mcanouil / quarto-iconify

Use Iconify icons in HTML-based Quarto documents (over 200,000 open source vector icons)
MIT License
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Iconify icons don't work in pdf export mode of quarto slides #27

Open sammerk opened 2 weeks ago

sammerk commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the nice extension! I'm using the iconify icons via the extension, but the icons disappear in the pdf export mode of quarto slides over several OS and browsers. Any ideas what's wrong?

mcanouil commented 2 weeks ago

My immediate guess would be a conflict with the JavaScript export script used in Reveal.js that does not know how to deal with Iconify JavaScript API, but I would need to check with an example.

mcanouil commented 2 weeks ago

I can reproduce, although, if I close the printer window and trigger it again while staying in the export PDF mode (look at the URL), it works.

mcanouil commented 2 weeks ago

@sammerk Could you try? I think it's some kind of refresh / assets detection issue.

sammerk commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the fast reactions! I could try - but only the icon of the currently displayed page in the browser are printed. The icons on the other page not đŸ€·

mcanouil commented 2 weeks ago

Could you provide a small reproducible example that I can use?

(It might lazy loading if really on the page displayed has the icon ready to print).

sammerk commented 1 week ago

Yes, of course, here is the regex:

title: "D"
subtitle: "C"
author: AB
lang: de
date-format: "dddd, [den] D. MMMM, YYYY"
embed-resources: false
format: revealjs
bibliography: references.bib
csl: apa.csl
lightbox: true

## Übersicht
| {{< iconify fa6-solid diagram-project >}}  | Evidenzinformiertes Handeln        |
|-------------------------------------------:|:------------------------------    ---
| {{< iconify fa6-solid comments >}}  | Wissenschaftskommunikation    |
| {{< iconify fa6-solid file-lines >}} | Studie 1: Verbale Kommunikation     EffektstÀrken und Inferenzstatistiken   |
| {{< iconify fa6-solid chart-area >}}   | Studie 2: Visuelle Kommunikation     von EffektstÀrken   |
| {{< iconify fa6-solid file-lines >}} + {{< iconify fa6-solid chart-area >}}       | Studie 3: Visuelle & verbale Kommunikation von EffektstÀrken   |

: {#tbl-agenda tbl-colwidths="[15,85]"}

<!-- style the agenda table -->
#tbl-agenda table th {
font-weight: normal !important;
border: none !important;

#tbl-agenda table td {
font-weight: normal !important;
border: none !important;

::: footer
{{< iconify academicons:open-materials >}} Folien cc-by {{< iconify     academicons:creative-commons-by >}} unter

# Evidenzinformiertes Handeln {{< iconify fa6-solid diagram-project >}}

## Literatur