mcdermj / buster

Buster D-Star Reflector Client for MacOS X
15 stars 7 forks source link

Integrate HockeyApp #14

Closed mcdermj closed 8 years ago

mcdermj commented 8 years ago

Integrate the HockeyApp framework to catch crash logs and other ugliness.

johnhays commented 8 years ago

Profile wouldn't load for this Laptop -- and Buster crashes on open. It's a clean install of 10.10.4Process: Buster [504] Path: /Users/USER/Downloads/ Identifier: net.nh6z.Buster Version: ??? Code Type: X86-64 (Native) Parent Process: ??? [1] Responsible: Buster [504] User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2015-09-06 11:07:40.001 -0700 OS Version: Mac OS X 10.10.4 (14E46) Report Version: 11 Anonymous UUID: 21BAAA0A-46C9-C711-9D1A-9F2FA32FB40B

Time Awake Since Boot: 590 seconds

Crashed Thread: 0

Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (Code Signature Invalid) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000

kernel messages:

VM Regions Near 0x7fff749b60a0 (cr2): LINKEDIT 00007fff6f367000-00007fff6f37b000 [ 80K] r--/rwx SM=COW /usr/lib/dyld --> Submap 00007fff70000000-00007fff80000000 [256.0M] r--/rwx SM=PRV process-only VM submap unused shlib DATA 00007fff73c48000-00007fff76248000 [ 38.0M] rw-/rw- SM=COW system shared lib __DATA not used by this process

Thread 0 Crashed: 0 dyld 0x00007fff6f2f8000 _dyld_start + 0

Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit): rax: 0x000000000000000d rbx: 0x0000000000000000 rcx: 0x0000000000000000 rdx: 0x0000000000000000 rdi: 0x0000000000000000 rsi: 0x0000000000000000 rbp: 0x0000000000000000 rsp: 0x00007fff5f714ce8 r8: 0x0000000000000000 r9: 0x0000000000000000 r10: 0x0000000000000000 r11: 0x0000000000000000 r12: 0x0000000000000000 r13: 0x0000000000000000 r14: 0x0000000000000000 r15: 0x0000000000000000 rip: 0x00007fff6f2f8000 rfl: 0x0000000000000201 cr2: 0x00007fff749b60a0

Logical CPU: 0 Error Code: 0x020000f4 Trap Number: 133

Binary Images: 0x7fff6f2f7000 - 0x7fff6f32d837 dyld (???) <72A99D0F-0B56-3938-ABC5-67A0F33757C4> /usr/lib/dyld

External Modification Summary: Calls made by other processes targeting this process: task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0 Calls made by this process: task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0 Calls made by all processes on this machine: task_for_pid: 238 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0

VM Region Summary: ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=300K resident=300K(100%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=0K(0%) Writable regions: Total=8416K written=0K(0%) resident=12K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=8404K(100%)

REGION TYPE VIRTUAL =========== ======= STACK GUARD 56.0M Stack 8192K VM_ALLOCATE 8K DATA 228K LINKEDIT 80K __TEXT 220K mapped file 288K shared memory 4K =========== ======= TOTAL 64.8M

Model: MacBook5,1, BootROM MB51.007D.B03, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz, 8 GB, SMC 1.32f8 Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, PCI, 256 MB Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 4 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x859B, 0x435435313236344243313036372E4D313646 Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM1, 4 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x859B, 0x435435313236344243313036372E4D313646 AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x8D), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 ( Bluetooth: Version 4.3.5f8 15969, 3 services, 27 devices, 1 incoming serial ports Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en1 Serial ATA Device: M4-CT256M4SSD2, 256.06 GB Serial ATA Device: HL-DT-ST DVDRW GS21N USB Device: Built-in iSight USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad USB Device: IR Receiver USB Device: FT230X Basic UART USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller Thunderbolt Bus: