mchristopher / PokemonGo-DesktopMap

Electron App around PokemonGo-Map
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Enabling IV and Gym information #1314

Closed Calvinthesneak closed 2 years ago

Calvinthesneak commented 7 years ago

Because people don't read the wiki..... You can turn on IV's and gym information on this map by editing a config.ini file.

minim8 commented 7 years ago

where is the config file located on mac? could neither find it in application support nor in the package contents. (only the config.ini.example file and editing this one doesnt change anything)

sorry i have no clue about macs :/

elvquant commented 7 years ago

On OS X inside the Apps Resources folder. Right click on app and choose "open containing folder", then "Resources/app/map/config"

Calvinthesneak commented 7 years ago

(only the config.ini.example file and editing this one doesnt change anything)

There is no config.ini by default. You have to make a copy of the config.ini.example, and save it as config.ini. Then uncomment(by removing the # at the start of the line) the following lines and set them to true:

gym-info: true # enables detailed gym info collection (default false)

encounter: true # Set to true to start encounters to pull more info, like IVs or movesets. (default false)

PS, if someone can edit the wiki page to add OSX and Linux paths, it would be appreciated.

hennipenn commented 7 years ago

There is no config.ini by default. You have to make a copy of the config.ini.example, and save it as config.ini. Then uncomment(by removing the # at the start of the line) the following lines and set them to true:

gym-info: true # enables detailed gym info collection (default false)

encounter: true # Set to true to start encounters to pull more info, like IVs or movesets. (default false)

I did everything as you described but nothing changes. The app works the same way as before editing. I also tried on Windows 10. Can anybody help?

With windows 7 everything works fine :)

CTsouth86 commented 7 years ago

I'm fairly new to programming and would like to give this a try as well if it will work on Windows 10.

If I understand correctly, I can also reduce the scan-delay time of the tracker from the default 10?

Calvinthesneak commented 7 years ago

I'm using it on both windows 7 and windows 10.

Are you using Notepad++ or just the default windows notepad?

I recommended notepad++ because it will keep line breaks and characters consistent. I'll attach a copy of what I'm currently using.

Calvinthesneak commented 7 years ago

Also make sure to restart the app after you modify config file, it has to load it at startup.

koki871 commented 7 years ago

Using Mac OS 10.11.6. Duplicated the .example file and renamed to "config.ini," but after launching the application, the contents of the folder is reverted to the original setting - i.e. I only see .example file in the config folder.

Calvinthesneak commented 7 years ago

Just a sample of gym and IV/moveset info.

iv gym

Calvinthesneak commented 7 years ago

One thing to check, that I saw on the PoGo Dev thread where I posted this, was make sure you're not running the installer/updater exe, it will reinstall and erase your config.ini file.

I tried to use the config file, but for some reason it gets deleted every time I launch the app? Any ideas what's happening? EDIT: Nevermind. If I run the packaged exe, it replaces all the files on every run. Instead, if I just run the exe in the appdata folder, the config file is fine.

minim8 commented 7 years ago

@Calvinthesneak Thanks, I'm an idiot I didnt think about renaming it to config.ini instead of config.ini.example ... Works fine now, but wouldnt it be better to only use the whitelist for some specific pokemon instead of encoutering all of them? Or doesnt Niantic care about the number of requests sent?

rqwedx1 commented 7 years ago

can smn tell me how to fix this, it wont recognize the accs

Authentication settings

auth-service: ptc # ptc (default) or google username: [acc1, acc2] password: [p1, p2]

Calvinthesneak commented 7 years ago

You don't need to fill accs in if they're on the login screen

---- rqwedx1 wrote ----

can smn tell me how to fix this, it wont recognize the accs

Authentication settings

auth-service: ptc # ptc (default) or google username: [acc1, acc2] password: [p1, p2]

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rqwedx1 commented 7 years ago

but i do want to add them this way cuz its way faster then clicking through the login screen for 50+accs

Calvinthesneak commented 7 years ago

Not sure if this allows accounts only in the config file, but one way to find out. You're using Notepad++ and note just regular notepad or some other text editing tool that's going to stick innapropriate line control characters in? Make sure you have space at start and end of your square brackets. Other than that I'm not sure, you might need to go to the PoGo-Map wiki.

username: [ account1, account 2, account 3 ] password: [ password, password, password ]

kanucks25 commented 7 years ago

Can't seem to figure out how to enable IV (windows 7).

Followed the steps in OP. As far as I can tell, just had to add "true" on the right line. Not sure if it's just for Mac, but I also tried copying the file and taking out the ".example" and that didn't work either.

Help please :)

Calvinthesneak commented 7 years ago

What did you use to uncomment lines in your .ini file?

Did you try downloading the config file I attached as a zip in the post above?

kanucks25 commented 7 years ago

^ Used it and it works. Thanks! :D

rqwedx1 commented 7 years ago

nope, doesnt work. missed a space within the bracket but still doesnt work. using n++. but thanks for the effort.

Not sure if this allows accounts only in the config file, but one way to find out. You're using Notepad++ and note just regular notepad or some other text editing tool that's going to stick innapropriate line control characters in? Make sure you have space at start and end of your square brackets. Other than that I'm not sure, you might need to go to the PoGo-Map wiki.

username: [ account1, account 2, account 3 ] password: [ password, password, password ]

Calvinthesneak commented 7 years ago

might just be the load screen config overwrites the config.ini file. So options like IV and Gym stats which just were off by default with no gui switch can work, but stuff like accounts, location, Google Maps API key are going to be overwritten....

himeshpatel88 commented 7 years ago

I followed all these steps, including using your config file and nothing seems to have changed. Help please!!

jaydoginvasion commented 7 years ago

Did you wait till new mons populated?

It will only show once they have been scanned, anything scanned previously doesn't show the updated fields.

himeshpatel88 commented 7 years ago

I hovered over the gyms but they look the same, have not waited for new mons to show up yet, I will try that and comment on my findings thanks!

himeshpatel88 commented 7 years ago

Been about 20mins, nothing has populated, don't know what the problem is...

jaydoginvasion commented 7 years ago

Is the config file saved as config.ini file and file type showing as configuration settings and not EXAMPLE File

himeshpatel88 commented 7 years ago

This is what I have: config configdetails

jaydoginvasion commented 7 years ago

Looks okay but try removing it/ or rename then replace with mine.

himeshpatel88 commented 7 years ago

I have tried both and had the same results...not sure what the problem is...I replaced your file and will wait on results.

himeshpatel88 commented 7 years ago

I am not getting any mons scanning at all now, and the gyms have not updated since I replaced the file with your version. HELP!

himeshpatel88 commented 7 years ago


jaydoginvasion commented 7 years ago

Could you post a screenshot of your config folder again?

jaydoginvasion commented 7 years ago

I just looked at your notepad ++entry and it looks like you added an extra .ini at the end of the file name. i.e. config.ini.ini

himeshpatel88 commented 7 years ago

I actually ended up uninstalling the whole program, deleting the rest of the info in the pokemon folder, restarted my laptop, re-installed, replaced config.example with your version and it is all working fine now! Thank you for your help @jaydoginvasion

jaydoginvasion commented 7 years ago

Awesome, that's great news

jayro11 commented 7 years ago

im sorry for such a noob question...but im on a mac and i can not find the app resources folder for the life of me. or can someone post the path on OS X

jayro11 commented 7 years ago i figured it out...i have it working great....except...after a while the pokemon show up without the IV and moveset info. Does anybody know why it does that?

elvquant commented 7 years ago

For OSX the example config.ini.example can be found by right-clicking the app file (the same file you use to launch the app) and selecting "Show Contents", then navigating within the contents to resources\app\map\

Works well, but on Quit "Pokémon Desktop" the config.ini are deleted and all other files are restored. ;( ;(