mcgivrer / monoclass2

This small Java project with only one (master) class is a proof-of-concept of an over simplified java program to deliver maximum feature in a minimum number lines of code, and WITHOUT dependencies out of the JDK itself (but only for test purpose, using JUnit and Cucumber). (Note: subclasses were dispatch into package since july 2022)
MIT License
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The Render enhancement #58

Open mcgivrer opened 2 years ago

mcgivrer commented 2 years ago

Refactor the Render with plugin

Here is the opportunity to refactor the Render engine to support extensibility throught Entity nature, declaring a specialized RenderPlugin for each derived type of Entity, allowing new way to implement rendering pipeline.

Render will be renamed to Renderer, and will propose a Map of RenderPlugin implementation according to the Entity class.

public class Renderer{

  Map<Class<? extends Entity>, RenderPlugin> plugins = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

  public Renderer(Application app){ = app;

    this.renderers.put(Entity.class,new EntityRenderPlugin());

  public draw(){
      plugins.get(e.getClass()).draw(this, g,e);


The RenderPlugin interface

Any derived entity implmentation will have its corresponding implementation of the RenderPlugin interface.


public interface RenderPlugin {
    String getRegisteringClass();
    void draw(Renderer r, Graphics2D g, Entity e);

Default Implementation

public class EntityRenderPlugin  implements RenderPlugin { 

    public String getRegisteringClass(){
       return Entity.class;

    public  void draw(Renderer r, Graphics2D g, Entity ee) {
            switch (ee.type) {
                case RECTANGLE -> g.fillRect((int) ee.pos.x, (int) ee.pos.y, (int) ee.width, (int) ee.height);
                case ELLIPSE -> g.fillArc((int) ee.pos.x, (int) ee.pos.y, (int) ee.width, (int) ee.height, 0, 360);
                case IMAGE -> {
                    if (ee.getDirection() > 0) {
                                (int) ee.pos.x, (int) ee.pos.y,
                    } else {
                                (int) (ee.pos.x + ee.width), (int) ee.pos.y,
                                (int) (-ee.width), (int) ee.height,
                case NONE -> {
mcgivrer commented 2 years ago

depends on #57