mcnamee / react-native-starter-kit

:rocket: A React Native boilerplate app to get you up and running very, very quickly :rocket:
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Cant debug with react native debugger. #180

Closed beratuslu closed 6 years ago

beratuslu commented 6 years ago

Hello everyone,

I am starting project as instructed in the readme file. I integrated my firebase with app when I signup it stucks at spinner... though saves email and password to firebase and it signs in without problem. I want to debug whats going on when I hit the signup button but it doesnt show any action etc nor in the react native debugger app. Why react native debugger cant connect to my app. How can I fix this issue?



mcnamee commented 6 years ago

Hi @beratuslu - It looks like you've got 2 debuggers open. You can only have one or the other. Try closing everything (including the packager, simulators etc), open React Native Debugger first, then npm start

beratuslu commented 6 years ago

@mcnamee I still cant see which action fires with which data. Why is that?

Richacinas commented 5 years ago

I'm experiencing the same issue.

Not sure if I can run the react native debugger while running this starter kit on my phone, or if I need an Andoid Studio virtual device and then I can debug in there.

I follow the steps but the debugger keeps waiting without anything connecting. What port should I open the debugger on?
