mcguirepr89 / BirdNET-Pi

A realtime acoustic bird classification system for the Raspberry Pi 4B, 3B+, and 0W2 built on the TFLite version of BirdNET.
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System Info tab not working #1015

Open AdamM68 opened 1 year ago

AdamM68 commented 1 year ago

I have a problem - can not start System Info tab. I did a new installation on new SD card (rpi 3b+) and copied files from previous installation - described in files I copied/replaced : ~/BirdNET-Pi/birdnet.conf ~/BirdNET-Pi/apprise.txt ~/BirdNET-Pi/scripts/birds.db bootfs/config.txt Whole system is working properly, I can see the database and old detections .... but I can not access System info tab in tools menu ... after pressing this tab nothing happens

Can someone help me ? Thanks

Originally posted by @AdamM68 in

AdamM68 commented 1 year ago

I did some investigation and found that print_diagnostic script is working , but "system info" tab from tools menu is not working. I started this script via ssh with this command: bash -s < the output is below

`Last login: Mon Sep 4 17:45:38 CEST 2023 on pts/0 birdnetpi:~/BirdNET-Pi$ cd scripts birdnetpi:~/BirdNET-Pi/scripts$ bash -s < ========== caddy status ========== ● caddy.service - Caddy Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/caddy.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/caddy.service.d └─override.conf Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-09-04 16:37:10 CEST; 3h 29min ago Docs: Main PID: 507 (caddy) Tasks: 11 (limit: 779) CPU: 28.587s CGroup: /system.slice/caddy.service └─507 /usr/bin/caddy run --environ --config /etc/caddy/Caddyfile

Sep 04 16:37:10 birdnetpi caddy[507]: {"level":"info","ts":1693838230.755165,"logger":"http.log","msg":"server running","name":"srv0","protocols":["h1","h2","h3"]} Sep 04 16:37:10 birdnetpi caddy[507]: {"level":"info","ts":1693838230.756465,"logger":"http.log","msg":"server running","name":"srv1","protocols":["h1","h2","h3"]} Sep 04 16:37:10 birdnetpi caddy[507]: {"level":"info","ts":1693838230.7575307,"logger":"http","msg":"enabling automatic TLS certificate management","domains":[""]} Sep 04 16:37:10 birdnetpi caddy[507]: {"level":"info","ts":1693838230.810864,"logger":"tls","msg":"finished cleaning storage units"} Sep 04 16:37:10 birdnetpi caddy[507]: {"level":"warn","ts":1693838230.8449743,"logger":"tls","msg":"stapling OCSP","error":"no OCSP stapling for []: making OCSP request: Post \"\": dial tcp: lookup on dial udp connect: network is unreachable","identifiers":[""]} Sep 04 16:37:10 birdnetpi caddy[507]: {"level":"info","ts":1693838230.8627436,"msg":"autosaved config (load with --resume flag)","file":"/var/lib/caddy/.config/caddy/autosave.json"} Sep 04 16:37:10 birdnetpi systemd[1]: Started Caddy. Sep 04 16:37:10 birdnetpi caddy[507]: {"level":"info","ts":1693838230.865804,"msg":"serving initial configuration"} Sep 04 16:45:16 birdnetpi caddy[507]: {"level":"error","ts":1693838716.353183,"logger":"http.log.error","msg":"dial tcp [::1]:8000: connect: connection refused","request":{"remote_ip":"","remote_port":"61100","client_ip":"","proto":"HTTP/2.0","method":"GET","host":"","uri":"/stream","headers":{"Sec-Ch-Ua":["\"Chromium\";v=\"116\", \"Not)A;Brand\";v=\"24\", \"Microsoft Edge\";v=\"116\""],"Accept-Encoding":["identity;q=1, ;q=0"],"User-Agent":["Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/116.0.1938.69"],"Sec-Fetch-Site":["same-origin"],"Sec-Fetch-Mode":["no-cors"],"Authorization":[],"Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform":["\"Windows\""],"Accept-Language":["pl,en;q=0.9,en-GB;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.7"],"Cookie":[],"Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile":["?0"],"Sec-Fetch-Dest":["audio"],"Referer":[""],"Range":["bytes=0-"],"Accept":["/*"]},"tls":{"resumed":false,"version":772,"cipher_suite":4867,"proto":"h2","server_name":""}},"duration":5.953770883,"status":502,"err_id":"0u8tn49j5","err_trace":"reverseproxy.statusError (reverseproxy.go:1248)"} Sep 04 17:37:27 birdnetpi caddy[507]: {"level":"info","ts":1693841847.4534621,"logger":"tls.cache.maintenance","msg":"advancing OCSP staple","identifiers":[""],"from":-6795364578.8713455,"to":1694296798}

========== birdnet_analysis status ========== ● birdnet_analysis.service - BirdNET Analysis Loaded: loaded (/home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/templates/birdnet_analysis.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-09-04 20:06:13 CEST; 24s ago Main PID: 147791 (bash) Tasks: 2 (limit: 779) CPU: 1.784s CGroup: /system.slice/birdnet_analysis.service ├─147791 bash /usr/local/bin/ └─148025 /home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/birdnet/bin/python3 /home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/scripts/ --i /home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/September-2023/04-Monday/2023-09-04-birdnet-20:06:01.wav --o /home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/September-2023/04-Monday/2023-09-04-birdnet-20:06:01.wav.csv --lat 52.6712 --lon 17.0626 --week 33 --overlap 0.0 --sensitivity 1.25 --min_conf 0.8 --birdweather_id BM2KevFkT2MVWuKU1LJq4XKs

Sep 04 20:06:13 birdnetpi systemd[1]: Started BirdNET Analysis. Sep 04 20:06:14 birdnetpi[147791]: Files loaded Sep 04 20:06:14 birdnetpi[147791]: RECORDING_LENGTH set to 30 Sep 04 20:06:32 birdnetpi[147791]: /home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/birdnet/bin/python3 /home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/scripts/ --i /home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/September-2023/04-Monday/2023-09-04-birdnet-20:06:01.wav --o /home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/September-2023/04-Monday/2023-09-04-birdnet-20:06:01.wav.csv --lat 53.XX --lon 17.XX --week 33 --overlap 0.0 --sensitivity 1.25 --min_conf 0.8 --birdweather_id "IN_USE" Sep 04 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 0.0;3.0-('Bubo bubo_puchacz', 0.41410306) Sep 04 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 3.0;6.0-('Athene noctua_pójdźka', 0.0655205) Sep 04 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 6.0;9.0-('Human_Human', 0.0) Sep 04 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 9.0;12.0-('Human_Human', 0.0) Sep 04 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 12.0;15.0-('Human_Human', 0.0) Sep 04 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 15.0;18.0-('Human_Human', 0.0) Sep 04 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 18.0;21.0-('Emberiza hortulana_ortolan', 0.13862757) Sep 04 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 21.0;24.0-('Human_Human', 0.0) Sep 04 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 24.0;27.0-('Human_Human', 0.0) Sep 04 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 27.0;30.0-('Strix aluco_puszczyk', 0.11836405)

========== birdnet_log status ========== ● birdnet_log.service - BirdNET Analysis Log Loaded: loaded (/home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/templates/birdnet_log.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-09-04 16:37:03 CEST; 3h 29min ago Main PID: 357 (gotty) Tasks: 9 (limit: 779) CPU: 886ms CGroup: /system.slice/birdnet_log.service └─357 /usr/local/bin/gotty --address localhost -p 8080 -P log --title-format BirdNET-Pi Log

Sep 04 17:37:43 birdnetpi gotty[357]: 2023/09/04 17:37:43 200 GET /log/ Sep 04 17:37:44 birdnetpi gotty[357]: 2023/09/04 17:37:44 200 GET /log/auth_token.js Sep 04 17:37:44 birdnetpi gotty[357]: 2023/09/04 17:37:44 200 GET /log/config.js Sep 04 17:37:44 birdnetpi gotty[357]: 2023/09/04 17:37:44 New client connected:, connections: 1/0 Sep 04 17:38:35 birdnetpi gotty[357]: 2023/09/04 17:38:35 Connection closed by client:, connections: 0/0 Sep 04 17:39:22 birdnetpi gotty[357]: 2023/09/04 17:39:22 200 GET /log/ Sep 04 17:39:22 birdnetpi gotty[357]: 2023/09/04 17:39:22 200 GET /log/config.js Sep 04 17:39:22 birdnetpi gotty[357]: 2023/09/04 17:39:22 200 GET /log/auth_token.js Sep 04 17:39:23 birdnetpi gotty[357]: 2023/09/04 17:39:23 New client connected:, connections: 1/0 Sep 04 17:42:08 birdnetpi gotty[357]: 2023/09/04 17:42:08 Connection closed by client:, connections: 0/0

========== birdnet_recording status ========== ● birdnet_recording.service - BirdNET Recording Loaded: loaded (/home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/templates/birdnet_recording.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-09-04 17:40:00 CEST; 2h 26min ago Main PID: 50158 (bash) Tasks: 3 (limit: 779) CPU: 2min 9.939s CGroup: /system.slice/birdnet_recording.service ├─50158 bash /usr/local/bin/ └─50185 arecord -f S16_LE -c1 -r48000 -t wav --max-file-time 30 -D default --use-strftime /home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/%B-%Y/%d-%A/%F-birdnet-%H:%M:%S.wav

Sep 04 17:40:00 birdnetpi systemd[1]: Started BirdNET Recording. Sep 04 17:40:00 birdnetpi[50183]: tcp 0 0* LISTEN 359/python3 Sep 04 17:40:00 birdnetpi[50185]: Recording WAVE '/home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/%B-%Y/%d-%A/%F-birdnet-%H:%M:%S.wav' : Signed16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono

========== birdnet_server status ========== ● birdnet_server.service - BirdNET Analysis Server Loaded: loaded (/home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/templates/birdnet_server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-09-04 16:37:03 CEST; 3h 29min ago Main PID: 359 (python3) Tasks: 3 (limit: 779) CPU: 1h 8min 45.415s CGroup: /system.slice/birdnet_server.service └─359 /home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/birdnet/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/

Sep 04 20:05:33 birdnetpi python3[359]: READING AUDIO DATA... DONE! READ 10 CHUNKS. Sep 04 20:05:33 birdnetpi python3[359]: Date-time: 2023-09-04 20:05:01 Sep 04 20:06:03 birdnetpi python3[359]: ANALYZING AUDIO... DONE! Time 6.7 SECONDS Sep 04 20:06:03 birdnetpi python3[359]: WRITING RESULTS TO /home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/September-2023/04-Monday/2023-09-04-birdnet-20:05:01.wav.csv ... DONE! WROTE 0 RESULTS. Sep 04 20:06:03 birdnetpi python3[359]: READING AUDIO DATA... DONE! READ 10 CHUNKS. Sep 04 20:06:03 birdnetpi python3[359]: Date-time: 2023-09-04 20:05:31 Sep 04 20:06:32 birdnetpi python3[359]: ANALYZING AUDIO... DONE! Time 7.3 SECONDS Sep 04 20:06:32 birdnetpi python3[359]: WRITING RESULTS TO /home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/September-2023/04-Monday/2023-09-04-birdnet-20:05:31.wav.csv ... DONE! WROTE 0 RESULTS. Sep 04 20:06:32 birdnetpi python3[359]: READING AUDIO DATA... DONE! READ 10 CHUNKS. Sep 04 20:06:32 birdnetpi python3[359]: Date-time: 2023-09-04 20:06:01

========== birdnet_stats status ========== ● birdnet_stats.service - BirdNET Stats Loaded: loaded (/home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/templates/birdnet_stats.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-09-04 16:37:03 CEST; 3h 29min ago Main PID: 361 (streamlit) Tasks: 5 (limit: 779) CPU: 33.074s CGroup: /system.slice/birdnet_stats.service └─361 /home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/birdnet/bin/python3 /home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/birdnet/bin/streamlit run /home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/scripts/ --browser.gatherUsageStats false --server.address localhost --server.baseUrlPath /stats

Sep 04 16:37:03 birdnetpi systemd[1]: Started BirdNET Stats. Sep 04 16:37:28 birdnetpi streamlit[361]: You can now view your Streamlit app in your browser. Sep 04 16:37:28 birdnetpi streamlit[361]: URL: http://localhost:8501/stats

========== chart_viewer status ========== ● chart_viewer.service - BirdNET-Pi Chart Viewer Service Loaded: loaded (/home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/templates/chart_viewer.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: activating (auto-restart) since Mon 2023-09-04 20:06:30 CEST; 11s ago Process: 147552 ExecStart=/home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/birdnet/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 147552 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) CPU: 38.846s

========== extraction status ========== ● extraction.service - BirdNET BirdSound Extraction Loaded: loaded (/home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/templates/extraction.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-09-04 16:37:04 CEST; 3h 29min ago Main PID: 367 (bash) Tasks: 2 (limit: 779) CPU: 14min 7.426s CGroup: /system.slice/extraction.service ├─ 367 bash -c while true;do;sleep 3;done └─148116 sleep 3

Sep 04 20:01:43 birdnetpi env[144783]: Line = 2023-09-04-birdnet-20:01:01.wav.csv Sep 04 20:02:17 birdnetpi env[145152]: Line = 2023-09-04-birdnet-20:01:31.wav.csv Sep 04 20:02:43 birdnetpi env[145404]: Line = 2023-09-04-birdnet-20:02:01.wav.csv Sep 04 20:03:14 birdnetpi env[145793]: Line = 2023-09-04-birdnet-20:02:31.wav.csv Sep 04 20:03:46 birdnetpi env[146131]: Line = 2023-09-04-birdnet-20:03:01.wav.csv Sep 04 20:04:15 birdnetpi env[146438]: Line = 2023-09-04-birdnet-20:03:31.wav.csv Sep 04 20:04:43 birdnetpi env[146742]: Line = 2023-09-04-birdnet-20:04:01.wav.csv Sep 04 20:05:15 birdnetpi env[147083]: Line = 2023-09-04-birdnet-20:04:31.wav.csv Sep 04 20:05:43 birdnetpi env[147454]: Line = 2023-09-04-birdnet-20:05:01.wav.csv Sep 04 20:06:15 birdnetpi env[147842]: Line = 2023-09-04-birdnet-20:05:31.wav.csv

========== web_terminal status ========== ● web_terminal.service - BirdNET-Pi Web Terminal Loaded: loaded (/home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/templates/web_terminal.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-09-04 16:37:04 CEST; 3h 29min ago Main PID: 385 (gotty) Tasks: 10 (limit: 779) CPU: 2.076s CGroup: /system.slice/web_terminal.service └─385 /usr/local/bin/gotty --address localhost -w -p 8888 -P terminal --title-format BirdNET-Pi Terminal login

Sep 04 20:05:41 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:41 301 GET /terminal Sep 04 20:05:41 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:41 200 GET /terminal/ Sep 04 20:05:41 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:41 200 GET /terminal/config.js Sep 04 20:05:41 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:41 200 GET /terminal/auth_token.js Sep 04 20:05:41 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:41 200 GET /terminal/css/index.css Sep 04 20:05:41 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:41 200 GET /terminal/css/xterm_customize.css Sep 04 20:05:41 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:41 200 GET /terminal/css/xterm.css Sep 04 20:05:41 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:41 200 GET /terminal/js/gotty-bundle.js Sep 04 20:05:42 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:42 New client connected:, connections: 1/0 Sep 04 20:05:55 birdnetpi login[147420]: pam_unix(login:session): session opened for user bird_adam(uid=1000) by bird_adam(uid=0)

========== spectrogram_viewer status ========== ● spectrogram_viewer.service - BirdNET-Pi Spectrogram Viewer Loaded: loaded (/home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/templates/spectrogram_viewer.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-09-04 16:37:04 CEST; 3h 29min ago Main PID: 378 (bash) Tasks: 2 (limit: 779) CPU: 25min 37.152s CGroup: /system.slice/spectrogram_viewer.service ├─ 378 bash /usr/local/bin/ └─148171 sleep 3

Sep 04 16:37:04 birdnetpi systemd[1]: Started BirdNET-Pi Spectrogram Viewer.

========== livestream status ========== ● livestream.service - BirdNET-Pi Live Stream Loaded: loaded (/home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/templates/livestream.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: inactive (dead)

========= Syslog snippet ========== Sep 4 20:05:09 birdnetpi[146950]: 24.0;27.0-('Human_Human', 0.0) Sep 4 20:05:09 birdnetpi[146950]: 27.0;30.0-('Human_Human', 0.0) Sep 4 20:05:09 birdnetpi systemd[1]: birdnet_analysis.service: Succeeded. Sep 4 20:05:09 birdnetpi systemd[1]: birdnet_analysis.service: Consumed 1.783s CPU time. Sep 4 20:05:11 birdnetpi systemd[1]: birdnet_analysis.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 489. Sep 4 20:05:11 birdnetpi systemd[1]: Stopped BirdNET Analysis. Sep 4 20:05:11 birdnetpi systemd[1]: birdnet_analysis.service: Consumed 1.783s CPU time. Sep 4 20:05:11 birdnetpi systemd[1]: Started BirdNET Analysis. Sep 4 20:05:12 birdnetpi[147011]: Files loaded Sep 4 20:05:13 birdnetpi[147011]: RECORDING_LENGTH set to 30 Sep 4 20:05:15 birdnetpi env[147083]: Line = 2023-09-04-birdnet-20:04:31.wav.csv Sep 4 20:05:32 birdnetpi[147011]: /home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/birdnet/bin/python3 /home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/scripts/ --i /home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/September-2023/04-Monday/2023-09-04-birdnet-20:05:01.wav --o /home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/September-2023/04-Monday/2023-09-04-birdnet-20:05:01.wav.csv --lat 53.XX --lon 17.XX --week 33 --overlap 0.0 --sensitivity 1.25 --min_conf 0.8 --birdweather_id "IN_USE" Sep 4 20:05:33 birdnetpi python3[359]: ANALYZING AUDIO... DONE! Time 6.6 SECONDS Sep 4 20:05:33 birdnetpi python3[359]: WRITING RESULTS TO /home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/September-2023/04-Monday/2023-09-04-birdnet-20:04:31.wav.csv ... DONE! WROTE 0 RESULTS. Sep 4 20:05:33 birdnetpi python3[359]: READING AUDIO DATA... DONE! READ 10 CHUNKS. Sep 4 20:05:33 birdnetpi python3[359]: Date-time: 2023-09-04 20:05:01 Sep 4 20:05:39 birdnetpi[147306]: 0.0;3.0-('Human_Human', 0.0) Sep 4 20:05:39 birdnetpi[147306]: 3.0;6.0-('Nycticorax nycticorax_ślepowron', 0.083500385) Sep 4 20:05:39 birdnetpi[147306]: 6.0;9.0-('Engine_Engine', 0.10395847) Sep 4 20:05:39 birdnetpi[147306]: 9.0;12.0-('Human_Human', 0.0) Sep 4 20:05:39 birdnetpi[147306]: 12.0;15.0-('Strix aluco_puszczyk', 0.10939757) Sep 4 20:05:39 birdnetpi[147306]: 15.0;18.0-('Strix aluco_puszczyk', 0.10680481) Sep 4 20:05:39 birdnetpi[147306]: 18.0;21.0-('Emberiza hortulana_ortolan', 0.18803723) Sep 4 20:05:39 birdnetpi[147306]: 21.0;24.0-('Emberiza hortulana_ortolan', 0.10713396) Sep 4 20:05:39 birdnetpi[147306]: 24.0;27.0-('Emberiza hortulana_ortolan', 0.09397034) Sep 4 20:05:39 birdnetpi[147306]: 27.0;30.0-('Bubo bubo_puchacz', 0.11213197) Sep 4 20:05:39 birdnetpi systemd[1]: birdnet_analysis.service: Succeeded. Sep 4 20:05:39 birdnetpi systemd[1]: birdnet_analysis.service: Consumed 1.820s CPU time. Sep 4 20:05:41 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:41 301 GET /terminal Sep 4 20:05:41 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:41 200 GET /terminal/ Sep 4 20:05:41 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:41 200 GET /terminal/config.js Sep 4 20:05:41 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:41 200 GET /terminal/auth_token.js Sep 4 20:05:41 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:41 200 GET /terminal/css/index.css Sep 4 20:05:41 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:41 200 GET /terminal/css/xterm_customize.css Sep 4 20:05:41 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:41 200 GET /terminal/css/xterm.css Sep 4 20:05:41 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:41 200 GET /terminal/js/gotty-bundle.js Sep 4 20:05:42 birdnetpi systemd[1]: birdnet_analysis.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 490. Sep 4 20:05:42 birdnetpi systemd[1]: Stopped BirdNET Analysis. Sep 4 20:05:42 birdnetpi systemd[1]: birdnet_analysis.service: Consumed 1.820s CPU time. Sep 4 20:05:42 birdnetpi systemd[1]: Started BirdNET Analysis. Sep 4 20:05:42 birdnetpi gotty[385]: 2023/09/04 20:05:42 New client connected:, connections: 1/0 Sep 4 20:05:43 birdnetpi[147413]: Files loaded Sep 4 20:05:43 birdnetpi env[147454]: Line = 2023-09-04-birdnet-20:05:01.wav.csv Sep 4 20:05:43 birdnetpi[147413]: RECORDING_LENGTH set to 30 Sep 4 20:05:50 birdnetpi systemd[1]: chart_viewer.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 78. Sep 4 20:05:50 birdnetpi systemd[1]: Stopped BirdNET-Pi Chart Viewer Service. Sep 4 20:05:50 birdnetpi systemd[1]: chart_viewer.service: Consumed 38.144s CPU time. Sep 4 20:05:50 birdnetpi systemd[1]: Started BirdNET-Pi Chart Viewer Service. Sep 4 20:05:55 birdnetpi systemd[1]: Started Session 128 of user bird_adam. Sep 4 20:06:01 birdnetpi CRON[147664]: (bird_adam) CMD (/usr/local/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1) Sep 4 20:06:03 birdnetpi[147413]: /home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/birdnet/bin/python3 /home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/scripts/ --i /home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/September-2023/04-Monday/2023-09-04-birdnet-20:05:31.wav --o /home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/September-2023/04-Monday/2023-09-04-birdnet-20:05:31.wav.csv --lat 53.XX --lon 17.XX --week 33 --overlap 0.0 --sensitivity 1.25 --min_conf 0.8 --birdweather_id "IN_USE" Sep 4 20:06:03 birdnetpi python3[359]: ANALYZING AUDIO... DONE! Time 6.7 SECONDS Sep 4 20:06:03 birdnetpi python3[359]: WRITING RESULTS TO /home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/September-2023/04-Monday/2023-09-04-birdnet-20:05:01.wav.csv ... DONE! WROTE 0 RESULTS. Sep 4 20:06:03 birdnetpi python3[359]: READING AUDIO DATA... DONE! READ 10 CHUNKS. Sep 4 20:06:03 birdnetpi python3[359]: Date-time: 2023-09-04 20:05:31 Sep 4 20:06:11 birdnetpi[147717]: 0.0;3.0-('Phoenicurus ochruros_kopciuszek', 0.3664787) Sep 4 20:06:11 birdnetpi[147717]: 3.0;6.0-('Emberiza hortulana_ortolan', 0.17094328) Sep 4 20:06:11 birdnetpi[147717]: 6.0;9.0-('Strix aluco_puszczyk', 0.20157856) Sep 4 20:06:11 birdnetpi[147717]: 9.0;12.0-('Strix aluco_puszczyk', 0.35138732) Sep 4 20:06:11 birdnetpi[147717]: 12.0;15.0-('Bubo bubo_puchacz', 0.29560032) Sep 4 20:06:11 birdnetpi[147717]: 15.0;18.0-('Dog_Dog', 0.20510028) Sep 4 20:06:11 birdnetpi[147717]: 18.0;21.0-('Ardea cinerea_czapla siwa', 0.160197) Sep 4 20:06:11 birdnetpi[147717]: 21.0;24.0-('Ardea cinerea_czapla siwa', 0.1452814) Sep 4 20:06:11 birdnetpi[147717]: 24.0;27.0-('Ardea cinerea_czapla siwa', 0.11057367) Sep 4 20:06:11 birdnetpi[147717]: 27.0;30.0-('Human_Human', 0.0) Sep 4 20:06:11 birdnetpi systemd[1]: birdnet_analysis.service: Succeeded. Sep 4 20:06:11 birdnetpi systemd[1]: birdnet_analysis.service: Consumed 2.084s CPU time. Sep 4 20:06:13 birdnetpi systemd[1]: birdnet_analysis.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 491. Sep 4 20:06:13 birdnetpi systemd[1]: Stopped BirdNET Analysis. Sep 4 20:06:13 birdnetpi systemd[1]: birdnet_analysis.service: Consumed 2.084s CPU time. Sep 4 20:06:13 birdnetpi systemd[1]: Started BirdNET Analysis. Sep 4 20:06:14 birdnetpi[147791]: Files loaded Sep 4 20:06:14 birdnetpi[147791]: RECORDING_LENGTH set to 30 Sep 4 20:06:15 birdnetpi env[147842]: Line = 2023-09-04-birdnet-20:05:31.wav.csv Sep 4 20:06:30 birdnetpi systemd[1]: chart_viewer.service: Succeeded. Sep 4 20:06:30 birdnetpi systemd[1]: chart_viewer.service: Consumed 38.846s CPU time. Sep 4 20:06:32 birdnetpi[147791]: /home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/birdnet/bin/python3 /home/bird_adam/BirdNET-Pi/scripts/ --i /home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/September-2023/04-Monday/2023-09-04-birdnet-20:06:01.wav --o /home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/September-2023/04-Monday/2023-09-04-birdnet-20:06:01.wav.csv --lat 53.XX --lon 17.XX --week 33 --overlap 0.0 --sensitivity 1.25 --min_conf 0.8 --birdweather_id "IN_USE" Sep 4 20:06:32 birdnetpi python3[359]: ANALYZING AUDIO... DONE! Time 7.3 SECONDS Sep 4 20:06:32 birdnetpi python3[359]: WRITING RESULTS TO /home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/September-2023/04-Monday/2023-09-04-birdnet-20:05:31.wav.csv ... DONE! WROTE 0 RESULTS. Sep 4 20:06:32 birdnetpi python3[359]: READING AUDIO DATA... DONE! READ 10 CHUNKS. Sep 4 20:06:32 birdnetpi python3[359]: Date-time: 2023-09-04 20:06:01 Sep 4 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 0.0;3.0-('Bubo bubo_puchacz', 0.41410306) Sep 4 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 3.0;6.0-('Athene noctua_pójdźka', 0.0655205) Sep 4 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 6.0;9.0-('Human_Human', 0.0) Sep 4 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 9.0;12.0-('Human_Human', 0.0) Sep 4 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 12.0;15.0-('Human_Human', 0.0) Sep 4 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 15.0;18.0-('Human_Human', 0.0) Sep 4 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 18.0;21.0-('Emberiza hortulana_ortolan', 0.13862757) Sep 4 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 21.0;24.0-('Human_Human', 0.0) Sep 4 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 24.0;27.0-('Human_Human', 0.0) Sep 4 20:06:39 birdnetpi[148025]: 27.0;30.0-('Strix aluco_puszczyk', 0.11836405) Sep 4 20:06:39 birdnetpi systemd[1]: birdnet_analysis.service: Succeeded. Sep 4 20:06:39 birdnetpi systemd[1]: birdnet_analysis.service: Consumed 1.841s CPU time. Sep 4 20:06:41 birdnetpi systemd[1]: birdnet_analysis.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 492. Sep 4 20:06:41 birdnetpi systemd[1]: Stopped BirdNET Analysis. Sep 4 20:06:41 birdnetpi systemd[1]: birdnet_analysis.service: Consumed 1.841s CPU time. Sep 4 20:06:41 birdnetpi systemd[1]: Started BirdNET Analysis. Sep 4 20:06:42 birdnetpi[148122]: Files loaded Sep 4 20:06:43 birdnetpi[148122]: RECORDING_LENGTH set to 30 Sep 4 20:06:44 birdnetpi env[148198]: Line = 2023-09-04-birdnet-20:06:01.wav.csv ========== Mounted File Systems ========== Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/root 15G 6.0G 7.8G 44% / devtmpfs 325M 0 325M 0% /dev tmpfs 455M 0 455M 0% /dev/shm tmpfs 182M 1.1M 181M 1% /run tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock /dev/mmcblk0p1 255M 31M 225M 13% /boot tmpfs 91M 4.0K 91M 1% /run/user/1000

========== Memory Usage ========== total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 909Mi 382Mi 102Mi 3.0Mi 424Mi 462Mi Swap: 99Mi 99Mi 0.0Ki

========== Load Averages ========== 20:06:45 up 3:29, 2 users, load average: 1.39, 1.00, 0.94

========== CPU Info ========== processor : 0 BogoMIPS : 38.40 Features : fp asimd evtstrm crc32 cpuid CPU implementer : 0x41 CPU architecture: 8 CPU variant : 0x0 CPU part : 0xd03 CPU revision : 4

processor : 1 BogoMIPS : 38.40 Features : fp asimd evtstrm crc32 cpuid CPU implementer : 0x41 CPU architecture: 8 CPU variant : 0x0 CPU part : 0xd03 CPU revision : 4

processor : 2 BogoMIPS : 38.40 Features : fp asimd evtstrm crc32 cpuid CPU implementer : 0x41 CPU architecture: 8 CPU variant : 0x0 CPU part : 0xd03 CPU revision : 4

processor : 3 BogoMIPS : 38.40 Features : fp asimd evtstrm crc32 cpuid CPU implementer : 0x41 CPU architecture: 8 CPU variant : 0x0 CPU part : 0xd03 CPU revision : 4

Hardware : BCM2835 Revision : a020d3 Serial : 00000000274aba60 Model : Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3

========== System Temperature ========== CPU Temperature: 52.08°C / 125.74°F

========== Extra Info ========== ........................................IPs..................................... LAN IP: Public IP: xx.xx.xx.xx ..................................vcgencmd stats.............................. throttled=0x0 Binary: 0 ....................................Clock Speeds................................ arm: frequency(48)=1400000000 core: frequency(1)=400000000 h264: frequency(28)=0 isp: frequency(45)=0 v3d: frequency(46)=300000000 uart: frequency(22)=47999000 pwm: frequency(25)=100000000 emmc: frequency(50)=200000000 pixel: frequency(29)=337000 vec: frequency(10)=108000000 hdmi: frequency(9)=163683000 dpi: frequency(4)=0 ........................................Volts................................... core: volt=1.3312V sdram_c: volt=1.2500V sdram_i: volt=1.2500V sdram_p: volt=1.2250V .....................................Caddyfile.................................. http:// { root /home/bird_adam/BirdSongs/Extracted file_server browse handle /By_Date/ { file_server browse } handle /Charts/ { file_server browse } basicauth /views.php?view=File { birdnet $2a$14$YzJB.9YvQarRrNS5vBxDTODS8OCj8oKNk./TIL4v4FiSm/jtUb/gq } basicauth /Processed { birdnet $2a$14$YzJB.9YvQarRrNS5vBxDTODS8OCj8oKNk./TIL4v4FiSm/jtUb/gq } basicauth /scripts { birdnet $2a$14$YzJB.9YvQarRrNS5vBxDTODS8OCj8oKNk./TIL4v4FiSm/jtUb/gq } basicauth /stream { birdnet $2a$14$YzJB.9YvQarRrNS5vBxDTODS8OCj8oKNk./TIL4v4FiSm/jtUb/gq } basicauth /phpsysinfo { birdnet $2a$14$YzJB.9YvQarRrNS5vBxDTODS8OCj8oKNk./TIL4v4FiSm/jtUb/gq } basicauth /terminal { birdnet $2a$14$YzJB.9YvQarRrNS5vBxDTODS8OCj8oKNk./TIL4v4FiSm/jtUb/gq } reverse_proxy /stream localhost:8000 php_fastcgi unix//run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock reverse_proxy /log localhost:8080 reverse_proxy /stats localhost:8501 reverse_proxy /terminal* localhost:8888 } .................................... Crontab....................................

SHELL=/bin/sh PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin

17 root cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly 25 6 root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily ) 47 6 7 root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly ) 52 6 1 root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.monthly ) /5 bird_adam /usr/local/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1 /3 bird_adam /usr/local/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1 @reboot bird_adam /usr/local/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1 0 1 * 1 bird_adam /usr/local/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1

========== Connected Microphone Devices ========== List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices card 1: Audio [USB Audio], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio] Subdevices: 0/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

null Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture) default Playback/recording through the PulseAudio sound server lavrate Rate Converter Plugin Using Libav/FFmpeg Library samplerate Rate Converter Plugin Using Samplerate Library speexrate Rate Converter Plugin Using Speex Resampler jack JACK Audio Connection Kit oss Open Sound System pulse PulseAudio Sound Server upmix Plugin for channel upmix (4,6,8) vdownmix Plugin for channel downmix (stereo) with a simple spacialization usbstream:CARD=Headphones bcm2835 Headphones USB Stream Output hw:CARD=Audio,DEV=0 USB Audio, USB Audio Direct hardware device without any conversions plughw:CARD=Audio,DEV=0 USB Audio, USB Audio Hardware device with all software conversions sysdefault:CARD=Audio USB Audio, USB Audio Default Audio Device front:CARD=Audio,DEV=0 USB Audio, USB Audio Front output / input dsnoop:CARD=Audio,DEV=0 USB Audio, USB Audio Direct sample snooping device usbstream:CARD=Audio USB Audio USB Stream Output usbstream:CARD=vc4hdmi vc4-hdmi USB Stream Output

========= Date and Time ========== Mon 4 Sep 20:06:46 CEST 2023

birdnetpi:~/BirdNET-Pi/scripts$ `

AdamM68 commented 1 year ago

I decided to make next time a fresh installation. But ! ... when birdnet started I do something different then before. Before I changed the files described in []( by ssh connection. This time I stopped the system, took the SD card out, put to a chromebook and changed files descibed above. After starting the system - now everything is working ! - also the System Info tab in tools menu ! :)

maybe changing files ( config and database ) should be done on non-working system ?