The pose topic from the waterlinked driver is not REP 103 compliant. The velocity topic is so don't worry about that. If you want to add the dvl's dead reckon estimation to the EKF this will need to be fixed. To do this, rotate the quaternion and position by q:{w:0,x:1,y:0,z:0}. In more mathematical terms, apply the hamilton product to the dead reckon quaternion/position using that quaternion i just provided. the quaternion.rotate_vectors function can be used for the vector, but you need to manually do the hamilton product for the quaternion
when i say not rep 103 compliant i mean the z component of the reference frame is facing down not up (should be up)
The pose topic from the waterlinked driver is not REP 103 compliant. The velocity topic is so don't worry about that. If you want to add the dvl's dead reckon estimation to the EKF this will need to be fixed. To do this, rotate the quaternion and position by q:{w:0,x:1,y:0,z:0}. In more mathematical terms, apply the hamilton product to the dead reckon quaternion/position using that quaternion i just provided. the quaternion.rotate_vectors function can be used for the vector, but you need to manually do the hamilton product for the quaternion
when i say not rep 103 compliant i mean the z component of the reference frame is facing down not up (should be up)
hamilton product