Relating to #2:
If some name (property name) does contain a slash, it is not properly escaped with ~1.
I use it with var patch = new JsonDiffer().Diff(@object, result.ModifiedObject, false);.
Thanks for the bug report. I don't have a lot of time to work on this
library, but if you can submit a PR with some tests to demonstrate and fix
the issue, I will happily review, merge and publish the new code.
Relating to #2: If some name (property name) does contain a slash, it is not properly escaped with
. I use it withvar patch = new JsonDiffer().Diff(@object, result.ModifiedObject, false);
.When using this approach in, when comparing kubernetes deployment "annotations" which do contain
, the slash is not escaped and the resulting add path is:annotations/foo/bar
instead ofannotations/foo~1bar
.I use version