mcm-ham / dragsort

jQuery List DragSort
3 stars 1 forks source link

Does not work with jQuery 3.x #25

Open mcm-ham opened 6 years ago

mcm-ham commented 6 years ago

The most recent version (at this time), 0.5.2, is not compatible with jQuery version 3.

It will work perfectly well with jQuery 2.2.4 (the most recent 2.x version at this time).

With version 3.x the following error occurs: jQuery.Deferred exception: e(...).children(...).size is not a function TypeError: e(...).children(...).size is not a function and Uncaught TypeError: e(...).children(...).size is not a function

Thank you for the great plugin. It is very useful and I love it, but I just wanted to make users aware that this is the cause of the error.



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CodePlex work item ID: '35208' Vote count: '1'