mchirico / zDaily

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Day 29: Review and Gonum Plot #31

Open mchirico opened 3 years ago

mchirico commented 3 years ago


For answer, see PR.

Note: go-echarts might be a better package

tacomonkautobot[bot] commented 3 years ago

mchirico, Thanks for opening this issue!

ZoeChiri commented 3 years ago

what do I submit??

mchirico commented 3 years ago

@ZoeChiri I was looking for a general solution for plotting graphs for multiple size and number of vectors. As it turns out, it's not that easy... kind of interesting... Ref:

package plot

import (

func Convert(v []float64) plotter.Values {
    c := make(plotter.Values, len(v))
    c = v
    return c

func Bar(group plotter.Values, w vg.Length, i int) *plotter.BarChart {
    bar, err := plotter.NewBarChart(group, vg.Points(10))
    if err != nil {
    bar.LineStyle.Width = vg.Length(0)
    bar.Color = plotutil.Color(i)
    bar.Offset = w
    return bar

func CalcOffset(n int)  []vg.Length {
    spread := vg.Length(25)
    steps := spread/vg.Length(n)

    v := []vg.Length{}
    for  i := -spread;i <= spread; i+= 2*steps {
        v = append(v,i)
    return v

func Draw(v ...[]float64) {

    group := []plotter.Values{}
    for i,_ := range v {
        group = append(group,v[i])

    p, err := plot.New()
    if err != nil {

    p.BackgroundColor = color.RGBA{R: 25, B: 20, G: 25, A: 40}

    p.Title.Text = "Bar chart"
    p.Y.Label.Text = "Heights"

    offset := CalcOffset(len(group))
    bars := []plot.Plotter{}

    for i,_ := range group {
        bars = append(bars,Bar(group[i],offset[i],i ))


    names := []string{}
    names2 := []string{}
    for i,_ := range bars {
        names = append(names,fmt.Sprintf("Group %d",i) )
        names2 = append(names2,fmt.Sprintf("Set %d",i) )
        p.Legend.Add(names[i], bars[i].(plot.Thumbnailer))

    p.Legend.Top = true

    if err := p.Save(5*vg.Inch, 3*vg.Inch, "barchart.png"); err != nil {
    if err := p.Save(5*vg.Inch, 3*vg.Inch, "barchart.svg"); err != nil {