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Can't compile for ATtiny84 #13

Closed franklinvv closed 8 years ago

franklinvv commented 10 years ago

This happens when compiling for the ATtiny84 using cores found here:

Apparently, the compiler directives should then be altered in Manchester.cpp in MANRX_SetupReceive().

AVR_ATtinyX5 should become AVR_ATtiny85 and AVR_ATtinyX4 should become AVR_ATtiny84

If not, the library is compiled as if it's for an ATmega328, while the ATtiny84 does not have Timer 2.

KKuKK commented 10 years ago

Hi! Thanks for the hint, this work for me. I had the same problem with an Attiny45. Do you ever tried an Atmega8? Its not receiving anything if I try it with this library. Greatings Klaus

bodtx commented 7 years ago

I still have the problem with arduino IDE 1.6 and attiny85 @8Mhz error: 'TCCR2A' was not declared in this scope error: 'WGM21' was not declared in this scope error: 'TCCR2B' was not declared in this scope error: 'CS21' was not declared in this scope error: 'OCR2A' was not declared in this scope error: 'TIMSK2' was not declared in this scope error: 'OCIE2A' was not declared in this scope error: 'TCNT2' was not declared in this scope