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Cannot send numbers >255 between ATTiny85 and Arduino Uno #60

Open MarkGhanz opened 10 months ago

MarkGhanz commented 10 months ago

I have an ATTiny85 connected to an 315MHz transmitter and an Arduino Uno connected to an 315MHz receiver. I tried to send a number 511 (2^9 - 1, or 0b111111111 in binary) but the number received by Arduino is always 255, or 0b11111111. I tried MAN_600,1200,2400 and 4800. For attiny85 I tried both SpenceKonde and Damellis implementations. I'm on Arduino IDE 2.2.1 code for ATTiny85:

#include <Manchester.h>
#include "tinysnore.h"

#define TX_PIN 4
//#define TRIG 2
//#define ECHO 3
// int du;
uint16_t data = 511;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  man.setupTransmit(TX_PIN, MAN_2400);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  // digitalWrite(TRIG,LOW);
  // delayMicroseconds(4);
  // digitalWrite(TRIG,HIGH);
  // delayMicroseconds(20);
  // digitalWrite(TRIG,LOW);
  // du = pulseIn(ECHO,HIGH) * 10 + 1;

And for Arduino Uno:

#include <Manchester.h>

#define RX_PIN 11

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  if (man.receiveComplete()) {
    uint16_t m = man.getMessage();
    man.beginReceive(); //start listening for next message right after you retrieve the message
mchughj commented 10 months ago

It has been quite some time since I've looked at this library! I haven't fully diagnosed the problem but in looking at the current code I see:

This is taking a uint8_t although the comment says otherwise.

Some of the interior methods seem to indicate that they can/will support 16 bit sending as well although none of that matters if the transmit and getMessage methods are returning uint8_t. :)