mcci-catena / arduino-lmic

LoraWAN-MAC-in-C library, adapted to run under the Arduino environment
MIT License
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AU915 configuration #499

Open camilo-17 opened 4 years ago

camilo-17 commented 4 years ago

Hello everyone, excuse my English, I am trying to send Uplink packets with the au915 band it works but packets are lost because I have not been able to configure exactly the frequencies at which my gateway works

the frequencies that my gateway works are:

915.2MHz, 915.4MHz, 915.6MHz, 915.8MHz, 916,0MHz, 916.2MHz, 916.4MHz, 916.6MHz, 920.0MHz, 920.2MHz, 920.4MHz, 920.6MHz, 920.8MHz, 921.0MHz, 921.2MHz, 921.4MHz

I have tried to modify the lorabase_au921 file in the downloaded library that I have but I have not been successful, I think the solution goes that way however I do not know very well how to configure it correctly, I would like you to tell me what change I have to do exactly thank you very much for your help.

cstratton commented 4 years ago

Which of your frequencies are uplink and which downlink?

Your first set seems to match the official spec for the first sub-band of AU921 uplinks

But the second set doesn't match either the spacing or the assignment of downlinks.

Are these all uplinks in the sense of a 16 channel gateway handling two different non-contiguous sub-bands?

Typically in an OTAA case the node blindly tries all sub-bands (though you can pre-emptively disable unsupported channels) and then in the join process and/or ADR responses gets a listing of the actual supported channels from the network server.

But this is all done in terms of enabled/disable channel numbers, not by modifying the raw frequency assignments.

It might be worth seeing if you could momentarily ignore the additional subband and just see if you could get things initially working on one subband, then approach handling the other as a further refinement?

camilo-17 commented 4 years ago

Hello cstratton thanks for your answer. I use ABP activation and it works sends data to my server and I can view the packets however some packets lose and when I modify the frequencys it not works and also I can´t view packets of downlink I tried to modify that frequencies:

enum {
        AU921_125kHz_UPFBASE = 915200000,
        AU921_125kHz_UPFSTEP = 200000,
        AU921_500kHz_UPFBASE = 915900000,
        AU921_500kHz_UPFSTEP = 1600000,
        AU921_500kHz_DNFBASE = 923300000,
        AU921_500kHz_DNFSTEP = 600000
enum {
        AU921_FREQ_MIN = 915000000,
        AU921_FREQ_MAX = 928000000

If I modify these frequencies, I could solve my problem? or What procedure I can do for solved that, again excuse me english I tried to support me in traductors and maybe are not trustworthy.

terrillmoore commented 4 years ago

@camilo-17 is this still an active issue?