mchr3k / org.intrace

Java tracing agent and live trace client
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Eclipse plug in issue #29

Open pdewan opened 11 years ago

pdewan commented 11 years ago

Hi, I tried using InTrace, both the command line and the Eclipse plug-in. I can get the plug-in working on the command line:

D:\dewan_backup\Java\WarmupProject\bin>java -javaagent:D:\dewan_backup\Java\lib\ intrace-agent.jar warmup.AGreeter

Loaded InTrace Agent.

InTrace Agent listening on port 9123

Hello World null

However, the Eclipse Plug-In gives the message:

Error occurred during initialization of VM agent library failed to init: instrument Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : D:\Program

It seems it cannot find the jar file(s). Do they have to be included in every project? It seems to be looking for the file D:\Program which does not seem to make sense.

Any help would be appreciated as InTrace seems like the perfect tool for my needs.


kqvanity commented 1 year ago

Building this subdirectory using ant, got it working for me. The prepackaged releases resulted in this error. On top of that these executable binaries are no longer directly available at the main website, so I had to obtain those -faulty- ones from binaries directory as they're neither published at the releases section, nor linked at the main website for download whose file hosting is giving Error: Server Error for me.

mchr3k commented 1 year ago

I have now officially taken my eclipse update sites offline as per my note at the top of You can fetch these binaries directly from the github repos which held all the files which were in these update sites.