mcdamo / tab-image-saver

Firefox addon to save images from open tabs
Mozilla Public License 2.0
39 stars 14 forks source link

Downloading images stored in cache not working in Firefox 123 #91

Closed scotty49 closed 6 months ago

scotty49 commented 6 months ago

I have been using this addon for several months without any issues, however the recent upgrade of Firefox to version 123.0 seems to prevent Tab Image Saver from reading images from the cache, even with privacy.partition.network_state set to false. This means every image has to be downloaded twice - once to view in the browser and once to save with Tab Image Saver. Could this new issue possibly be related to this security fix listed on Firefox 123.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes?

CVE-2024-1554: fetch could be used to effect cache poisoning

Reporter scarlet Impact moderate


The fetch() API and navigation incorrectly shared the same cache, as the cache key did not include the optional headers fetch() may contain. Under the correct circumstances, an attacker may have been able to poison the local browser cache by priming it with a fetch() response controlled by the additional headers. Upon navigation to the same URL, the user would see the cached response instead of the expected response. References

[Bug 1816390](
mcdamo commented 6 months ago

Thankyou for the info @scotty49.

The privacy.partition.network_state workaround appears to no longer have any effect for addons since Firefox 123.0. This was useful since Firefox added cache partitioning - see #71

This will have a negative impact on all addons that download images.

scotty49 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the reply. Hopefully Mozilla will eventually implement a workaround for addons (although I won't be holding my breath waiting for it).

mcdamo commented 5 months ago

Found a method to download from cache, released in addon v4.4.0. Still requires the cache workaround.

scotty49 commented 5 months ago

The cache fix works like a dream. Thank-you so much for following up on this. Where I live (Australia) a lot of city homes have their broadband Internet delivered via 50+ year old copper wire, so not having to download large images from galleries twice can make a very big difference. With my Firefox cache capacity size increased to 2GB from the default of 256MB, Tab Image Saver enables me to easily save 10-20 image tabs in one go without re-downloading, even if the pictures are very big (over 25MB).