mckelvey / instagram-node-lib

The Instagram Node Lib is a helper library for node that makes communicating with the Instagram API easy.
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How to do paging? #9

Open furtivefelon opened 11 years ago

furtivefelon commented 11 years ago

Hey guys,

First of all thanks a lot for writing this incredibly useful piece of library!

I was just wondering for tags.recent{name:'blue'}), any approved way to do pagination? I understand for complete() callback, you can get the pagination url. However, is there a way of doing pagination within the confines of the library?

Thanks a lot!


lincolnlemos commented 10 years ago

Someone have this answer? I researched a lot about it and don't found anything.

mckelvey commented 10 years ago

There isn’t a build in method for pagination, but that’s a great idea. I’ll put that on the roadmap.

Amberlamps commented 10 years ago

Even though there is no build-in method, you can easily enable pagination yourself:

var request = require('request');

  user_id: 1032088109,
  count: 10,
  complete: getRecent

function getRecent(data, page) {

  // work with your data here

  if (page.hasOwnProperty('next_url')) {
    request(page['next_url'], function(err, response, body) {
      var body = JSON.parse(body);
      getRecent(, body.pagination);
