mckinsey / vizro

Vizro is a toolkit for creating modular data visualization applications.
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[QA] Update `tenacity` dependency to fix failing unit tests #530

Closed Anna-Xiong closed 1 week ago

Anna-Xiong commented 1 week ago


Fix failing vizro ai unit tests: Set tenacity upper bound to avoid issue described in



antonymilne commented 1 week ago

What is the version that actually causes a problem here? If it's 8.4.0 then a much better version specifier would be !=8.4.0, so that when a fixed version, say 8.4.1, comes out then you don't need to change the requirement again.

Anna-Xiong commented 1 week ago

What is the version that actually causes a problem here? If it's 8.4.0 then a much better version specifier would be !=8.4.0, so that when a fixed version, say 8.4.1, comes out then you don't need to change the requirement again.

It is the newly released version 8.4.0( only released a few hours ago), they now have even newer version 8.4.1, i can try to see if 8.4.1 resolves the issue, otherwise probably let's pin under 8.4.0?

huong-li-nguyen commented 1 week ago

If the tenacity 8.4.1 has been released and fixes the problem then there should be no need for any changes at all here and we shouldn't add a transitive dependency to our requirements. Anyone doing pip install vizro-ai will get the latest version of tenacity unless there's some weird conflict that we know of that forces them into the problematic 8.4.0. So best to just not do anything here I think and close the PR.

Ah yes, main seems to be fixed now as well!