mcintyre321 / FormFactory

MVC5, Core or standalone - Generate rich HTML5 forms from your ViewModels, or build them programatically
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PropertyVM ID's are not shown in the view, Change Date Format, Add Bootstrap classes #72

Closed ivansoriabia closed 5 years ago

ivansoriabia commented 5 years ago

Hello mcintyre321!

I have an issue and two questions about PropertyVM:

The first problem that I have is: The Id's that I have assigned are not shown in the view. The first question that I have is: How I can set a custom format in DateAttributes (PropertyVM with DateTime Format)? The second question that I have is: How I can add Bootstrap classes to an PropertyVM?

Thanks a lot!

mcintyre321 commented 5 years ago

Can you post:

  1. some code showing how you create the PropertyVms and set their ids
  2. the HTML you are getting
  3. the HTML that you want
mcintyre321 commented 5 years ago

So for dates, for a static model, you would write:

[DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "dd/MM/yyyy")]
public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }

so if you are doing this dynamically, you need to do something like:

new PropertyVm(typeof(DateTime), "StartDate")
    DisplayName = "Start Date",
    Value = startDate
    GetCustomAttributes = () => new object[] {new DisplayFormatAttribute {DataFormatString = "dd/MM/yyyy"}]
mcintyre321 commented 5 years ago

This is the view used to display a property: - where would you like to set the classes?

mcintyre321 commented 5 years ago

I don't recommend setting ids for the generated form fields - are you sure you need to?

ivansoriabia commented 5 years ago

Thanks for answering!

Date: I have changed attribute for my PropertyVM that contains a date. The code you've post me wasn't right at all, so here you have the code that works:

new PropertyVm(typeof(DateTime), "dpFechaNacimiento") 
    DisplayName = "dpFechaNacimiento",
    GetCustomAttributes = () => new object[]{ new DateAttribute(), new DisplayFormatAttribute { DataFormatString = "dd/MM/yyyy" } } 

IDs: Don't worry about IDs in PropertyVM I can use the name too. I wanted the IDs because when you have to call the inputs from JQuery it's easier than call them from its name.

Bootstrap classes: I would like to set the width of the label and the width of input using bootstrap classes because it's an easy way to set this properties, but If this cannot be done I can set them in my site .css file.

I will make another comment with the pieces of code you have requested me.

ivansoriabia commented 5 years ago

PropertyVM Creation:

                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "cmbTipoDonacion")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblTipoDonacion"),
                            NotOptional = true,
                            Choices = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerListaTipoDonacion(),
                            Id = "cmbTipoDonacion"
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "cmbAsistencia")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblAsistencia"),
                            Choices = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerListaValoresSeleccion("ASIST")
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(XElement), "cFoto")
                            DisplayName = String.Empty,
                            Value = XElement.Parse("<canvas id='canvas' width='640' height='480'></canvas>")
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(XElement), "btnFoto")
                            DisplayName = String.Empty,
                            Value = XElement.Parse("<input id='snap' class='btn btn-primary' type='button' />")
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "txtIdDonante")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblIdDonante"),
                            NotOptional = true,
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(XElement), "btnAsistentePaciente")
                            Value = XElement.Parse("<a class='btn btn-primary fa fa-ellipsis-h' asp-action=''></a>"),
                            Id = "btnAsistentePaciente",
                            Disabled = IsDisabledBtnAsistentePaciente,
                            IsHidden = IsHiddenBtnAsistentePaciente
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(XElement), "btnCrearPaciente")
                            Value = XElement.Parse("<a class='btn btn-primary fa fa-plus' asp-action='' ></a>"),
                            Id = "btnCrearPaciente",
                            Disabled = IsDisabledBtnCrearPaciente,
                            IsHidden = IsHiddenBtnCrearPaciente
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(XElement), "btnHuella")
                            Value = XElement.Parse("<a class='btn btn-primary' asp-action=''>(º)</a>"),
                            IsHidden = IsHiddenBtnHuella,
                            Id = "btnHuella"
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "txtNombre")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblNombre"),
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "txtApellidos")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblApellidos"),
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(DateTime), "dpFechaNacimiento")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblFNacim"),
                            GetCustomAttributes = () => new object[]{ new DateAttribute(), new DisplayFormatAttribute { DataFormatString = "dd/MM/yyyy" } }
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "cmbSexo")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblSexo"),
                            Choices = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerSexo()
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "txtDocumento")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblDocumento"),
                         new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "cmbTipoDocumento")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblTipoDocumento"),
                            Choices = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerListaValoresSeleccion("TIPODOC")
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "txtDireccion")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblDireccion"),
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "txtNHC")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerNombreNumPaciente(),
                            IsHidden = true
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "cmbPais")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblPais"),
                            Choices = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerListaPaises(),
                            Value = "0"
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "cmbProvincia")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblProvincia"),
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "txtLocalidad")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblLocalidad"),
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "txtCP")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblCP"),
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "txtDireccion2")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblDireccion2"),
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "txtDireccion3")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblDireccion3"),
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "txtTelefono1")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblTelefono1"),
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "txtTelefono2")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblTelefono2"),
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "txtEmail")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblEmail"),
                            GetCustomAttributes = () => new object[]{ new EmailAttribute() }
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "txtObservaDonante")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblObservaDonante"),
                            GetCustomAttributes = () => new object[]{ new MultilineTextAttribute() }
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(Boolean), "chkRecibirPeti")
                            DisplayName = String.Empty
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "txtRecibirPetiMeses")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblRecibirPetiMesesAtras")
                        new PropertyVm(typeof(String), "cmbDonacionCentro")
                            DisplayName = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerRegistroObjeto("lblDonacionCentro"),
                            Choices = _procesoDonaService.ObtenerListaCentros()
ivansoriabia commented 5 years ago

HTML I get:

<div class="form-group has-valid">
        <label class="control-label" for="cmbTipoDonacion">Tipo de donación</label>
        <select name="cmbTipoDonacion" class="form-control">
                <option value="C">Reposición</option>            
                <option value="V">Voluntaria</option>            
                <option value="1">Autóloga</option>            
                <option value="2">Dirigida</option>            
                <option value="4">Designada</option>            
        <span class="help-block">
                <span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="cmbTipoDonacion" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span>

The ID for the above's property cmbTipoDonacion has't been add to the select.

HTML I want:

<div class="form-group has-valid">
        <label class="control-label" for="cmbTipoDonacion" class="col-lg-4">Tipo de donación</label>
        <select name="cmbTipoDonacion" class="form-control col-lg-6">
                <option value="C">Reposición</option>            
                <option value="V">Voluntaria</option>            
                <option value="1">Autóloga</option>            
                <option value="2">Dirigida</option>            
                <option value="4">Designada</option>            
        <span class="help-block">
                <span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="cmbTipoDonacion" data-valmsg-replace="true"></span>
mcintyre321 commented 5 years ago

So if you want the id, (I think) you have to edit and add id="@Model.Id" to the select.

You can override the cshtml file yourself, or you can fork the project, update the code, test the two Example projects and send me PR and I will update the nuge tpackages.

mcintyre321 commented 5 years ago

Out of interest, why have you not used a viewmodel class and used the reflection based FF.PropertiesFor method? Are the fields data driven?

ivansoriabia commented 5 years ago

My idea is to receive a list with the controls from DB, so then I will have to create them dynamically. Now I'm testing without getting the controls list from DB, so I have to create the PropertyVM like the comment I have posted above.

Don't worry about the ID's, I'm using instead the name attribute for my JQuery code.

ivansoriabia commented 5 years ago

Finally I have used JQuery to add Boostrap classes on my dynamically created properties. So I close this issue.

mcintyre321 commented 5 years ago

You can do it server side also by putting the html through CsQuery. Hope you're getting on well with FF!