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A single-serving-site that provides a reference for Python's strftime formatting options
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Adds a snake emoji as a favicon #34

Closed gingerchew closed 1 year ago

gingerchew commented 1 year ago

Adds a snake emoji as a favicon using the method here

Using a data:image/svg+xml, data-uri and the svg <text> element, you can put an emoji as the favicon easily.

mccutchen commented 1 year ago

Ooh I like this idea! Would you mind running make (or make build) to update the generated index.html file and commit the results?

mccutchen commented 1 year ago

Would you mind running make (or make build) to update the generated index.html file and commit the results?

(If you're running Windows or some other OS where make and python aren't readily available, just let me know and I'll take care of this later tonight!)

gingerchew commented 1 year ago

Yeah, i think something isn't set up right on my end, so i appreciate it :)

mccutchen commented 1 year ago

i think something isn't set up right on my end

Heh, it seems like the Makefile is kinda broken, so I don't think this is just on your end. Anyway, I rebuilt, pushed an updated commit up. LGTM locally.

Thanks for the contribution!