mchung / heroku-buildpack-wordpress

Heroku buildpack: Wordpress on Heroku
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Hostname won't change from #78

Open blakerson opened 10 years ago

blakerson commented 10 years ago

I've encountered this issue on two sites now. Sites launched seem to be pretty resolute about keeping their * names as the primary one for the WP instance.

In General Settings, WordPress Address (URL) is greyed out and Site Address (URL) is editable. In this state, editing Site Address to reflect a vanity domain takes the site down because it'll create a number of location problems: the server can't be reached, referenced assets are 404s, etc.

No amount of editing 'home' and 'siteurl' in the database's wp_options table seems to help.

I've managed to solve this once but couldn't reproduce my steps and I'm completely stuck.

Has anyone else had this issue?

Using CloudFlare for DNS.

Edit for clarity: Domains are properly set on Heroku dash.

okko commented 10 years ago

Check the same configuration options in wp-config.php, they override the database settings.

blakerson commented 10 years ago

Righto, thanks for that.

By tweaking whatever's there (eg hardcoding WP_SITEURL or WP_HOME to my domain string), I start to time out on any https page, so I'm locked out of wp-admin. Even with Cloudflare SSL on, is this normal?