mcanouil / quarto-invoice

Quarto Typst template extension to make invoices
MIT License
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How to use this in conjunction with generate_quarto_invoices #8

Closed chalg closed 1 week ago

chalg commented 1 week ago

I'm running Python 3.11.5 on Windows. I'm able to render the example template into a PDF, which looks good. I'm just trying to work out how to now inject variables, so I assume I should instead use the template.qmd from the generate_quarto_invoices repo? I have tried this but it is falling over at the point.

Command '['quarto', 'render', 'template.qmd', '--metadata-file', 'input/202406-001.yml', '--output', 'output/INVOICE-N202406-001-Voyager Renewables.pdf']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

So it is creating the yml file as expected but is having an issue with rendering.

Also under Usage in the generate_quarto_invoices \ --name="Consulting" \ --task="A very important job" \ --details="A description of the tasks" \ --amount="1,234.56" \ --recipient="Company-Inc" \ --first="2024-01-15"\ --last="2024-01-31" \ --template="template.qmd"

Is the above supposed to be run at the terminal?

chalg commented 1 week ago

Ok got it working with a generic function. Now just need to update some formatting for Australia, e.g. currency. If I try and change the currency: € to a $, I get errors. Do I need to make updates in the _extensions folder for the .typ files?

mcanouil commented 1 week ago

This repository is a demo repository to show how to generate several documents out of one single Quarto document using YAML key/values.

This repository uses this Quarto extension format (for reference about the Python function/script mentioned):

See the documentation about extensions:

See the documentation about custom Typst format:

For support regarding Quarto please see the documentation first then open a GitHub discussion if needed: