mcmlter / MDV-ClimEx

An RShiny web application for visualizing high frequency meteorological data and identifying extreme climate events in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Wind roses and averaging #8

Open hdugan opened 2 weeks ago

hdugan commented 2 weeks ago

A challenge with using a daily average wind speed for wind roses is you end up with a direction that is not realistic. Bonney is a great example. The two dominant wind directions are NE and SW (and these switch daily). As a result, your daily wind rose is from the SE (which doesn't reflect a real wind direction). Example below:


To correct this, a mode wind direction might make more sense if you want to stick with daily data.

hdugan commented 2 weeks ago

Mode is mathematical term for the most common value. I know using hourly data would be a lot of this type of app, so mode is probably the best choice. Although it gets weird pairing it with wind speed.

Here's an example

# custom functions for mode and rounding 
modes <- function(x) {
  ux <- unique(x)
  tab <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
  modes = ux[tab == max(tab)]
  modes[1] # get most common

round_any = function(x, accuracy, f=round){f(x/ accuracy) * accuracy}

# Get BOYM Wind Speed from EDI
scope = "knb-lter-mcm"
identifier = 7003
revision = list_data_package_revisions(scope, identifier, filter = "newest")
packageId <- paste(scope, identifier, revision, sep = ".")
res <- read_data_entity_names(packageId)

entityId <- res$entityId[7]
raw <- read_data_entity(packageId, entityId)

# Download data 
lb.wind <- readr::read_csv(file = raw) |> 
  mutate(date_time = mdy_hm(date_time)) %>% 
  mutate(date = as.Date(date_time))

# Create daily mode wdir and mean wspd 
lb.daily = lb.wind %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  group_by(date) %>% 
  mutate(wd2 = round_any(wdir, accuracy = 2), ws = round_any(wdir, accuracy = 2)) |> # bin by 2°
  summarise(wd = modes(wd2), ws = mean(wspd, na.rm = T)) # mode wind direction and mean wind speed