mckinsey / vizro

Vizro is a toolkit for creating modular data visualization applications.
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[Bug] Ignore unexpected query parameters rather than raising an exception #539

Closed antonymilne closed 1 week ago

antonymilne commented 1 week ago


Before Going to http://localhost:8050/?species=virginica would raise error:

TypeError: Dashboard._make_page_layout() got an unexpected keyword argument 'species'

This was kind of a bug and kind of expected behaviour that we just didn't care about.

Now The query parameter is just ignored.

This is the solution recommended in it doesn't prevent us from using query parameters in the future (very likely to do so) and is consistent with behaviour if layout is no longer a function at some point in the future (not so likely).


antonymilne commented 1 week ago

Not sure why my new integration test isn't work well... We might need to move this to your QA tests instead @l0uden.

l0uden commented 1 week ago

Not sure why my new integration test isn't work well... We might need to move this to your QA tests instead @l0uden.

I'll write in vizro-qa repo