mchalupa / dg

[LLVM Static Slicer] Various program analyses, construction of dependence graphs and program slicing of LLVM bitcode.
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Please update SVFPointerAnalysis.h in dg due to SVF updated. #447

Open wliuxingxiangyu opened 1 year ago

wliuxingxiangyu commented 1 year ago

@mchalupa Hi, thanks for the nice tool!

I used the tool with SVF to pointer analysis. I noticed the SVF had been updated. [include/SVF-FE/PAGBuilder.h → include/SVF-FE/SVFIRBuilder.h]

I have tried some patched to update my local dg code, but failed. So could you please help me to update the SVFPointerAnalysis.h in dg ? #include <SVF-FE/PAGBuilder.h> // PAGBuilder

mchalupa commented 1 year ago

I have tried some patched to update my local dg code, but failed.

What was the problem?

mchalupa commented 1 year ago

(received by e-mail:)

xxx/c/dg/include/dg/llvm/PointerAnalysis/SVFPointerAnalysis.h:8:10: fatal error: SVF-FE/LLVMModule.h: 没有那个文件或目录

#include <SVF-FE/LLVMModule.h> // LLVMModuleSet


 compilation terminated.


I do not have much time to work on this right now, but you can try to adjust the code to comply with the current version of creating PAG, see e.g.,

There is also an unmerged PR that fixed some of the issues with newer SVF (but older that the current one):

(edit: clarified the error and that it came by e-mail)