mccgr / edgar

Code to manage data related to SEC EDGAR
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Examine bad 9-digit CUSIPs #85

Closed iangow closed 4 years ago

iangow commented 4 years ago

What's going on here? Are these bad in the original filings?

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

pg <- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres())

rs <- dbExecute(pg, "SET search_path TO edgar")

cusip_cik <- tbl(pg, "cusip_cik")
bad_cusips <-
  cusip_cik %>%
    filter(nchar(cusip)==9L) %>%
  mutate(bad_cusip = case_when(! right(cusip, 1L) %~% '[0-9]' ~ TRUE,
                               as.integer(right(cusip, 1L)) != check_digit ~ TRUE,
                               TRUE ~ FALSE)) %>%
  filter(bad_cusip) %>%
  select(-bad_cusip) %>%

bad_cusips %>%
    select(cusip, check_digit, cik, file_name)
#> # Source:   lazy query [?? x 4]
#> # Database: postgres [igow@]
#>    cusip     check_digit     cik file_name                                 
#>    <chr>           <int>   <int> <chr>                                     
#>  1 336152100           3 1172102 edgar/data/1324351/0000950134-06-002362.t…
#>  2 42621V108           2 1053374 edgar/data/1344801/0000950129-06-001044.t…
#>  3 18750F103           0 1096187 edgar/data/1344607/0000930413-06-000779.t…
#>  4 89889Q100           1 1335282 edgar/data/1352186/0001013762-06-000284.t…
#>  5 629428105           3  915866 edgar/data/1300579/0000894579-06-000026.t…
#>  6 086971610           1   95779 edgar/data/95779/0000910680-06-000168.txt 
#>  7 086971610           1   95779 edgar/data/95779/0000910680-06-000188.txt 
#>  8 72364Y108           4 1173431 edgar/data/1173431/0000950123-06-000684.t…
#>  9 72364Y108           4 1173431 edgar/data/1173431/0000950137-06-000857.t…
#> 10 72364Y108           4 1173431 edgar/data/1173431/0000950137-06-002877.t…
#> # … with more rows

bad_cusips %>% count()
#> # Source:   lazy query [?? x 1]
#> # Database: postgres [igow@]
#>   n      
#>   <int64>
#> 1 23808

Created on 2020-04-22 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

bdcallen commented 4 years ago


library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

pg <- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres())

cusip_cik <- tbl(pg, sql("SELECT * FROM edgar.cusip_cik_test")) 
bad_cusips <-
    cusip_cik %>%
    filter(nchar(cusip)==9L) %>%
    mutate(bad_cusip = case_when(! right(cusip, 1L) %~% '[0-9]' ~ TRUE,
                                 as.integer(right(cusip, 1L)) != check_digit ~ TRUE,
                                 TRUE ~ FALSE)) %>%
    filter(bad_cusip) %>%
    select(-bad_cusip) %>%

bad_cusips %>%
    select(cusip, check_digit, cik, file_name)
#> # Source:   lazy query [?? x 4]
#> # Database: postgres [bdcallen@/var/run/postgresql:5432/crsp]
#>    cusip     check_digit     cik file_name                                  
#>    <chr>           <int>   <int> <chr>                                      
#>  1 384632100           5  709136 edgar/data/709136/0000891554-99-001283.txt 
#>  2 635838015           4  922868 edgar/data/936294/0000930661-99-002192.txt 
#>  3 532187107           1   28626 edgar/data/1014478/0000950115-99-001231.txt
#>  4 644461073           1 1012616 edgar/data/1012616/0000944209-99-001640.txt
#>  5 1011B1017           0  916802 edgar/data/916802/0001068800-99-000405.txt 
#>  6 000628811           8  859621 edgar/data/1060207/0000950168-99-003002.txt
#>  7 30731H108           5 1064015 edgar/data/1000619/0000950116-99-002344.txt
#>  8 209432107           3  880323 edgar/data/1080910/0000903423-99-000448.txt
#>  9 747461100           1  790228 edgar/data/790228/0001038838-99-000228.txt 
#> 10 01300H105           7  874761 edgar/data/903454/0001005150-00-000215.txt 
#> # … with more rows

cusip_cik <- cusip_cik %>% collect()
bad_cusips <- bad_cusips %>% collect()

bad_cusip_cik_dist <- bad_cusips %>% distinct(file_name, cusip, cik)

bad_cusip_cik_dist %>% rename(bad_cusip = cusip) %>% inner_join(cusip_cik) %>% 
filter(nchar(cusip) == 9 & substr(cusip, 9, 9) == as.character(check_digit)) %>% 
select(file_name, cik, bad_cusip, cusip, check_digit) 
#> Joining, by = c("file_name", "cik")
#> # A tibble: 0 x 5
#> # … with 5 variables: file_name <chr>, cik <int>, bad_cusip <chr>, cusip <chr>,
#> #   check_digit <int>

bad_v_good <- bad_cusips %>% distinct(cik, cusip) %>% rename(bad_cusip = cusip) %>% 
    inner_join(cusip_cik) %>% filter(nchar(cusip) == 9 & substr(cusip, 9, 9) == as.character(check_digit)) %>% 
    distinct(cik, bad_cusip, cusip, check_digit)
#> Joining, by = "cik"

bad_cusips %>% distinct(cik, cusip) %>% count()
#> # A tibble: 1 x 1
#>       n
#>   <int>
#> 1  3106

bad_v_good %>% distinct(cik, bad_cusip) %>% count()
#> # A tibble: 1 x 1
#>       n
#>   <int>
#> 1  2883

bad_v_good$cusip_dist_dl <- stringdist(bad_v_good$bad_cusip, bad_v_good$cusip, method = 'dl')

bad_v_good %>% filter(cusip_dist_dl == 1)
#> # A tibble: 1,300 x 5
#>    bad_cusip     cik cusip     check_digit cusip_dist_dl
#>    <chr>       <int> <chr>           <int>         <dbl>
#>  1 384632100  709136 384632105           5             1
#>  2 635838015  922868 635838105           5             1
#>  3 532187107   28626 532187101           1             1
#>  4 209432107  880323 204932107           7             1
#>  5 747461100  790228 847461100           0             1
#>  6 878553108 1059920 878553106           6             1
#>  7 G3291A100 1061322 G3921A100           0             1
#>  8 530129C05 1085776 530129105           5             1
#>  9 103188106 1073349 101388106           6             1
#> 10 698148104 1022080 598148104           4             1
#> # … with 1,290 more rows

one_typo <- bad_v_good %>% filter(cusip_dist_dl == 1) %>% distinct(cik, bad_cusip) 

one_typo %>% distinct(bad_cusip, cik) %>% count()
#> # A tibble: 1 x 1
#>       n
#>   <int>
#> 1  1261

bad_v_good %>% anti_join(one_typo) %>% filter(cusip_dist_dl == 2)
#> Joining, by = c("bad_cusip", "cik")
#> # A tibble: 669 x 5
#>    bad_cusip     cik cusip     check_digit cusip_dist_dl
#>    <chr>       <int> <chr>           <int>         <dbl>
#>  1 644461073 1012616 064446107           7             2
#>  2 1011B1017  916802 10011B101           1             2
#>  3 30731H108 1064015 03073H108           8             2
#>  4 01300H105  874761 00130H105           5             2
#>  5 140501110   17313 140501107           7             2
#>  6 777171019 1025558 577717101           1             2
#>  7 747456P10  917126 74756P105           5             2
#>  8 029014010 1003265 290140102           2             2
#>  9 041651021  919010 404165102           2             2
#> 10 29425910G  879354 294259403           3             2
#> # … with 659 more rows

two_typo <- bad_v_good %>% anti_join(one_typo) %>% filter(cusip_dist_dl == 2) %>% distinct(cik, bad_cusip)
#> Joining, by = c("bad_cusip", "cik")

two_typo %>% distinct(bad_cusip, cik) %>% count()
#> # A tibble: 1 x 1
#>       n
#>   <int>
#> 1   661

Created on 2020-07-02 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

So in the above, I have had a closer look at the bad 9-digit cusips, mostly with regard to joining these cases by cik to other cusips with the same cik, to compare them to the good 9-digit cusips. As you can see with the join I did for bad_cusip_cik_dist, there were no matches when I did the joining by file_name as well, which I found surprising (perhaps I have made a mistake somewhere). I then did a join by only cik, meaning I ended up comparing bad cusips to cusips mapped to the same cik across all filings for that cik.

You can see from my reprex that I calculated, in the column cusip_dist_dl, an edit distance between the bad 9-digit cusip and the good 9-digit cusip, a distance called the Damerau–Levenshtein distance, which is closely related to the Levenshtein, using the stringdist package (the Levenshtein distance can usually just be calculated using adist, out of interest. I have been experimenting a lot with the functions lately). The former differs from the latter in that it includes transposition of two characters, as well as deletions, insertions and character substitutions (so for instance, 635838015 and 635838105 have a DL distance of 1). I then looked at the cases which had a DL distance of 1 (in one_typo, and there were 1261 distinct (bad_)cusip, cik pairs. Then I anti_joined these cases on bad_v_good and had a look at the remaining cases for which the DL distance was 2, and there were a further 661 cases here. So around 60% of cases are within 1 or 2 typos from a good 9-digit cusip which already exists in the dataset.

bdcallen commented 4 years ago

Also, in the comparison of the distinct pairs in bad_cusips versus bad_v_good, the former had 3106 pairs, and the latter 2883. One can infer from this that there are 223 bad 9-digit cusips which do not map to any good 9-digit cusips from any filing for the given cik.

iangow commented 4 years ago

@bdcallen As I've said before, you need to synthesize the information and put your conclusion at the top.

The question was: What's going on here? Are these bad in the original filings?

So around 60% of cases are within 1 or 2 typos from a good 9-digit cusip which already exists in the dataset.

So, I think the answer to the second question is "yes". If so, we should eliminate these CUSIPs in the Python code. For now, simply eliminate them from cusip_cik_test (see #93, which is the issue that committed code should be linked to).