mclements / rstpm2

An R package for generalised survival models
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package won't install using dev_tools #1

Closed markdanese closed 10 years ago

markdanese commented 10 years ago

I have tried 4-5 times over the last couple of months to load the package from github using dev_tools. I am using install_github("mclements/rstpm2")

But each time it fails with an error. It gives a long set of errors, but the end is this:

7 errors generated. make: *\ [test-nmmin.o] Error 1 ERROR: compilation failed for package 'rstpm2'

I am running this on a Mac, which may be the problem, but I can't tell. I have the original version from 3 months ago, which runs (v 1.1.2). That process worked fine.

mclements commented 10 years ago

Mark and I followed up by email.

This was due to: (i) broken examples in the vignette and documentation not being checked by R CMD INSTALL, where the examples have now been corrected; (ii) a subtle bug where R_ext/Applic.h (for vmmin and nmmin) and RcppArmadillo.h headers are not compatible, where the code for R_ext/Applic.h was split into header and implementation to separate the two header files; and (iii) a well-known bug where the Mac requires FLIBS to be set for gfortran to work with RcppArmadillo.

I am grateful to Mark for bringing these bugs to my attention.

--- Mark Clements