed 11 years ago

Arthurk95 commented 11 years ago

I am using the dev build of PEX that you guys recommend along with mcMMO 1.4.04. My users are getting any XP for carrots or potatoes, but I am (OP). I know it's a permissions issue since this is happening with the Tree Feller ability as well (the entire tree goes down for me but only a layer or two for everyone else, regardless their woodcutting level), but I'm not sure if there's a way to fix it. Here is a list of my plugins:

Orebfuscator, NoCheatPlus, Craftconomy3, WorldEdit, ColoredSigns, ZPort, Vault, PermissionsEx, Multiverse-Core, LogBlock, LWC, WorldGuard, PvPTimer, HeadHunter, dynmap, Dynmap-WorldGuard, BattleCombatTag, Lottery, FrogAnnounce, ChestShop, MultipleHomeManager, Votifier, MobArena, mcMMO, ButtonWarp, Essentials, WorldBorder, JCVaultListener, EssentialsSpawn, VanishNoPacket, OnTime, EssentialsChat, Factions, Dynmap-Factions

This issue only started after the 1.5 update of Minecraft.

TfT-02 commented 11 years ago

This is because we accidentally had carrots and potatoes on our list of blocks to keep track of. This has been fixed in the latest version of mcMMO though the blocks affected are still marked. You can reset this by placing down a different type of block that mcMMO tracks (e.g. any ore, logs) on your farmland. We will try to patch this automatically in a future update. For now this will fix the issue.

Arthurk95 commented 11 years ago

Is there a dev build available that fixes the issue? Because that's a pretty tedious thing to do if I have to do it with every single carrot/potato farm plot :P

gmcferrin commented 11 years ago

Currently, no. We're trying to come up with a solution...

Arthurk95 commented 11 years ago

Oh ok, no rush, I'll just tell my players to deal with it haha. Love your plugin keep up the good work :)

gmcferrin commented 11 years ago

As for the woodcutting issue - blame NoCheat. Either use CompatNoCheat as well, or try AntiCheat instead.