mchav / froid

A library for using the Frege programming language in Android development.
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Status update? #3

Open misterbeebee opened 5 years ago

misterbeebee commented 5 years ago

The wiki intro says "The plan is to have it mostly functional by May 2019"

Just wondering if there is a update to that, either regarding how functional froid is today, or what the schedule plan/hope is, if any.

mchav commented 5 years ago

A lot of what was incomplete was function stubs corresponding to the Android API but then this came up on the Frege issue list. Holding off of native definitions being inferred rather than explicitly defined. I'll probably get back to work on this in a month or two priotising first an Android Studio plugin so the setup isn't more manual and then addressing the Frege specific issues.

W.r.t to usability I'd say it's usable but you'd have to define a lot of things manually and write 2014-style activities etc. I've been meaning to make it more compatible with modern Android but there hasn't been a lot of interest or demand.