mcabbott / AxisKeys.jl

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Difficulty writing into array (unsure if intentional) #75

Open ParadaCarleton opened 3 years ago

ParadaCarleton commented 3 years ago

Trying to write into an array gives an error when one of the arrays has a trailing singleton dimension:

julia> table(:, :total) .= sum(pointwise([:loo_score, :naive_score, :overfit]); dims=1)'
ERROR: DimensionMismatch("cannot broadcast array to have fewer dimensions")

Where table(:, :total) and sum(pointwise([:loo_score, :naive_score, :overfit]); dims=1)' return:

1-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   criterion ∈ 3-element Vector{Symbol}
And data, 3-element view(::Matrix{Float64}, :, 1) with eltype Float64:
 (:loo_score)    2.5e-323
 (:naive_score)  5.0e-323
 (:overfit)      7.4e-323

2-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   statistic ∈ 3-element Vector{Symbol}
→   data ∈ 1-element OneTo{Int}
And data, 3×1 adjoint(::Matrix{Float64}) with eltype Float64:
  (:loo_score)     69.38414329944844
  (:naive_score)  218.93276111448398
  (:overfit)      149.54861781503556

This can be left (which would be consistent with Base), or trailing singleton dimensions could be fixed for ease-of-use.

mcabbott commented 3 years ago

This is also fixed in Base, where 1.6 had

julia> rand(3) .= ones(1,3)'
ERROR: DimensionMismatch("cannot broadcast array to have fewer dimensions")

now 1.7 has this:

julia> rand(3) .= ones(1,3)'
3-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> wrapdims(rand(3)) .= wrapdims(ones(1,3))'
ERROR: DimensionMismatch("destination axes (Base.OneTo(3),) are not compatible with source axes (Base.OneTo(3), Base.OneTo(1))")

I think your example would also hit the second error here, on 1.7. This one should certainly be fixed here.