mccgr / edgar

Code to manage data related to SEC EDGAR
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Trying this in windows #27

Closed AdamZ2 closed 5 years ago

AdamZ2 commented 5 years ago

I am trying to use this code in windows. I have run first the first program "get_filings.R" but I am getting some errors. Can you include instructions for building the database? Please see the errors 👍

> # Create functions to get filings ----
> getSECIndexFile <- function(year, quarter) {
+     # Download the zipped index file from the SEC website
+     tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".gz")
+     result <- try(curl_download(
+         url=paste("",
+                   year,"/QTR", quarter, "/company.gz",sep=""),
+         destfile=tf))
+     # If we didn't encounter and error downloading the file, parse it
+     # and return as a R data frame
+     if (!inherits(result, "try-error")) {
+         # Parse the downloaded file and return the extracted data as a data frame
+         temp <-
+             read_fwf(tf, fwf_cols(company_name = c(1,62),
+                                   form_type = c(63,74),
+                                   cik = c(75,86),
+                                   date_filed = c(87,98),
+                                   file_name = c(99,150)),
+                      col_types = "ccicc", skip=10,
+                      locale = locale(encoding = "macintosh")) %>%
+             mutate(date_filed = as.Date(date_filed))
+         return(temp)
+     } else {
+         return(NULL)
+     }
+ }
> addIndexFileToDatabase <- function(data) {
+     if (is.null(data)) return(NULL)
+     library(RPostgreSQL)
+     pg <- dbConnect(PostgreSQL())
+     rs <- dbWriteTable(pg, c("edgar", "filings"), data,
+                        append=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
+     rs <- dbGetQuery(pg, "ALTER TABLE edgar.filings OWNER TO edgar")
+     rs <- dbGetQuery(pg, "GRANT SELECT ON TABLE edgar.filings TO edgar_access")
+     comment <- 'CREATED USING get_filings_full.R/get_filings_incremental.R IN iangow-public/edgar'
+     db_comment <- paste0("COMMENT ON TABLE edgar.filings IS '",
+                          comment, " ON ", Sys.time() , "'; ")
+     dbGetQuery(pg, db_comment)
+     dbDisconnect(pg)
+     return(rs)
+ }
> deleteIndexDataFomDatabase <- function(pg, year, quarter) {
+     if(dbExistsTable(pg, c("edgar", "filings"))) {
+         dbGetQuery(pg, paste(
+             "DELETE
+             FROM edgar.filings
+             WHERE extract(quarter FROM date_filed)=", quarter,
+             " AND extract(year FROM date_filed)=", year))
+     }
+ }
> # Function to delete and then enter updated data for a given year and quarter
> updateData <- function(pg, year, quarter) {
+     cat("Updating data for ", year, "Q", quarter, "...\n", sep="")
+     try({
+         deleteIndexDataFomDatabase(pg, year, quarter)
+         dbExecute(pg, paste0("DELETE FROM index_last_modified WHERE year=", year,
+                                    " AND quarter=", quarter))
+         addIndexFileToDatabase(getSECIndexFile(year, quarter))
+         dbExecute(pg, paste0("INSERT INTO index_last_modified ",
+                                    "SELECT * FROM index_last_modified_new WHERE year=", year,
+                                    " AND quarter=", quarter))
+         return(TRUE)
+         },
+         return(FALSE))
+ }
> # Function to last modified data from EDGAR ----
> getLastUpdate <- function(year, quarter) {
+     url <- paste0("",
+                  year, "/QTR", quarter, "/")
+     # Scrape the html table from the website for the given year and quarter
+     read_html(url) %>%
+         html_nodes("table") %>%
+         .[[1]] %>%
+         html_table() %>%
+         filter(Name == "company.gz") %>%
+         select(`Last Modified`) %>%
+         mdy_hms(tz = "America/New_York")
+ }
> # Create table with last_modified ----
> now <- now(tz = 'America/New_York')
> current_year <- as.integer(year(now))
> current_qtr <- quarter(now)
> year <- 1993L:current_year
> quarter <- 1:4L
> index_last_modified_scraped <-
+     crossing(year, quarter) %>%
+     filter(year < current_year |
+                (year == current_year & quarter <= current_qtr)) %>%
+     rowwise() %>%
+     mutate(last_modified = getLastUpdate(year, quarter))
Warning message:
In new.env(parent = emptyenv(), hash = FALSE) :
  closing unused connection 3 (
> # Push results to database ----
> pg <- dbConnect(PostgreSQL())
Error in postgresqlNewConnection(drv, ...) : 
  RS-DBI driver: (could not connect maitrehec7@localhost:5432 on dbname "maitrehec7": could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
    Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting
    TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
    Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
    TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
> rs <- dbExecute(pg, "SET search_path TO edgar")
Error in dbExecute(pg, "SET search_path TO edgar") : 
  object 'pg' not found
> rs <- dbWriteTable(pg, "index_last_modified_new", index_last_modified_scraped,
+              row.names = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
Error in dbWriteTable(pg, "index_last_modified_new", index_last_modified_scraped,  : 
  object 'pg' not found
> # Compare new data with old to identify needed index files ----
> if (dbExistsTable(pg, c("edgar", "index_last_modified"))) {
+     index_last_modified_new <- tbl(pg, "index_last_modified_new")
+     index_last_modified <- tbl(pg, "index_last_modified")
+     # Use force_tz to ensure the correct times in EDT.
+     # Database stores times in UTC
+     to_update <-
+         index_last_modified_new %>%
+         left_join(index_last_modified,
+                   by = c("year", "quarter"),
+                   suffix = c("_new", "_old")) %>%
+         filter( |
+                    last_modified_new > last_modified_old) %>%
+         collect()
+ } else {
+     index_last_modified_scraped %>%
+         mutate(last_modified = as.POSIXct(NA)) %>%
+         dbWriteTable(pg, "index_last_modified", .,
+              row.names = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
+     to_update <-
+         index_last_modified_scraped
+ }
Error in dbExistsTable(pg, c("edgar", "index_last_modified")) : 
  object 'pg' not found
> #
> # If to_update has a non-trivial number of observations/rows (ie. at least 1), update the data
> #
> if(nrow(to_update) > 0) {
+     to_update <-
+         to_update %>%
+         rowwise() %>%
+         mutate(updated = updateData(pg, year, quarter))
+ }
Error in nrow(to_update) : object 'to_update' not found
> rs <- dbExecute(pg, "ALTER TABLE filings OWNER TO edgar")
Error in dbExecute(pg, "ALTER TABLE filings OWNER TO edgar") : 
  object 'pg' not found
> rs <- dbExecute(pg, "GRANT SELECT ON filings TO edgar_access")
Error in dbExecute(pg, "GRANT SELECT ON filings TO edgar_access") : 
  object 'pg' not found
> rs <- dbExecute(pg, "ALTER TABLE index_last_modified OWNER TO edgar")
Error in dbExecute(pg, "ALTER TABLE index_last_modified OWNER TO edgar") : 
  object 'pg' not found
> rs <- dbExecute(pg, "GRANT SELECT ON index_last_modified TO edgar_access")
Error in dbExecute(pg, "GRANT SELECT ON index_last_modified TO edgar_access") : 
  object 'pg' not found
> rs <- dbExecute(pg, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS index_last_modified_new")
Error in dbExecute(pg, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS index_last_modified_new") : 
  object 'pg' not found
> comment <- 'CREATED USING get_filings.R IN iangow-public/edgar'
> db_comment <- paste0("COMMENT ON TABLE filings IS '",
+                      comment, " ON ", Sys.time() , "'")
> rs <- dbExecute(pg, db_comment)
Error in dbExecute(pg, db_comment) : object 'pg' not found
> rs <- dbDisconnect(pg)
Error in dbDisconnect(pg) : object 'pg' not found
iangow commented 5 years ago

Go here.

AdamZ2 commented 5 years ago

Thanks iangow. now that ia have installed postgreSQL. what is the next step? Can you help? I will follow the training to learn postgresql. But I need a quick help to be able to use the script. Many thanks