While I was running lighthouse on my website, I noticed that not providing explicit timing function caused:
Avoid non-composited animations section to capture all the animations without timing function as Effect has unsupported timing parameters
Providing explicit data-sal-easing attribute, fixes this. I was wondering if there is a particular you see this getting solved, I can create a PR and help.
Rendered CSS when using implicit easing function:
[data-sal] {
transition-timing-function: ease;
transition-timing-function: var(--sal-easing,ease); // this causes CLS issue in Lighthouse
Rendered CSS when using explicit easing function:
[data-sal][data-sal-easing=ease] {
transition-timing-function: ease; // this doesn't get caught in CLS audit in Lighthouse
While I was running lighthouse on my website, I noticed that not providing explicit timing function caused:
Avoid non-composited animations section to capture all the animations without timing function as Effect has unsupported timing parameters
Providing explicit data-sal-easing attribute, fixes this. I was wondering if there is a particular you see this getting solved, I can create a PR and help.
Rendered CSS when using implicit easing function:
Rendered CSS when using explicit easing function: