mciantyre / teensy4-rs

Rust support for the Teensy 4
Apache License 2.0
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Teensy 4.1 First set of i2c line are not accessible as there pins are not flagged as I2C pins. #123

Closed Sandvoxel closed 1 year ago

Sandvoxel commented 1 year ago
    let pins = bsp::pins::t41::from_pads(periphs.iomuxc);



    log::info!("Enabling I2C clocks....");
    let (_, _, i2c_clock, _) = periphs.i2c.clock(&mut periphs.ccm.handle, OSC, DIVIDE_3);

    log::info!("Constructing I2C3 instance on pins 18 and 19...");
    let mut i2c1 =, pins.p19);
error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving `<Pad<imxrt106x::bases::AD_B1, typenum::uint::UInt<typenum::uint::UTerm, typenum::bit::B1>> as teensy4_bsp::teensy4_pins::imxrt_iomuxc::i2c::Pin>::Module == typenum::uint::UInt<typenum::uint::UInt<typenum::uint::UTerm, typenum::bit::B1>, typenum::bit::B1>`
   --> src\
39  |     let mut i2c1 =, pins.p19);
    |                              ^^^^^ expected struct `typenum::uint::UInt`, found struct `typenum::uint::UTerm`
    = note: expected struct `typenum::uint::UInt<typenum::uint::UInt<typenum::uint::UTerm, typenum::bit::B1>, _>`
               found struct `typenum::uint::UInt<typenum::uint::UTerm, _>`
note: required by a bound in `teensy4_bsp::imxrt_hal::i2c::Builder::<M>::build`
   --> C:\Users\koval\.cargo\registry\src\\imxrt-hal-0.4.5\src\
105 |         SCL: i2c::Pin<Module = M, Signal = i2c::SCL>,
    |                       ^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `teensy4_bsp::imxrt_hal::i2c::Builder::<M>::build`

error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving `<Pad<imxrt106x::bases::AD_B1, typenum::uint::UInt<typenum::uint::UTerm, typenum::bit::B1>> as teensy4_bsp::teensy4_pins::imxrt_iomuxc::i2c::Pin>::Signal == SCL`
   --> src\
39  |     let mut i2c1 =, pins.p19);
    |                              ^^^^^ expected enum `SCL`, found enum `SDA`
note: required by a bound in `teensy4_bsp::imxrt_hal::i2c::Builder::<M>::build`
   --> C:\Users\koval\.cargo\registry\src\\imxrt-hal-0.4.5\src\
105 |         SCL: i2c::Pin<Module = M, Signal = i2c::SCL>,
    |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `teensy4_bsp::imxrt_hal::i2c::Builder::<M>::build`

error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving `<Pad<imxrt106x::bases::AD_B1, typenum::uint::UTerm> as teensy4_bsp::teensy4_pins::imxrt_iomuxc::i2c::Pin>::Module == typenum::uint::UInt<typenum::uint::UInt<typenum::uint::UTerm, typenum::bit::B1>, typenum::bit::B1>`
   --> src\
39  |     let mut i2c1 =, pins.p19);
    |                              ^^^^^ expected struct `typenum::uint::UInt`, found struct `typenum::uint::UTerm`
    = note: expected struct `typenum::uint::UInt<typenum::uint::UInt<typenum::uint::UTerm, typenum::bit::B1>, _>`
               found struct `typenum::uint::UInt<typenum::uint::UTerm, _>`
note: required by a bound in `teensy4_bsp::imxrt_hal::i2c::Builder::<M>::build`
   --> C:\Users\koval\.cargo\registry\src\\imxrt-hal-0.4.5\src\
106 |         SDA: i2c::Pin<Module = M, Signal = i2c::SDA>,
    |                       ^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `teensy4_bsp::imxrt_hal::i2c::Builder::<M>::build`

error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving `<Pad<imxrt106x::bases::AD_B1, typenum::uint::UTerm> as teensy4_bsp::teensy4_pins::imxrt_iomuxc::i2c::Pin>::Signal == SDA`
   --> src\
39  |     let mut i2c1 =, pins.p19);
    |                              ^^^^^ expected enum `SDA`, found enum `SCL`
note: required by a bound in `teensy4_bsp::imxrt_hal::i2c::Builder::<M>::build`
   --> C:\Users\koval\.cargo\registry\src\\imxrt-hal-0.4.5\src\
106 |         SDA: i2c::Pin<Module = M, Signal = i2c::SDA>,
    |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `teensy4_bsp::imxrt_hal::i2c::Builder::<M>::build`
Sandvoxel commented 1 year ago

Digging through the imxrt-iomuxc I see that this issue has been resolved but the changes are not yet propagated to this release.

stappersg commented 1 year ago

On Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 03:08:26PM -0700, Kyle Kovalchick wrote:

Closed #123 as completed.

Completed by what? Please elaborate.

Groeten Geert Stappers -- Silence is hard to parse

mciantyre commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the trouble. I reproduced the error, and I notice two issues in the example code.

  1. We're still using the I2C3 base peripheral, but we should be using the I2C1 peripheral. The clock call returns a tuple, and we need to select the correct I2C instance from that result. Here's the first change that needs to happen.

    // From:
    let (_, _, i2c_clock, _) = periphs.i2c.clock(&mut periphs.ccm.handle, OSC, DIVIDE_3);
    // To:
    let (i2c_clock, _, _, _) = periphs.i2c.clock(&mut periphs.ccm.handle, OSC, DIVIDE_3);
  2. Once we make that change, the example still doesn't compile. Pins 18 and 19 are swapped.

    // From:
    let mut i2c1 =, pins.p19);
    // To:
    let mut i2c1 =, pins.p18);

Tested the build on d7e97cb (didn't run it), which is using imxrt-iomuxc v0.1.1. We should have support for this peripheral and pins in today's BSP.

Sandvoxel commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the trouble. I reproduced the error, and I notice two issues in the example code.

  1. We're still using the I2C3 base peripheral, but we should be using the I2C1 peripheral. The clock call returns a tuple, and we need to select the correct I2C instance from that result. Here's the first change that needs to happen.
    // From:
    let (_, _, i2c_clock, _) = periphs.i2c.clock(&mut periphs.ccm.handle, OSC, DIVIDE_3);
    // To:
    let (i2c_clock, _, _, _) = periphs.i2c.clock(&mut periphs.ccm.handle, OSC, DIVIDE_3);
  2. Once we make that change, the example still doesn't compile. Pins 18 and 19 are swapped.
    // From:
    let mut i2c1 =, pins.p19);
    // To:
    let mut i2c1 =, pins.p18);

Tested the build on d7e97cb (didn't run it), which is using imxrt-iomuxc v0.1.1. We should have support for this peripheral and pins in today's BSP.

Yes I closed the issue because I figured that out. Thanks for the timely response even thought I figured out.