mcneel / rhino.inside-revit

This is the open-source repository for Rhino.Inside®.Revit
MIT License
260 stars 65 forks source link

Runtime Errors #248

Closed eirannejad closed 3 years ago

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Runtime Errors

(this initial comment is the place to write down notes and todo/action items for all the issues listed below)

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::57:: Delta VM: Avail +1 -> 134210414 MB, Used +4 -> 815 MB, Peak +26 -> 840 MB; RAM: Avail -35 -> 24755 MB, Used +16 -> 1014 MB, Peak +39 -> 1038 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9136, Used 864, User: Used 481 
'C 15-May-2020 08:12:39.700;   1:< Managed exception caught from external API application 'RhinoCommon' in method 'IntPtr ON_StringArray_New()' Exception type: '<System.DllNotFoundException>,' Exception method: '<Unable to load DLL 'rhcommon_c': The specified procedure could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007F)>,' Stack trace '      at UnsafeNativeMethods.ON_StringArray_New()
''   at Rhino.RhinoApp.CapturedCommandWindowStrings(Boolean clearBuffer)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Rhinoceros.Startup()
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Revit.OnStartup(UIControlledApplication applicationUI)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.ActivationGate.Open[T](Func`1 func, Object state)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.UI.Command.Autodesk.Revit.UI.IExternalCommand.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements) 
' 2:< ::57:: Delta VM: Avail -48 -> 134210367 MB, Used +4 -> 820 MB; RAM: Avail -21 -> 24734 MB, Used +2 -> 1016 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9128, Used 872, User: Used 491 
' 19.293582!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 

Console Log

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::82:: Delta VM: Avail -94 -> 134177415 MB, Used -30 -> 1134 MB, Peak +18 -> 1183 MB; RAM: Avail -44 -> 42528 MB, Used +44 -> 1182 MB, Peak +47 -> 1186 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8984, Used 1016, User: Used 614 
'  1.929136!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::82:: Delta VM: Avail -685 -> 134176731 MB, Used +116 -> 1251 MB, Peak +67 -> 1251 MB; RAM: Avail -147 -> 42382 MB, Used +34 -> 1217 MB, Peak +31 -> 1217 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8918, Used 1082, User: Used 1050 
'  9.599889!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::82:: Delta VM: Avail +37 -> 134176768 MB, Used -46 -> 1205 MB, Peak +2 -> 1253 MB; RAM: Avail -34 -> 42348 MB, Used +3 -> 1221 MB, Peak +4 -> 1222 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8924, Used 1076, User: Used 1058 
' 20.946885!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::82:: Delta VM: Avail -172482 -> 134004287 MB, Used +148 -> 1354 MB, Peak +103 -> 1356 MB; RAM: Avail -139 -> 42209 MB, Used +136 -> 1358 MB, Peak +138 -> 1360 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8686, Used 1314, User: Used 1401 
'  8.803509!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::82:: Delta VM: Avail -487 -> 134003800 MB, Used +140 -> 1494 MB, Peak +191 -> 1548 MB; RAM: Avail -138 -> 42072 MB, Used +116 -> 1474 MB, Peak +155 -> 1516 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8688, Used 1312, User: Used 1396 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 16-May-2020 09:13:30.435;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    647 ,    165
 'E 16-May-2020 09:13:30.435;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6781, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6782, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6783, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6784, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6785, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6786, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6787, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6788, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6789, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6790, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6791, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6792, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6793, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6794, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6795, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6796, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6797, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6798, name: , text: Sample 1, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample1, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6799, name: , text: Browse..., class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample4+Browse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6800, name: , text: Sample 8, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample8, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2018\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::84:: Delta VM: Avail +127 -> 134003928 MB, Used -41 -> 1454 MB; RAM: Avail +27 -> 42100 MB, Used -38 -> 1437 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8688, Used 1312, User: Used 1396 
' 45.315397   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 16-May-2020 09:13:30.630;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::84:: Delta VM: Avail -31 -> 134003898 MB, Used +24 -> 1478 MB; RAM: Avail -6 -> 42094 MB, Used +28 -> 1465 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8682, Used 1318, User: Used 1402 
 'E 16-May-2020 09:13:33.804;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    215 ,    208
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 16-May-2020 09:13:33.840;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    215 ,    208
 'E 16-May-2020 09:13:33.840;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 16-May-2020 09:13:33.843;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 'E 16-May-2020 09:13:33.861;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    215 ,    208
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 16-May-2020 09:13:34.503;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    347 ,    292
 'E 16-May-2020 09:13:34.503;   0:< 
 Jrn.MButtonDown   16 ,    347 ,    292
 'E 16-May-2020 09:13:34.670;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove   16 ,    368 ,    291
 'E 16-May-2020 09:13:34.670;   0:< 
 Jrn.MButtonUp    0 ,    368 ,    291
 ' 0:< ::93:: Delta VM: Avail -19 -> 134003879 MB, Used +44 -> 1522 MB; RAM: Avail +0 -> 42095 MB, Used +0 -> 1466 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8685, Used 1315, User: Used 1399 
 'H 16-May-2020 09:13:34.677;   0:< 
 Jrn.Data "ViewManipPanFlag"  _
         , 1
 'H 16-May-2020 09:13:34.677;   0:< 
 Jrn.Directive "ProjToPage"  _
         , "[Family1]", "Floor Plan: Ref. Level" _
         , 2127.19032518609129 _
         , 2127.19032518609129, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _
         , 0.00000000000000, 2127.19032518609129, 0.00000000000000 _
         , 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 2127.19032518609129 _
         , 631.00000000000045, -580.50000000000057, 0.00000000000000
 'H 16-May-2020 09:13:34.677;   0:< 
 Jrn.Data "ViewManipZoomFlag"  _
         , 0
 'H 16-May-2020 09:13:34.677;   0:< 
 Jrn.Data "ViewManipRotateFlag"  _
         , 0
 ' 0:< ::93:: Delta VM: Avail +17 -> 134003897 MB, Used -44 -> 1478 MB; RAM: Avail +1 -> 42096 MB, Used +1 -> 1467 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8686, Used 1314, User: Used 1398 
 'E 16-May-2020 09:13:39.844;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    395 ,    427
 'E 16-May-2020 09:13:39.844;   0:< 
 Jrn.Wheel      0 , -120 ,   1170 ,    599

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0060) - Since Last Record = 0.0060 (%0.02) - Pre-initialize .net
(1.4700) - Since Last Record = 1.4640 (%3.71) - Post-initialize .net
(9.8930) - Since Last Record = 8.4230 (%21.37) - after create and load AppSettings
(9.8940) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(10.1930) - Since Last Record = 0.2990 (%0.76) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(10.2020) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.02) - construct CMainFrame
(10.5430) - Since Last Record = 0.3410 (%0.86) - after load CMainFrame
(33.7900) - Since Last Record = 23.2470 (%58.97) - after initialize license manager
(33.8000) - Since Last Record = 0.0100 (%0.03) - after loading of cursor resources
(33.8300) - Since Last Record = 0.0300 (%0.08) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(35.2340) - Since Last Record = 1.4040 (%3.56) - Pre auto load plugins
(35.2790) - Since Last Record = 0.0450 (%0.11) - Toolbars
(35.2820) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.01) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(35.2840) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(35.2870) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.01) - RDK:Initialize: start
(35.2870) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(35.2980) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.03) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(35.2990) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(35.2990) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(35.3140) - Since Last Record = 0.0150 (%0.04) - RDK:Initialize: end
(35.3140) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(35.3140) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(35.3140) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(35.3450) - Since Last Record = 0.0310 (%0.08) - Renderer Development Kit
(35.5090) - Since Last Record = 0.1640 (%0.42) - Commands
(35.8120) - Since Last Record = 0.3030 (%0.77) - Snapshots
(36.1290) - Since Last Record = 0.3170 (%0.80) - Rhino Render
(36.3640) - Since Last Record = 0.2350 (%0.60) - RDK_EtoUI
(36.6380) - Since Last Record = 0.2740 (%0.70) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(36.9620) - Since Last Record = 0.3240 (%0.82) - RhinoCycles
(37.2750) - Since Last Record = 0.3130 (%0.79) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(37.5730) - Since Last Record = 0.2980 (%0.76) - Displacement
(37.6690) - Since Last Record = 0.0960 (%0.24) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(37.6700) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(37.6700) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(37.6700) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(37.6720) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(37.7410) - Since Last Record = 0.0690 (%0.18) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(38.0450) - Since Last Record = 0.3040 (%0.77) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(38.6880) - Since Last Record = 0.6430 (%1.63) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(38.6880) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(38.7050) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.04) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(38.7050) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(38.7050) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(38.8580) - Since Last Record = 0.1530 (%0.39) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(38.8580) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(38.8580) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(38.9290) - Since Last Record = 0.0710 (%0.18) - after Process Shell Commands
(39.4220) - Since Last Record = 0.4930 (%1.25) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::60:: Delta VM: Avail -131 -> 134210535 MB, Used +36 -> 811 MB, Peak +38 -> 814 MB; RAM: Avail -40 -> 8558 MB, Used +57 -> 897 MB, Peak +57 -> 897 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9105, Used 895, User: Used 467 
' 11.297553!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::60:: Delta VM: Avail -90551 -> 134119985 MB, Used +197 -> 1009 MB, Peak +194 -> 1009 MB; RAM: Avail -172 -> 8386 MB, Used +216 -> 1113 MB, Peak +216 -> 1113 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8710, Used 1290, User: Used 1329 
'  7.431214!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::60:: Delta VM: Avail -44 -> 134119941 MB, Used +101 -> 1110 MB, Peak +101 -> 1111 MB; RAM: Avail -123 -> 8264 MB, Used +117 -> 1231 MB, Peak +118 -> 1232 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8717, Used 1283, User: Used 1324 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 16-May-2020 21:30:32.741;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    525 ,     65
 'E 16-May-2020 21:30:32.741;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6415, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6416, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6417, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6418, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6419, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6420, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6421, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6422, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6423, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6424, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6425, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6426, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6427, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6428, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6429, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6430, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6431, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6432, name: , text: Sample 1, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample1, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6433, name: , text: Browse..., class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample4+Browse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6434, name: , text: Sample 8, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample8, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
 ' 1:< ::62:: Delta VM: Avail -3 -> 134119939 MB, Used +17 -> 1128 MB, Peak +19 -> 1130 MB; RAM: Avail -19 -> 8245 MB, Used +17 -> 1249 MB, Peak +19 -> 1251 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8718, Used 1282, User: Used 1317 
 'E 16-May-2020 21:30:43.534;   1:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    920 ,    257
 ' 1:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
' 1:< TaskDialog "Keyboard shortcut 'R' is now assigned to Rhino"
'Id : RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.ShowShortcutHelp
'Command Links:
'1001 : Customize keyboard shortcuts
'DefaultButton : 1001 
' 16.072844!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail +4 -> 134119943 MB, Used +1 -> 1130 MB, Peak +7 -> 1137 MB; RAM: Avail +79 -> 8324 MB, Used +2 -> 1251 MB, Peak +7 -> 1259 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8708, Used 1292, User: Used 1324 
' 1:< Muted: Jrn.Directive IdleTimeTaskSymbol 
' 0:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail 134119943 MB, Used -27 -> 1103 MB; RAM: Avail +10 -> 8335 MB, Used -26 -> 1226 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8708, Used 1292, User: Used 1324 
' 63.196835   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 16-May-2020 21:31:12.066;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 'E 16-May-2020 21:31:12.234;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1134 ,    344
 'E 16-May-2020 21:31:12.234;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 16-May-2020 21:31:12.241;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
'H 16-May-2020 21:31:12.284;   0:< 
Jrn.Directive "IdleTimeTaskInvocation"  _
        , "2.PostCommandTask", 0, "{}"
 'E 16-May-2020 21:31:12.290;   0:< 
 Jrn.Command "KeyboardShortcut" , " , ID_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT_DIALOG"
' 0:< Unnecessary nesting;ArrowUI_4;-1;ID_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT_DIALOG ;N++EB(NB); 
' 0:< TaskDialog "The shortcut RR is currently assigned to the command Render. "
'Id : TaskDialog_Shortcut_Duplication
'CommonButtons : Ok, Cancel
'DefaultButton : 1001 
' 0:< ::67:: Delta VM: Avail +9 -> 134119952 MB, Used -2 -> 1102 MB; RAM: Avail -21 -> 8315 MB, Used +1 -> 1227 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8707, Used 1293, User: Used 1319 
'H 16-May-2020 21:31:52.748;   0:< 
Jrn.Directive "IdleTimeTaskInvocation"  _
        , "2.PostCommandTask", 0, "end"
'C 16-May-2020 21:31:52.817;   0:< idle0_doc 
 'E 16-May-2020 21:31:53.367;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    574 ,    352
 'E 16-May-2020 21:31:53.367;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    574 ,    352
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 16-May-2020 21:31:53.489;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    574 ,    352
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 ' 0:< ::70:: Delta VM: Avail 134119952 MB, Used 1102 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 8304 MB, Used 1227 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8704, Used 1296, User: Used 1326 
 'E 16-May-2020 21:31:55.397;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1067 ,    377
 'E 16-May-2020 21:31:55.397;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,   1067 ,    377
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 16-May-2020 21:31:55.569;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,   1067 ,    377

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0180) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.12) - Pre-initialize .net
(10.7070) - Since Last Record = 10.6890 (%69.61) - Post-initialize .net
(10.9720) - Since Last Record = 0.2650 (%1.73) - after create and load AppSettings
(10.9730) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(11.2620) - Since Last Record = 0.2890 (%1.88) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(11.2750) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.08) - construct CMainFrame
(11.7100) - Since Last Record = 0.4350 (%2.83) - after load CMainFrame
(12.7260) - Since Last Record = 1.0160 (%6.62) - after initialize license manager
(12.7680) - Since Last Record = 0.0420 (%0.27) - after loading of cursor resources
(12.7920) - Since Last Record = 0.0240 (%0.16) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(12.8350) - Since Last Record = 0.0430 (%0.28) - Pre auto load plugins
(12.9040) - Since Last Record = 0.0690 (%0.45) - Toolbars
(12.9090) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.03) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(12.9110) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(12.9170) - Since Last Record = 0.0060 (%0.04) - RDK:Initialize: start
(12.9170) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(12.9390) - Since Last Record = 0.0220 (%0.14) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(12.9390) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(12.9390) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(12.9660) - Since Last Record = 0.0270 (%0.18) - RDK:Initialize: end
(12.9660) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(12.9660) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(12.9660) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(13.0110) - Since Last Record = 0.0450 (%0.29) - Renderer Development Kit
(13.2660) - Since Last Record = 0.2550 (%1.66) - Commands
(13.2740) - Since Last Record = 0.0080 (%0.05) - Snapshots
(13.2880) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.09) - Rhino Render
(13.4000) - Since Last Record = 0.1120 (%0.73) - RDK_EtoUI
(13.4100) - Since Last Record = 0.0100 (%0.07) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(13.5100) - Since Last Record = 0.1000 (%0.65) - RhinoCycles
(13.5280) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.12) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(13.5370) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.06) - Displacement
(13.5950) - Since Last Record = 0.0580 (%0.38) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(13.5960) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - after load default render engine
(13.5960) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(13.5980) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(13.6010) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.02) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(13.7020) - Since Last Record = 0.1010 (%0.66) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(13.7040) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(14.3190) - Since Last Record = 0.6150 (%4.00) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(14.3190) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(14.3610) - Since Last Record = 0.0420 (%0.27) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(14.3610) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(14.3610) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(14.6060) - Since Last Record = 0.2450 (%1.60) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(14.6060) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(14.6060) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(14.7380) - Since Last Record = 0.1320 (%0.86) - after Process Shell Commands
(15.3560) - Since Last Record = 0.6180 (%4.02) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -49731 -> 134159571 MB, Used +318 -> 1966 MB, Peak +312 -> 1967 MB; RAM: Avail -586 -> 24278 MB, Used +325 -> 2186 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8846, Used 1154, User: Used 1227 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 18-May-2020 09:15:04.909;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    598 ,    151
 'E 18-May-2020 09:15:04.910;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6447, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6448, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6449, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6450, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6451, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6452, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6453, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6454, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6455, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6456, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6457, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6458, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6459, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6460, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6461, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6462, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6463, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6464, name: , text: Sample 1, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample1, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6465, name: , text: Browse..., class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample4+Browse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6466, name: , text: Sample 8, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample8, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::65:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 134159569 MB, Used +4 -> 1970 MB, Peak +13 -> 1980 MB; RAM: Avail -6 -> 24272 MB, Used +4 -> 2191 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8835, Used 1165, User: Used 1236 
' 45.178319   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 18-May-2020 09:15:24.022;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
' 1:< SLOG $7640060f 2020-05-18 09:15:24.078 .LockUsers  R locked 
' 0:< SLOG $7640060f 2020-05-18 09:15:24.101 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 11380 -- no deltas 
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 0 hits = NaN ratio 
' 3:< SLOG $7640060f 2020-05-18 09:15:24.127 .Auto:LockUsers  R unlocked 
' 2:< >ER::dumpCache 0 OLD versus 0 NEW 
' 2:< <ER::dumpCache 
' 0:< SLOG $7640060f 2020-05-18 09:15:24.138 <Auto 
 'E 18-May-2020 09:15:24.233;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 18-May-2020 09:15:24.238;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< SLOG $7640060f 2020-05-18 09:15:29.162 .LockUsers  R locked 
' 0:< SLOG $7640060f 2020-05-18 09:15:29.188 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 11380 -- no deltas 
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 0 hits = NaN ratio 
' 3:< ::67:: Delta VM: Avail 134159569 MB, Used +2 -> 1973 MB; RAM: Avail +11 -> 24284 MB, Used +2 -> 2194 MB 
' 3:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8837, Used 1163, User: Used 1237 
' 3:< SLOG $7640060f 2020-05-18 09:15:29.204 .Auto:LockUsers  R unlocked 
' 2:< >ER::dumpCache 0 OLD versus 0 NEW 
' 2:< <ER::dumpCache 
' 0:< SLOG $7640060f 2020-05-18 09:15:29.215 <Auto 
 'E 18-May-2020 09:15:29.228;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    549 ,      1
 'E 18-May-2020 09:15:29.228;   0:< 

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandRhino:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino"
'  0.100107   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 18-May-2020 09:15:29.330;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::69:: Delta VM: Avail -253 -> 134159317 MB, Used +122 -> 2096 MB, Peak +155 -> 2136 MB; RAM: Avail -81 -> 24203 MB, Used +73 -> 2268 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8691, Used 1309, User: Used 1357 
 'E 18-May-2020 09:15:37.549;   0:< 
 Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling" , "FileDialog(Win7Open,Open).Cancel()"
' 1:< ::70:: Delta VM: Avail +22 -> 134159339 MB, Used 2096 MB; RAM: Avail +17 -> 24220 MB, Used -1 -> 2267 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8788, Used 1212, User: Used 1249 
' 1:< SLOG $7640060f 2020-05-18 09:15:45.555 .LockUsers  R locked 
' 0:< SLOG $7640060f 2020-05-18 09:15:45.575 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 11380 -- no deltas 
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 0 hits = NaN ratio 
' 3:< SLOG $7640060f 2020-05-18 09:15:45.594 .Auto:LockUsers  R unlocked 
' 2:< >ER::dumpCache 0 OLD versus 0 NEW 
' 2:< <ER::dumpCache 
' 0:< SLOG $7640060f 2020-05-18 09:15:45.605 <Auto 
 'E 18-May-2020 09:15:45.632;   0:< 
 Jrn.Command "Ribbon" , "Create a default 3D orthographic view. , ID_VIEW_DEFAULT_3DVIEW"
 ' 0:< Unnecessary nesting;ArrowUI_4;-1;ID_VIEW_DEFAULT_3DVIEW ;N++EB(NB); 
' 0:< The above Jrn.Command comes from QAT with CommandId [ID_VIEW_DEFAULT_3DVIEW] 
 'E 18-May-2020 09:15:45.687;   0:< 
 ' [Jrn.TabbedViewAnalytics] ViewCount:2
 'H 18-May-2020 09:15:45.687;   0:< 
 Jrn.Directive "GlobalToProj"  _
         , "[1156_AR_BLACKTOWN ICTE_BASE BUILDING_MASTER_tflaye.rvt]", "3D View: {3D - tflaye}" _
         , 0.01000000000000 _
         , 0.80993698932949, -0.26255474656108, 0.52446837690572 _
         , 0.58651689942906, 0.36256892371023, -0.72425251276315 _
         , -0.00000000000000, 0.89420846597304, 0.44765077837768 _
         , -1529.24476199108221, 70.68579207087259, -3871.66418053463804

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0580) - Since Last Record = 0.0580 (%0.34) - Pre-initialize .net
(7.0670) - Since Last Record = 7.0090 (%40.81) - Post-initialize .net
(7.7840) - Since Last Record = 0.7170 (%4.17) - after create and load AppSettings
(7.7860) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(9.1170) - Since Last Record = 1.3310 (%7.75) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(9.1440) - Since Last Record = 0.0270 (%0.16) - construct CMainFrame
(9.3580) - Since Last Record = 0.2140 (%1.25) - after load CMainFrame
(13.1630) - Since Last Record = 3.8050 (%22.16) - after initialize license manager
(13.2350) - Since Last Record = 0.0720 (%0.42) - after loading of cursor resources
(13.2640) - Since Last Record = 0.0290 (%0.17) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(14.9360) - Since Last Record = 1.6720 (%9.74) - Pre auto load plugins
(15.0200) - Since Last Record = 0.0840 (%0.49) - Toolbars
(15.0420) - Since Last Record = 0.0220 (%0.13) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(15.0490) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.04) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(15.0560) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.04) - RDK:Initialize: start
(15.0560) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(15.1070) - Since Last Record = 0.0510 (%0.30) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(15.1080) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(15.1080) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(15.1410) - Since Last Record = 0.0330 (%0.19) - RDK:Initialize: end
(15.1410) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(15.1410) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(15.1410) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(15.2130) - Since Last Record = 0.0720 (%0.42) - Renderer Development Kit
(15.5200) - Since Last Record = 0.3070 (%1.79) - Commands
(15.5390) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.11) - Snapshots
(15.5670) - Since Last Record = 0.0280 (%0.16) - Rhino Render
(15.6980) - Since Last Record = 0.1310 (%0.76) - RDK_EtoUI
(15.7210) - Since Last Record = 0.0230 (%0.13) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(15.9180) - Since Last Record = 0.1970 (%1.15) - RhinoCycles
(16.0080) - Since Last Record = 0.0900 (%0.52) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(16.0230) - Since Last Record = 0.0150 (%0.09) - Displacement
(16.0580) - Since Last Record = 0.0350 (%0.20) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(16.0590) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - after load default render engine
(16.0590) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(16.0700) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.06) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(16.0730) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.02) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(16.1620) - Since Last Record = 0.0890 (%0.52) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(16.1650) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.02) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(16.5220) - Since Last Record = 0.3570 (%2.08) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(16.5220) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(16.5670) - Since Last Record = 0.0450 (%0.26) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(16.5670) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(16.5670) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(16.7950) - Since Last Record = 0.2280 (%1.33) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(16.7950) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(16.7950) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(17.1740) - Since Last Record = 0.3790 (%2.21) - after Process Shell Commands
(17.1740) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::82:: Delta VM: Avail 134209594 MB, Used -5 -> 1486 MB, Peak +18 -> 1509 MB; RAM: Avail +11 -> 25385 MB, Used +34 -> 1134 MB, Peak +57 -> 1157 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9088, Used 912, User: Used 475 
'C 18-May-2020 17:40:03.155;   1:< Managed exception caught from external API application 'RhinoCommon' in method 'IntPtr ON_StringArray_New()' Exception type: '<System.DllNotFoundException>,' Exception method: '<Unable to load DLL 'rhcommon_c': The specified procedure could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007F)>,' Stack trace '      at UnsafeNativeMethods.ON_StringArray_New()
''   at Rhino.RhinoApp.CapturedCommandWindowStrings(Boolean clearBuffer)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Rhinoceros.Startup()
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Revit.OnStartup(UIControlledApplication applicationUI)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.ActivationGate.Open[T](Func`1 func, Object state)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.UI.Command.Autodesk.Revit.UI.IExternalCommand.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements) 

Console Log

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::108:: Delta VM: Avail -137 -> 134177677 MB, Used +29 -> 883 MB; RAM: Avail -44 -> 44364 MB, Used +48 -> 999 MB, Peak +20 -> 999 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8920, Used 1080, User: Used 602 
'  2.042581!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::108:: Delta VM: Avail -220 -> 134177457 MB, Used +151 -> 1034 MB, Peak +52 -> 1036 MB; RAM: Avail -39 -> 44325 MB, Used +25 -> 1025 MB, Peak +25 -> 1025 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8870, Used 1130, User: Used 1035 
'  2.487624!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::108:: Delta VM: Avail +109 -> 134177567 MB, Used -125 -> 910 MB; RAM: Avail -242 -> 44084 MB, Used +4 -> 1029 MB, Peak +5 -> 1030 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8855, Used 1145, User: Used 1040 
'  6.535368!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< DBG_WARN: Strangely, there is no view currently active in the given 'active ' document: line 257 of Objects\APIUIDocumentHandwritten.cpp. 
' 2:< ::108:: Delta VM: Avail +10 -> 134177578 MB, Used 910 MB; RAM: Avail +146 -> 44231 MB, Used 1029 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8857, Used 1143, User: Used 1036 
'167.386521!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::108:: Delta VM: Avail 134177578 MB, Used 910 MB; RAM: Avail -132 -> 44100 MB, Used 1029 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8857, Used 1143, User: Used 1036 
' 64.925544!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:28.129;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1340 ,    926
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:28.129;   1:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,   1340 ,    926
 ' 1:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:28.317;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,   1340 ,    926
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:28.317;   1:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,   1340 ,    926
 ' 1:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
' 2:< ::112:: Delta VM: Avail -3 -> 134177575 MB, Used +1 -> 911 MB; RAM: Avail +215 -> 44315 MB, Used +1 -> 1030 MB, Peak +0 -> 1031 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8858, Used 1142, User: Used 1037 
'  6.232153!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:36.494;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   2014 ,    153
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:36.494;   1:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,   2014 ,    153
 ' 1:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:36.691;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,   2014 ,    153
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:36.691;   1:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,   2014 ,    153
 ' 1:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:38.723;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1238 ,   1049
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:38.723;   1:< 
 Jrn.Wheel      0 , -120 ,   1894 ,   1393
 ' 1:< ::118:: Delta VM: Avail 134177575 MB, Used +31 -> 942 MB; RAM: Avail +2 -> 44318 MB, Used 1030 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8861, Used 1139, User: Used 1036 
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:39.196;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1238 ,   1049
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:39.196;   1:< 
 Jrn.Wheel      0 ,  120 ,   1894 ,   1393
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:39.569;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1238 ,   1049
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:39.569;   1:< 
 Jrn.Wheel      0 ,  120 ,   1894 ,   1393
 ' 1:< ::122:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 134177574 MB, Used -32 -> 911 MB; RAM: Avail -9 -> 44309 MB, Used +0 -> 1031 MB, Peak +3 -> 1034 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8861, Used 1139, User: Used 1037 
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:43.143;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    553 ,      8
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:43.143;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "TabActivated:Add-Ins"
 ' 1:< ::124:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 134177573 MB, Used +5 -> 916 MB; RAM: Avail -70 -> 44239 MB, Used +5 -> 1036 MB, Peak +8 -> 1043 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8861, Used 1139, User: Used 1037 
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:49.391;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "TabActivated:Modify"
' 11.948612!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:52.500;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,   1560 ,    105
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:52.500;   1:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,   1560 ,    105
 ' 1:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:55.263;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1538 ,      0
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:55.263;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "TabActivated:Architecture"
' 2:< ::129:: Delta VM: Avail 134177573 MB, Used +2 -> 918 MB; RAM: Avail +26 -> 44266 MB, Used +1 -> 1038 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8858, Used 1142, User: Used 1037 
'  2.939460!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:56.391;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1143 ,    179
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:56.391;   1:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,   1143 ,    179
 ' 1:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:56.483;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,   1143 ,    179
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:56.484;   1:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,   1143 ,    179
 ' 1:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:58.497;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1259 ,     25
 'E 20-May-2020 09:57:58.498;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "TabActivated:Add-Ins"
'  3.332312!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
 'E 20-May-2020 09:58:00.130;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   2026 ,    112
 'E 20-May-2020 09:58:00.130;   1:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,   2026 ,    112
 ' 1:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 20-May-2020 09:58:00.228;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,   2026 ,    112
 'E 20-May-2020 09:58:00.228;   1:< 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0170) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.01) - Pre-initialize .net
(0.6680) - Since Last Record = 0.6510 (%0.22) - Post-initialize .net
(0.9500) - Since Last Record = 0.2820 (%0.09) - after create and load AppSettings
(0.9510) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(2.0590) - Since Last Record = 1.1080 (%0.37) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(2.0960) - Since Last Record = 0.0370 (%0.01) - construct CMainFrame
(2.5300) - Since Last Record = 0.4340 (%0.15) - after load CMainFrame
(294.6380) - Since Last Record = 292.1080 (%97.82) - after initialize license manager
(294.6950) - Since Last Record = 0.0570 (%0.02) - after loading of cursor resources
(294.8060) - Since Last Record = 0.1110 (%0.04) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(295.0250) - Since Last Record = 0.2190 (%0.07) - Pre auto load plugins
(295.1100) - Since Last Record = 0.0850 (%0.03) - Toolbars
(295.1310) - Since Last Record = 0.0210 (%0.01) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(295.1460) - Since Last Record = 0.0150 (%0.01) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(295.1580) - Since Last Record = 0.0120 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: start
(295.1590) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(295.1890) - Since Last Record = 0.0300 (%0.01) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(295.1900) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(295.1900) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(295.2220) - Since Last Record = 0.0320 (%0.01) - RDK:Initialize: end
(295.2220) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(295.2220) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(295.2220) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(295.2700) - Since Last Record = 0.0480 (%0.02) - Renderer Development Kit
(295.5530) - Since Last Record = 0.2830 (%0.09) - Commands
(295.5840) - Since Last Record = 0.0310 (%0.01) - Snapshots
(295.7700) - Since Last Record = 0.1860 (%0.06) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\Plug-ins\ggRhinoIFC.rui
(295.9720) - Since Last Record = 0.2020 (%0.07) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(295.9720) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - ggRhinoIFC
(295.9980) - Since Last Record = 0.0260 (%0.01) - Rhino Render
(296.1420) - Since Last Record = 0.1440 (%0.05) - RDK_EtoUI
(296.1910) - Since Last Record = 0.0490 (%0.02) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(296.3510) - Since Last Record = 0.1600 (%0.05) - RhinoCycles
(296.4080) - Since Last Record = 0.0570 (%0.02) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(296.4380) - Since Last Record = 0.0300 (%0.01) - Displacement
(296.5110) - Since Last Record = 0.0730 (%0.02) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(296.5120) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(296.5120) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(296.5150) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.00) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(296.5170) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.00) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(296.5570) - Since Last Record = 0.0400 (%0.01) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(296.5590) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.00) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(297.3510) - Since Last Record = 0.7920 (%0.27) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(297.3510) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(297.4520) - Since Last Record = 0.1010 (%0.03) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(297.4520) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(297.4520) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(297.7780) - Since Last Record = 0.3260 (%0.11) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(297.7780) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(297.7780) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(297.9300) - Since Last Record = 0.1520 (%0.05) - after Process Shell Commands
(298.6330) - Since Last Record = 0.7030 (%0.24) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::1337:: Delta VM: Avail -172 -> 134210263 MB, Used +48 -> 1160 MB, Peak +28 -> 1167 MB; RAM: Avail -83 -> 20967 MB, Used +69 -> 1296 MB, Peak +73 -> 1300 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9021, Used 979, User: Used 494 
'  4.830565!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
 ' 1:< ::1337:: Delta VM: Avail -317 -> 134209947 MB, Used +141 -> 1302 MB, Peak +155 -> 1323 MB; RAM: Avail -161 -> 20806 MB, Used +163 -> 1460 MB, Peak +164 -> 1465 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8737, Used 1263, User: Used 1250 
 'E 20-May-2020 09:39:19.646;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    400 ,    265
 'E 20-May-2020 09:39:19.646;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "TabActivated:View"
' 10.665954!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::1339:: Delta VM: Avail -94 -> 134209853 MB, Used +138 -> 1440 MB, Peak +117 -> 1441 MB; RAM: Avail -138 -> 20669 MB, Used +157 -> 1617 MB, Peak +153 -> 1618 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8732, Used 1268, User: Used 1248 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 20-May-2020 09:39:26.110;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6415, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6416, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6417, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6418, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6419, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6420, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6421, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6422, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6423, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6424, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6425, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6426, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6427, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6428, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6429, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6430, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6431, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6432, name: , text: Sample 1, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample1, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6433, name: , text: Browse..., class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample4+Browse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6434, name: , text: Sample 8, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample8, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::1340:: Delta VM: Avail +0 -> 134209854 MB, Used -24 -> 1416 MB, Peak +4 -> 1445 MB; RAM: Avail +10 -> 20679 MB, Used -24 -> 1594 MB, Peak +3 -> 1622 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8732, Used 1268, User: Used 1250 
' 22.056884   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 20-May-2020 09:39:26.535;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
' 1:< ::1340:: Delta VM: Avail -20 -> 134209834 MB, Used +9 -> 1426 MB; RAM: Avail +0 -> 20680 MB, Used +9 -> 1604 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8723, Used 1277, User: Used 1251 
' 1:< SLOG $e076d8f1 2020-05-20 09:39:26.943 .LockUsers  R locked 
'  0.134238   1:<<<acquirePermissionsLocks 
' 0:< SLOG $e076d8f1 2020-05-20 09:39:26.975 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 427660 to 427680;  
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 1 hits =  0.0 ratio 
' 4:< start logDiffEP of only CENTRAL_BORROWS 
' 4:< [gainEP] origId = 1277275 creation = f84ab255-ca78-48ae-bd15-965c98a6c87f: at 1075 granted to [willc_2020] 
' 4:< stop logDiffEP of only CENTRAL_BORROWS 
' 3:< SLOG $e076d8f1 2020-05-20 09:39:27.079 .Auto:LockUsers  R unlocked 
'  0.103955    2:<<TWC get lock [\\SERVERBJOERN\DATHA1\PROJEKTE\04_Competitions\WB_1462_RevelationMuseum_Makkah\43_Revit\WB_1462_CentralFile.rvt] 
' 2:< >ER::dumpCache 1 OLD versus 1 NEW 
' 2:< ER::dumpCache origId = 978269 creation = d5e77946-4451-48d3-9635-bbf851292535 -> OLD king 978269 workset 0 owner 2 [i.polley] NEW king 978269 workset 0 owner 2 [i.polley] 
' 2:< <ER::dumpCache 
'  0.104548   1:<<transactWithCentral 0- refresh 
' 0:< SLOG $e076d8f1 2020-05-20 09:39:27.090 <Auto 
 'E 20-May-2020 09:39:27.173;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    183 ,    117
 'E 20-May-2020 09:39:27.174;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 20-May-2020 09:39:27.180;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 'E 20-May-2020 09:39:29.616;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    231 ,    146
 'E 20-May-2020 09:39:29.616;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    231 ,    146
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 20-May-2020 09:39:29.744;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    231 ,    146
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 20-May-2020 09:39:29.976;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    8 , "VK_CONTROL" , 29
 'E 20-May-2020 09:39:30.231;   0:< 
 Jrn.Command "AccelKey" , "Save the active project , ID_REVIT_FILE_SAVE"
' 0:< Unnecessary nesting;ArrowUI_4;-1;ID_REVIT_FILE_SAVE ;N++EB(NB); 
' 1:<   System (MB) [Available /  Total ]  [Revit Memory Usage (MB)   ] 
' 1:< RAM Statistics:    20680 /    32685      1605=InUse     1622=Peak  
' 1:< VM  Statistics: 134209831 / 134217727      1426=InUse     1445=Peak  
' 1:<  0 ModelServerState "Created": Current server = "Not Queried", Model server = "", Model server state = "Not Applicable" 
' 4:< ::1348:: Delta VM: Avail -154 -> 134209680 MB, Used 1426 MB; RAM: Avail -1 -> 20679 MB, Used +0 -> 1605 MB 
' 4:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8736, Used 1264, User: Used 1236 
'C 20-May-2020 09:39:30.429;  File: Open 
'10:< SLOG $e076d8f1 2020-05-20 09:39:30.533 .LockUsers  R locked 
' 9:< EP::readDeltas 0 to 20 ignored; caller said refreshAllElements 
' 9:< SLOG $e076d8f1 2020-05-20 09:39:30.554 .LockUsers  R unlocked 
'  0.105542          8:<<loading DocumentStorageIndex 
 'E 20-May-2020 09:39:30.565;   8:< 
 ' [Jrn.BasicFileInfo] Rvt.Attr.Worksharing: File-Based Central Rvt.Attr.Username:  Rvt.Attr.CentralModelPath: \\SERVERBJOERN\DATHA1\PROJEKTE\04_Competitions\WB_1462_RevelationMuseum_Makkah\43_Revit\WB_1462_CentralFile.rvt Rvt.Attr.RevitBuildVersion: Autodesk Revit 2020 (Build: 20190327_2315(x64)) Rvt.Attr.LastSavePath: \\SERVERBJOERN\DATHA1\PROJEKTE\04_Competitions\WB_1462_RevelationMuseum_Makkah\43_Revit\WB_1462_CentralFile.rvt Rvt.Attr.LTProject: notLTProject Rvt.Attr.LocaleWhenSaved: ENU Rvt.Attr.FileExt: rvt 
'  0.138697         7:<<loadSerializeImpl/ALL_GAPS   0.033155/Threshold_GAPs 98% 
'  0.138837        6:<<loadSerialize 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0350) - Since Last Record = 0.0350 (%0.33) - Pre-initialize .net
(2.7380) - Since Last Record = 2.7030 (%25.10) - Post-initialize .net
(3.1480) - Since Last Record = 0.4100 (%3.81) - after create and load AppSettings
(3.1490) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(3.2940) - Since Last Record = 0.1450 (%1.35) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(3.3080) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.13) - construct CMainFrame
(3.4570) - Since Last Record = 0.1490 (%1.38) - after load CMainFrame
(6.8020) - Since Last Record = 3.3450 (%31.06) - after initialize license manager
(6.8650) - Since Last Record = 0.0630 (%0.59) - after loading of cursor resources
(6.8850) - Since Last Record = 0.0200 (%0.19) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(8.1110) - Since Last Record = 1.2260 (%11.39) - Pre auto load plugins
(8.1860) - Since Last Record = 0.0750 (%0.70) - Toolbars
(8.4880) - Since Last Record = 0.3020 (%2.80) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(8.4910) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.03) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(8.4950) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.04) - RDK:Initialize: start
(8.4950) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(8.5120) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.16) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(8.5120) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(8.5120) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(8.5350) - Since Last Record = 0.0230 (%0.21) - RDK:Initialize: end
(8.5350) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(8.5350) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(8.5350) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(8.6020) - Since Last Record = 0.0670 (%0.62) - Renderer Development Kit
(8.9130) - Since Last Record = 0.3110 (%2.89) - Commands
(8.9340) - Since Last Record = 0.0210 (%0.20) - Snapshots
(8.9550) - Since Last Record = 0.0210 (%0.20) - Rhino Render
(9.0980) - Since Last Record = 0.1430 (%1.33) - RDK_EtoUI
(9.1230) - Since Last Record = 0.0250 (%0.23) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(9.5440) - Since Last Record = 0.4210 (%3.91) - RhinoCycles
(9.6110) - Since Last Record = 0.0670 (%0.62) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(9.6330) - Since Last Record = 0.0220 (%0.20) - Displacement
(9.6690) - Since Last Record = 0.0360 (%0.33) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(9.6690) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(9.6690) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(9.6800) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.10) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(9.6840) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.04) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(9.7670) - Since Last Record = 0.0830 (%0.77) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(9.7700) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.03) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(10.1720) - Since Last Record = 0.4020 (%3.73) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(10.1720) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(10.2180) - Since Last Record = 0.0460 (%0.43) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(10.2180) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(10.2180) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(10.4150) - Since Last Record = 0.1970 (%1.83) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(10.4150) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(10.4150) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(10.7680) - Since Last Record = 0.3530 (%3.28) - after Process Shell Commands
(10.7680) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::70:: Delta VM: Avail -127 -> 134209703 MB, Used +27 -> 1282 MB, Peak +12 -> 1286 MB; RAM: Avail -329 -> 17582 MB, Used +47 -> 1392 MB, Peak +46 -> 1392 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8399, Used 1601, User: Used 494 
'  1.876761!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::70:: Delta VM: Avail -88 -> 134209616 MB, Used +46 -> 1328 MB, Peak +42 -> 1329 MB; RAM: Avail +221 -> 17804 MB, Used +22 -> 1414 MB, Peak +21 -> 1414 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8324, Used 1676, User: Used 930 
' 11.942905!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::70:: Delta VM: Avail 134209616 MB, Used -9 -> 1320 MB; RAM: Avail +28 -> 17832 MB, Used +2 -> 1416 MB, Peak +2 -> 1417 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8326, Used 1674, User: Used 927 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< TaskDialog "Rhino.Inside failed to load"
'Id : RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.ShowLoadError
'Command Links:
'1001 : 1. Run Revit without other Addins
'1002 : 2. Run Rhino.Inside in verbose mode
'1003 : 3. Send report
'DefaultButton : 1003 
' 1:< ::70:: Delta VM: Avail +2 -> 134209618 MB, Used -9 -> 1311 MB, Peak +12 -> 1342 MB; RAM: Avail +87 -> 17919 MB, Used +15 -> 1432 MB, Peak +46 -> 1463 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8352, Used 1648, User: Used 613 
'C 20-May-2020 08:44:08.026;   1:< Managed exception caught from external API application 'RhinoInside.Revit' in method 'Void RunVerboseMode(Autodesk.Revit.UI.ExternalCommandData)' Exception type: '<System.NullReferenceException>,' Exception method: '<Object reference not set to an instance of an object.>,' Stack trace '      at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.RunVerboseMode(ExternalCommandData data)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.ShowLoadError(ExternalCommandData data)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.ActivationGate.Open[T](Func`1 func, Object state)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.UI.Command.Autodesk.Revit.UI.IExternalCommand.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements) 
' 2:< ::70:: Delta VM: Avail -17 -> 134209602 MB, Used +1 -> 1312 MB; RAM: Avail 17919 MB, Used +0 -> 1433 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8349, Used 1651, User: Used 621 
' 20.394033!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 

Console Log

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::1269:: Delta VM: Avail -127 -> 134208182 MB, Used +17 -> 2936 MB; RAM: Avail -47 -> 17285 MB, Used +40 -> 2623 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8810, Used 1190, User: Used 714 
'  3.992966!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::1269:: Delta VM: Avail -98591 -> 134109592 MB, Used +108 -> 3045 MB, Peak +91 -> 3061 MB; RAM: Avail -101 -> 17185 MB, Used +134 -> 2758 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8544, Used 1456, User: Used 1463 
' 39.393873!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::1269:: Delta VM: Avail -32817 -> 134076775 MB, Used +27 -> 3073 MB, Peak +12 -> 3074 MB; RAM: Avail -26 -> 17159 MB, Used +23 -> 2781 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8517, Used 1483, User: Used 1476 
'  3.201642!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::1269:: Delta VM: Avail -565 -> 134076211 MB, Used +216 -> 3289 MB, Peak +220 -> 3294 MB; RAM: Avail -217 -> 16943 MB, Used +199 -> 2981 MB, Peak +86 -> 2986 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8511, Used 1489, User: Used 1492 
' 19.592836!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::1269:: Delta VM: Avail -15 -> 134076196 MB, Used +11 -> 3300 MB, Peak +6 -> 3301 MB; RAM: Avail -14 -> 16929 MB, Used +12 -> 2994 MB, Peak +7 -> 2994 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8512, Used 1488, User: Used 1487 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 21-May-2020 21:38:18.063;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    969 ,    322
 'E 21-May-2020 21:38:18.063;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6598, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6599, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6600, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6601, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6602, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6603, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6604, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6605, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6606, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6607, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6608, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6609, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6610, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6611, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6612, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6613, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6614, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6615, name: , text: Sample 1, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample1, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6616, name: , text: Browse..., class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample4+Browse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6617, name: , text: Sample 8, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample8, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::1271:: Delta VM: Avail +128 -> 134076324 MB, Used -31 -> 3269 MB, Peak +5 -> 3306 MB; RAM: Avail +16 -> 16945 MB, Used -30 -> 2964 MB, Peak +5 -> 3000 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8512, Used 1488, User: Used 1487 
' 69.280657   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 21-May-2020 21:38:18.870;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 1:< ::1271:: Delta VM: Avail -5 -> 134076320 MB, Used +12 -> 3282 MB; RAM: Avail -9 -> 16936 MB, Used +12 -> 2977 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8508, Used 1492, User: Used 1484 
 'E 21-May-2020 21:38:19.509;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    790 ,    372
 'E 21-May-2020 21:38:19.509;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 21-May-2020 21:38:19.515;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 ' 0:< ::1274:: Delta VM: Avail +15 -> 134076335 MB, Used 3282 MB; RAM: Avail -4 -> 16933 MB, Used 2977 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8512, Used 1488, User: Used 1488 
 'E 21-May-2020 21:38:32.267;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,     67 ,     45
 'E 21-May-2020 21:38:32.268;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_CONTROL" , 32925
 'E 21-May-2020 21:38:32.276;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_CONTROL" , 33181
 'E 21-May-2020 21:38:32.282;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_SHIFT" , 32938
 'E 21-May-2020 21:38:32.290;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_SHIFT" , 32950
 ' 0:< ::1279:: Delta VM: Avail -15 -> 134076321 MB, Used 3282 MB; RAM: Avail -12 -> 16921 MB, Used 2977 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8512, Used 1488, User: Used 1491 
 'E 21-May-2020 21:38:35.869;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandRhino:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino"
'  0.122038   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 21-May-2020 21:38:35.992;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::1280:: Delta VM: Avail -320 -> 134076001 MB, Used +206 -> 3488 MB, Peak +187 -> 3494 MB; RAM: Avail -142 -> 16780 MB, Used +128 -> 3105 MB, Peak +119 -> 3119 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8497, Used 1503, User: Used 1511 
 'E 21-May-2020 21:39:00.771;   0:< 
 Jrn.RButtonDown    2 ,    161 ,    358
 'E 21-May-2020 21:39:01.295;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    2 ,    170 ,    355
 'E 21-May-2020 21:39:01.296;   0:< 
 Jrn.RButtonUp    0 ,    170 ,    355
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 21-May-2020 21:39:02.219;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    576 ,    351
 'E 21-May-2020 21:39:02.219;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    576 ,    351
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 21-May-2020 21:39:02.502;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    242 ,    353
 'E 21-May-2020 21:39:02.503;   0:< 
 Jrn.Wheel      0 , -120 ,    567 ,    548
 'H 21-May-2020 21:39:02.504;   0:< 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0330) - Since Last Record = 0.0330 (%0.08) - Pre-initialize .net
(2.0860) - Since Last Record = 2.0530 (%4.87) - Post-initialize .net
(2.4170) - Since Last Record = 0.3310 (%0.78) - after create and load AppSettings
(2.4180) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(37.0570) - Since Last Record = 34.6390 (%82.14) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(37.0730) - Since Last Record = 0.0160 (%0.04) - construct CMainFrame
(37.3100) - Since Last Record = 0.2370 (%0.56) - after load CMainFrame
(38.1590) - Since Last Record = 0.8490 (%2.01) - after initialize license manager
(38.2120) - Since Last Record = 0.0530 (%0.13) - after loading of cursor resources
(38.2890) - Since Last Record = 0.0770 (%0.18) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(39.1520) - Since Last Record = 0.8630 (%2.05) - Pre auto load plugins
(39.2140) - Since Last Record = 0.0620 (%0.15) - Toolbars
(39.4600) - Since Last Record = 0.2460 (%0.58) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(39.4630) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.01) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(39.4680) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.01) - RDK:Initialize: start
(39.4680) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(39.4830) - Since Last Record = 0.0150 (%0.04) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(39.4830) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(39.4830) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(39.5040) - Since Last Record = 0.0210 (%0.05) - RDK:Initialize: end
(39.5040) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(39.5040) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(39.5040) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(39.5650) - Since Last Record = 0.0610 (%0.14) - Renderer Development Kit
(39.8650) - Since Last Record = 0.3000 (%0.71) - Commands
(39.8790) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.03) - Snapshots
(39.8960) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.04) - Rhino Render
(39.9970) - Since Last Record = 0.1010 (%0.24) - RDK_EtoUI
(40.0230) - Since Last Record = 0.0260 (%0.06) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(40.2400) - Since Last Record = 0.2170 (%0.51) - RhinoCycles
(40.2630) - Since Last Record = 0.0230 (%0.05) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(40.2760) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.03) - Displacement
(40.3190) - Since Last Record = 0.0430 (%0.10) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(40.3190) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(40.3200) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(40.3200) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(40.3230) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.01) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(40.3890) - Since Last Record = 0.0660 (%0.16) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(40.3900) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(40.8320) - Since Last Record = 0.4420 (%1.05) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(40.8320) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(40.8690) - Since Last Record = 0.0370 (%0.09) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(40.8690) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(40.8690) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(41.0560) - Since Last Record = 0.1870 (%0.44) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(41.0560) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(41.0560) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(41.1610) - Since Last Record = 0.1050 (%0.25) - after Process Shell Commands
(42.1710) - Since Last Record = 1.0100 (%2.40) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::93:: Delta VM: Avail +77 -> 134209519 MB, Used -86 -> 1730 MB; RAM: Avail -29 -> 4938 MB, Used +32 -> 1379 MB, Peak +54 -> 1403 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9052, Used 948, User: Used 536 
'C 09-Jun-2020 11:03:54.600;   1:< Managed exception caught from external API application 'RhinoCommon' in method 'IntPtr ON_StringArray_New()' Exception type: '<System.DllNotFoundException>,' Exception method: '<Unable to load DLL 'rhcommon_c': The specified procedure could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007F)>,' Stack trace '      at UnsafeNativeMethods.ON_StringArray_New()
''   at Rhino.RhinoApp.CapturedCommandWindowStrings(Boolean clearBuffer)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Rhinoceros.Startup()
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Revit.OnStartup(UIControlledApplication applicationUI)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.ActivationGate.Open[T](Func`1 func, Object state)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.UI.Command.Autodesk.Revit.UI.IExternalCommand.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements) 

Console Log

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -9 -> 134210439 MB, Used +6 -> 791 MB, Peak +28 -> 815 MB; RAM: Avail -67 -> 22298 MB, Used +17 -> 993 MB, Peak +41 -> 1017 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9127, Used 873, User: Used 476 
'C 25-May-2020 20:45:06.888;   1:< Managed exception caught from external API application 'RhinoCommon' in method 'IntPtr ON_StringArray_New()' Exception type: '<System.DllNotFoundException>,' Exception method: '<Unable to load DLL 'rhcommon_c': The specified procedure could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007F)>,' Stack trace '      at UnsafeNativeMethods.ON_StringArray_New()
''   at Rhino.RhinoApp.CapturedCommandWindowStrings(Boolean clearBuffer)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Rhinoceros.Startup()
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Revit.OnStartup(UIControlledApplication applicationUI)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.ActivationGate.Open[T](Func`1 func, Object state)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.UI.Command.Autodesk.Revit.UI.IExternalCommand.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements) 
' 2:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -21 -> 134210418 MB, Used +0 -> 792 MB; RAM: Avail 22298 MB, Used 993 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9119, Used 881, User: Used 486 
' 16.518239!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 

Console Log

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::2075:: Delta VM: Avail -10 -> 134153520 MB, Used +1 -> 18845 MB; RAM: Avail -78 -> 19157 MB, Used +50 -> 3433 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8297, Used 1703, User: Used 625 
'C 23-May-2020 12:42:14.999;   1:< Managed exception caught from external API application 'RhinoCommon' in method 'IntPtr ON_StringArray_New()' Exception type: '<System.DllNotFoundException>,' Exception method: '<Unable to load DLL 'rhcommon_c': The specified procedure could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007F)>,' Stack trace '      at UnsafeNativeMethods.ON_StringArray_New()
''   at Rhino.RhinoApp.CapturedCommandWindowStrings(Boolean clearBuffer)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Rhinoceros.Startup()
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Revit.OnStartup(UIControlledApplication applicationUI)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.ActivationGate.Open[T](Func`1 func, Object state)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.UI.Command.Autodesk.Revit.UI.IExternalCommand.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements) 

Console Log

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::2405:: Delta VM: Avail -10 -> 134172727 MB, Used +1 -> 5488 MB; RAM: Avail -87 -> 21742 MB, Used +43 -> 4764 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8982, Used 1018, User: Used 534 
'C 27-May-2020 12:53:55.707;   1:< Managed exception caught from external API application 'RhinoCommon' in method 'IntPtr ON_StringArray_New()' Exception type: '<System.DllNotFoundException>,' Exception method: '<Unable to load DLL 'rhcommon_c': The specified procedure could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007F)>,' Stack trace '      at UnsafeNativeMethods.ON_StringArray_New()
''   at Rhino.RhinoApp.CapturedCommandWindowStrings(Boolean clearBuffer)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Rhinoceros.Startup()
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Revit.OnStartup(UIControlledApplication applicationUI)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.ActivationGate.Open[T](Func`1 func, Object state)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.UI.Command.Autodesk.Revit.UI.IExternalCommand.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements) 

Console Log

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::185:: Delta VM: Avail -99221 -> 134108674 MB, Used +332 -> 2335 MB, Peak +313 -> 2335 MB; RAM: Avail -386 -> 20677 MB, Used +333 -> 2612 MB, Peak +333 -> 2612 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8756, Used 1244, User: Used 1364 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 28-May-2020 09:29:05.447;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< ::186:: Delta VM: Avail -16 -> 134108658 MB, Used +1 -> 2336 MB, Peak +0 -> 2336 MB; RAM: Avail 20677 MB, Used +1 -> 2613 MB, Peak +0 -> 2613 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8756, Used 1244, User: Used 1364 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6513, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6514, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6515, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6516, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6517, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6518, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6519, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6520, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6521, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6522, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6523, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6524, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6525, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6526, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6527, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6528, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6529, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6530, name: , text: Sample 1, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample1, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6531, name: , text: Browse..., class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample4+Browse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6532, name: , text: Sample 8, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample8, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 2:< ::186:: Delta VM: Avail -5 -> 134108654 MB, Used +14 -> 2350 MB, Peak +14 -> 2350 MB; RAM: Avail -16 -> 20662 MB, Used +14 -> 2627 MB, Peak +13 -> 2627 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8748, Used 1252, User: Used 1365 
' 11.794962!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 14.169110   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 28-May-2020 09:29:08.233;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
' 0:< Operation - ReadServerPermissionUpdatesTask: ModelSessionToken: User's Name BG_BIM360_1_BGPU, User's Machine Name WKS-VIE-002, Operation GUID 3725d541-1ef8-41ed-b621-e9bd56646b75, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{b30d1026-0096-4941-b2d9-26b17db65c53}Testprojekt\{b9317bbb-e1ae-44e7-bb9e-15866d653c12}VIE-18-P026_Wien-MedUni-Campus-TWPL_CentralFile_R19-02.rvt",  
' 0:< Time: 5.28.2020 09:29:08:280 Calling: readAllPermissionsUpdates (Correlation ID = 3725d541-1ef8-41ed-b621-e9bd56646b75) 
 'E 28-May-2020 09:29:08.329;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 28-May-2020 09:29:08.334;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 0:< Time: 5.28.2020 09:29:08:582 Returned from: readAllPermissionsUpdates 
 'E 28-May-2020 09:29:09.748;   0:< 

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%CommandGrasshopper:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper"
' 0:< ::189:: Delta VM: Avail +12 -> 134108666 MB, Used -6 -> 2344 MB, Peak +11 -> 2362 MB; RAM: Avail -1 -> 20661 MB, Used -5 -> 2623 MB, Peak +12 -> 2639 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8743, Used 1257, User: Used 1372 
'  0.436272   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 28-May-2020 09:29:10.186;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::189:: Delta VM: Avail -20 -> 134108647 MB, Used +2 -> 2347 MB; RAM: Avail -6 -> 20655 MB, Used +8 -> 2631 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8637, Used 1363, User: Used 1427 
 'E 28-May-2020 09:29:14.312;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    340 ,      3
 'E 28-May-2020 09:29:14.312;   0:< 
 Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling" , "WinformWindow(GH_DocumentEditor,Grasshopper - No document).WinformMenuStrip(0,MainMenu).ShowDropDown(mnuFile)"
 'E 28-May-2020 09:29:15.507;   0:< 
 Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling" , "WinformWindow(GH_DocumentEditor,Grasshopper - No document).WinformMenuStrip(0,MainMenu).ClickAlong(mnuFile\\mnuRecentFiles)"
 'E 28-May-2020 09:29:22.672;   0:< 
 Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling" , "WinformWindow(GH_DocumentEditor,Grasshopper - No document).WinformMenuStrip(0,MainMenu).ClickAlong(mnuFile\\mnuOpenDocument)"
 ' 0:< ::193:: Delta VM: Avail -124 -> 134108524 MB, Used +8 -> 2356 MB; RAM: Avail -24 -> 20632 MB, Used +15 -> 2647 MB, Peak +8 -> 2647 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8479, Used 1521, User: Used 1542 
 'E 28-May-2020 09:29:30.731;   0:< 
 Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling" , "FileDialog(Win7Open,Open).SelectFile(WALsToWALwithOpening\.gh,All Grasshopper Files \(*\.gh;*\.ghx\))"
' 0:< ::194:: Delta VM: Avail +5 -> 134108529 MB, Used 2356 MB, Peak +2 -> 2365 MB; RAM: Avail -2 -> 20631 MB, Used +4 -> 2652 MB, Peak +12 -> 2660 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8583, Used 1417, User: Used 1448 
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DialogBoxShowing event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DialogBoxShowing event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 0:< ::194:: Delta VM: Avail +49 -> 134108578 MB, Used +31 -> 2388 MB, Peak +32 -> 2397 MB; RAM: Avail -5 -> 20626 MB, Used +1 -> 2653 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8584, Used 1416, User: Used 1440 
'  0.431479   1:<<<;PERF;MISC;drawing 
' 0:< ::194:: Delta VM: Avail +19 -> 134108597 MB, Used +1 -> 2389 MB, Peak +1 -> 2398 MB; RAM: Avail -31 -> 20595 MB, Used +1 -> 2654 MB, Peak +2 -> 2662 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8586, Used 1414, User: Used 1441 
' 0:< Operation - ReadServerPermissionUpdatesTask: ModelSessionToken: User's Name BG_BIM360_1_BGPU, User's Machine Name WKS-VIE-002, Operation GUID d75f4cc7-3dcf-454e-bc59-b84c5a1d796f, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{b30d1026-0096-4941-b2d9-26b17db65c53}Testprojekt\{b9317bbb-e1ae-44e7-bb9e-15866d653c12}VIE-18-P026_Wien-MedUni-Campus-TWPL_CentralFile_R19-02.rvt",  
' 0:< Time: 5.28.2020 09:31:06:762 Calling: readAllPermissionsUpdates (Correlation ID = d75f4cc7-3dcf-454e-bc59-b84c5a1d796f) 
' 0:< ModelPath Created: Is server path = True, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{b30d1026-0096-4941-b2d9-26b17db65c53}Testprojekt\{b9317bbb-e1ae-44e7-bb9e-15866d653c12}VIE-18-P026_Wien-MedUni-Campus-TWPL_CentralFile_R19-02.rvt" 
' 0:< ModelPath Created: Is server path = True, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{b30d1026-0096-4941-b2d9-26b17db65c53}Testprojekt\{af89c1a9-4ba9-4a99-90e2-f6cc7133b2a7}VIE-18-P026_MedUniBT04-Bestand-TWPL_CentralFile_R19-00.rvt" 
' 0:< ModelPath Created: Is server path = True, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{9c1a033d-6dec-4e7c-975f-8bf7107044b5}BMW%20W15\{3db1c8fb-fdc5-45c4-bad1-1dcd4e9409a5}STE_ENT_1510_0800_BABT_XXXXXXXX_XXXXX_00000000_MLC.rvt" 
' 0:< ModelPath Created: Is server path = True, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{9c1a033d-6dec-4e7c-975f-8bf7107044b5}BMW%20W15\{4d301707-a9b1-4074-b925-6e6afb150454}STE_ENT_1510_0800_BAFP_XXXXXXXX_XXXXX_00000000_MLC.rvt" 
' 0:< ModelPath Created: Is server path = True, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{b30d1026-0096-4941-b2d9-26b17db65c53}Testprojekt\{b9317bbb-e1ae-44e7-bb9e-15866d653c12}VIE-18-P026_Wien-MedUni-Campus-TWPL_CentralFile_R19-02.rvt" 
' 0:< ModelPath Created: Is server path = True, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{b30d1026-0096-4941-b2d9-26b17db65c53}Testprojekt\{b9317bbb-e1ae-44e7-bb9e-15866d653c12}VIE-18-P026_Wien-MedUni-Campus-TWPL_CentralFile_R19-02.rvt" 
' 0:< ModelPath Created: Is server path = True, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{b30d1026-0096-4941-b2d9-26b17db65c53}Testprojekt\{b9317bbb-e1ae-44e7-bb9e-15866d653c12}VIE-18-P026_Wien-MedUni-Campus-TWPL_CentralFile_R19-02.rvt" 
' 0:< ModelPath Created: Is server path = True, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{b30d1026-0096-4941-b2d9-26b17db65c53}Testprojekt\{af89c1a9-4ba9-4a99-90e2-f6cc7133b2a7}VIE-18-P026_MedUniBT04-Bestand-TWPL_CentralFile_R19-00.rvt" 
' 0:< ModelPath Created: Is server path = True, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{b30d1026-0096-4941-b2d9-26b17db65c53}Testprojekt\{af89c1a9-4ba9-4a99-90e2-f6cc7133b2a7}VIE-18-P026_MedUniBT04-Bestand-TWPL_CentralFile_R19-00.rvt" 
' 0:< ModelPath Created: Is server path = True, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{b30d1026-0096-4941-b2d9-26b17db65c53}Testprojekt\{af89c1a9-4ba9-4a99-90e2-f6cc7133b2a7}VIE-18-P026_MedUniBT04-Bestand-TWPL_CentralFile_R19-00.rvt" 
' 0:< ModelPath Created: Is server path = True, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{9c1a033d-6dec-4e7c-975f-8bf7107044b5}BMW%20W15\{3db1c8fb-fdc5-45c4-bad1-1dcd4e9409a5}STE_ENT_1510_0800_BABT_XXXXXXXX_XXXXX_00000000_MLC.rvt" 
' 0:< ModelPath Created: Is server path = True, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{9c1a033d-6dec-4e7c-975f-8bf7107044b5}BMW%20W15\{3db1c8fb-fdc5-45c4-bad1-1dcd4e9409a5}STE_ENT_1510_0800_BABT_XXXXXXXX_XXXXX_00000000_MLC.rvt" 
' 0:< ModelPath Created: Is server path = True, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{9c1a033d-6dec-4e7c-975f-8bf7107044b5}BMW%20W15\{3db1c8fb-fdc5-45c4-bad1-1dcd4e9409a5}STE_ENT_1510_0800_BABT_XXXXXXXX_XXXXX_00000000_MLC.rvt" 
' 0:< ModelPath Created: Is server path = True, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{9c1a033d-6dec-4e7c-975f-8bf7107044b5}BMW%20W15\{4d301707-a9b1-4074-b925-6e6afb150454}STE_ENT_1510_0800_BAFP_XXXXXXXX_XXXXX_00000000_MLC.rvt" 
' 0:< ModelPath Created: Is server path = True, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{9c1a033d-6dec-4e7c-975f-8bf7107044b5}BMW%20W15\{4d301707-a9b1-4074-b925-6e6afb150454}STE_ENT_1510_0800_BAFP_XXXXXXXX_XXXXX_00000000_MLC.rvt" 
' 0:< ModelPath Created: Is server path = True, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{9c1a033d-6dec-4e7c-975f-8bf7107044b5}BMW%20W15\{4d301707-a9b1-4074-b925-6e6afb150454}STE_ENT_1510_0800_BAFP_XXXXXXXX_XXXXX_00000000_MLC.rvt" 
 'E 28-May-2020 09:31:07.048;   0:< 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0260) - Since Last Record = 0.0260 (%0.55) - Pre-initialize .net
(1.0870) - Since Last Record = 1.0610 (%22.25) - Post-initialize .net
(1.3550) - Since Last Record = 0.2680 (%5.62) - after create and load AppSettings
(1.3560) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.7700) - Since Last Record = 0.4140 (%8.68) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.7820) - Since Last Record = 0.0120 (%0.25) - construct CMainFrame
(1.9440) - Since Last Record = 0.1620 (%3.40) - after load CMainFrame
(2.8020) - Since Last Record = 0.8580 (%17.99) - after initialize license manager
(2.8260) - Since Last Record = 0.0240 (%0.50) - after loading of cursor resources
(2.8350) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.19) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(2.9090) - Since Last Record = 0.0740 (%1.55) - Pre auto load plugins
(2.9810) - Since Last Record = 0.0720 (%1.51) - Toolbars
(2.9940) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.27) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(2.9980) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.08) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(3.0020) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.08) - RDK:Initialize: start
(3.0020) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(3.0180) - Since Last Record = 0.0160 (%0.34) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(3.0180) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(3.0180) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(3.0410) - Since Last Record = 0.0230 (%0.48) - RDK:Initialize: end
(3.0410) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(3.0410) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(3.0410) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(3.1020) - Since Last Record = 0.0610 (%1.28) - Renderer Development Kit
(3.3910) - Since Last Record = 0.2890 (%6.06) - Commands
(3.4070) - Since Last Record = 0.0160 (%0.34) - Snapshots
(3.4260) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.40) - Rhino Render
(3.5240) - Since Last Record = 0.0980 (%2.05) - RDK_EtoUI
(3.5410) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.36) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(3.6460) - Since Last Record = 0.1050 (%2.20) - RhinoCycles
(3.6710) - Since Last Record = 0.0250 (%0.52) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(3.6850) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.29) - Displacement
(3.7150) - Since Last Record = 0.0300 (%0.63) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(3.7160) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - after load default render engine
(3.7160) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(3.7300) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.29) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(3.7330) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.06) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(3.8040) - Since Last Record = 0.0710 (%1.49) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(3.8070) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.06) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(4.1690) - Since Last Record = 0.3620 (%7.59) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(4.1690) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(4.2270) - Since Last Record = 0.0580 (%1.22) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(4.2270) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(4.2270) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(4.4100) - Since Last Record = 0.1830 (%3.84) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(4.4100) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(4.4100) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(4.7680) - Since Last Record = 0.3580 (%7.51) - after Process Shell Commands
(4.7690) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::100:: Delta VM: Avail -135 -> 134210365 MB, Used +29 -> 1007 MB, Peak +32 -> 1010 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 6873 MB, Used +48 -> 1222 MB, Peak +29 -> 1222 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8999, Used 1001, User: Used 512 
'  1.960254!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::100:: Delta VM: Avail -57667 -> 134152699 MB, Used +159 -> 1167 MB, Peak +160 -> 1170 MB; RAM: Avail +207 -> 7081 MB, Used +140 -> 1362 MB, Peak +148 -> 1370 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8666, Used 1334, User: Used 1270 
' 1:< DBG_WARN: Strangely, there is no view currently active in the given 'active ' document: line 257 of Objects\APIUIDocumentHandwritten.cpp. 
' 1:< TaskDialog "Revit could not complete the availability command "ExcitechToolkit.RenumberCommand". Contact the provider for assistance.  Information they provided to Revit about their identity: Excitech,"
'Id : TaskDialog_External_Tools_Command_Failure_For_Availability_Command
'CommonButtons : Close
'DefaultButton : Close 
' 2:< ::100:: Delta VM: Avail -22 -> 134152678 MB, Used +6 -> 1173 MB, Peak +2 -> 1173 MB; RAM: Avail -9 -> 7073 MB, Used +8 -> 1370 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8644, Used 1356, User: Used 1292 
'  5.577367!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::100:: Delta VM: Avail +23 -> 134152701 MB, Used -6 -> 1168 MB; RAM: Avail -23 -> 7050 MB, Used -6 -> 1365 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8659, Used 1341, User: Used 1271 
' 1:< logAnalyticsRequest_ 
' 1:< Keys Count: 16 
'C 28-May-2020 10:24:07.990;   1:< SkyscraperClientHost.LogAnalyticsRequest: AnalyticsProperties:
'api_category: Analytics
'context_call: GUI:External Tools - Command Failure for Availability Command
'context_job: Model Open
'duration: 5479
'facets_included: skybase, skyclient
'skybase_correlation_id: 03bacd95-34bc-4fe8-8a2e-7f9b0a99744d
'skybase_model_guid: 7559d669-6f03-4ac1-9a69-e0010ee3457b
'skybase_model_is_single_user: false
'skybase_model_size_bytes: 33587200
'skybase_project_guid: b5d23a5f-a4e4-4521-947f-3929dde05420
'skybase_project_target: BIM360Docs
'skybase_version: 1.0.0
'skyclient_element_count: 8917
'skyclient_model_delta: N.A.
'skyclient_version: 1.0.0
'status: ok 
' 1:< ::100:: Delta VM: Avail -81 -> 134152621 MB, Used +158 -> 1327 MB, Peak +154 -> 1327 MB; RAM: Avail -166 -> 6884 MB, Used +172 -> 1538 MB, Peak +167 -> 1538 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8659, Used 1341, User: Used 1272 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 28-May-2020 10:24:18.258;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1158 ,     65
 'E 28-May-2020 10:24:18.259;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6679, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6680, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6681, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6682, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6683, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6684, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6685, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::102:: Delta VM: Avail -16 -> 134152605 MB, Used +0 -> 1328 MB, Peak +0 -> 1328 MB; RAM: Avail +0 -> 6885 MB, Used 1538 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8659, Used 1341, User: Used 1272 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6686, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6687, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::102:: Delta VM: Avail +15 -> 134152621 MB, Used +0 -> 1329 MB, Peak +0 -> 1329 MB; RAM: Avail 6885 MB, Used +0 -> 1539 MB, Peak +0 -> 1539 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8659, Used 1341, User: Used 1272 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6688, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6689, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6690, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6691, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6692, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6693, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6694, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6695, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6696, name: , text: Sample 1, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample1, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::102:: Delta VM: Avail -16 -> 134152605 MB, Used +2 -> 1331 MB, Peak +2 -> 1332 MB; RAM: Avail -5 -> 6880 MB, Used +2 -> 1542 MB, Peak +2 -> 1542 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8659, Used 1341, User: Used 1272 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6697, name: , text: Browse..., class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample4+Browse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6698, name: , text: Sample 8, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample8, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::102:: Delta VM: Avail +15 -> 134152621 MB, Used -10 -> 1322 MB; RAM: Avail +5 -> 6886 MB, Used -10 -> 1532 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8659, Used 1341, User: Used 1272 
' 23.404495   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 28-May-2020 10:24:18.547;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
' 0:< ::102:: Delta VM: Avail -20 -> 134152602 MB, Used +14 -> 1336 MB, Peak +8 -> 1340 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 6876 MB, Used +14 -> 1547 MB, Peak +9 -> 1551 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8654, Used 1346, User: Used 1273 
' 0:< Operation - ReadServerPermissionUpdatesTask: ModelSessionToken: User's Name deyan.marzev_BGPU, User's Machine Name CADPC-047-LON, Operation GUID 072c3f36-1f3a-4cef-8b09-97b4acacf88e, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{b5d23a5f-a4e4-4521-947f-3929dde05420}R10H11 Hotel 11\{7559d669-6f03-4ac1-9a69-e0010ee3457b}R10-H11D02-AKT-01-ZZ-MOD-ST-01100.rvt",  
' 0:< Time: 5/28/2020 10:24:18:873 Calling: readAllPermissionsUpdates (Correlation ID = 072c3f36-1f3a-4cef-8b09-97b4acacf88e) 
' 0:< Time: 5/28/2020 10:24:18:966 Returned from: readAllPermissionsUpdates 
 ' 1:< ::102:: Delta VM: Avail +14 -> 134152616 MB, Used 1336 MB; RAM: Avail -3 -> 6873 MB, Used 1547 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8651, Used 1349, User: Used 1275 
 'E 28-May-2020 10:24:19.010;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    588 ,    304
 'E 28-May-2020 10:24:19.010;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 28-May-2020 10:24:19.016;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 'E 28-May-2020 10:24:21.594;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    112 ,      3
 'E 28-May-2020 10:24:21.595;   0:< 

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandRhino:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino"
'  0.116593   1:<<<API External Command Time 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0170) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.32) - Pre-initialize .net
(0.5990) - Since Last Record = 0.5820 (%11.11) - Post-initialize .net
(0.8280) - Since Last Record = 0.2290 (%4.37) - after create and load AppSettings
(0.8290) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.2460) - Since Last Record = 0.4170 (%7.96) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.2550) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.17) - construct CMainFrame
(1.4520) - Since Last Record = 0.1970 (%3.76) - after load CMainFrame
(1.6810) - Since Last Record = 0.2290 (%4.37) - after initialize license manager
(1.7000) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.36) - after loading of cursor resources
(1.7080) - Since Last Record = 0.0080 (%0.15) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(1.7380) - Since Last Record = 0.0300 (%0.57) - Pre auto load plugins
(2.2170) - Since Last Record = 0.4790 (%9.14) - Toolbars
(2.2220) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.10) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(2.2250) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.06) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(2.2350) - Since Last Record = 0.0100 (%0.19) - RDK:Initialize: start
(2.2350) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(2.2510) - Since Last Record = 0.0160 (%0.31) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(2.2510) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(2.2510) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(2.2790) - Since Last Record = 0.0280 (%0.53) - RDK:Initialize: end
(2.2790) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(2.2790) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(2.2790) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(2.5010) - Since Last Record = 0.2220 (%4.24) - Renderer Development Kit
(3.2590) - Since Last Record = 0.7580 (%14.47) - Commands
(3.3210) - Since Last Record = 0.0620 (%1.18) - Snapshots
(3.3720) - Since Last Record = 0.0510 (%0.97) - Rhino Render
(3.6690) - Since Last Record = 0.2970 (%5.67) - RDK_EtoUI
(3.8020) - Since Last Record = 0.1330 (%2.54) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(3.9870) - Since Last Record = 0.1850 (%3.53) - RhinoCycles
(4.1580) - Since Last Record = 0.1710 (%3.26) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(4.2480) - Since Last Record = 0.0900 (%1.72) - Displacement
(4.3340) - Since Last Record = 0.0860 (%1.64) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(4.3350) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - after load default render engine
(4.3350) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(4.3490) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.27) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(4.3520) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.06) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(4.4340) - Since Last Record = 0.0820 (%1.56) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(4.4370) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.06) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(4.8680) - Since Last Record = 0.4310 (%8.23) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(4.8680) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(4.9070) - Since Last Record = 0.0390 (%0.74) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(4.9070) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(4.9070) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(5.1190) - Since Last Record = 0.2120 (%4.05) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(5.1190) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(5.1190) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(5.2400) - Since Last Record = 0.1210 (%2.31) - after Process Shell Commands
(5.2400) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::270:: Delta VM: Avail -98840 -> 134110707 MB, Used +138 -> 1707 MB; RAM: Avail -243 -> 18831 MB, Used +156 -> 1819 MB, Peak +140 -> 1823 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8467, Used 1533, User: Used 1272 
' 14.043577!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::270:: Delta VM: Avail +2 -> 134110710 MB, Used +1 -> 1709 MB; RAM: Avail +26 -> 18858 MB, Used +2 -> 1821 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8476, Used 1524, User: Used 1270 
'  7.370978!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
'  2.550709!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:42.374;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    324 ,     94
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:42.374;   1:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    324 ,     94
 ' 1:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:42.517;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    324 ,     94
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:42.517;   1:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    324 ,     94
 ' 1:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 ' 1:< ::274:: Delta VM: Avail -10 -> 134110700 MB, Used +10 -> 1720 MB; RAM: Avail -2 -> 18857 MB, Used +10 -> 1831 MB, Peak +8 -> 1831 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8478, Used 1522, User: Used 1269 
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:46.376;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    270 ,      9
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:46.377;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "TabActivated:Modify"
' 2:< ::276:: Delta VM: Avail 134110700 MB, Used +1 -> 1722 MB; RAM: Avail -15 -> 18842 MB, Used +1 -> 1833 MB, Peak +1 -> 1833 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8476, Used 1524, User: Used 1271 
'  4.218287!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:47.065;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    361 ,     91
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:47.065;   1:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    361 ,     91
 ' 1:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:47.174;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    361 ,     91
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:47.174;   1:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    361 ,     91
 ' 1:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:49.167;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    324 ,      0
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:49.167;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "TabActivated:Add-Ins"
'  2.245717!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
'  1.209146!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
'  2.251710!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:54.640;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    351 ,    215
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:54.640;   1:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    351 ,    215
 ' 1:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:54.839;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    351 ,    215
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:54.839;   1:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    351 ,    215
 ' 1:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:59.897;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    336 ,     10
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:15:59.898;   1:< 
 Jrn.Size        0 ,   1291 ,    812
' 2:< ::288:: Delta VM: Avail +10 -> 134110710 MB, Used +8 -> 1731 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 18831 MB, Used +9 -> 1842 MB, Peak +13 -> 1847 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8472, Used 1528, User: Used 1276 
'  4.032949!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
'C 02-Jun-2020 14:16:01.094;   0:< LicenseUpd(1)  
 ' 1:< ::288:: Delta VM: Avail -20 -> 134110690 MB, Used +33 -> 1765 MB, Peak +26 -> 1769 MB; RAM: Avail -13 -> 18818 MB, Used +10 -> 1853 MB, Peak +10 -> 1857 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8474, Used 1526, User: Used 1275 
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:16:01.266;   1:< 
 Jrn.Size        0 ,   1291 ,    853
'  1.356711!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
 ' 1:< ::289:: Delta VM: Avail -18 -> 134110672 MB, Used +24 -> 1789 MB, Peak +19 -> 1789 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 18808 MB, Used +6 -> 1859 MB, Peak +1 -> 1859 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8479, Used 1521, User: Used 1275 
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:16:02.030;   1:< 
 Jrn.Size        0 ,   1291 ,    874
 ' 1:< ::290:: Delta VM: Avail -23 -> 134110650 MB, Used +38 -> 1827 MB, Peak +38 -> 1827 MB; RAM: Avail -10 -> 18798 MB, Used +16 -> 1875 MB, Peak +16 -> 1875 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8479, Used 1521, User: Used 1275 
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:16:02.840;   1:< 
 Jrn.Size        0 ,   1291 ,    778
 ' 1:< ::291:: Delta VM: Avail -5 -> 134110646 MB, Used +7 -> 1835 MB, Peak +11 -> 1839 MB; RAM: Avail -14 -> 18785 MB, Used +3 -> 1878 MB, Peak +7 -> 1882 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8482, Used 1518, User: Used 1275 
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:16:07.047;   1:< 
 Jrn.Size        0 ,   1291 ,    812
'  4.194227!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
 ' 1:< ::292:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 134110645 MB, Used +10 -> 1845 MB, Peak +6 -> 1845 MB; RAM: Avail +5 -> 18790 MB, Used +10 -> 1889 MB, Peak +6 -> 1889 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8480, Used 1520, User: Used 1276 
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:16:11.146;   1:< 
 Jrn.Size        0 ,   1291 ,    853
'  4.091629!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
 ' 1:< ::293:: Delta VM: Avail 134110645 MB, Used -2 -> 1844 MB, Peak +4 -> 1850 MB; RAM: Avail -18 -> 18772 MB, Used -2 -> 1887 MB, Peak +4 -> 1893 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8480, Used 1520, User: Used 1276 
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:16:11.833;   1:< 
 Jrn.Size        0 ,   1291 ,    874
 ' 1:< ::294:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 134110643 MB, Used +12 -> 1856 MB, Peak +6 -> 1856 MB; RAM: Avail +7 -> 18780 MB, Used +11 -> 1899 MB, Peak +5 -> 1899 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8479, Used 1521, User: Used 1276 
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:16:12.764;   1:< 
 Jrn.Size        0 ,   1291 ,    778
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:16:13.955;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    185 ,     85
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:16:13.955;   1:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    185 ,     85
 ' 1:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 02-Jun-2020 14:16:14.108;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    185 ,     85

Console Log

Loading Legacy Rhino Render, version 1.50, May 26 2020, 13:11:06
Successfully read file "%LOCALAPPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\AutoSave\200601_Ped Link South Interface Comments (397396) RhinoAutosave.3dm"
(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0180) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.03) - Pre-initialize .net
(2.3890) - Since Last Record = 2.3710 (%4.01) - Post-initialize .net
(3.2060) - Since Last Record = 0.8170 (%1.38) - after create and load AppSettings
(3.2070) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(3.8630) - Since Last Record = 0.6560 (%1.11) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(3.8720) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.02) - construct CMainFrame
(4.0810) - Since Last Record = 0.2090 (%0.35) - after load CMainFrame
(7.8240) - Since Last Record = 3.7430 (%6.33) - after initialize license manager
(7.8420) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.03) - after loading of cursor resources
(7.8620) - Since Last Record = 0.0200 (%0.03) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(10.6240) - Since Last Record = 2.7620 (%4.67) - Pre auto load plugins
(10.6810) - Since Last Record = 0.0570 (%0.10) - Toolbars
(10.6880) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.01) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(10.6900) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(10.6940) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.01) - RDK:Initialize: start
(10.6940) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(10.7070) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.02) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(10.7080) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(10.7080) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(10.7250) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.03) - RDK:Initialize: end
(10.7250) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(10.7250) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(10.7250) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(10.7750) - Since Last Record = 0.0500 (%0.08) - Renderer Development Kit
(10.9850) - Since Last Record = 0.2100 (%0.36) - Commands
(10.9950) - Since Last Record = 0.0100 (%0.02) - Snapshots
(11.0080) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.02) - Rhino Render
(11.0950) - Since Last Record = 0.0870 (%0.15) - RDK_EtoUI
(11.1080) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.02) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(11.2850) - Since Last Record = 0.1770 (%0.30) - RhinoCycles
(11.3790) - Since Last Record = 0.0940 (%0.16) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(11.4520) - Since Last Record = 0.0730 (%0.12) - Displacement
(11.5220) - Since Last Record = 0.0700 (%0.12) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(11.5220) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(11.5230) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(11.5360) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.02) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(11.5390) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.01) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(11.6010) - Since Last Record = 0.0620 (%0.10) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(11.6030) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.00) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(12.0510) - Since Last Record = 0.4480 (%0.76) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(12.0510) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(12.0860) - Since Last Record = 0.0350 (%0.06) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(12.0860) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(12.0860) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(12.2600) - Since Last Record = 0.1740 (%0.29) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(12.2600) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(12.2600) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(58.6770) - Since Last Record = 46.4170 (%78.53) - RPC
(58.6890) - Since Last Record = 0.0120 (%0.02) - Legacy Rhino Render
(59.1100) - Since Last Record = 0.4210 (%0.71) - after Process Shell Commands
(59.1100) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::61:: Delta VM: Avail -154 -> 134210523 MB, Used +39 -> 919 MB, Peak +40 -> 925 MB; RAM: Avail -36 -> 20746 MB, Used +61 -> 1026 MB, Peak +56 -> 1026 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9110, Used 890, User: Used 441 
'  6.361377!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::61:: Delta VM: Avail -131675 -> 134078849 MB, Used +156 -> 1076 MB, Peak +156 -> 1081 MB; RAM: Avail -172 -> 20575 MB, Used +164 -> 1191 MB, Peak +166 -> 1193 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8815, Used 1185, User: Used 1217 
' 10.337029!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::61:: Delta VM: Avail -495 -> 134078355 MB, Used +194 -> 1270 MB, Peak +196 -> 1278 MB; RAM: Avail -163 -> 20412 MB, Used +172 -> 1363 MB, Peak +170 -> 1364 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8817, Used 1183, User: Used 1214 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:19.514;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1537 ,    174
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:19.514;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -16 -> 134078339 MB, Used +1 -> 1271 MB; RAM: Avail -1 -> 20411 MB, Used +1 -> 1364 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8817, Used 1183, User: Used 1214 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6452, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6453, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6454, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6455, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6456, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6457, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6458, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6459, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6460, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6461, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6462, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6463, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6464, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6465, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6466, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6467, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6468, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6469, name: , text: Sample 1, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample1, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6470, name: , text: Browse..., class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample4+Browse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6471, name: , text: Sample 8, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample8, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail +127 -> 134078466 MB, Used -35 -> 1237 MB; RAM: Avail +20 -> 20432 MB, Used -34 -> 1331 MB, Peak +6 -> 1370 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8817, Used 1183, User: Used 1214 
' 27.420321   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 08-Jun-2020 14:11:19.799;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -61 -> 134078406 MB, Used +22 -> 1260 MB; RAM: Avail -30 -> 20402 MB, Used +32 -> 1363 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8818, Used 1182, User: Used 1220 
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:31.211;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1537 ,    174
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:31.211;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%CommandGrasshopperPlayer:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer"
' 0:< ::65:: Delta VM: Avail -63 -> 134078344 MB, Used +7 -> 1268 MB, Peak +0 -> 1279 MB; RAM: Avail -36 -> 20366 MB, Used +21 -> 1385 MB, Peak +15 -> 1385 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8763, Used 1237, User: Used 1240 
'  5.476035   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 08-Jun-2020 14:11:36.689;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 1:< ::65:: Delta VM: Avail 134078344 MB, Used +0 -> 1269 MB; RAM: Avail -18 -> 20349 MB, Used +0 -> 1386 MB, Peak +6 -> 1392 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8772, Used 1228, User: Used 1242 
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:36.750;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1680 ,     54
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:36.750;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:36.755;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 ' 0:< ::68:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 134078343 MB, Used 1269 MB; RAM: Avail -46 -> 20303 MB, Used 1386 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8774, Used 1226, User: Used 1239 
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:39.915;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%CommandGrasshopper:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper"
'H 08-Jun-2020 14:11:39.985;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:39.991;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%CommandGrasshopper:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper"
'H 08-Jun-2020 14:11:40.072;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::70:: Delta VM: Avail -40 -> 134078303 MB, Used +31 -> 1300 MB, Peak +31 -> 1310 MB; RAM: Avail +294 -> 20597 MB, Used +32 -> 1419 MB, Peak +36 -> 1428 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8673, Used 1327, User: Used 1294 
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:12:13.068;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    289 ,    194
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:12:13.123;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    289 ,    194
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:12:13.123;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    289 ,    194
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:12:13.469;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    268 ,    130
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:12:13.469;   0:< 
 Jrn.RButtonDown    2 ,    268 ,    130
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:12:13.499;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    2 ,    268 ,    130
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:12:13.499;   0:< 
 Jrn.RButtonUp    0 ,    268 ,    130
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0200) - Since Last Record = 0.0200 (%0.15) - Pre-initialize .net
(5.5840) - Since Last Record = 5.5640 (%42.92) - Post-initialize .net
(5.8700) - Since Last Record = 0.2860 (%2.21) - after create and load AppSettings
(5.8710) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(7.7300) - Since Last Record = 1.8590 (%14.34) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(7.7430) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.10) - construct CMainFrame
(7.9210) - Since Last Record = 0.1780 (%1.37) - after load CMainFrame
(8.7480) - Since Last Record = 0.8270 (%6.38) - after initialize license manager
(8.7640) - Since Last Record = 0.0160 (%0.12) - after loading of cursor resources
(8.7870) - Since Last Record = 0.0230 (%0.18) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(10.5740) - Since Last Record = 1.7870 (%13.78) - Pre auto load plugins
(10.6300) - Since Last Record = 0.0560 (%0.43) - Toolbars
(10.6330) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.02) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(10.6360) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.02) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(10.6400) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.03) - RDK:Initialize: start
(10.6400) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(10.6530) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.10) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(10.6530) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(10.6530) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(10.6730) - Since Last Record = 0.0200 (%0.15) - RDK:Initialize: end
(10.6730) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(10.6730) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(10.6730) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(10.7330) - Since Last Record = 0.0600 (%0.46) - Renderer Development Kit
(10.9130) - Since Last Record = 0.1800 (%1.39) - Commands
(10.9270) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.11) - Snapshots
(10.9410) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.11) - Rhino Render
(11.0240) - Since Last Record = 0.0830 (%0.64) - RDK_EtoUI
(11.0370) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.10) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(11.1810) - Since Last Record = 0.1440 (%1.11) - RhinoCycles
(11.2400) - Since Last Record = 0.0590 (%0.46) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(11.3600) - Since Last Record = 0.1200 (%0.93) - Displacement
(11.3870) - Since Last Record = 0.0270 (%0.21) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(11.3870) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(11.3870) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(11.3880) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(11.3910) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.02) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(11.4510) - Since Last Record = 0.0600 (%0.46) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(11.4530) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.02) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(12.3310) - Since Last Record = 0.8780 (%6.77) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(12.3310) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(12.3760) - Since Last Record = 0.0450 (%0.35) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(12.3760) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(12.3760) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(12.5470) - Since Last Record = 0.1710 (%1.32) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(12.5470) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(12.5470) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(12.6180) - Since Last Record = 0.0710 (%0.55) - after Process Shell Commands
(12.9640) - Since Last Record = 0.3460 (%2.67) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::61:: Delta VM: Avail -154 -> 134210523 MB, Used +39 -> 919 MB, Peak +40 -> 925 MB; RAM: Avail -36 -> 20746 MB, Used +61 -> 1026 MB, Peak +56 -> 1026 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9110, Used 890, User: Used 441 
'  6.361377!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::61:: Delta VM: Avail -131675 -> 134078849 MB, Used +156 -> 1076 MB, Peak +156 -> 1081 MB; RAM: Avail -172 -> 20575 MB, Used +164 -> 1191 MB, Peak +166 -> 1193 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8815, Used 1185, User: Used 1217 
' 10.337029!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::61:: Delta VM: Avail -495 -> 134078355 MB, Used +194 -> 1270 MB, Peak +196 -> 1278 MB; RAM: Avail -163 -> 20412 MB, Used +172 -> 1363 MB, Peak +170 -> 1364 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8817, Used 1183, User: Used 1214 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:19.514;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1537 ,    174
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:19.514;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -16 -> 134078339 MB, Used +1 -> 1271 MB; RAM: Avail -1 -> 20411 MB, Used +1 -> 1364 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8817, Used 1183, User: Used 1214 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6452, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6453, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6454, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6455, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6456, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6457, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6458, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6459, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6460, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6461, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6462, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6463, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6464, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6465, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6466, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6467, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6468, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6469, name: , text: Sample 1, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample1, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6470, name: , text: Browse..., class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample4+Browse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6471, name: , text: Sample 8, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample8, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail +127 -> 134078466 MB, Used -35 -> 1237 MB; RAM: Avail +20 -> 20432 MB, Used -34 -> 1331 MB, Peak +6 -> 1370 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8817, Used 1183, User: Used 1214 
' 27.420321   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 08-Jun-2020 14:11:19.799;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -61 -> 134078406 MB, Used +22 -> 1260 MB; RAM: Avail -30 -> 20402 MB, Used +32 -> 1363 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8818, Used 1182, User: Used 1220 
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:31.211;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1537 ,    174
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:31.211;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%CommandGrasshopperPlayer:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer"
' 0:< ::65:: Delta VM: Avail -63 -> 134078344 MB, Used +7 -> 1268 MB, Peak +0 -> 1279 MB; RAM: Avail -36 -> 20366 MB, Used +21 -> 1385 MB, Peak +15 -> 1385 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8763, Used 1237, User: Used 1240 
'  5.476035   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 08-Jun-2020 14:11:36.689;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 1:< ::65:: Delta VM: Avail 134078344 MB, Used +0 -> 1269 MB; RAM: Avail -18 -> 20349 MB, Used +0 -> 1386 MB, Peak +6 -> 1392 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8772, Used 1228, User: Used 1242 
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:36.750;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1680 ,     54
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:36.750;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:36.755;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 ' 0:< ::68:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 134078343 MB, Used 1269 MB; RAM: Avail -46 -> 20303 MB, Used 1386 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8774, Used 1226, User: Used 1239 
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:39.915;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%CommandGrasshopper:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper"
'H 08-Jun-2020 14:11:39.985;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:11:39.991;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%CommandGrasshopper:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper"
'H 08-Jun-2020 14:11:40.072;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::70:: Delta VM: Avail -40 -> 134078303 MB, Used +31 -> 1300 MB, Peak +31 -> 1310 MB; RAM: Avail +294 -> 20597 MB, Used +32 -> 1419 MB, Peak +36 -> 1428 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8673, Used 1327, User: Used 1294 
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:12:13.068;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    289 ,    194
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:12:13.123;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    289 ,    194
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:12:13.123;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    289 ,    194
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:12:13.469;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    268 ,    130
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:12:13.469;   0:< 
 Jrn.RButtonDown    2 ,    268 ,    130
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:12:13.499;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    2 ,    268 ,    130
 'E 08-Jun-2020 14:12:13.499;   0:< 
 Jrn.RButtonUp    0 ,    268 ,    130
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0200) - Since Last Record = 0.0200 (%0.15) - Pre-initialize .net
(5.5840) - Since Last Record = 5.5640 (%42.92) - Post-initialize .net
(5.8700) - Since Last Record = 0.2860 (%2.21) - after create and load AppSettings
(5.8710) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(7.7300) - Since Last Record = 1.8590 (%14.34) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(7.7430) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.10) - construct CMainFrame
(7.9210) - Since Last Record = 0.1780 (%1.37) - after load CMainFrame
(8.7480) - Since Last Record = 0.8270 (%6.38) - after initialize license manager
(8.7640) - Since Last Record = 0.0160 (%0.12) - after loading of cursor resources
(8.7870) - Since Last Record = 0.0230 (%0.18) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(10.5740) - Since Last Record = 1.7870 (%13.78) - Pre auto load plugins
(10.6300) - Since Last Record = 0.0560 (%0.43) - Toolbars
(10.6330) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.02) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(10.6360) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.02) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(10.6400) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.03) - RDK:Initialize: start
(10.6400) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(10.6530) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.10) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(10.6530) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(10.6530) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(10.6730) - Since Last Record = 0.0200 (%0.15) - RDK:Initialize: end
(10.6730) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(10.6730) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(10.6730) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(10.7330) - Since Last Record = 0.0600 (%0.46) - Renderer Development Kit
(10.9130) - Since Last Record = 0.1800 (%1.39) - Commands
(10.9270) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.11) - Snapshots
(10.9410) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.11) - Rhino Render
(11.0240) - Since Last Record = 0.0830 (%0.64) - RDK_EtoUI
(11.0370) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.10) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(11.1810) - Since Last Record = 0.1440 (%1.11) - RhinoCycles
(11.2400) - Since Last Record = 0.0590 (%0.46) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(11.3600) - Since Last Record = 0.1200 (%0.93) - Displacement
(11.3870) - Since Last Record = 0.0270 (%0.21) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(11.3870) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(11.3870) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(11.3880) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(11.3910) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.02) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(11.4510) - Since Last Record = 0.0600 (%0.46) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(11.4530) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.02) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(12.3310) - Since Last Record = 0.8780 (%6.77) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(12.3310) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(12.3760) - Since Last Record = 0.0450 (%0.35) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(12.3760) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(12.3760) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(12.5470) - Since Last Record = 0.1710 (%1.32) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(12.5470) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(12.5470) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(12.6180) - Since Last Record = 0.0710 (%0.55) - after Process Shell Commands
(12.9640) - Since Last Record = 0.3460 (%2.67) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::7622:: Delta VM: Avail -141 -> 134209343 MB, Used +19 -> 1294 MB; RAM: Avail -34 -> 113292 MB, Used +38 -> 1360 MB, Peak +23 -> 1360 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8950, Used 1050, User: Used 626 
'  9.540779!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::7622:: Delta VM: Avail -295459 -> 133913884 MB, Used +168 -> 1463 MB, Peak +13 -> 1470 MB; RAM: Avail -169 -> 113124 MB, Used +167 -> 1528 MB, Peak +177 -> 1538 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8648, Used 1352, User: Used 1424 
' 33.020141!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::7622:: Delta VM: Avail +7 -> 133913892 MB, Used +0 -> 1464 MB, Peak +1 -> 1472 MB; RAM: Avail -97 -> 113027 MB, Used +1 -> 1530 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8654, Used 1346, User: Used 1412 
'100.336552!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::7622:: Delta VM: Avail -360 -> 133913532 MB, Used +216 -> 1680 MB, Peak +220 -> 1692 MB; RAM: Avail -307 -> 112720 MB, Used +233 -> 1764 MB, Peak +236 -> 1774 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8658, Used 1342, User: Used 1411 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 18-jun-2020 17:43:07.029;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'Error al analizar EntityName. lnea 3, posicin 41. 
' 1:< ::7623:: Delta VM: Avail -16 -> 133913516 MB, Used +0 -> 1681 MB; RAM: Avail +5 -> 112726 MB, Used 1764 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8658, Used 1342, User: Used 1410 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6595, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6596, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6597, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6598, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6599, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6600, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6601, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6602, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6603, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6604, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6605, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6606, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6607, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6608, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6609, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6610, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6611, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6612, name: , text: Sample 1, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample1, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6613, name: , text: Browse..., class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample4+Browse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6614, name: , text: Sample 8, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample8, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::7623:: Delta VM: Avail +129 -> 133913645 MB, Used -104 -> 1577 MB; RAM: Avail +90 -> 112817 MB, Used -102 -> 1662 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8658, Used 1342, User: Used 1410 
'176.516205   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 18-jun-2020 17:43:07.648;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 1:< ::7623:: Delta VM: Avail -5 -> 133913640 MB, Used +13 -> 1591 MB; RAM: Avail -35 -> 112782 MB, Used +13 -> 1676 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8653, Used 1347, User: Used 1409 
 'E 18-jun-2020 17:43:08.090;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 18-jun-2020 17:43:08.097;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 ' 0:< ::7625:: Delta VM: Avail -15 -> 133913626 MB, Used +2 -> 1593 MB; RAM: Avail +0 -> 112783 MB, Used +2 -> 1679 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8659, Used 1341, User: Used 1407 
 'E 18-jun-2020 17:43:11.116;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,     88 ,     39
 'E 18-jun-2020 17:43:11.117;   0:< 
 Jrn.AppButtonEvent 1 , "Application Menu is opening"
 ' 0:< ::7627:: Delta VM: Avail +14 -> 133913641 MB, Used -2 -> 1591 MB; RAM: Avail +10 -> 112793 MB, Used -1 -> 1678 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8661, Used 1339, User: Used 1407 
 'E 18-jun-2020 17:43:13.001;   0:< 
 Jrn.AppButtonEvent 0 , "Application Menu is closing"
 ' 0:< ::7628:: Delta VM: Avail -14 -> 133913627 MB, Used 1591 MB; RAM: Avail +0 -> 112794 MB, Used 1678 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8663, Used 1337, User: Used 1408 
 'E 18-jun-2020 17:43:13.082;   0:< 
 Jrn.Command "Ribbon" , "Guardar el proyecto activo , ID_REVIT_FILE_SAVE"
' 0:< Unnecessary nesting;ArrowUI_4;-1;ID_REVIT_FILE_SAVE ;N++EB(NB); 
' 1:<   System (MB) [Available /  Total ]  [Revit Memory Usage (MB)   ] 
' 1:< RAM Statistics:   112794 /   130953      1678=InUse     1774=Peak  
' 1:< VM  Statistics: 133913627 / 134217727      1591=InUse     1692=Peak  
' 1:<  0 ModelServerState "Created": Current server = "Not Queried", Model server = "", Model server state = "Not Applicable" 
' 3:< compare GUIDs; creation d08ec0ea-f8b1-4501-8dde-a331facef102; detach d08ec0ea-f8b1-4501-8dde-a331facef102; upgrade d08ec0ea-f8b1-4501-8dde-a331facef102; DIFF prevUpgrade null != d08ec0ea-f8b1-4501-8dde-a331facef102 
' 3:< Unnecessary nesting;ManageDocTemplatesPreview_1;-1;IDS_PREVIEW ;N++OB(NAB); 
'  0.232272    2:<<OpenFileForSave::openFileForSave 
' 2:< DummyStorage destroying DataStorageInterface 0x000001DA0AB33690 
' 5:< Fix Missing Element For D:\USUARIOS\Surface\Aurianova Dropbox\SERVIDOR\MANZANARES EL REAL\GALIVIVIENDA\0337-A-2018\05 PROYECTO\07 INFOGRAFIAS\EXTERIOR NUEVA TOPO\PARCELA_ENTORNO.rvt: File Size: 16232448, Element Count: 5671 
' 5:< updateDITforSave increment 4C has 449 (+0) episodes 
' 3:< GETLOADSTOREOPTIONS in GET d:\ship\2020_px64\source\revit\revitdb\project\projectagent.cpp(29) despite m_dontFetch 
' 3:< GETLOADSTOREOPTIONS in GET d:\ship\2020_px64\source\revit\revitdb\project\olestorage.cpp(224) despite m_dontFetch 
' 4:< GETLOADSTOREOPTIONS in GET d:\ship\2020_px64\source\revit\revitdb\document\document.cpp(6017) despite m_dontFetch 
' 4:< GETLOADSTOREOPTIONS in GET d:\ship\2020_px64\source\revit\persistencedb\modelstorage\savetostorage.cpp(783) despite m_dontFetch 
' 4:< GETLOADSTOREOPTIONS in GET d:\ship\2020_px64\source\revit\revitdb\project\olestorage.cpp(224) despite m_dontFetch 
' 4:< GETLOADSTOREOPTIONS in GET d:\ship\2020_px64\source\revit\persistencedb\modelstorage\savetostorage.cpp(827) despite m_dontFetch 
' 3:< GETLOADSTOREOPTIONS in GET d:\ship\2020_px64\source\revit\revitdb\project\projectagent.cpp(29) despite m_dontFetch 
'H 18-jun-2020 17:43:13.886;   1:< 
Jrn.Directive "DocSymbol"  _
        , "[PARCELA_ENTORNO.rvt]"
' 2:< ::7629:: Delta VM: Avail +30 -> 133913657 MB, Used +3 -> 1595 MB; RAM: Avail -5 -> 112789 MB, Used +3 -> 1681 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8664, Used 1336, User: Used 1402 
' 2:< DummyStorage destroying DataStorageInterface 0x000001DA0AB33A10 
' 3:< ::7629:: Delta VM: Avail +31 -> 133913689 MB, Used 1595 MB; RAM: Avail 112789 MB, Used -1 -> 1680 MB 
' 3:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8664, Used 1336, User: Used 1402 
' 3:< DummyStorage destroying DataStorageInterface 0x000001DAB6D78900 
' 2:< [ISL] Saved last modification time: 18-jun-2020 17:43:13 (UTC: 18-jun-2020 15:43:13) 
' 3:< ::7629:: Delta VM: Avail +14 -> 133913703 MB, Used 1595 MB; RAM: Avail -5 -> 112784 MB, Used 1680 MB 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0290) - Since Last Record = 0.0290 (%0.13) - Pre-initialize .net
(9.0120) - Since Last Record = 8.9830 (%40.09) - Post-initialize .net
(10.0450) - Since Last Record = 1.0330 (%4.61) - after create and load AppSettings
(10.0470) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(13.3140) - Since Last Record = 3.2670 (%14.58) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(13.3350) - Since Last Record = 0.0210 (%0.09) - construct CMainFrame
(13.8660) - Since Last Record = 0.5310 (%2.37) - after load CMainFrame
(15.1410) - Since Last Record = 1.2750 (%5.69) - after initialize license manager
(15.1700) - Since Last Record = 0.0290 (%0.13) - after loading of cursor resources
(15.1830) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.06) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(19.0710) - Since Last Record = 3.8880 (%17.35) - Pre auto load plugins
(19.1580) - Since Last Record = 0.0870 (%0.39) - Toolbars
(19.1760) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.08) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(19.1800) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.02) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(19.1940) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.06) - RDK:Initialize: start
(19.1940) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(19.2180) - Since Last Record = 0.0240 (%0.11) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(19.2180) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(19.2180) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(19.2400) - Since Last Record = 0.0220 (%0.10) - RDK:Initialize: end
(19.2400) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(19.2400) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(19.2400) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(19.3360) - Since Last Record = 0.0960 (%0.43) - Renderer Development Kit
(19.7220) - Since Last Record = 0.3860 (%1.72) - Commands
(19.7350) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.06) - Snapshots
(19.7520) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.08) - Rhino Render
(19.9070) - Since Last Record = 0.1550 (%0.69) - RDK_EtoUI
(19.9230) - Since Last Record = 0.0160 (%0.07) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(20.1290) - Since Last Record = 0.2060 (%0.92) - RhinoCycles
(20.1610) - Since Last Record = 0.0320 (%0.14) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(20.1740) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.06) - Displacement
(20.2310) - Since Last Record = 0.0570 (%0.25) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(20.2310) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(20.2320) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(20.2460) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.06) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(20.2490) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.01) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(20.3430) - Since Last Record = 0.0940 (%0.42) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(20.3450) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(21.4840) - Since Last Record = 1.1390 (%5.08) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(21.4840) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(21.5600) - Since Last Record = 0.0760 (%0.34) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(21.5600) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(21.5600) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(21.9710) - Since Last Record = 0.4110 (%1.83) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(21.9710) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(21.9710) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(22.4050) - Since Last Record = 0.4340 (%1.94) - after Process Shell Commands
(22.4060) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::20074:: Delta VM: Avail -224 -> 134208065 MB, Used +96 -> 2337 MB; RAM: Avail -73 -> 117267 MB, Used +76 -> 2319 MB, Peak +2 -> 2320 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8780, Used 1220, User: Used 1073 
'  6.840136!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::20074:: Delta VM: Avail -295309 -> 133912756 MB, Used +91 -> 2429 MB, Peak +15 -> 2436 MB; RAM: Avail +280 -> 117547 MB, Used +130 -> 2450 MB, Peak +137 -> 2457 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8515, Used 1485, User: Used 1453 
' 29.391756!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::20074:: Delta VM: Avail +12 -> 133912769 MB, Used -16 -> 2413 MB; RAM: Avail -4 -> 117543 MB, Used +2 -> 2452 MB, Peak +3 -> 2460 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8524, Used 1476, User: Used 1432 
'  9.030145!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::20074:: Delta VM: Avail -236 -> 133912534 MB, Used +173 -> 2587 MB, Peak +186 -> 2623 MB; RAM: Avail -274 -> 117270 MB, Used +207 -> 2660 MB, Peak +232 -> 2693 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8527, Used 1473, User: Used 1432 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 19-jun-2020 10:49:40.605;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1099 ,    120
 'E 19-jun-2020 10:49:40.605;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'Error al analizar EntityName. lnea 3, posicin 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6595, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6596, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6597, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6598, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6599, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6600, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6601, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6602, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6603, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6604, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6605, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6606, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6607, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6608, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6609, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6610, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6611, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6612, name: , text: Sample 1, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample1, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6613, name: , text: Browse..., class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample4+Browse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6614, name: , text: Sample 8, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample8, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 2:< ::20076:: Delta VM: Avail -18 -> 133912517 MB, Used +9 -> 2596 MB; RAM: Avail -2 -> 117268 MB, Used +9 -> 2669 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8525, Used 1475, User: Used 1432 
' 40.104142!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 0:< ::20076:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 133912515 MB, Used +3 -> 2599 MB; RAM: Avail -39 -> 117230 MB, Used +3 -> 2672 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8527, Used 1473, User: Used 1429 
' 85.683067   1:<<API External Command Time 
 'E 19-jun-2020 10:49:41.489;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1000 ,    416
'H 19-jun-2020 10:49:41.489;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 1:< ::20077:: Delta VM: Avail -16 -> 133912499 MB, Used 2599 MB; RAM: Avail -19 -> 117211 MB, Used 2672 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8525, Used 1475, User: Used 1431 
 'E 19-jun-2020 10:49:41.648;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1000 ,    416
 'E 19-jun-2020 10:49:41.648;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 19-jun-2020 10:49:41.655;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 ' 0:< ::20080:: Delta VM: Avail -4 -> 133912496 MB, Used +4 -> 2604 MB; RAM: Avail +12 -> 117224 MB, Used +4 -> 2677 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8534, Used 1466, User: Used 1428 
 'E 19-jun-2020 10:49:45.667;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    253 ,    132
 'E 19-jun-2020 10:49:45.668;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandRhino:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino"
'  0.190907   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 19-jun-2020 10:49:45.860;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
' 0:< ::20082:: Delta VM: Avail -142 -> 133912355 MB, Used +117 -> 2722 MB, Peak +144 -> 2768 MB; RAM: Avail +65 -> 117289 MB, Used +45 -> 2722 MB, Peak +84 -> 2777 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8524, Used 1476, User: Used 1431 
'C 19-jun-2020 10:51:27.052;   0:< Managed exception caught from external API application 'RhinoInside.Revit' in method 'Void CheckWin32Error()' Exception type: '<System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception>,' Exception method: '<El identificador de la ventana no es vlido>,' Stack trace '      en Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.WindowHandle.CheckWin32Error()
''   en RhinoInside.Revit.External.ActivationGate.TryActivateEventHandler.Execute(UIApplication app)
''   en RhinoInside.Revit.External.ActivationGate.<>c__DisplayClass31_0.<Open>b__0()
''   en RhinoInside.Revit.External.ActivationGate.Open[T](Func`1 func, Object state)
''   en RhinoInside.Revit.External.UI.EventHandler.Autodesk.Revit.UI.IExternalEventHandler.Execute(UIApplication app) 
' 0:< ::20082:: Delta VM: Avail -34 -> 133912321 MB, Used +2 -> 2724 MB; RAM: Avail -34 -> 117255 MB, Used +2 -> 2724 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8518, Used 1482, User: Used 1441 
'C 19-jun-2020 10:51:27.272;   0:< Executing AddInJournaling : MessageBox(YesNo,Rhino\.Inside 0\.0\.7436\.11738 - Oops! Something went wrong :\().Click(Yes) 
 'E 19-jun-2020 10:51:27.272;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1080 ,   1133
 'E 19-jun-2020 10:51:27.272;   0:< 
 Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling" , "MessageBox(YesNo,Rhino\.Inside 0\.0\.7436\.11738 - Oops! Something went wrong :\().Click(Yes)"

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0320) - Since Last Record = 0.0320 (%0.19) - Pre-initialize .net
(1.0630) - Since Last Record = 1.0310 (%6.03) - Post-initialize .net
(2.1480) - Since Last Record = 1.0850 (%6.34) - after create and load AppSettings
(2.1500) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(5.6690) - Since Last Record = 3.5190 (%20.57) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(5.6960) - Since Last Record = 0.0270 (%0.16) - construct CMainFrame
(6.1640) - Since Last Record = 0.4680 (%2.74) - after load CMainFrame
(7.5130) - Since Last Record = 1.3490 (%7.89) - after initialize license manager
(7.5480) - Since Last Record = 0.0350 (%0.20) - after loading of cursor resources
(7.6160) - Since Last Record = 0.0680 (%0.40) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(13.2740) - Since Last Record = 5.6580 (%33.07) - Pre auto load plugins
(13.3650) - Since Last Record = 0.0910 (%0.53) - Toolbars
(13.3760) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.06) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(13.3800) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.02) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(13.3960) - Since Last Record = 0.0160 (%0.09) - RDK:Initialize: start
(13.3960) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(13.4210) - Since Last Record = 0.0250 (%0.15) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(13.4220) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(13.4220) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(13.4480) - Since Last Record = 0.0260 (%0.15) - RDK:Initialize: end
(13.4480) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(13.4480) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(13.4480) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(13.5410) - Since Last Record = 0.0930 (%0.54) - Renderer Development Kit
(13.9440) - Since Last Record = 0.4030 (%2.36) - Commands
(13.9580) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.08) - Snapshots
(13.9750) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.10) - Rhino Render
(14.1430) - Since Last Record = 0.1680 (%0.98) - RDK_EtoUI
(14.1620) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.11) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(14.4100) - Since Last Record = 0.2480 (%1.45) - RhinoCycles
(14.9020) - Since Last Record = 0.4920 (%2.88) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(14.9170) - Since Last Record = 0.0150 (%0.09) - Displacement
(14.9740) - Since Last Record = 0.0570 (%0.33) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(14.9750) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - after load default render engine
(14.9750) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(14.9900) - Since Last Record = 0.0150 (%0.09) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(14.9940) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.02) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(15.0870) - Since Last Record = 0.0930 (%0.54) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(15.0900) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.02) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(16.1180) - Since Last Record = 1.0280 (%6.01) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(16.1180) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(16.1940) - Since Last Record = 0.0760 (%0.44) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(16.1940) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(16.1940) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(16.5720) - Since Last Record = 0.3780 (%2.21) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(16.5720) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(16.5720) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(17.1080) - Since Last Record = 0.5360 (%3.13) - after Process Shell Commands
(17.1080) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::61:: Delta VM: Avail -6 -> 134209483 MB, Used +2 -> 1738 MB, Peak +15 -> 1762 MB; RAM: Avail -14 -> 8763 MB, Used +16 -> 1691 MB, Peak +31 -> 1715 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9094, Used 906, User: Used 434 
'C 22-Jun-2020 18:11:23.766;   1:< Managed exception caught from external API application 'RhinoCommon' in method 'IntPtr ON_StringArray_New()' Exception type: '<System.DllNotFoundException>,' Exception method: '<Unable to load DLL 'rhcommon_c': The specified procedure could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007F)>,' Stack trace '      at UnsafeNativeMethods.ON_StringArray_New()
''   at Rhino.RhinoApp.CapturedCommandWindowStrings(Boolean clearBuffer)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Rhinoceros.Startup()
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Revit.OnStartup(UIControlledApplication applicationUI)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.ActivationGate.Open[T](Func`1 func, Object state)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.UI.Command.Autodesk.Revit.UI.IExternalCommand.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements) 

Console Log

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::129:: Delta VM: Avail -683 -> 134174354 MB, Used +257 -> 3734 MB, Peak +259 -> 3736 MB; RAM: Avail -231 -> 5012 MB, Used +219 -> 3183 MB, Peak +219 -> 3183 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8789, Used 1211, User: Used 1362 
' 11.909606!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::129:: Delta VM: Avail -70 -> 134174284 MB, Used +111 -> 3846 MB, Peak +110 -> 3846 MB; RAM: Avail -130 -> 4883 MB, Used +129 -> 3313 MB, Peak +129 -> 3313 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8786, Used 1214, User: Used 1361 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 22-Jun-2020 17:08:54.779;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6733, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6734, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6735, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6736, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6737, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6738, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6739, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6740, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6741, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6742, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6743, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6744, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6745, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6746, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6747, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::130:: Delta VM: Avail -17 -> 134174268 MB, Used +3 -> 3849 MB, Peak +3 -> 3849 MB; RAM: Avail -2 -> 4881 MB, Used +4 -> 3317 MB, Peak +3 -> 3317 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8786, Used 1214, User: Used 1361 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6748, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6749, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6750, name: , text: Sample 1, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample1, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6751, name: , text: Browse..., class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample4+Browse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6752, name: , text: Sample 8, class: RhinoInside.Revit.Samples.Sample8, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::130:: Delta VM: Avail -33 -> 134174235 MB, Used +0 -> 3850 MB, Peak +24 -> 3874 MB; RAM: Avail -7 -> 4874 MB, Used +7 -> 3325 MB, Peak +15 -> 3333 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8785, Used 1215, User: Used 1364 
' 19.675725   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 22-Jun-2020 17:08:59.206;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 'E 22-Jun-2020 17:08:59.365;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 22-Jun-2020 17:08:59.369;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 ' 0:< ::132:: Delta VM: Avail +10 -> 134174246 MB, Used 3850 MB; RAM: Avail -145 -> 4730 MB, Used -1 -> 3324 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8783, Used 1217, User: Used 1370 
 'E 22-Jun-2020 17:09:18.649;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    444 ,    459
 'E 22-Jun-2020 17:09:18.649;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    444 ,    459
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 ' 0:< ::134:: Delta VM: Avail +41 -> 134174287 MB, Used +5 -> 3856 MB; RAM: Avail +143 -> 4874 MB, Used +2 -> 3327 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8782, Used 1218, User: Used 1370 
 'E 22-Jun-2020 17:09:59.052;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,     98 ,      5
 'E 22-Jun-2020 17:09:59.052;   0:< 

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%CommandGrasshopper:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper"
' 0:< ::136:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 134174286 MB, Used +0 -> 3857 MB; RAM: Avail -2 -> 4873 MB, Used +1 -> 3329 MB, Peak +12 -> 3345 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8775, Used 1225, User: Used 1378 
'  0.628905   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 22-Jun-2020 17:09:59.683;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::136:: Delta VM: Avail -3 -> 134174283 MB, Used +2 -> 3859 MB, Peak +0 -> 3875 MB; RAM: Avail -412 -> 4461 MB, Used +171 -> 3500 MB, Peak +155 -> 3500 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8757, Used 1243, User: Used 1423 
 'E 22-Jun-2020 17:10:12.932;   0:< 
 Jrn.Command "AccelKey" , "Cancel the current operation , ID_CANCEL_EDITOR"
 ' 0:< Unnecessary nesting;ArrowUI_4;-1;ID_CANCEL_EDITOR ;N++EB(NB); 
 ' 0:< ::137:: Delta VM: Avail -28 -> 134174256 MB, Used 3859 MB; RAM: Avail 4461 MB, Used 3500 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8760, Used 1240, User: Used 1415 
 'E 22-Jun-2020 17:10:12.953;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,   1049 ,    325
 'H 22-Jun-2020 17:10:12.953;   0:< 
 Jrn.Data "DroppedMouseAction"  _
         , "no active editor"
'C 22-Jun-2020 17:10:13.043;   0:< idle0_doc 
 ' 0:< ::138:: Delta VM: Avail +26 -> 134174282 MB, Used +8 -> 3867 MB; RAM: Avail +223 -> 4685 MB, Used 3500 MB, Peak +3 -> 3504 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8757, Used 1243, User: Used 1423 
 'E 22-Jun-2020 17:10:14.907;   0:< 

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandRhino:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino"
' 0:< ::139:: Delta VM: Avail 134174282 MB, Used 3867 MB; RAM: Avail -200 -> 4485 MB, Used 3500 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8757, Used 1243, User: Used 1423 
'  0.252575   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 22-Jun-2020 17:10:15.160;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::139:: Delta VM: Avail -460 -> 134173822 MB, Used +467 -> 4335 MB, Peak +460 -> 4336 MB; RAM: Avail -467 -> 4018 MB, Used +170 -> 3671 MB, Peak +218 -> 3722 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8663, Used 1337, User: Used 1456 
 'E 22-Jun-2020 17:10:31.730;   0:< 
 Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling" , "WinformWindow(GH_DocumentEditor,Grasshopper - No document).Close()"
 ' 0:< ::140:: Delta VM: Avail -90 -> 134173733 MB, Used +70 -> 4406 MB, Peak +71 -> 4407 MB; RAM: Avail -560 -> 3459 MB, Used +6 -> 3677 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8576, Used 1424, User: Used 1494 
 'E 22-Jun-2020 17:11:04.295;   0:< 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0140) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.17) - Pre-initialize .net
(2.0430) - Since Last Record = 2.0290 (%24.71) - Post-initialize .net
(2.3010) - Since Last Record = 0.2580 (%3.14) - after create and load AppSettings
(2.3020) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(2.5750) - Since Last Record = 0.2730 (%3.33) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(2.5970) - Since Last Record = 0.0220 (%0.27) - construct CMainFrame
(2.9300) - Since Last Record = 0.3330 (%4.06) - after load CMainFrame
(3.6100) - Since Last Record = 0.6800 (%8.28) - after initialize license manager
(3.6540) - Since Last Record = 0.0440 (%0.54) - after loading of cursor resources
(3.7990) - Since Last Record = 0.1450 (%1.77) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(5.6340) - Since Last Record = 1.8350 (%22.35) - Pre auto load plugins
(5.7000) - Since Last Record = 0.0660 (%0.80) - Toolbars
(5.7110) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.13) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(5.7340) - Since Last Record = 0.0230 (%0.28) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(5.7460) - Since Last Record = 0.0120 (%0.15) - RDK:Initialize: start
(5.7470) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(5.7840) - Since Last Record = 0.0370 (%0.45) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(5.7850) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(5.7850) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(5.8150) - Since Last Record = 0.0300 (%0.37) - RDK:Initialize: end
(5.8150) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(5.8150) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(5.8150) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(5.8540) - Since Last Record = 0.0390 (%0.48) - Renderer Development Kit
(6.0860) - Since Last Record = 0.2320 (%2.83) - Commands
(6.0980) - Since Last Record = 0.0120 (%0.15) - Snapshots
(6.1110) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.16) - Rhino Render
(6.2150) - Since Last Record = 0.1040 (%1.27) - RDK_EtoUI
(6.2410) - Since Last Record = 0.0260 (%0.32) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(6.4110) - Since Last Record = 0.1700 (%2.07) - RhinoCycles
(6.5410) - Since Last Record = 0.1300 (%1.58) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(6.5670) - Since Last Record = 0.0260 (%0.32) - Displacement
(6.6200) - Since Last Record = 0.0530 (%0.65) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(6.6210) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - after load default render engine
(6.6210) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(6.6350) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.17) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(6.6380) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.04) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(6.7340) - Since Last Record = 0.0960 (%1.17) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(6.7360) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.02) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(7.4950) - Since Last Record = 0.7590 (%9.24) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(7.4950) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(7.5830) - Since Last Record = 0.0880 (%1.07) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(7.5830) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(7.5830) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(7.8270) - Since Last Record = 0.2440 (%2.97) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(7.8270) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(7.8270) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(8.2100) - Since Last Record = 0.3830 (%4.67) - after Process Shell Commands
(8.2100) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< TaskDialog "An unsupported openNURBS version is already loaded. Rhino.Inside cannot run."
'Id : RhinoInside.Revit.Addin.CheckSetup.OpenNURBSConflict
'Command Links:
'1001 : More information
'1002 : Report Error
'DefaultButton : 1002 

Console Log

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts

Company Name Product Name Product Version Type Name Assembly Name Assembly Location
Bluebeam, Inc. Bluebeam Revu Bluebeam.BbRevit.RevitAddin BbRevitAddin2020, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files\Bluebeam Software\Bluebeam Revu\2019\Pushbutton PDF\Revit\Revit2020\BbRevitAddin2020.dll
Symetri AB NaviateA NaviateA.ExternalApplication NaviateA, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files\Symetri\Naviate\Revit 2020\Dll\NaviateA.dll
White.AppManager.RevitClient.Utils White.AppManager.RevitClient.RevitAccess.Startup White.AppManager.RevitClient.RevitAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files\White Apps\Revit 2020\White.AppManager.RevitClient.RevitAccess.dll
eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< TaskDialog "An unsupported openNURBS version is already loaded. Rhino.Inside cannot run."
'Id : RhinoInside.Revit.Addin.CheckSetup.OpenNURBSConflict
'Command Links:
'1001 : More information
'1002 : Report Error
'DefaultButton : 1002 

Console Log

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts

Company Name Product Name Product Version Type Name Assembly Name Assembly Location
Enscape GmbH Enscape.Revit.Plugin 2.7.2 Enscape.Revit.Plugin.EnscapeRevitPlugin Enscape.Revit.Plugin, Version=0.0.20147.1240, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Enscape\Bin64\Enscape.Revit.Plugin.dll
ASSA ABLOY INC. ADSRevit2020 ADSRevit2020.ADSRevit ADSRevit2020, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files\AAOS\Plugins\2020\ADSRevit2020.dll
CM2019 7.1.7159.0 RDES.Revit.ClassificationManager.App.CMApp CMApp, Version=7.1.7159.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2020\Classification Manager\CMApp.dll
RMC2018 7.1.7159.0 RDES.Revit.ModelChecker.MCShell.MCApp RMCApp, Version=7.1.7159.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2020\Model Checker\RMCApp.dll
COBieExtension2019 7.1.7159.0 RDES.COBie.Revit.Shell.COBieApp COBieApp, Version=7.1.7159.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\BIT\2020\COBie\COBieApp.dll
Bluebeam, Inc. Bluebeam Revu Bluebeam.BbRevit.RevitAddin BbRevitAddin2020, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files\Bluebeam Software\Bluebeam Revu\2019\Pushbutton PDF\Revit\Revit2020\BbRevitAddin2020.dll
Autodesk FormIt Converter FormItConverter.Ribbon FormItConverterRibbon, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files\Autodesk\FormItConverterForRevit2020\Addon\FormItConverterRibbon.dll
eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::54:: Delta VM: Avail -151 -> 134177811 MB, Used +42 -> 820 MB, Peak +44 -> 824 MB; RAM: Avail -70 -> 23937 MB, Used +65 -> 906 MB, Peak +29 -> 906 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9143, Used 857, User: Used 464 
'  6.688791!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::54:: Delta VM: Avail -98918 -> 134078893 MB, Used +230 -> 1051 MB, Peak +232 -> 1056 MB; RAM: Avail -183 -> 23755 MB, Used +177 -> 1083 MB, Peak +186 -> 1092 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8842, Used 1158, User: Used 1249 
'  5.057836!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::54:: Delta VM: Avail -77 -> 134078816 MB, Used +110 -> 1162 MB, Peak +105 -> 1162 MB; RAM: Avail -116 -> 23639 MB, Used +129 -> 1212 MB, Peak +120 -> 1213 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8839, Used 1161, User: Used 1236 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 03-Jul-2020 02:27:50.607;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    694 ,   1098
 'E 03-Jul-2020 02:27:50.607;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6415, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6416, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6417, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6418, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6419, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6420, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6421, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6422, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6423, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6424, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6425, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6426, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6427, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6428, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6429, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6430, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6431, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6432, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6433, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< TaskDialog "Keyboard shortcut 'R' is now assigned to Rhino"
'Id : RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.ShowShortcutHelp
'Command Links:
'1001 : Customize keyboard shortcuts
'DefaultButton : 1001 
' 2:< ::56:: Delta VM: Avail -37 -> 134078780 MB, Used +19 -> 1182 MB, Peak +21 -> 1183 MB; RAM: Avail -21 -> 23619 MB, Used +19 -> 1232 MB, Peak +21 -> 1234 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8807, Used 1193, User: Used 1274 
'  6.041060!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 

' 1:< ::56:: Delta VM: Avail -6 -> 134078774 MB, Used +8 -> 1191 MB, Peak +20 -> 1204 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 23608 MB, Used +12 -> 1245 MB, Peak +20 -> 1254 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8830, Used 1170, User: Used 1231 
' 1:< Muted: Jrn.Directive IdleTimeTaskSymbol 
' 0:< ::56:: Delta VM: Avail 134078774 MB, Used -48 -> 1143 MB; RAM: Avail +34 -> 23642 MB, Used -48 -> 1197 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8830, Used 1170, User: Used 1231 
' 37.882174   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 03-Jul-2020 02:28:11.260;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 1:< ::56:: Delta VM: Avail -16 -> 134078759 MB, Used +2 -> 1145 MB; RAM: Avail -3 -> 23639 MB, Used +2 -> 1200 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8821, Used 1179, User: Used 1232 
 'E 03-Jul-2020 02:28:11.526;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1530 ,    781
 'E 03-Jul-2020 02:28:11.526;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 03-Jul-2020 02:28:11.531;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
'H 03-Jul-2020 02:28:11.561;   0:< 
Jrn.Directive "IdleTimeTaskInvocation"  _
        , "2.PostCommandTask", 0, "{}"
 'E 03-Jul-2020 02:28:11.565;   0:< 
 Jrn.Command "KeyboardShortcut" , " , ID_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT_DIALOG"
 ' 0:< Unnecessary nesting;ArrowUI_4;-1;ID_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT_DIALOG ;N++EB(NB); 
'H 03-Jul-2020 02:28:20.294;   0:< 
Jrn.Directive "IdleTimeTaskInvocation"  _
        , "2.PostCommandTask", 0, "end"
'C 03-Jul-2020 02:28:20.448;   0:< idle0_doc 
 'E 03-Jul-2020 02:28:36.001;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    269 ,     10
 'E 03-Jul-2020 02:28:36.002;   0:< 

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandRhino:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino"
'H 03-Jul-2020 02:28:36.093;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::62:: Delta VM: Avail -240 -> 134078519 MB, Used +223 -> 1369 MB, Peak +202 -> 1406 MB; RAM: Avail -95 -> 23544 MB, Used +99 -> 1300 MB, Peak +80 -> 1335 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8710, Used 1290, User: Used 1298 
 'E 03-Jul-2020 02:30:05.866;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    523 ,   1679
 'E 03-Jul-2020 02:30:05.866;   0:< 
 Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling" , "WinformWindow(GH_DocumentEditor,Grasshopper - No document).Close()"
 'E 03-Jul-2020 02:30:14.009;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    530 ,      5
 'E 03-Jul-2020 02:30:14.009;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "TabActivated:View"
 ' 0:< ::66:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 134078518 MB, Used +13 -> 1382 MB; RAM: Avail -2 -> 23542 MB, Used +13 -> 1313 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8706, Used 1294, User: Used 1301 
 'E 03-Jul-2020 02:30:21.507;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    689 ,     66
 'E 03-Jul-2020 02:30:21.507;   0:< 
 Jrn.RButtonDown    2 ,    689 ,     66
 'E 03-Jul-2020 02:30:21.668;   0:< 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0280) - Since Last Record = 0.0280 (%0.27) - Pre-initialize .net
(6.0100) - Since Last Record = 5.9820 (%57.21) - Post-initialize .net
(6.3410) - Since Last Record = 0.3310 (%3.17) - after create and load AppSettings
(6.3430) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.02) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(6.9900) - Since Last Record = 0.6470 (%6.19) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(7.0020) - Since Last Record = 0.0120 (%0.11) - construct CMainFrame
(7.2990) - Since Last Record = 0.2970 (%2.84) - after load CMainFrame
(8.3230) - Since Last Record = 1.0240 (%9.79) - after initialize license manager
(8.3430) - Since Last Record = 0.0200 (%0.19) - after loading of cursor resources
(8.3570) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.13) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(8.4440) - Since Last Record = 0.0870 (%0.83) - Pre auto load plugins
(8.4980) - Since Last Record = 0.0540 (%0.52) - Toolbars
(8.5050) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.07) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(8.5080) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.03) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(8.5130) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.05) - RDK:Initialize: start
(8.5130) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(8.5300) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.16) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(8.5300) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(8.5300) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(8.5480) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.17) - RDK:Initialize: end
(8.5480) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(8.5480) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(8.5480) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(8.5840) - Since Last Record = 0.0360 (%0.34) - Renderer Development Kit
(8.7870) - Since Last Record = 0.2030 (%1.94) - Commands
(8.8000) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.12) - Snapshots
(8.8150) - Since Last Record = 0.0150 (%0.14) - Rhino Render
(8.9010) - Since Last Record = 0.0860 (%0.82) - RDK_EtoUI
(8.9150) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.13) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(8.9990) - Since Last Record = 0.0840 (%0.80) - RhinoCycles
(9.0200) - Since Last Record = 0.0210 (%0.20) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(9.0310) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.11) - Displacement
(9.0760) - Since Last Record = 0.0450 (%0.43) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(9.0770) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - after load default render engine
(9.0770) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(9.0770) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(9.0800) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.03) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(9.1530) - Since Last Record = 0.0730 (%0.70) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(9.1560) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.03) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(9.5930) - Since Last Record = 0.4370 (%4.18) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(9.5930) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(9.6400) - Since Last Record = 0.0470 (%0.45) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(9.6400) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(9.6400) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(9.8710) - Since Last Record = 0.2310 (%2.21) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(9.8710) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(9.8710) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(9.9650) - Since Last Record = 0.0940 (%0.90) - after Process Shell Commands
(10.4560) - Since Last Record = 0.4910 (%4.70) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::67:: Delta VM: Avail -90967 -> 134118976 MB, Used +355 -> 1788 MB, Peak +337 -> 1788 MB; RAM: Avail -362 -> 21422 MB, Used +371 -> 1864 MB, Peak +364 -> 1864 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8693, Used 1307, User: Used 1359 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:13:50.773;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   2452 ,    608
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:13:50.773;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6434, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6435, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6436, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6437, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6438, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6439, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6440, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6441, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6442, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6443, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6444, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6445, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6446, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6447, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6448, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6449, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6450, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6451, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6452, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::69:: Delta VM: Avail 134118976 MB, Used -16 -> 1772 MB, Peak +7 -> 1796 MB; RAM: Avail +7 -> 21430 MB, Used -15 -> 1849 MB, Peak +7 -> 1872 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8693, Used 1307, User: Used 1360 
'  8.136834   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 07-Jul-2020 13:13:50.927;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 1:< ::69:: Delta VM: Avail -35 -> 134118942 MB, Used +12 -> 1785 MB; RAM: Avail -47 -> 21383 MB, Used +12 -> 1861 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8681, Used 1319, User: Used 1362 
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:13:51.164;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   2452 ,    605
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:13:51.164;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:13:51.169;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 2:< ::72:: Delta VM: Avail -3 -> 134118939 MB, Used +3 -> 1789 MB, Peak +14 -> 1810 MB; RAM: Avail -22 -> 21361 MB, Used +4 -> 1866 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8686, Used 1314, User: Used 1362 
' 2:< DBG_INFO: refineSurfCurveIntersection failed in Surface::intersectWithLine; trying the less robust intersectSurfWithLineByNewton as a backup.: line 3461 of Surface.cpp. 
 ' 0:< ::72:: Delta VM: Avail +48 -> 134118988 MB, Used +1 -> 1790 MB, Peak +1 -> 1812 MB; RAM: Avail -35 -> 21327 MB, Used +1 -> 1867 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8687, Used 1313, User: Used 1358 
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:14:10.352;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1478 ,   1690
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:14:10.352;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_CONTROL" , 32797
 ' 0:< ::74:: Delta VM: Avail 134118988 MB, Used -1 -> 1789 MB; RAM: Avail +12 -> 21340 MB, Used 1867 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8687, Used 1313, User: Used 1358 
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:14:10.365;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_CONTROL" , 32925
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:14:10.371;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_CONTROL" , 33181
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:14:10.376;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_SHIFT" , 32938
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:14:10.381;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_SHIFT" , 32950
 ' 0:< ::78:: Delta VM: Avail -44 -> 134118944 MB, Used +1 -> 1791 MB; RAM: Avail +16 -> 21356 MB, Used +1 -> 1868 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8687, Used 1313, User: Used 1351 
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:20:07.080;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1845 ,    434
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:20:07.080;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_SHIFT" , 32810
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:20:07.085;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_SHIFT" , 32822
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:20:07.090;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_CONTROL" , 32797
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:20:07.095;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_CONTROL" , 33053
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:20:07.101;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_CONTROL" , 32797
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:20:07.108;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1867 ,    452
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:20:07.108;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_SHIFT" , 32810
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:20:07.112;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_SHIFT" , 32822
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:20:07.117;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_CONTROL" , 32797
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:20:07.122;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_CONTROL" , 33053
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:20:07.126;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1912 ,    482
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:20:07.126;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_CONTROL" , 32797
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:20:07.126;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_SHIFT" , 32810
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:20:07.126;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_SHIFT" , 32822
 'E 07-Jul-2020 13:20:07.145;   0:< 
 Jrn.Key    0 , "VK_CONTROL" , 32797

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0080) - Since Last Record = 0.0080 (%0.19) - Pre-initialize .net
(0.9660) - Since Last Record = 0.9580 (%23.01) - Post-initialize .net
(1.1470) - Since Last Record = 0.1810 (%4.35) - after create and load AppSettings
(1.1480) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.5960) - Since Last Record = 0.4480 (%10.76) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.6080) - Since Last Record = 0.0120 (%0.29) - construct CMainFrame
(1.8350) - Since Last Record = 0.2270 (%5.45) - after load CMainFrame
(2.4480) - Since Last Record = 0.6130 (%14.72) - after initialize license manager
(2.4750) - Since Last Record = 0.0270 (%0.65) - after loading of cursor resources
(2.4860) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.26) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(2.6260) - Since Last Record = 0.1400 (%3.36) - Pre auto load plugins
(2.6780) - Since Last Record = 0.0520 (%1.25) - Toolbars
(2.6820) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.10) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(2.6840) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.05) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(2.6870) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.07) - RDK:Initialize: start
(2.6870) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(2.7000) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.31) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(2.7000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(2.7000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(2.7130) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.31) - RDK:Initialize: end
(2.7130) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(2.7130) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(2.7130) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(2.7490) - Since Last Record = 0.0360 (%0.86) - Renderer Development Kit
(2.9150) - Since Last Record = 0.1660 (%3.99) - Commands
(2.9250) - Since Last Record = 0.0100 (%0.24) - Snapshots
(2.9360) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.26) - Rhino Render
(3.0050) - Since Last Record = 0.0690 (%1.66) - RDK_EtoUI
(3.0220) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.41) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(3.0910) - Since Last Record = 0.0690 (%1.66) - RhinoCycles
(3.1180) - Since Last Record = 0.0270 (%0.65) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(3.1290) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.26) - Displacement
(3.1830) - Since Last Record = 0.0540 (%1.30) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(3.1830) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(3.1840) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - after CloseAllDocuments
(3.1910) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.17) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(3.1930) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.05) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(3.2530) - Since Last Record = 0.0600 (%1.44) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(3.2550) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.05) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(3.6550) - Since Last Record = 0.4000 (%9.61) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(3.6550) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(3.6830) - Since Last Record = 0.0280 (%0.67) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(3.6830) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(3.6830) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(3.8430) - Since Last Record = 0.1600 (%3.84) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(3.8430) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(3.8430) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(4.1640) - Since Last Record = 0.3210 (%7.71) - after Process Shell Commands
(4.1640) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::60:: Delta VM: Avail -182 -> 134210492 MB, Used +35 -> 868 MB, Peak +32 -> 869 MB; RAM: Avail -175 -> 1241 MB, Used +53 -> 1020 MB, Peak +102 -> 1069 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9114, Used 886, User: Used 843 
' 1:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-0, cy-0, x-10000, y-10000 
' 1:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-262, cy-75, x-0, y-0 
' 1:< ::60:: Delta VM: Avail -33019 -> 134177474 MB, Used +140 -> 1009 MB, Peak +147 -> 1016 MB; RAM: Avail -173 -> 1068 MB, Used +205 -> 1226 MB, Peak +162 -> 1232 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8859, Used 1141, User: Used 1169 
' 1:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-0, cy-0, x-10000, y-10000 
' 1:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-262, cy-75, x-0, y-0 
 'E 15-Jul-2020 10:52:17.642;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,   1041 ,    356
 'E 15-Jul-2020 10:52:17.642;   1:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,   1063 ,    365
 ' 1:< Candidates (curIdx = 0): 960073 (+0.00000000, +0.00000000, +0.00000000)  
 ' 21.739727!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::62:: Delta VM: Avail -144 -> 134177331 MB, Used +135 -> 1145 MB, Peak +133 -> 1149 MB; RAM: Avail -119 -> 949 MB, Used +163 -> 1389 MB, Peak +160 -> 1392 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8838, Used 1162, User: Used 1193 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 15-Jul-2020 10:52:32.212;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -4 -> 134177327 MB, Used +0 -> 1146 MB, Peak +17 -> 1166 MB; RAM: Avail -15 -> 934 MB, Used +9 -> 1399 MB, Peak +27 -> 1419 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8838, Used 1162, User: Used 1192 
'C 15-Jul-2020 10:52:36.528;   1:< Managed exception caught from external API application 'RhinoInside.Revit' in method 'Void CheckWin32Error()' Exception type: '<System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception>,' Exception method: '<Invalid window handle>,' Stack trace '      at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.WindowHandle.CheckWin32Error()
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Rhinoceros.Startup()
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Revit.OnStartup(UIControlledApplication applicationUI)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.ActivationGate.Open[T](Func`1 func, Object state)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.UI.Command.Autodesk.Revit.UI.IExternalCommand.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements) 
' 1:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -22 -> 134177306 MB, Used 1146 MB; RAM: Avail 934 MB, Used 1399 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8833, Used 1167, User: Used 1200 
' 1:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-0, cy-0, x-10000, y-10000 
' 1:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-262, cy-75, x-0, y-0 
' 18.549744!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0290) - Since Last Record = 0.0290 (%0.16) - Pre-initialize .net
(1.4320) - Since Last Record = 1.4030 (%7.68) - Post-initialize .net
(10.6130) - Since Last Record = 9.1810 (%50.26) - after create and load AppSettings
(10.6150) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(11.2240) - Since Last Record = 0.6090 (%3.33) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(11.2650) - Since Last Record = 0.0410 (%0.22) - construct CMainFrame
(13.0750) - Since Last Record = 1.8100 (%9.91) - after load CMainFrame
(14.0730) - Since Last Record = 0.9980 (%5.46) - after initialize license manager
(14.1500) - Since Last Record = 0.0770 (%0.42) - after loading of cursor resources
(14.2550) - Since Last Record = 0.1050 (%0.57) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(14.3600) - Since Last Record = 0.1050 (%0.57) - Pre auto load plugins
(14.4850) - Since Last Record = 0.1250 (%0.68) - Toolbars
(14.5200) - Since Last Record = 0.0350 (%0.19) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(14.5410) - Since Last Record = 0.0210 (%0.11) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(14.5560) - Since Last Record = 0.0150 (%0.08) - RDK:Initialize: start
(14.5570) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(14.6110) - Since Last Record = 0.0540 (%0.30) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(14.6120) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(14.6120) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(14.6640) - Since Last Record = 0.0520 (%0.28) - RDK:Initialize: end
(14.6640) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(14.6640) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(14.6640) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(14.7390) - Since Last Record = 0.0750 (%0.41) - Renderer Development Kit
(15.1310) - Since Last Record = 0.3920 (%2.15) - Commands
(15.1730) - Since Last Record = 0.0420 (%0.23) - Snapshots
(15.2060) - Since Last Record = 0.0330 (%0.18) - Rhino Render
(15.3860) - Since Last Record = 0.1800 (%0.99) - RDK_EtoUI
(15.4220) - Since Last Record = 0.0360 (%0.20) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(15.6260) - Since Last Record = 0.2040 (%1.12) - RhinoCycles
(15.6810) - Since Last Record = 0.0550 (%0.30) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(15.7160) - Since Last Record = 0.0350 (%0.19) - Displacement
(15.8090) - Since Last Record = 0.0930 (%0.51) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(15.8100) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - after load default render engine
(15.8100) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(15.8120) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(15.8180) - Since Last Record = 0.0060 (%0.03) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(15.9680) - Since Last Record = 0.1500 (%0.82) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(16.0670) - Since Last Record = 0.0990 (%0.54) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(16.7950) - Since Last Record = 0.7280 (%3.99) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(16.7950) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(16.8480) - Since Last Record = 0.0530 (%0.29) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(16.8480) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(16.8480) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(17.2190) - Since Last Record = 0.3710 (%2.03) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(17.2190) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(17.2200) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - before Process Shell Commands
(17.4060) - Since Last Record = 0.1860 (%1.02) - after Process Shell Commands
(18.2670) - Since Last Record = 0.8610 (%4.71) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::61:: Delta VM: Avail -131760 -> 134078733 MB, Used +203 -> 990 MB, Peak +203 -> 991 MB; RAM: Avail -252 -> 18011 MB, Used +260 -> 1149 MB, Peak +259 -> 1149 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8713, Used 1287, User: Used 1312 
'  2.554712!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::61:: Delta VM: Avail -91 -> 134078642 MB, Used +139 -> 1130 MB, Peak +139 -> 1130 MB; RAM: Avail -155 -> 17856 MB, Used +158 -> 1308 MB, Peak +159 -> 1309 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8714, Used 1286, User: Used 1308 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 13-Jul-2020 21:06:38.168;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    574 ,     94
 'E 13-Jul-2020 21:06:38.168;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< TaskDialog "Keyboard shortcut 'R' is now assigned to Rhino"
'Id : RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.ShowShortcutHelp
'Command Links:
'1001 : Customize keyboard shortcuts
'DefaultButton : 1001 
' 2:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -18 -> 134078624 MB, Used +2 -> 1132 MB, Peak +1 -> 1132 MB; RAM: Avail -3 -> 17854 MB, Used +2 -> 1310 MB, Peak +1 -> 1310 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8683, Used 1317, User: Used 1330 
'  3.887523!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -4 -> 134078621 MB, Used -2 -> 1131 MB, Peak +20 -> 1153 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 17843 MB, Used +7 -> 1318 MB, Peak +30 -> 1341 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8704, Used 1296, User: Used 1301 
'C 13-Jul-2020 21:06:44.412;   1:< Managed exception caught from external API application 'RhinoInside.Revit' in method 'Void CheckWin32Error()' Exception type: '<System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception>,' Exception method: '<The system cannot find the file specified>,' Stack trace '      at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.WindowHandle.CheckWin32Error()
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Rhinoceros.Startup()
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Revit.OnStartup(UIControlledApplication applicationUI)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.ActivationGate.Open[T](Func`1 func, Object state)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.UI.Command.Autodesk.Revit.UI.IExternalCommand.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements) 
'  6.177440!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail +6 -> 134078627 MB, Used 1131 MB; RAM: Avail -25 -> 17818 MB, Used +0 -> 1319 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8698, Used 1302, User: Used 1307 
' 10.028986!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 0:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -3 -> 134078625 MB, Used -67 -> 1064 MB; RAM: Avail -7 -> 17812 MB, Used -65 -> 1254 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8701, Used 1299, User: Used 1304 
' 23.608771   1:<<API External Command Time 
 'E 13-Jul-2020 21:06:54.825;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    796 ,    470
'H 13-Jul-2020 21:06:54.825;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 'E 13-Jul-2020 21:07:31.321;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    480 ,      1
 'E 13-Jul-2020 21:07:31.322;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6474, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6475, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6476, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6477, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6478, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6479, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6480, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6481, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6482, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6483, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::66:: Delta VM: Avail +6 -> 134078632 MB, Used +1 -> 1066 MB; RAM: Avail +24 -> 17836 MB, Used +1 -> 1256 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8703, Used 1297, User: Used 1299 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6484, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6485, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6486, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6487, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6488, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6489, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6490, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6491, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6492, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
'  0.121593   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 13-Jul-2020 21:07:31.444;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 1:< ::66:: Delta VM: Avail -4 -> 134078629 MB, Used +14 -> 1080 MB; RAM: Avail -5 -> 17832 MB, Used +14 -> 1270 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8696, Used 1304, User: Used 1303 
 'E 13-Jul-2020 21:07:31.649;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 13-Jul-2020 21:07:31.653;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 ' 0:< ::68:: Delta VM: Avail -15 -> 134078614 MB, Used +3 -> 1084 MB; RAM: Avail -114 -> 17718 MB, Used +3 -> 1274 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8703, Used 1297, User: Used 1302 
 'E 13-Jul-2020 21:07:50.260;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1636 ,     10
 'E 13-Jul-2020 21:07:50.260;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandRhino:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino"
'H 13-Jul-2020 21:07:50.308;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::70:: Delta VM: Avail -40 -> 134078574 MB, Used +12 -> 1096 MB; RAM: Avail +73 -> 17792 MB, Used +28 -> 1302 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8701, Used 1299, User: Used 1303 
 'E 13-Jul-2020 21:08:06.153;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    641 ,    206
 'E 13-Jul-2020 21:08:06.154;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    641 ,    206
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 13-Jul-2020 21:08:06.237;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    641 ,    206
 'E 13-Jul-2020 21:08:06.237;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    641 ,    206
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 13-Jul-2020 21:08:07.517;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    807 ,    315
 'E 13-Jul-2020 21:08:07.517;   0:< 
 Jrn.Wheel      0 , -120 ,   1030 ,    510
 'H 13-Jul-2020 21:08:07.539;   0:< 
 Jrn.Directive "ProjToPage"  _
         , "[Project1]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
         , 482.35566519290694 _
         , 482.35566519290694, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _
         , 0.00000000000000, 482.35566519290694, 0.00000000000000 _
         , 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 482.35566519290694 _
         , 863.79612931525321, -476.20275730263648, 0.00000000000000
 'H 13-Jul-2020 21:08:07.539;   0:< 
 Jrn.Directive "ProjToPage"  _
         , "[Project1]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
         , 482.35566519290694 _
         , 482.35566519290694, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _
         , 0.00000000000000, 482.35566519290694, 0.00000000000000 _
         , 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 482.35566519290694 _
         , 856.38793853500272, -455.17631069794481, 0.00000000000000
 ' 0:< ::76:: Delta VM: Avail -10 -> 134078565 MB, Used +18 -> 1115 MB; RAM: Avail -4 -> 17789 MB, Used +4 -> 1307 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8704, Used 1296, User: Used 1301 
 'E 13-Jul-2020 21:08:07.557;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    808 ,    315
 'E 13-Jul-2020 21:08:07.557;   0:< 
 Jrn.Wheel      0 , -120 ,   1031 ,    510
 'H 13-Jul-2020 21:08:07.557;   0:< 
 Jrn.Directive "ProjToPage"  _
         , "[Project1]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
         , 419.43970886339730 _
         , 419.43970886339730, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _
         , 0.00000000000000, 419.43970886339730, 0.00000000000000 _
         , 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 419.43970886339730 _
         , 856.38793853500272, -455.17631069794481, 0.00000000000000
 'H 13-Jul-2020 21:08:07.558;   0:< 
 Jrn.Directive "ProjToPage"  _
         , "[Project1]", "Floor Plan: Level 1" _
         , 419.43970886339730 _
         , 419.43970886339730, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _
         , 0.00000000000000, 419.43970886339730, 0.00000000000000 _
         , 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 419.43970886339730 _
         , 850.07646829130681, -436.89244408516936, 0.00000000000000
 ' 0:< ::78:: Delta VM: Avail -32 -> 134078533 MB, Used +1 -> 1116 MB; RAM: Avail -1 -> 17788 MB, Used 1307 MB 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0090) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.35) - Pre-initialize .net
(0.4020) - Since Last Record = 0.3930 (%15.44) - Post-initialize .net
(0.5480) - Since Last Record = 0.1460 (%5.74) - after create and load AppSettings
(0.5480) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(0.5710) - Since Last Record = 0.0230 (%0.90) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(0.5770) - Since Last Record = 0.0060 (%0.24) - construct CMainFrame
(0.7860) - Since Last Record = 0.2090 (%8.21) - after load CMainFrame
(1.1320) - Since Last Record = 0.3460 (%13.60) - after initialize license manager
(1.1510) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.75) - after loading of cursor resources
(1.1600) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.35) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(1.1810) - Since Last Record = 0.0210 (%0.83) - Pre auto load plugins
(1.2210) - Since Last Record = 0.0400 (%1.57) - Toolbars
(1.2260) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.20) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(1.2280) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.08) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(1.2310) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.12) - RDK:Initialize: start
(1.2310) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(1.2430) - Since Last Record = 0.0120 (%0.47) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(1.2430) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(1.2430) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(1.2540) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.43) - RDK:Initialize: end
(1.2540) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(1.2540) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(1.2540) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(1.2860) - Since Last Record = 0.0320 (%1.26) - Renderer Development Kit
(1.4320) - Since Last Record = 0.1460 (%5.74) - Commands
(1.4380) - Since Last Record = 0.0060 (%0.24) - Snapshots
(1.4480) - Since Last Record = 0.0100 (%0.39) - Rhino Render
(1.5110) - Since Last Record = 0.0630 (%2.48) - RDK_EtoUI
(1.5180) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.28) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(1.5730) - Since Last Record = 0.0550 (%2.16) - RhinoCycles
(1.5830) - Since Last Record = 0.0100 (%0.39) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(1.5890) - Since Last Record = 0.0060 (%0.24) - Displacement
(1.6210) - Since Last Record = 0.0320 (%1.26) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(1.6210) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(1.6220) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.04) - after CloseAllDocuments
(1.6220) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(1.6240) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.08) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(1.6790) - Since Last Record = 0.0550 (%2.16) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(1.6810) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.08) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(1.9850) - Since Last Record = 0.3040 (%11.94) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(1.9850) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(2.0100) - Since Last Record = 0.0250 (%0.98) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(2.0100) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(2.0100) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(2.1490) - Since Last Record = 0.1390 (%5.46) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(2.1490) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(2.1490) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(2.2130) - Since Last Record = 0.0640 (%2.51) - after Process Shell Commands
(2.5450) - Since Last Record = 0.3320 (%13.05) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< TaskDialog "An unsupported openNURBS version is already loaded. Rhino.Inside cannot run."
'Id : RhinoInside.Revit.Addin.CheckSetup.OpenNURBSConflict
'Command Links:
'1001 : More information
'1002 : Report Error
'DefaultButton : 1002 

Console Log

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts

Company Name Product Name Product Version Type Name Assembly Name Assembly Location
BIM One BIM Track® BIMOne.BIMTrack.Addins.Autodesk.Revit.BimTrackApp BIMOne.BIMTrack.Addins.Autodesk.Revit, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null %APPDATA%\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\BimOne.BIMTrack.bundle\Contents\Revit\2017\BIMOne.BIMTrack.Addins.Autodesk.Revit.dll
Bluebeam, Inc. Bluebeam Revu 18.6.7116.28532 Bluebeam.BbRevit.RevitAddin BbRevitAddin2017, Version=18.6.7116.28532, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files\Bluebeam Software\Bluebeam Revu\2018\Pushbutton PDF\Revit\Revit2017\BbRevitAddin2017.dll
Geometry Gym Pty Ltd GGYM IFC for Revit GGYM.App ggRevitIFC, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files\Geometry Gym\Revit\ggRevitIFC2017.dll
Mott MacDonald AutoCoord MottMac.AutoCoords.MainRibbon.App MMD_MV_AutoCoord, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2017\MMD_DD_Revit\MMD-2017-AutoCoord\DLL\MMD_MV_AutoCoord.dll
MMD_Revit_2015_AddinLoader MottMac.CommandLogger.CommandApplication.CommandLogger MMD_Revit_2017_CommandLogger, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2017\MMD_DD_Revit\MMD-2017-CommandLogger\DLL\MMD_Revit_2017_CommandLogger.dll
Mott MacDonald RevitRibbonTools 1.0.6558.29201 MottMac.RevitRibbonTools.MainRibbon.CsAddPanel RevitRibbonTools, Version=1.0.6558.29201, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2017\MMD_DD_Revit\MMD-2017-Toolbar\DLL\RevitRibbonTools.dll
Mott Macdonald MMD_Revit_2015_AddinLoader MottMac.RevitAddinLoader.AddinLoader MMD_Revit_2017_AddinLoader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2017\MMD_Revit_2017_AddinLoader.dll
Bentley Systems, Incorporated ProjectWise PWRevitIntegr.RevitApp PWRevit2017, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files\Bentley\ProjectWise\bin\Revit\PWRevit2017.dll
Mott MacDonald AutoCoord MottMac.AutoCoords.MainRibbon.App MMD_MV_AutoCoord, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2017\MMD_DD_Revit\MMD-2017-AutoCoord\DLL\MMD_MV_AutoCoord.dll
MMD_Revit_2015_AddinLoader MottMac.CommandLogger.CommandApplication.CommandLogger MMD_Revit_2017_CommandLogger, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2017\MMD_DD_Revit\MMD-2017-CommandLogger\DLL\MMD_Revit_2017_CommandLogger.dll
eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::59:: Delta VM: Avail -110 -> 134210153 MB, Used +13 -> 1153 MB, Peak +18 -> 1160 MB; RAM: Avail -378 -> 17111 MB, Used +37 -> 1235 MB, Peak +38 -> 1237 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9096, Used 904, User: Used 543 
'  6.240311!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::59:: Delta VM: Avail -123329 -> 134086824 MB, Used +230 -> 1384 MB, Peak +226 -> 1387 MB; RAM: Avail -14 -> 17097 MB, Used +208 -> 1444 MB, Peak +210 -> 1447 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8707, Used 1293, User: Used 1371 
' 11.810818!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::59:: Delta VM: Avail -141 -> 134086684 MB, Used +162 -> 1546 MB, Peak +159 -> 1547 MB; RAM: Avail -147 -> 16950 MB, Used +185 -> 1630 MB, Peak +183 -> 1630 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8703, Used 1297, User: Used 1374 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 16-Jul-2020 12:03:49.976;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'Beim Analysieren von 'EntityName' ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Zeile 3, Position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6452, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6453, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6454, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6455, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6456, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6457, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6458, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6459, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6460, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6461, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6462, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6463, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6464, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6465, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6466, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6467, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6468, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6469, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6470, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::60:: Delta VM: Avail +1 -> 134086685 MB, Used -61 -> 1486 MB; RAM: Avail +46 -> 16997 MB, Used -62 -> 1568 MB, Peak +0 -> 1631 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8706, Used 1294, User: Used 1373 
' 28.732114   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 16-Jul-2020 12:03:50.207;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 1:< ::60:: Delta VM: Avail -39 -> 134086646 MB, Used +23 -> 1509 MB; RAM: Avail +84 -> 17082 MB, Used +11 -> 1580 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8718, Used 1282, User: Used 1366 
 'E 16-Jul-2020 12:49:15.540;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 16-Jul-2020 12:49:15.545;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 ' 0:< ::62:: Delta VM: Avail -78 -> 134086568 MB, Used +44 -> 1554 MB, Peak +76 -> 1624 MB; RAM: Avail +61 -> 17143 MB, Used +1 -> 1582 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8710, Used 1290, User: Used 1367 
 'E 16-Jul-2020 12:49:31.015;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,     41 ,     66
 'E 16-Jul-2020 12:49:31.016;   0:< 

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandRhino:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino"
'H 16-Jul-2020 12:49:31.095;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::64:: Delta VM: Avail -378 -> 134086191 MB, Used +254 -> 1809 MB, Peak +184 -> 1809 MB; RAM: Avail -267 -> 16877 MB, Used +164 -> 1746 MB, Peak +115 -> 1747 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8695, Used 1305, User: Used 1388 
 'E 16-Jul-2020 12:49:46.447;   0:< 
 Jrn.Command "Ribbon" , "Erstellt eine standardmige orthogonale 3D-Ansicht , ID_VIEW_DEFAULT_3DVIEW"
 ' 0:< Unnecessary nesting;ArrowUI_4;-1;ID_VIEW_DEFAULT_3DVIEW ;N++EB(NB); 
' 0:< The above Jrn.Command comes from QAT with CommandId [ID_VIEW_DEFAULT_3DVIEW] 
 'E 16-Jul-2020 12:49:46.524;   0:< 
 ' [Jrn.TabbedViewAnalytics] ViewCount:2
 'H 16-Jul-2020 12:49:46.524;   0:< 
 Jrn.Directive "GlobalToProj"  _
         , "[Projekt1]", "3D-Ansicht: {3D}" _
         , 0.02000000000000 _
         , 0.70710678118655, -0.40824829046386, 0.57735026918963 _
         , 0.70710678118655, 0.40824829046386, -0.57735026918963 _
         , 0.00000000000000, 0.81649658092773, 0.57735026918963 _
         , -13.91942482650684, 1.33939727842475, -18.84037214375066
 'H 16-Jul-2020 12:49:46.524;   0:< 
 Jrn.Directive "ProjToPage"  _
         , "[Projekt1]", "3D-Ansicht: {3D}" _
         , 1.00000000000000 _
         , 1.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _
         , 0.00000000000000, 1.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _
         , 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 1.00000000000000 _
         , 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000
 'H 16-Jul-2020 12:49:46.525;   0:< 
 Jrn.Directive "WindowSize"  _
         , "[Projekt1]", "3D-Ansicht: {3D}" _
         , 0, 0
  ' 0:< Activate "[Projekt1]" , 3D-Ansicht: {3D} 
' 0:< View Open: Element expansion used 0.000000 seconds averaging 0.000000 seconds/hit for 0 hits. 
 'E 16-Jul-2020 12:49:46.765;   0:< 
 Jrn.Size        0 ,   2441 ,   1162
 'H 16-Jul-2020 12:49:46.766;   0:< 
 Jrn.Directive "WindowSize"  _
         , "[Projekt1]", "3D-Ansicht: {3D}" _
         , 2441, 1162
'H 16-Jul-2020 12:49:46.807;   0:< 
Jrn.Directive "ProjToPage"  _
        , "[Projekt1]", "3D-Ansicht: {3D}" _
        , 3286.19090274077007 _
        , 3286.19090274077007, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0420) - Since Last Record = 0.0420 (%0.29) - Pre-initialize .net
(5.0410) - Since Last Record = 4.9990 (%33.96) - Post-initialize .net
(6.0940) - Since Last Record = 1.0530 (%7.15) - after create and load AppSettings
(6.0950) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(8.4240) - Since Last Record = 2.3290 (%15.82) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(8.4530) - Since Last Record = 0.0290 (%0.20) - construct CMainFrame
(8.9910) - Since Last Record = 0.5380 (%3.65) - after load CMainFrame
(10.3860) - Since Last Record = 1.3950 (%9.48) - after initialize license manager
(10.4730) - Since Last Record = 0.0870 (%0.59) - after loading of cursor resources
(10.4860) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.09) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(11.7590) - Since Last Record = 1.2730 (%8.65) - Pre auto load plugins
(11.8550) - Since Last Record = 0.0960 (%0.65) - Toolbars
(11.8720) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.12) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(11.8770) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.03) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(11.8820) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.03) - RDK:Initialize: start
(11.8820) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(11.9040) - Since Last Record = 0.0220 (%0.15) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(11.9040) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(11.9040) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(11.9250) - Since Last Record = 0.0210 (%0.14) - RDK:Initialize: end
(11.9250) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(11.9250) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(11.9250) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(12.0180) - Since Last Record = 0.0930 (%0.63) - Renderer Development Kit
(12.3890) - Since Last Record = 0.3710 (%2.52) - Commands
(12.4080) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.13) - Snapshots
(12.4300) - Since Last Record = 0.0220 (%0.15) - Rhino Render
(12.5790) - Since Last Record = 0.1490 (%1.01) - RDK_EtoUI
(12.6060) - Since Last Record = 0.0270 (%0.18) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(12.7900) - Since Last Record = 0.1840 (%1.25) - RhinoCycles
(12.8160) - Since Last Record = 0.0260 (%0.18) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(12.8360) - Since Last Record = 0.0200 (%0.14) - Displacement
(12.9140) - Since Last Record = 0.0780 (%0.53) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(12.9140) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(12.9150) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - after CloseAllDocuments
(12.9150) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(12.9180) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.02) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(13.0120) - Since Last Record = 0.0940 (%0.64) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(13.0140) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(13.5190) - Since Last Record = 0.5050 (%3.43) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(13.5190) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(13.6050) - Since Last Record = 0.0860 (%0.58) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(13.6050) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(13.6050) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(13.9010) - Since Last Record = 0.2960 (%2.01) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(13.9010) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(13.9010) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(14.0180) - Since Last Record = 0.1170 (%0.79) - after Process Shell Commands
(14.7200) - Since Last Record = 0.7020 (%4.77) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::79:: Delta VM: Avail -181013 -> 134029170 MB, Used +283 -> 1522 MB, Peak +208 -> 1534 MB; RAM: Avail -398 -> 46004 MB, Used +346 -> 1449 MB, Peak +333 -> 1454 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8804, Used 1196, User: Used 1173 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 16-Jul-2020 17:18:03.738;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'analyse de EntityName. Ligne 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6415, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6416, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6417, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6418, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6419, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6420, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6421, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6422, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::80:: Delta VM: Avail 134029170 MB, Used +1 -> 1523 MB; RAM: Avail +34 -> 46038 MB, Used +1 -> 1450 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8804, Used 1196, User: Used 1175 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6423, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6424, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6425, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6426, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6427, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6428, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6429, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6430, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6431, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6432, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6433, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::80:: Delta VM: Avail 134029170 MB, Used -10 -> 1514 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 46028 MB, Used -9 -> 1441 MB, Peak +0 -> 1455 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8803, Used 1197, User: Used 1175 
' 15.556135   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 16-Jul-2020 17:18:04.064;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
' 1:< ::80:: Delta VM: Avail -21 -> 134029150 MB, Used +12 -> 1527 MB; RAM: Avail -9 -> 46019 MB, Used +13 -> 1454 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8798, Used 1202, User: Used 1174 
' 1:< SLOG $b970e627 2020-07-16 17:18:04.631 .LockUsers  R locked 
'  0.119862   1:<<<acquirePermissionsLocks 
' 0:< SLOG $b970e627 2020-07-16 17:18:04.648 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 398760 -- no deltas 
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 0 hits = NaN ratio 
' 3:< SLOG $b970e627 2020-07-16 17:18:04.745 .Auto:LockUsers  R unlocked 
' 2:< >ER::dumpCache 0 OLD versus 0 NEW 
' 2:< <ER::dumpCache 
' 0:< SLOG $b970e627 2020-07-16 17:18:04.756 <Auto 
 'E 16-Jul-2020 17:18:04.859;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    647 ,     26
 'E 16-Jul-2020 17:18:04.859;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 16-Jul-2020 17:18:04.865;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< ::83:: Delta VM: Avail +6 -> 134029156 MB, Used 1527 MB, Peak +6 -> 1540 MB; RAM: Avail +43 -> 46062 MB, Used +0 -> 1455 MB, Peak +0 -> 1456 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8804, Used 1196, User: Used 1175 
' 1:< SLOG $b970e627 2020-07-16 17:18:20.450 .LockUsers  R locked 
'  0.107719   1:<<<acquirePermissionsLocks 
' 0:< SLOG $b970e627 2020-07-16 17:18:20.467 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 398760 -- no deltas 
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 0 hits = NaN ratio 
' 3:< SLOG $b970e627 2020-07-16 17:18:20.548 .Auto:LockUsers  R unlocked 
' 2:< >ER::dumpCache 0 OLD versus 0 NEW 
' 2:< <ER::dumpCache 
' 0:< SLOG $b970e627 2020-07-16 17:18:20.560 <Auto 
 'E 16-Jul-2020 17:18:22.028;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    633 ,     30
 'E 16-Jul-2020 17:18:22.028;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandRhino:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino"
'H 16-Jul-2020 17:18:22.114;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
' 0:< ::85:: Delta VM: Avail -112 -> 134029044 MB, Used +45 -> 1573 MB, Peak +41 -> 1582 MB; RAM: Avail -88 -> 45975 MB, Used +70 -> 1525 MB, Peak +70 -> 1526 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8662, Used 1338, User: Used 1295 
'C 16-Jul-2020 17:18:35.990;   0:< Executing AddInJournaling : FileDialog(Win7Open,Open).SelectFile(20011_Esquisse_08_Meters_V07\.3dm,Supported Files \(*\.*\)) 
 'E 16-Jul-2020 17:18:35.990;   0:< 
 Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling" , "FileDialog(Win7Open,Open).SelectFile(20011_Esquisse_08_Meters_V07\.3dm,Supported Files \(*\.*\))"
' 0:< ::86:: Delta VM: Avail -534 -> 134028511 MB, Used +551 -> 2124 MB, Peak +543 -> 2125 MB; RAM: Avail -616 -> 45360 MB, Used +538 -> 2064 MB, Peak +538 -> 2065 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8799, Used 1201, User: Used 1191 
' 0:< TaskDialog "Model units mismatch."
'Command Links:
'1001 : Continue opening in Meters
'1002 : Adjust Rhino model to Millimeters like Revit
'DefaultButton : 1002 
' 0:< ::86:: Delta VM: Avail -26 -> 134028485 MB, Used +16 -> 2141 MB, Peak +15 -> 2141 MB; RAM: Avail +12 -> 45372 MB, Used +14 -> 2079 MB, Peak +13 -> 2079 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8767, Used 1233, User: Used 1189 
'H 16-Jul-2020 17:19:03.262;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "TaskDialogResult"  _
        , "Model units mismatch.",  _
         "Adjust Rhino model to Millimeters like Revit", "1002"
' 0:< ::86:: Delta VM: Avail -530 -> 134027956 MB, Used +70 -> 2211 MB, Peak +534 -> 2676 MB; RAM: Avail -89 -> 45283 MB, Used +49 -> 2128 MB, Peak +522 -> 2601 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8757, Used 1243, User: Used 1196 
'C 16-Jul-2020 17:19:09.042;   0:< Executing AddInJournaling : MessageBox(OKCancel,Rhino WIP  History Warning).Click(OK) 
 'E 16-Jul-2020 17:19:09.042;   0:< 
 Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling" , "MessageBox(OKCancel,Rhino WIP  History Warning).Click(OK)"
 ' 0:< ::87:: Delta VM: Avail -52 -> 134027904 MB, Used +60 -> 2272 MB; RAM: Avail +171 -> 45455 MB, Used +67 -> 2196 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8518, Used 1482, User: Used 1364 
 'E 16-Jul-2020 17:23:48.682;   0:< 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0290) - Since Last Record = 0.0290 (%0.54) - Pre-initialize .net
(0.7570) - Since Last Record = 0.7280 (%13.49) - Post-initialize .net
(1.0580) - Since Last Record = 0.3010 (%5.58) - after create and load AppSettings
(1.0590) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.2380) - Since Last Record = 0.1790 (%3.32) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.2510) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.24) - construct CMainFrame
(1.4480) - Since Last Record = 0.1970 (%3.65) - after load CMainFrame
(2.7010) - Since Last Record = 1.2530 (%23.22) - after initialize license manager
(2.7310) - Since Last Record = 0.0300 (%0.56) - after loading of cursor resources
(2.7440) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.24) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(2.8120) - Since Last Record = 0.0680 (%1.26) - Pre auto load plugins
(2.9050) - Since Last Record = 0.0930 (%1.72) - Toolbars
(2.9150) - Since Last Record = 0.0100 (%0.19) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(2.9180) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.06) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(2.9230) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.09) - RDK:Initialize: start
(2.9230) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(2.9410) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.33) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(2.9410) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(2.9410) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(2.9600) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.35) - RDK:Initialize: end
(2.9600) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(2.9600) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(2.9600) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(3.1580) - Since Last Record = 0.1980 (%3.67) - Renderer Development Kit
(3.6040) - Since Last Record = 0.4460 (%8.27) - Commands
(3.6430) - Since Last Record = 0.0390 (%0.72) - Snapshots
(3.6830) - Since Last Record = 0.0400 (%0.74) - Rhino Render
(3.8090) - Since Last Record = 0.1260 (%2.34) - RDK_EtoUI
(3.8510) - Since Last Record = 0.0420 (%0.78) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(3.9970) - Since Last Record = 0.1460 (%2.71) - RhinoCycles
(4.0760) - Since Last Record = 0.0790 (%1.46) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(4.1190) - Since Last Record = 0.0430 (%0.80) - Displacement
(4.1550) - Since Last Record = 0.0360 (%0.67) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(4.1560) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - after load default render engine
(4.1560) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(4.1720) - Since Last Record = 0.0160 (%0.30) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(4.1760) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.07) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(4.2590) - Since Last Record = 0.0830 (%1.54) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(4.2620) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.06) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(4.6880) - Since Last Record = 0.4260 (%7.89) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(4.6880) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(4.7660) - Since Last Record = 0.0780 (%1.45) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(4.7660) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(4.7660) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(5.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.2340 (%4.34) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(5.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(5.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(5.3960) - Since Last Record = 0.3960 (%7.34) - after Process Shell Commands
(5.3960) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::58:: Delta VM: Avail -105 -> 134210194 MB, Used +17 -> 1140 MB, Peak +21 -> 1144 MB; RAM: Avail -14 -> 19273 MB, Used +41 -> 1279 MB, Peak +41 -> 1279 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9101, Used 899, User: Used 530 
' 1:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-0, cy-0, x-10000, y-10000 
' 1:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-224, cy-60, x-0, y-0 
' 2:< ::58:: Delta VM: Avail -163 -> 134210031 MB, Used +93 -> 1233 MB, Peak +89 -> 1234 MB; RAM: Avail -34 -> 19240 MB, Used +37 -> 1316 MB, Peak +37 -> 1317 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9048, Used 952, User: Used 967 
' 10.516431!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::58:: Delta VM: Avail -123195 -> 134086836 MB, Used +136 -> 1370 MB, Peak +145 -> 1379 MB; RAM: Avail -216 -> 19025 MB, Used +173 -> 1490 MB, Peak +173 -> 1490 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8702, Used 1298, User: Used 1376 
'  8.706696!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::58:: Delta VM: Avail -125 -> 134086711 MB, Used +170 -> 1540 MB, Peak +161 -> 1541 MB; RAM: Avail -386 -> 18639 MB, Used +196 -> 1687 MB, Peak +197 -> 1687 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8700, Used 1300, User: Used 1370 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 16-Jul-2020 11:29:30.178;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1381 ,    591
 'E 16-Jul-2020 11:29:30.178;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'Beim Analysieren von 'EntityName' ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Zeile 3, Position 41. 
' 1:< ::60:: Delta VM: Avail +63 -> 134086774 MB, Used +0 -> 1541 MB; RAM: Avail 18639 MB, Used 1687 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8700, Used 1300, User: Used 1370 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6452, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6453, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6454, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6455, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6456, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6457, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6458, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::60:: Delta VM: Avail -64 -> 134086711 MB, Used 1541 MB; RAM: Avail 18639 MB, Used 1687 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8700, Used 1300, User: Used 1370 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6459, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6460, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6461, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6462, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6463, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::60:: Delta VM: Avail +64 -> 134086775 MB, Used -5 -> 1537 MB; RAM: Avail +2 -> 18641 MB, Used -5 -> 1683 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8703, Used 1297, User: Used 1369 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6464, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6465, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6466, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6467, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6468, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6469, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6470, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::60:: Delta VM: Avail 134086775 MB, Used -50 -> 1487 MB; RAM: Avail +39 -> 18681 MB, Used -50 -> 1633 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8703, Used 1297, User: Used 1369 
' 30.106237   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 16-Jul-2020 11:29:30.422;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::60:: Delta VM: Avail -73 -> 134086702 MB, Used +31 -> 1519 MB; RAM: Avail -21 -> 18660 MB, Used +38 -> 1672 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8689, Used 1311, User: Used 1372 
 'E 16-Jul-2020 11:29:33.597;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1325 ,    178
 'E 16-Jul-2020 11:29:33.597;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,   1306 ,    148
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 ' 1:< ::62:: Delta VM: Avail -64 -> 134086639 MB, Used 1519 MB; RAM: Avail -1 -> 18659 MB, Used 1672 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8689, Used 1311, User: Used 1372 
 'E 16-Jul-2020 11:29:33.664;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,   1306 ,    148
 'E 16-Jul-2020 11:29:33.664;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 16-Jul-2020 11:29:33.670;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 'E 16-Jul-2020 11:29:33.719;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,   1306 ,    148
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 16-Jul-2020 11:29:39.201;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    365 ,    240
 'E 16-Jul-2020 11:29:39.202;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    365 ,    240
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 16-Jul-2020 11:29:39.302;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    365 ,    240
 'E 16-Jul-2020 11:29:39.302;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    365 ,    240
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 16-Jul-2020 11:29:45.277;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    251 ,      3
 'E 16-Jul-2020 11:29:45.277;   0:< 

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%CommandGrasshopper:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper"
'  0.497530   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 16-Jul-2020 11:29:45.776;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::72:: Delta VM: Avail -9 -> 134086630 MB, Used +90 -> 1609 MB, Peak +78 -> 1619 MB; RAM: Avail -81 -> 18578 MB, Used +83 -> 1756 MB, Peak +86 -> 1774 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8504, Used 1496, User: Used 1459 
 'E 16-Jul-2020 11:29:57.768;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    789 ,     37
 'E 16-Jul-2020 11:29:57.768;   0:< 
 Jrn.Command "Ribbon" , "Erstellt eine standardmige orthogonale 3D-Ansicht , ID_VIEW_DEFAULT_3DVIEW"
 ' 0:< Unnecessary nesting;ArrowUI_4;-1;ID_VIEW_DEFAULT_3DVIEW ;N++EB(NB); 
' 0:< The above Jrn.Command comes from QAT with CommandId [ID_VIEW_DEFAULT_3DVIEW] 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0370) - Since Last Record = 0.0370 (%0.24) - Pre-initialize .net
(5.2970) - Since Last Record = 5.2600 (%34.21) - Post-initialize .net
(6.5150) - Since Last Record = 1.2180 (%7.92) - after create and load AppSettings
(6.5160) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(8.7870) - Since Last Record = 2.2710 (%14.77) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(8.8060) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.12) - construct CMainFrame
(9.2890) - Since Last Record = 0.4830 (%3.14) - after load CMainFrame
(10.8540) - Since Last Record = 1.5650 (%10.18) - after initialize license manager
(10.9460) - Since Last Record = 0.0920 (%0.60) - after loading of cursor resources
(10.9630) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.11) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(12.3270) - Since Last Record = 1.3640 (%8.87) - Pre auto load plugins
(12.4160) - Since Last Record = 0.0890 (%0.58) - Toolbars
(12.4300) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.09) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(12.4340) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.03) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(12.4390) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.03) - RDK:Initialize: start
(12.4390) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(12.4590) - Since Last Record = 0.0200 (%0.13) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(12.4590) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(12.4590) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(12.4770) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.12) - RDK:Initialize: end
(12.4770) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(12.4770) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(12.4770) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(12.5710) - Since Last Record = 0.0940 (%0.61) - Renderer Development Kit
(12.9200) - Since Last Record = 0.3490 (%2.27) - Commands
(12.9390) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.12) - Snapshots
(12.9600) - Since Last Record = 0.0210 (%0.14) - Rhino Render
(13.1000) - Since Last Record = 0.1400 (%0.91) - RDK_EtoUI
(13.1200) - Since Last Record = 0.0200 (%0.13) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(13.3170) - Since Last Record = 0.1970 (%1.28) - RhinoCycles
(13.3540) - Since Last Record = 0.0370 (%0.24) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(13.4190) - Since Last Record = 0.0650 (%0.42) - Displacement
(13.4710) - Since Last Record = 0.0520 (%0.34) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(13.4720) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - after load default render engine
(13.4720) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(13.4740) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(13.4770) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.02) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(13.5700) - Since Last Record = 0.0930 (%0.60) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(13.5720) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(14.0800) - Since Last Record = 0.5080 (%3.30) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(14.0800) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(14.1560) - Since Last Record = 0.0760 (%0.49) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(14.1560) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(14.1560) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(14.5150) - Since Last Record = 0.3590 (%2.33) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(14.5150) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(14.5150) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(14.6080) - Since Last Record = 0.0930 (%0.60) - after Process Shell Commands
(15.3770) - Since Last Record = 0.7690 (%5.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::80:: Delta VM: Avail -123434 -> 134086047 MB, Used +253 -> 1966 MB, Peak +230 -> 1969 MB; RAM: Avail -132 -> 19812 MB, Used +263 -> 2093 MB, Peak +136 -> 2093 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8679, Used 1321, User: Used 1399 
' 12.858875!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::80:: Delta VM: Avail -127 -> 134085920 MB, Used +154 -> 2121 MB, Peak +153 -> 2122 MB; RAM: Avail -189 -> 19624 MB, Used +186 -> 2279 MB, Peak +186 -> 2280 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8683, Used 1317, User: Used 1392 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 21-Jul-2020 10:19:52.428;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'Beim Analysieren von 'EntityName' ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Zeile 3, Position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6452, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6453, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6454, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6455, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6456, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6457, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6458, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6459, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6460, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6461, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6462, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6463, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6464, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6465, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6466, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6467, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6468, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6469, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6470, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::81:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 134085919 MB, Used -22 -> 2100 MB, Peak +5 -> 2127 MB; RAM: Avail +15 -> 19640 MB, Used -22 -> 2258 MB, Peak +5 -> 2285 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8683, Used 1317, User: Used 1393 
' 21.215800   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 21-Jul-2020 10:19:52.740;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
' 1:< ::81:: Delta VM: Avail -28 -> 134085892 MB, Used +26 -> 2127 MB; RAM: Avail -25 -> 19615 MB, Used +24 -> 2283 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8678, Used 1322, User: Used 1398 
' 1:< SLOG $e9226d84 2020-07-21 10:19:53.104 .LockUsers  R locked 
' 0:< SLOG $e9226d84 2020-07-21 10:19:53.131 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 80 -- no deltas 
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 0 hits = NaN ratio 
' 3:< SLOG $e9226d84 2020-07-21 10:19:53.163 .Auto:LockUsers  R unlocked 
' 2:< >ER::dumpCache 0 OLD versus 0 NEW 
' 2:< <ER::dumpCache 
' 0:< SLOG $e9226d84 2020-07-21 10:19:53.174 <Auto 
 'E 21-Jul-2020 10:19:56.823;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 21-Jul-2020 10:19:56.826;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< SLOG $e9226d84 2020-07-21 10:19:58.442 .LockUsers  R locked 
' 0:< SLOG $e9226d84 2020-07-21 10:19:58.457 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 80 -- no deltas 
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 0 hits = NaN ratio 
' 3:< SLOG $e9226d84 2020-07-21 10:19:58.471 .Auto:LockUsers  R unlocked 
' 2:< >ER::dumpCache 0 OLD versus 0 NEW 
' 2:< <ER::dumpCache 
' 0:< SLOG $e9226d84 2020-07-21 10:19:58.481 <Auto 
 'E 21-Jul-2020 10:19:59.502;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    325 ,    325
 'E 21-Jul-2020 10:19:59.502;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    325 ,    325
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 21-Jul-2020 10:19:59.577;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    325 ,    325
 'E 21-Jul-2020 10:19:59.577;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    325 ,    325
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 ' 0:< ::87:: Delta VM: Avail +1 -> 134085894 MB, Used -11 -> 2116 MB, Peak +1 -> 2129 MB; RAM: Avail +25 -> 19640 MB, Used -2 -> 2281 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8680, Used 1320, User: Used 1393 
 'E 21-Jul-2020 10:20:02.308;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,     13 ,    431
 'E 21-Jul-2020 10:20:02.308;   0:< 

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandRhino:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino"
'H 21-Jul-2020 10:20:02.400;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::89:: Delta VM: Avail -245 -> 134085649 MB, Used +224 -> 2341 MB, Peak +226 -> 2355 MB; RAM: Avail -86 -> 19555 MB, Used +81 -> 2363 MB, Peak +90 -> 2376 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8474, Used 1526, User: Used 1501 
 'E 21-Jul-2020 10:20:21.063;   0:< 
 Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling" , "WinformWindow(GH_AutoSaveLastChanceForm,Last Chance Recovery).WinformButton(0,ButtonOpenRecovery).Click()"
' 0:< ::90:: Delta VM: Avail -1149 -> 134084500 MB, Used +441 -> 2783 MB, Peak +462 -> 2817 MB; RAM: Avail -417 -> 19139 MB, Used +357 -> 2720 MB, Peak +347 -> 2723 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8476, Used 1524, User: Used 1483 
' 0:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-0, cy-0, x-10000, y-10000 
' 0:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-224, cy-60, x-0, y-0 
' 0:< ::90:: Delta VM: Avail -258 -> 134084243 MB, Used +250 -> 3033 MB, Peak +216 -> 3034 MB; RAM: Avail -179 -> 18960 MB, Used +246 -> 2967 MB, Peak +243 -> 2967 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8469, Used 1531, User: Used 1485 
' 0:< DBG_INFO: Surface simplification was not able to maintain a surface envelope. We will proceed without one.: line 161 of BRepBuilderNurbsSurfaceGeometry.cpp. 
' 0:< DBG_INFO: No envelope for BRepBuilderRevitSurfaceGeometry; proceeding withtout it.: line 346 of BRepBuilder.cpp. 
' 0:< ::90:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 134084242 MB, Used +5 -> 3039 MB, Peak +5 -> 3040 MB; RAM: Avail -38 -> 18922 MB, Used +6 -> 2973 MB, Peak +7 -> 2974 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8469, Used 1531, User: Used 1485 
' 0:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DialogBoxShowing event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 6:< ::90:: Delta VM: Avail -16 -> 134084226 MB, Used +16 -> 3055 MB, Peak +14 -> 3055 MB; RAM: Avail 18922 MB, Used +2 -> 2976 MB, Peak +1 -> 2976 MB 
' 6:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8466, Used 1534, User: Used 1485 
' 6:< DBG_INFO: What geom data can we change to affect our DirectShape's geometry?: line 125 of Element\Rebar\DirectShapeRebarHelper.cpp. 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0370) - Since Last Record = 0.0370 (%0.35) - Pre-initialize .net
(2.8590) - Since Last Record = 2.8220 (%26.84) - Post-initialize .net
(3.7620) - Since Last Record = 0.9030 (%8.59) - after create and load AppSettings
(3.7640) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.02) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(6.3570) - Since Last Record = 2.5930 (%24.66) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(6.3710) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.13) - construct CMainFrame
(6.7050) - Since Last Record = 0.3340 (%3.18) - after load CMainFrame
(7.8040) - Since Last Record = 1.0990 (%10.45) - after initialize license manager
(7.8840) - Since Last Record = 0.0800 (%0.76) - after loading of cursor resources
(7.8970) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.12) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(8.0770) - Since Last Record = 0.1800 (%1.71) - Pre auto load plugins
(8.1580) - Since Last Record = 0.0810 (%0.77) - Toolbars
(8.1690) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.10) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(8.1720) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.03) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(8.1770) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.05) - RDK:Initialize: start
(8.1770) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(8.1950) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.17) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(8.1950) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(8.1950) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(8.2130) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.17) - RDK:Initialize: end
(8.2130) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(8.2130) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(8.2130) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(8.3060) - Since Last Record = 0.0930 (%0.88) - Renderer Development Kit
(8.6260) - Since Last Record = 0.3200 (%3.04) - Commands
(8.6450) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.18) - Snapshots
(8.6670) - Since Last Record = 0.0220 (%0.21) - Rhino Render
(8.8000) - Since Last Record = 0.1330 (%1.26) - RDK_EtoUI
(8.8210) - Since Last Record = 0.0210 (%0.20) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(8.9770) - Since Last Record = 0.1560 (%1.48) - RhinoCycles
(9.0290) - Since Last Record = 0.0520 (%0.49) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(9.0480) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.18) - Displacement
(9.0860) - Since Last Record = 0.0380 (%0.36) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(9.0860) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(9.0870) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - after CloseAllDocuments
(9.0880) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(9.0920) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.04) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(9.1720) - Since Last Record = 0.0800 (%0.76) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(9.1740) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.02) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(9.5890) - Since Last Record = 0.4150 (%3.95) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(9.5890) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(9.6390) - Since Last Record = 0.0500 (%0.48) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(9.6390) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(9.6390) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(9.9030) - Since Last Record = 0.2640 (%2.51) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(9.9030) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(9.9030) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(9.9890) - Since Last Record = 0.0860 (%0.82) - after Process Shell Commands
(10.5150) - Since Last Record = 0.5260 (%5.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::494:: Delta VM: Avail -309 -> 134209964 MB, Used +99 -> 1156 MB, Peak +60 -> 1159 MB; RAM: Avail -251 -> 37802 MB, Used +124 -> 1319 MB, Peak +72 -> 1320 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9041, Used 959, User: Used 494 
'  2.908360!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::494:: Delta VM: Avail -54 -> 134209911 MB, Used +25 -> 1182 MB, Peak +24 -> 1183 MB; RAM: Avail +28 -> 37831 MB, Used +22 -> 1342 MB, Peak +22 -> 1342 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8991, Used 1009, User: Used 929 
'  1.051881!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::494:: Delta VM: Avail -164309 -> 134045602 MB, Used +165 -> 1347 MB, Peak +168 -> 1352 MB; RAM: Avail -54 -> 37777 MB, Used +156 -> 1498 MB, Peak +163 -> 1506 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8748, Used 1252, User: Used 1242 
'  3.906534!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::494:: Delta VM: Avail -86 -> 134045517 MB, Used +120 -> 1467 MB, Peak +115 -> 1468 MB; RAM: Avail +475 -> 38252 MB, Used +139 -> 1637 MB, Peak +132 -> 1638 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8744, Used 1256, User: Used 1241 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 21-Jul-2020 15:34:37.336;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    516 ,    760
 'E 21-Jul-2020 15:34:37.336;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6451, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6452, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6453, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6454, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6455, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6456, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6457, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6458, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6459, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6460, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6461, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6462, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6463, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6464, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6465, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6466, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6467, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6468, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6469, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 12.413717   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 21-Jul-2020 15:34:37.525;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
' 0:< ::496:: Delta VM: Avail -20 -> 134045497 MB, Used +7 -> 1474 MB, Peak +6 -> 1474 MB; RAM: Avail -33 -> 38220 MB, Used +7 -> 1644 MB, Peak +6 -> 1644 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8738, Used 1262, User: Used 1239 
' 0:< Operation - ReadServerPermissionUpdatesTask: ModelSessionToken: User's Name hkbimuser2_BGPU, User's Machine Name BNYHK-873, Operation GUID 63539e78-66c2-4620-b715-01eda03293c8, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{8a8585ee-d996-4d67-91ce-7e85180773e9}12503-Fairy Mountain\{5b75cd45-a826-41e8-a44d-574399c7b3fa}12503-BNY-M3-AR-MA-FairyMountain-Z3.rvt",  
' 0:< Time: 7/21/2020 15:34:37:920 Calling: readAllPermissionsUpdates (Correlation ID = 63539e78-66c2-4620-b715-01eda03293c8) 
 'E 21-Jul-2020 15:34:38.074;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    289 ,    595
 'E 21-Jul-2020 15:34:38.074;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 21-Jul-2020 15:34:38.078;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 0:< Time: 7/21/2020 15:34:38:169 Returned from: readAllPermissionsUpdates 
 ' 0:< ::499:: Delta VM: Avail +14 -> 134045512 MB, Used +1 -> 1476 MB, Peak +5 -> 1480 MB; RAM: Avail +228 -> 38448 MB, Used +2 -> 1646 MB, Peak +2 -> 1646 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8744, Used 1256, User: Used 1239 
 'E 21-Jul-2020 15:34:42.060;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    119 ,     90
 'E 21-Jul-2020 15:34:42.060;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandImport:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport"
'C 21-Jul-2020 15:34:50.543;  [00001740]DBG_INFO: Invalid path detected in file exists task: C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Autodesk Shared/Materials/Textures/\adp:?asset=\5CF69154-C62C-4EAD-9C06-653B3D251D4A\Resources\B4C7F143-9801-4AB1-8D8C-AE5A4BED9D5E_physmat_aspects_1_generic_bump_map:ACADGen-411_generic_bump_map\thumbnail\0\UnifiedBitmap_png: line 26 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\utility\tasks\taskfileexists.cpp. 
' 1:< ::501:: Delta VM: Avail -345 -> 134045168 MB, Used +122 -> 1599 MB, Peak +122 -> 1602 MB; RAM: Avail -125 -> 38323 MB, Used +140 -> 1787 MB, Peak +143 -> 1790 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8699, Used 1301, User: Used 1250 
'C 21-Jul-2020 15:34:50.830;  DBG_INFO: Could not get material property type from RenderingAsset! Name is GenericSchema.: line 247 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\revit\revitdb\rvtlink\externalfileutils.cpp. 
'C 21-Jul-2020 15:34:51.058;  DBG_INFO: Surface simplification was not able to maintain a surface envelope. We will proceed without one.: line 161 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\brepbuildernurbssurfacegeometry.cpp. 
'C 21-Jul-2020 15:34:51.067;  DBG_INFO: No envelope for BRepBuilderRevitSurfaceGeometry; proceeding withtout it.: line 346 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\brepbuilder.cpp. 
'C 21-Jul-2020 15:34:51.509;  DBG_INFO: TrfUV::setFromTrfParams: nearly singular TrfUV, possibly due to a surface with large parameter domain being converted to a surface with a small domain.: line 185 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\utility\trfuv.cpp. 
'C 21-Jul-2020 15:34:51.509;  DBG_INFO: trfUVIsSingular: nearly singular TrfUV, possibly due to a surface with large parameter domain being converted to a surface with a small domain.: line 91 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\surfparamtrf.cpp. 
'C 21-Jul-2020 15:34:51.716;  DBG_INFO: Nurbs surface is not formally C2-continuous in the u coordinate.: line 412 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\utility\nurbsvalidation.cpp. 
'  9.813389!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 3:< ;PERF;MISC;FullUpdateGraphicCacheUpdater::updateAll() DBView3d id=1479189: 922 elements need cache update 
' 3:< ;PERF;MISC;FullUpdateGraphicCacheUpdater::updateAll() DBViewProject id=230: 644 elements need cache update 
' 1:< ::501:: Delta VM: Avail +17 -> 134045186 MB, Used +2 -> 1602 MB, Peak +23 -> 1626 MB; RAM: Avail -90 -> 38233 MB, Used +13 -> 1801 MB, Peak +35 -> 1825 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8702, Used 1298, User: Used 1247 
'C 21-Jul-2020 15:35:04.543;   1:< Managed exception caught from external API application 'RhinoInside.Revit' in method 'Autodesk.Revit.DB.Solid ToSolid(Rhino.Geometry.Brep)' Exception type: '<System.NullReferenceException>,' Exception method: '<Object reference not set to an instance of an object.>,' Stack trace '      at RhinoInside.Revit.Convert.Geometry.BrepEncoder.ToSolid(Brep brep)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Convert.Geometry.ShapeEncoder.<ToGeometryObjectMany>d__2.MoveNext()
''   at System.Linq.Enumerable.<OfTypeIterator>d__95`1.MoveNext()
''   at System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)
''   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Convert.Geometry.ShapeEncoder.ToShape(GeometryBase geometry, Double factor)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport.ImportObject(Document doc, File3dm model, GeometryBase geometry, ObjectAttributes attributes, Dictionary`2 materials, Double scaleFactor)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<ImportObject>b__1(File3dmObject x)
''   at System.Linq.Enumerable.<SelectManyIterator>d__17`2.MoveNext()
''   at System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)
''   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport.ImportObject(Document doc, File3dm model, GeometryBase geometry, ObjectAttributes attributes, Dictionary`2 materials, Double scaleFactor)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport.Import3DMFileToProject(Document doc, String filePath, BuiltInCategory builtInCategory)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.ActivationGate.Open[T](Func`1 func, Object state)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.UI.Command.Autodesk.Revit.UI.IExternalCommand.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements) 
' 1:< ::501:: Delta VM: Avail -29 -> 134045157 MB, Used -1 -> 1601 MB; RAM: Avail -14 -> 38220 MB, Used 1801 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8698, Used 1302, User: Used 1255 
' 1:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-0, cy-0, x-10000, y-10000 
' 1:< Family Dialog Bar : WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: cx-224, cy-60, x-0, y-0 
' 2:< ::501:: Delta VM: Avail +3 -> 134045161 MB, Used 1601 MB; RAM: Avail +15 -> 38235 MB, Used 1801 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8696, Used 1304, User: Used 1256 
' 12.866206!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0170) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.43) - Pre-initialize .net
(0.6100) - Since Last Record = 0.5930 (%15.09) - Post-initialize .net
(0.8140) - Since Last Record = 0.2040 (%5.19) - after create and load AppSettings
(0.8150) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.03) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.3870) - Since Last Record = 0.5720 (%14.55) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.3960) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.23) - construct CMainFrame
(1.6800) - Since Last Record = 0.2840 (%7.23) - after load CMainFrame
(1.8760) - Since Last Record = 0.1960 (%4.99) - after initialize license manager
(1.8940) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.46) - after loading of cursor resources
(1.9040) - Since Last Record = 0.0100 (%0.25) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(1.9450) - Since Last Record = 0.0410 (%1.04) - Pre auto load plugins
(1.9980) - Since Last Record = 0.0530 (%1.35) - Toolbars
(2.0050) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.18) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(2.0080) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.08) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(2.0120) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.10) - RDK:Initialize: start
(2.0120) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(2.0250) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.33) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(2.0250) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(2.0250) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(2.0400) - Since Last Record = 0.0150 (%0.38) - RDK:Initialize: end
(2.0400) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(2.0400) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(2.0400) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(2.0900) - Since Last Record = 0.0500 (%1.27) - Renderer Development Kit
(2.3250) - Since Last Record = 0.2350 (%5.98) - Commands
(2.3380) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.33) - Snapshots
(2.3530) - Since Last Record = 0.0150 (%0.38) - Rhino Render
(2.4460) - Since Last Record = 0.0930 (%2.37) - RDK_EtoUI
(2.4600) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.36) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(2.5410) - Since Last Record = 0.0810 (%2.06) - RhinoCycles
(2.5620) - Since Last Record = 0.0210 (%0.53) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(2.5730) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.28) - Displacement
(2.6350) - Since Last Record = 0.0620 (%1.58) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(2.6360) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.03) - after load default render engine
(2.6360) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(2.6670) - Since Last Record = 0.0310 (%0.79) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(2.6690) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.05) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(2.7610) - Since Last Record = 0.0920 (%2.34) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(2.7630) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.05) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(3.2610) - Since Last Record = 0.4980 (%12.67) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(3.2610) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(3.2970) - Since Last Record = 0.0360 (%0.92) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(3.2970) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(3.2970) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(3.4780) - Since Last Record = 0.1810 (%4.61) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(3.4780) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(3.4780) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(3.9300) - Since Last Record = 0.4520 (%11.50) - after Process Shell Commands
(3.9300) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::241:: Delta VM: Avail -57801 -> 134152308 MB, Used +187 -> 1345 MB, Peak +176 -> 1349 MB; RAM: Avail -155 -> 7623 MB, Used +191 -> 1597 MB, Peak +202 -> 1608 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8638, Used 1362, User: Used 1316 
' 51.839000!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< DBG_WARN: Strangely, there is no view currently active in the given 'active ' document: line 257 of Objects\APIUIDocumentHandwritten.cpp. 
' 1:< TaskDialog "Revit could not complete the availability command "ExcitechToolkit.RenumberCommand". Contact the provider for assistance.  Information they provided to Revit about their identity: Excitech,"
'Id : TaskDialog_External_Tools_Command_Failure_For_Availability_Command
'CommonButtons : Close
'DefaultButton : Close 
' 1:< ::241:: Delta VM: Avail -79 -> 134152229 MB, Used +168 -> 1513 MB, Peak +163 -> 1513 MB; RAM: Avail -193 -> 7430 MB, Used +183 -> 1781 MB, Peak +173 -> 1781 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8635, Used 1365, User: Used 1312 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 22-Jul-2020 09:18:41.635;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    974 ,    140
 'E 22-Jul-2020 09:18:41.635;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6680, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6681, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6682, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6683, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6684, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6685, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6686, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::243:: Delta VM: Avail -11 -> 134152218 MB, Used 1513 MB; RAM: Avail 7430 MB, Used 1781 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8635, Used 1365, User: Used 1312 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6687, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6688, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::243:: Delta VM: Avail +10 -> 134152229 MB, Used 1513 MB, Peak +0 -> 1514 MB; RAM: Avail 7430 MB, Used 1781 MB, Peak +0 -> 1782 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8635, Used 1365, User: Used 1312 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6689, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6690, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6691, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6692, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6693, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6694, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6695, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6696, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6697, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6698, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::243:: Delta VM: Avail 134152229 MB, Used -21 -> 1493 MB, Peak +4 -> 1518 MB; RAM: Avail +14 -> 7445 MB, Used -21 -> 1761 MB, Peak +4 -> 1786 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8635, Used 1365, User: Used 1312 
' 67.778749   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 22-Jul-2020 09:18:42.055;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
' 0:< ::243:: Delta VM: Avail -20 -> 134152209 MB, Used +12 -> 1506 MB; RAM: Avail -9 -> 7436 MB, Used +12 -> 1773 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8627, Used 1373, User: Used 1314 
' 0:< Operation - ReadServerPermissionUpdatesTask: ModelSessionToken: User's Name deyan.marzev_BGPU, User's Machine Name CADPC-047-LON, Operation GUID c38a4d0f-37d6-4165-bcc5-7fe51dcaaae4, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{b5d23a5f-a4e4-4521-947f-3929dde05420}R10H11 Hotel 11\{9414e054-cf23-4e01-a03a-3995138c0a54}R10-H11D02-AKT-03-ZZ-MOD-ST-03200.rvt",  
' 0:< Time: 7/22/2020 09:18:42:484 Calling: readAllPermissionsUpdates (Correlation ID = c38a4d0f-37d6-4165-bcc5-7fe51dcaaae4) 
 'E 22-Jul-2020 09:18:42.538;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    760 ,    271
 'E 22-Jul-2020 09:18:42.539;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 22-Jul-2020 09:18:42.582;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 0:< Time: 7/22/2020 09:18:42:693 Returned from: readAllPermissionsUpdates 
' 0:< Operation - ReadServerPermissionUpdatesTask: ModelSessionToken: User's Name deyan.marzev_BGPU, User's Machine Name CADPC-047-LON, Operation GUID 58ede918-ef9a-4f03-9583-91c8e4e2b800, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{b5d23a5f-a4e4-4521-947f-3929dde05420}R10H11 Hotel 11\{9414e054-cf23-4e01-a03a-3995138c0a54}R10-H11D02-AKT-03-ZZ-MOD-ST-03200.rvt",  
' 0:< Time: 7/22/2020 09:18:49:290 Calling: readAllPermissionsUpdates (Correlation ID = 58ede918-ef9a-4f03-9583-91c8e4e2b800) 
' 0:< Time: 7/22/2020 09:18:49:394 Returned from: readAllPermissionsUpdates 
 ' 0:< ::246:: Delta VM: Avail +0 -> 134152210 MB, Used 1506 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 7425 MB, Used -3 -> 1771 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8637, Used 1363, User: Used 1311 
 'E 22-Jul-2020 09:18:53.659;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    621 ,      6
 'E 22-Jul-2020 09:18:53.659;   0:< 

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandRhino:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino"
'  0.157105   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 22-Jul-2020 09:18:53.818;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::248:: Delta VM: Avail -169 -> 134152042 MB, Used +131 -> 1637 MB, Peak +165 -> 1683 MB; RAM: Avail -88 -> 7337 MB, Used +73 -> 1845 MB, Peak +82 -> 1868 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8632, Used 1368, User: Used 1313 
 'E 22-Jul-2020 09:19:01.789;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    842 ,     90
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 22-Jul-2020 09:19:01.793;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    842 ,     90
 'E 22-Jul-2020 09:19:01.793;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    842 ,     90
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
' 0:< ::251:: Delta VM: Avail -11 -> 134152031 MB, Used 1637 MB; RAM: Avail 7337 MB, Used 1845 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8632, Used 1368, User: Used 1312 
' 0:< Operation - ReadServerPermissionUpdatesTask: ModelSessionToken: User's Name deyan.marzev_BGPU, User's Machine Name CADPC-047-LON, Operation GUID d905da33-c347-400e-9024-40d9ef57be42, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{b5d23a5f-a4e4-4521-947f-3929dde05420}R10H11 Hotel 11\{9414e054-cf23-4e01-a03a-3995138c0a54}R10-H11D02-AKT-03-ZZ-MOD-ST-03200.rvt",  
' 0:< Time: 7/22/2020 09:19:01:819 Calling: readAllPermissionsUpdates (Correlation ID = d905da33-c347-400e-9024-40d9ef57be42) 
' 0:< Time: 7/22/2020 09:19:01:917 Returned from: readAllPermissionsUpdates 
 'E 22-Jul-2020 09:19:01.978;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    957 ,    158
 'E 22-Jul-2020 09:19:01.978;   0:< 
 Jrn.Wheel      0 , -120 ,   1160 ,    359
 'H 22-Jul-2020 09:19:01.980;   0:< 
 Jrn.Directive "ProjToPage"  _
         , "[9414e054-cf23-4e01-a03a-3995138c0a54.rvt]", "3D View: {3D - deyan.marzev}" _
         , 694.61534116332575 _
         , 694.61534116332575, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0500) - Since Last Record = 0.0500 (%0.14) - Pre-initialize .net
(17.6900) - Since Last Record = 17.6400 (%48.80) - Post-initialize .net
(18.3100) - Since Last Record = 0.6200 (%1.72) - after create and load AppSettings
(18.3110) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(18.7880) - Since Last Record = 0.4770 (%1.32) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(18.9450) - Since Last Record = 0.1570 (%0.43) - construct CMainFrame
(19.1510) - Since Last Record = 0.2060 (%0.57) - after load CMainFrame
(20.2360) - Since Last Record = 1.0850 (%3.00) - after initialize license manager
(20.4020) - Since Last Record = 0.1660 (%0.46) - after loading of cursor resources
(20.4140) - Since Last Record = 0.0120 (%0.03) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(31.2910) - Since Last Record = 10.8770 (%30.09) - Pre auto load plugins
(31.5180) - Since Last Record = 0.2270 (%0.63) - Toolbars
(31.5250) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.02) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(31.5270) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(31.6530) - Since Last Record = 0.1260 (%0.35) - RDK:Initialize: start
(31.6530) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(31.6760) - Since Last Record = 0.0230 (%0.06) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(31.6760) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(31.6760) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(31.6980) - Since Last Record = 0.0220 (%0.06) - RDK:Initialize: end
(31.6980) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(31.6980) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(31.6980) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(31.8040) - Since Last Record = 0.1060 (%0.29) - Renderer Development Kit
(32.4570) - Since Last Record = 0.6530 (%1.81) - Commands
(32.5100) - Since Last Record = 0.0530 (%0.15) - Snapshots
(32.6330) - Since Last Record = 0.1230 (%0.34) - Rhino Render
(33.0410) - Since Last Record = 0.4080 (%1.13) - RDK_EtoUI
(33.1020) - Since Last Record = 0.0610 (%0.17) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(33.5700) - Since Last Record = 0.4680 (%1.29) - RhinoCycles
(33.9110) - Since Last Record = 0.3410 (%0.94) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(33.9830) - Since Last Record = 0.0720 (%0.20) - Displacement
(34.2010) - Since Last Record = 0.2180 (%0.60) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(34.2020) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(34.2020) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(34.2150) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.04) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(34.2180) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.01) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(34.3410) - Since Last Record = 0.1230 (%0.34) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(34.3440) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.01) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(35.3600) - Since Last Record = 1.0160 (%2.81) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(35.3600) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(35.5290) - Since Last Record = 0.1690 (%0.47) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(35.5290) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(35.5290) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(35.7860) - Since Last Record = 0.2570 (%0.71) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(35.7860) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(35.7860) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(36.1480) - Since Last Record = 0.3620 (%1.00) - after Process Shell Commands
(36.1480) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< TaskDialog "An unsupported openNURBS version is already loaded. Rhino.Inside cannot run."
'Id : RhinoInside.Revit.Addin.CheckSetup.OpenNURBSConflict
'Command Links:
'1001 : More information
'1002 : Report Error
'DefaultButton : 1002 

Console Log

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts

Company Name Product Name Product Version Type Name Assembly Name Assembly Location
Enscape GmbH Enscape 2.8.0 Enscape.Revit.Plugin.EnscapeRevitPlugin Enscape.Revit.Plugin, Version=0.0.20191.1418, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Enscape\Bin64\Enscape.Revit.Plugin.dll
Bluebeam, Inc. Bluebeam Revu Bluebeam.BbRevit.RevitAddin BbRevitAddin2020, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files\Bluebeam Software\Bluebeam Revu\2019\Pushbutton PDF\Revit\Revit2020\BbRevitAddin2020.dll
Autodesk FormIt Converter FormItConverter.Ribbon FormItConverterRibbon, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files\Autodesk\FormItConverterForRevit2020\Addon\FormItConverterRibbon.dll
eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::100:: Delta VM: Avail -197647 -> 134011977 MB, Used +321 -> 1933 MB, Peak +321 -> 1933 MB; RAM: Avail -274 -> 38488 MB, Used +356 -> 1778 MB, Peak +356 -> 1778 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8605, Used 1395, User: Used 1382 
'  7.421813!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::100:: Delta VM: Avail -742 -> 134011236 MB, Used +309 -> 2242 MB, Peak +309 -> 2242 MB; RAM: Avail -330 -> 38159 MB, Used +300 -> 2078 MB, Peak +300 -> 2079 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8601, Used 1399, User: Used 1376 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 30-Jul-2020 15:08:02.082;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6545, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6546, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6547, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6548, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6549, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6550, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6551, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6552, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::101:: Delta VM: Avail 134011236 MB, Used +1 -> 2243 MB, Peak +0 -> 2243 MB; RAM: Avail +10 -> 38170 MB, Used +1 -> 2079 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8601, Used 1399, User: Used 1377 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6553, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6554, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6555, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6556, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6557, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6558, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6559, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6560, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6561, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6562, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< ::101:: Delta VM: Avail -17 -> 134011220 MB, Used +4 -> 2247 MB, Peak +4 -> 2247 MB; RAM: Avail -1 -> 38169 MB, Used +3 -> 2083 MB, Peak +3 -> 2083 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8601, Used 1399, User: Used 1377 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6563, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< TaskDialog "Keyboard shortcut 'R' is now assigned to Rhino"
'Id : RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.ShowShortcutHelp
'Command Links:
'1001 : Customize keyboard shortcuts
'DefaultButton : 1001 
' 2:< ::101:: Delta VM: Avail -7 -> 134011213 MB, Used +15 -> 2263 MB, Peak +15 -> 2263 MB; RAM: Avail -17 -> 38153 MB, Used +15 -> 2099 MB, Peak +15 -> 2099 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8565, Used 1435, User: Used 1401 
' 11.763529!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::101:: Delta VM: Avail +9 -> 134011223 MB, Used -3 -> 2260 MB, Peak +11 -> 2274 MB; RAM: Avail +83 -> 38237 MB, Used -4 -> 2095 MB, Peak +11 -> 2110 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8592, Used 1408, User: Used 1371 
' 1:< Muted: Jrn.Directive IdleTimeTaskSymbol 
' 62.891259   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 30-Jul-2020 15:08:46.580;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 'E 30-Jul-2020 15:08:47.025;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    995 ,    467
 'E 30-Jul-2020 15:08:47.025;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 30-Jul-2020 15:08:47.030;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
'H 30-Jul-2020 15:08:47.040;   0:< 
Jrn.Directive "IdleTimeTaskInvocation"  _
        , "2.PostCommandTask", 0, "{}"
 'E 30-Jul-2020 15:08:47.044;   0:< 
 Jrn.Command "KeyboardShortcut" , " , ID_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT_DIALOG"
' 0:< Unnecessary nesting;ArrowUI_4;-1;ID_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT_DIALOG ;N++EB(NB); 
' 0:< ::105:: Delta VM: Avail +49 -> 134011272 MB, Used 2260 MB, Peak +0 -> 2275 MB; RAM: Avail +1 -> 38238 MB, Used 2095 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8592, Used 1408, User: Used 1361 
'H 30-Jul-2020 15:08:49.161;   0:< 
Jrn.Directive "IdleTimeTaskInvocation"  _
        , "2.PostCommandTask", 0, "end"
' 0:< ::105:: Delta VM: Avail -53 -> 134011219 MB, Used 2260 MB; RAM: Avail 38238 MB, Used 2095 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8590, Used 1410, User: Used 1363 
'C 30-Jul-2020 15:08:49.580;   0:< idle0_doc 
 ' 0:< ::105:: Delta VM: Avail +238 -> 134011458 MB, Used -295 -> 1965 MB; RAM: Avail +61 -> 38299 MB, Used -54 -> 2042 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8591, Used 1409, User: Used 1369 
 'E 30-Jul-2020 15:08:58.014;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    233 ,      4
 'E 30-Jul-2020 15:08:58.015;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandImport:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport"
' 1:< ::107:: Delta VM: Avail -1284 -> 134010174 MB, Used +1236 -> 3201 MB, Peak +927 -> 3202 MB; RAM: Avail -1199 -> 37101 MB, Used +1221 -> 3263 MB, Peak +1153 -> 3263 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8533, Used 1467, User: Used 1387 
'C 30-Jul-2020 15:09:07.873;  DBG_INFO: Surface simplification was not able to maintain a surface envelope. We will proceed without one.: line 161 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\brepbuildernurbssurfacegeometry.cpp. 
'C 30-Jul-2020 15:09:07.882;  DBG_INFO: No envelope for BRepBuilderRevitSurfaceGeometry; proceeding withtout it.: line 346 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\brepbuilder.cpp. 
'C 30-Jul-2020 15:09:07.958;  DBG_INFO: Informational message: inaccurate edge-curve, but edge refinement may eliminate the inaccuracy later. A sample point on the edge had distance 0.001046 feet from the curve.: line 1671 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\brepbuilder.cpp. 
'C 30-Jul-2020 15:09:07.958;  DBG_INFO: Nurbs surface is not formally C2-continuous in the u coordinate.: line 412 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\utility\nurbsvalidation.cpp. 
'C 30-Jul-2020 15:09:07.959;  DBG_INFO: Nurbs surface is not formally C2-continuous in the v coordinate.: line 414 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\utility\nurbsvalidation.cpp. 
'C 30-Jul-2020 15:09:07.970;  DBG_INFO: Need to re-tessellate an edge, but the uv-curve for the edge's first face is not available. Consider updating this code to use the 3D curve.: line 2071 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\brepbuilder.cpp. 
' 1:< ::107:: Delta VM: Avail -16 -> 134010158 MB, Used +11 -> 3212 MB, Peak +13 -> 3216 MB; RAM: Avail -19 -> 37082 MB, Used +15 -> 3279 MB, Peak +17 -> 3281 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8533, Used 1467, User: Used 1387 
'C 30-Jul-2020 15:09:08.747;  DBG_INFO: Could not get material property type from RenderingAsset! Name is GenericSchema.: line 247 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\revit\revitdb\rvtlink\externalfileutils.cpp. 
'C 30-Jul-2020 15:09:08.752;  DBG_INFO: There is a gap between the previous co-edge and the current co-edge; conversion of this BRep will be aborted.: line 1567 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\brepbuilder.cpp. 
'C 30-Jul-2020 15:09:08.777;  DBG_WARN: Face sets are missing: line 6404 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\tessshapeutils.cpp. 
'C 30-Jul-2020 15:09:08.850;  DBG_INFO: Invalid output geometry for BRepBuilder. Edges 0x0000019D04C0C720 and 0x0000019D04C0C400 are topologically adjacent on face 0x0000019D04C19000 but they do not meet.: line 809 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\brepbuilder.cpp. 
'C 30-Jul-2020 15:09:08.861;  DBG_INFO: TessellatedShapeBuilder issue: TooShortOrigLoopMeshSegment (3 indices): line 411 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\tessshapeutils.cpp. 
'C 30-Jul-2020 15:09:08.861;  DBG_INFO: TessellatedShapeBuilder issue index list: {0, 0, 1}: line 425 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\tessshapeutils.cpp. 
'C 30-Jul-2020 15:09:09.156;  DBG_INFO: refineSurfCurveIntersection failed or was skipped in Surface::intersectWithLine; trying the less robust intersectSurfWithLineByNewton as a backup.: line 3392 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\surface.cpp. 
'C 30-Jul-2020 15:09:09.156;  DBG_INFO: intersectSurfWithLineByNewton failed as a backup for refineSurfCurveIntersection in Surface::intersectWithLine. This may be due to numerical instabilities stemming from a very non-uniform surface parameterization.: line 3396 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\surface.cpp. 
'C 30-Jul-2020 15:09:09.222;  DBG_INFO: projectPntToSurfwGuess failed in projectGCurvePntToUV ; trying projectPntToSurf.: line 1661 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\surface.cpp. 
' 1:< ::107:: Delta VM: Avail -270 -> 134009888 MB, Used +274 -> 3487 MB, Peak +271 -> 3487 MB; RAM: Avail -257 -> 36826 MB, Used +273 -> 3552 MB, Peak +271 -> 3552 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8533, Used 1467, User: Used 1386 

Console Log

Loading V-Ray for Rhino, version 4.20.01 ( Mar 17 2020 )
(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0120) - Since Last Record = 0.0120 (%0.21) - Pre-initialize .net
(0.3410) - Since Last Record = 0.3290 (%5.71) - Post-initialize .net
(1.2570) - Since Last Record = 0.9160 (%15.90) - after create and load AppSettings
(1.2580) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.4240) - Since Last Record = 0.1660 (%2.88) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.4390) - Since Last Record = 0.0150 (%0.26) - construct CMainFrame
(1.7120) - Since Last Record = 0.2730 (%4.74) - after load CMainFrame
(2.7670) - Since Last Record = 1.0550 (%18.31) - after initialize license manager
(2.7960) - Since Last Record = 0.0290 (%0.50) - after loading of cursor resources
(2.8070) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.19) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(2.8310) - Since Last Record = 0.0240 (%0.42) - Pre auto load plugins
(2.8950) - Since Last Record = 0.0640 (%1.11) - Toolbars
(2.9010) - Since Last Record = 0.0060 (%0.10) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(2.9040) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.05) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(2.9080) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.07) - RDK:Initialize: start
(2.9080) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(2.9230) - Since Last Record = 0.0150 (%0.26) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(2.9230) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(2.9230) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(2.9370) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.24) - RDK:Initialize: end
(2.9370) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(2.9370) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(2.9370) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(2.9930) - Since Last Record = 0.0560 (%0.97) - Renderer Development Kit
(3.1910) - Since Last Record = 0.1980 (%3.44) - Commands
(3.2220) - Since Last Record = 0.0310 (%0.54) - Snapshots
(3.2380) - Since Last Record = 0.0160 (%0.28) - Rhino Render
(3.3330) - Since Last Record = 0.0950 (%1.65) - RDK_EtoUI
(3.3680) - Since Last Record = 0.0350 (%0.61) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(3.4240) - Since Last Record = 0.0560 (%0.97) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\Plug-ins\KeyShot8RhinoPlugin.rui
(3.5610) - Since Last Record = 0.1370 (%2.38) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(3.5610) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - KeyShot8RhinoPlugin
(3.6510) - Since Last Record = 0.0900 (%1.56) - RhinoCycles
(3.6860) - Since Last Record = 0.0350 (%0.61) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(4.4330) - Since Last Record = 0.7470 (%12.97) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\Plug-ins\VRayForRhino.rui
(4.5230) - Since Last Record = 0.0900 (%1.56) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(4.5230) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - V-Ray for Rhino
(4.5550) - Since Last Record = 0.0320 (%0.56) - Displacement
(4.5990) - Since Last Record = 0.0440 (%0.76) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(4.6000) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - after load default render engine
(4.6000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(4.6040) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.07) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(4.6050) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(4.6250) - Since Last Record = 0.0200 (%0.35) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(4.6260) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(4.9660) - Since Last Record = 0.3400 (%5.90) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(4.9660) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(4.9890) - Since Last Record = 0.0230 (%0.40) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(4.9890) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(4.9890) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(5.1390) - Since Last Record = 0.1500 (%2.60) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(5.1390) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(5.1390) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(5.2780) - Since Last Record = 0.1390 (%2.41) - after Process Shell Commands
(5.7610) - Since Last Record = 0.4830 (%8.38) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::287:: Delta VM: Avail -94 -> 134210346 MB, Used +8 -> 982 MB; RAM: Avail -25 -> 20871 MB, Used +27 -> 1093 MB, Peak +27 -> 1094 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9044, Used 956, User: Used 486 
'  5.119991!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::287:: Delta VM: Avail -131707 -> 134078640 MB, Used +200 -> 1183 MB, Peak +175 -> 1184 MB; RAM: Avail -193 -> 20678 MB, Used +190 -> 1283 MB, Peak +190 -> 1284 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8659, Used 1341, User: Used 1332 
'  4.892088!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::287:: Delta VM: Avail -52 -> 134078589 MB, Used +86 -> 1269 MB, Peak +97 -> 1281 MB; RAM: Avail -116 -> 20562 MB, Used +120 -> 1403 MB, Peak +119 -> 1404 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8659, Used 1341, User: Used 1327 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 31-Jul-2020 16:23:49.067;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    644 ,     79
 'E 31-Jul-2020 16:23:49.067;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6450, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6451, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6452, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6453, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6454, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6455, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6456, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6457, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6458, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6459, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6460, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6461, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6462, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6463, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6464, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6465, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6466, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6467, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< ::289:: Delta VM: Avail -17 -> 134078572 MB, Used +3 -> 1273 MB; RAM: Avail -9 -> 20554 MB, Used +3 -> 1406 MB, Peak +4 -> 1408 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8659, Used 1341, User: Used 1325 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6468, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< TaskDialog "Keyboard shortcut 'R' is now assigned to Rhino"
'Id : RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.ShowShortcutHelp
'Command Links:
'1001 : Customize keyboard shortcuts
'DefaultButton : 1001 
' 2:< ::289:: Delta VM: Avail -6 -> 134078567 MB, Used +16 -> 1289 MB, Peak +7 -> 1289 MB; RAM: Avail -18 -> 20537 MB, Used +16 -> 1423 MB, Peak +14 -> 1423 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8627, Used 1373, User: Used 1349 
'  3.849611!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< Muted: Jrn.Directive IdleTimeTaskSymbol 
' 0:< ::289:: Delta VM: Avail +0 -> 134078568 MB, Used -25 -> 1265 MB, Peak +5 -> 1295 MB; RAM: Avail +20 -> 20557 MB, Used -24 -> 1399 MB, Peak +5 -> 1428 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8659, Used 1341, User: Used 1318 
' 17.767709   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 31-Jul-2020 16:23:53.284;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 'E 31-Jul-2020 16:23:53.365;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    644 ,     79
 'E 31-Jul-2020 16:23:53.365;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 31-Jul-2020 16:23:53.369;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
'H 31-Jul-2020 16:23:53.380;   0:< 
Jrn.Directive "IdleTimeTaskInvocation"  _
        , "3.PostCommandTask", 0, "{}"
 'E 31-Jul-2020 16:23:53.381;   0:< 
 Jrn.Command "KeyboardShortcut" , " , ID_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT_DIALOG"
' 0:< Unnecessary nesting;ArrowUI_4;-1;ID_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT_DIALOG ;N++EB(NB); 
' 0:< ::293:: Delta VM: Avail -23 -> 134078546 MB, Used +8 -> 1273 MB; RAM: Avail -6 -> 20551 MB, Used +8 -> 1407 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8656, Used 1344, User: Used 1313 
'H 31-Jul-2020 16:23:56.752;   0:< 
Jrn.Directive "IdleTimeTaskInvocation"  _
        , "3.PostCommandTask", 0, "end"
'C 31-Jul-2020 16:23:56.802;   0:< idle0_doc 
 ' 0:< ::293:: Delta VM: Avail +7 -> 134078553 MB, Used -27 -> 1246 MB; RAM: Avail -7 -> 20544 MB, Used -3 -> 1404 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8655, Used 1345, User: Used 1319 
 'E 31-Jul-2020 16:24:12.521;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    410 ,      1
 'E 31-Jul-2020 16:24:12.521;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandImport:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport"
' 1:< ::295:: Delta VM: Avail -280 -> 134078274 MB, Used +102 -> 1348 MB, Peak +53 -> 1349 MB; RAM: Avail -119 -> 20425 MB, Used +115 -> 1520 MB, Peak +91 -> 1520 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8601, Used 1399, User: Used 1338 
'C 31-Jul-2020 16:26:01.507;  DBG_INFO: Surface simplification was not able to maintain a surface envelope. We will proceed without one.: line 161 of d:\ship-rtm\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\brepbuildernurbssurfacegeometry.cpp. 
'C 31-Jul-2020 16:26:01.515;  DBG_INFO: No envelope for BRepBuilderRevitSurfaceGeometry; proceeding withtout it.: line 346 of d:\ship-rtm\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\brepbuilder.cpp. 
'C 31-Jul-2020 16:26:01.659;  DBG_INFO: Nurbs surface is not formally C2-continuous in the u coordinate.: line 412 of d:\ship-rtm\2020_px64\source\foundation\utility\nurbsvalidation.cpp. 
'C 31-Jul-2020 16:26:01.672;  DBG_INFO: Informational message: inaccurate edge-curve, but edge refinement may eliminate the inaccuracy later. A sample point on the edge had distance 0.000671 feet from the curve.: line 1671 of d:\ship-rtm\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\brepbuilder.cpp. 
' 1:< ::295:: Delta VM: Avail -3 -> 134078271 MB, Used +13 -> 1361 MB, Peak +15 -> 1364 MB; RAM: Avail -19 -> 20407 MB, Used +16 -> 1537 MB, Peak +17 -> 1537 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8601, Used 1399, User: Used 1338 
'C 31-Jul-2020 16:26:02.208;  DBG_INFO: Excessive number of projection points claimed in Surface::projectCurve: line 2271 of d:\ship-rtm\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\surface.cpp. 
'C 31-Jul-2020 16:26:02.208;  DBG_WARN: BRepBuilder::assignOrUpdateEdgeGeometry_() cannot compute uv-coordinates for the first co-edge of an edge.: line 1457 of d:\ship-rtm\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\brepbuilder.cpp. 
'C 31-Jul-2020 16:26:02.471;  DBG_INFO: TessellatedShapeBuilder issue: OrigPointsTooFarFromTheirPlane (1 indices): line 411 of d:\ship-rtm\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\tessshapeutils.cpp. 
'C 31-Jul-2020 16:26:02.471;  DBG_INFO: TessellatedShapeBuilder issue index list: {273}: line 425 of d:\ship-rtm\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\tessshapeutils.cpp. 
'C 31-Jul-2020 16:26:02.484;  DBG_INFO: Nurbs surface is not formally C2-continuous in the v coordinate.: line 414 of d:\ship-rtm\2020_px64\source\foundation\utility\nurbsvalidation.cpp. 
'C 31-Jul-2020 16:26:02.489;  DBG_INFO: projectPntToSurfwGuess failed in projectGCurvePntToUV ; trying projectPntToSurf.: line 1661 of d:\ship-rtm\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\surface.cpp. 
'C 31-Jul-2020 16:26:02.511;  DBG_INFO: Inconsistent state in projectCrvDerivToSurfAtCrvPnt.: line 581 of d:\ship-rtm\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\surfaceutilinternal.cpp. 
'C 31-Jul-2020 16:26:02.511;  DBG_INFO: solveOrLsq found the matrix is singular.: line 606 of d:\ship-rtm\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\surfaceutilinternal.cpp. 
'C 31-Jul-2020 16:26:02.511;  DBG_INFO: Inconsistent state in projectCrvDerivToSurfAtCrvPnt.: line 608 of d:\ship-rtm\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\surfaceutilinternal.cpp. 
'C 31-Jul-2020 16:26:02.515;  DBG_INFO: There is a gap between the previous co-edge and the current co-edge; conversion of this BRep will be aborted.: line 1567 of d:\ship-rtm\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\brepbuilder.cpp. 
'C 31-Jul-2020 16:26:02.557;  DBG_INFO: Suspiciously large number of tessellation points; should be investigated.: line 145 of d:\ship-rtm\2020_px64\source\foundation\graphics\graphutil\gcurveutil.cpp. 
'C 31-Jul-2020 16:26:02.563;  DBG_INFO: refineSpan is using the alternative affine span (this DBG_INFO is meant to be temporary).: line 422 of d:\ship-rtm\2020_px64\source\foundation\utility\affinespan.cpp. 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0050) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.06) - Pre-initialize .net
(5.0190) - Since Last Record = 5.0140 (%64.27) - Post-initialize .net
(5.1580) - Since Last Record = 0.1390 (%1.78) - after create and load AppSettings
(5.1590) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(5.5350) - Since Last Record = 0.3760 (%4.82) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(5.5430) - Since Last Record = 0.0080 (%0.10) - construct CMainFrame
(5.6800) - Since Last Record = 0.1370 (%1.76) - after load CMainFrame
(6.3930) - Since Last Record = 0.7130 (%9.14) - after initialize license manager
(6.4150) - Since Last Record = 0.0220 (%0.28) - after loading of cursor resources
(6.4220) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.09) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(6.4410) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.24) - Pre auto load plugins
(6.4820) - Since Last Record = 0.0410 (%0.53) - Toolbars
(6.4850) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.04) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(6.4870) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.03) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(6.5000) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.17) - RDK:Initialize: start
(6.5000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(6.5150) - Since Last Record = 0.0150 (%0.19) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(6.5150) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(6.5150) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(6.5290) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.18) - RDK:Initialize: end
(6.5290) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(6.5290) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(6.5290) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(6.5610) - Since Last Record = 0.0320 (%0.41) - Renderer Development Kit
(6.7030) - Since Last Record = 0.1420 (%1.82) - Commands
(6.7100) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.09) - Snapshots
(6.7190) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.12) - Rhino Render
(6.7840) - Since Last Record = 0.0650 (%0.83) - RDK_EtoUI
(6.7920) - Since Last Record = 0.0080 (%0.10) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(6.8450) - Since Last Record = 0.0530 (%0.68) - RhinoCycles
(6.8860) - Since Last Record = 0.0410 (%0.53) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(6.8940) - Since Last Record = 0.0080 (%0.10) - Displacement
(6.9180) - Since Last Record = 0.0240 (%0.31) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(6.9180) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(6.9180) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(6.9190) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(6.9210) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.03) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(6.9690) - Since Last Record = 0.0480 (%0.62) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(6.9700) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(7.2580) - Since Last Record = 0.2880 (%3.69) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(7.2580) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(7.2740) - Since Last Record = 0.0160 (%0.21) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(7.2740) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(7.2740) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(7.4480) - Since Last Record = 0.1740 (%2.23) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(7.4480) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(7.4480) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(7.4990) - Since Last Record = 0.0510 (%0.65) - after Process Shell Commands
(7.8020) - Since Last Record = 0.3030 (%3.88) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::64:: Delta VM: Avail -91221 -> 134119240 MB, Used +428 -> 1403 MB, Peak +442 -> 1423 MB; RAM: Avail -473 -> 16390 MB, Used +468 -> 1540 MB, Peak +486 -> 1558 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8798, Used 1202, User: Used 1239 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 30-Jul-2020 00:35:45.882;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6476, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6477, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6478, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6479, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6480, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6481, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6482, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6483, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6484, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6485, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6486, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6487, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6488, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6489, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6490, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6491, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6492, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6493, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6494, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::65:: Delta VM: Avail +127 -> 134119367 MB, Used -42 -> 1362 MB; RAM: Avail +31 -> 16422 MB, Used -42 -> 1499 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8798, Used 1202, User: Used 1239 
' 16.261257   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 30-Jul-2020 00:35:46.093;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
' 1:< ::65:: Delta VM: Avail -20 -> 134119347 MB, Used +16 -> 1378 MB; RAM: Avail -8 -> 16415 MB, Used +16 -> 1515 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8789, Used 1211, User: Used 1237 
' 1:< SLOG $148c83e1 2020-07-30 00:35:46.435 .LockUsers  R locked 
'  0.164581   1:<<<acquirePermissionsLocks 
' 0:< SLOG $148c83e1 2020-07-30 00:35:46.506 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 73740 -- no deltas 
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 0 hits = NaN ratio 
'  0.244570      4:<<<EP::readEP [45649] 
'  0.287893     3:<<DSI::loadPermissionsFiles/ALL_GAPS   0.043323/Threshold_GAPs 66% 
' 3:< SLOG $148c83e1 2020-07-30 00:35:46.853 .Auto:LockUsers  R unlocked 
'  0.347041    2:<<TWC get lock [\\\americas\jobs\S-F\270000\273421-00\4 Internal Project Data\4-03 Drawings\Struct\Revit Model\Uber Sculpture - Struc - R20.rvt]/ALL_GAPS   0.059147/Threshold_GAPs 100% 
' 2:< >ER::dumpCache 0 OLD versus 0 NEW 
' 2:< <ER::dumpCache 
'  0.347401   1:<<transactWithCentral 0- refresh 
' 0:< SLOG $148c83e1 2020-07-30 00:35:46.864 <Auto 
 'E 30-Jul-2020 00:35:46.935;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 30-Jul-2020 00:35:46.941;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< ::67:: Delta VM: Avail +36 -> 134119384 MB, Used -1 -> 1377 MB; RAM: Avail -147 -> 16268 MB, Used -2 -> 1513 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8795, Used 1205, User: Used 1235 
' 1:< SLOG $148c83e1 2020-07-30 00:37:12.327 .LockUsers  R locked 
'  0.176848   1:<<<acquirePermissionsLocks 
' 0:< SLOG $148c83e1 2020-07-30 00:37:12.395 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 73740 -- no deltas 
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 0 hits = NaN ratio 
'  0.201859      4:<<<EP::readEP [45649] 
'  0.241252     3:<<DSI::loadPermissionsFiles/ALL_GAPS   0.039392/Threshold_GAPs 65% 
' 3:< SLOG $148c83e1 2020-07-30 00:37:12.692 .Auto:LockUsers  R unlocked 
'  0.296665    2:<<TWC get lock [\\\americas\jobs\S-F\270000\273421-00\4 Internal Project Data\4-03 Drawings\Struct\Revit Model\Uber Sculpture - Struc - R20.rvt]/ALL_GAPS   0.055413/Threshold_GAPs 100% 
' 2:< >ER::dumpCache 0 OLD versus 0 NEW 
' 2:< <ER::dumpCache 
'  0.296993   1:<<transactWithCentral 0- refresh 
' 0:< SLOG $148c83e1 2020-07-30 00:37:12.703 <Auto 
 'E 30-Jul-2020 00:37:12.784;   0:< 
 Jrn.PropertiesPalette "Activate"
 'E 30-Jul-2020 00:37:12.798;   0:< 
 Jrn.Grid "Control; FormView , Properties , IDD_PROPERTIES_PALETTE; IDC_SYMBOL_GRID" _
         , "MoveCurrentCell" , "  View Scale" , "ValueCol"
 ' 0:< ::69:: Delta VM: Avail -16 -> 134119368 MB, Used +1 -> 1379 MB; RAM: Avail -5 -> 16264 MB, Used +1 -> 1515 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8793, Used 1207, User: Used 1235 
 'E 30-Jul-2020 00:37:13.318;   0:< 
 Jrn.PropertiesPalette "MouseLeave"
 ' 0:< Properties Palette Deactivate 
 ' 0:< last editor view 
 ' 0:< ::70:: Delta VM: Avail 134119368 MB, Used +1 -> 1380 MB; RAM: Avail -26 -> 16238 MB, Used +1 -> 1516 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8792, Used 1208, User: Used 1237 
 'E 30-Jul-2020 00:37:14.337;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    115 ,      1
 'E 30-Jul-2020 00:37:14.337;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandRhino:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino"
'H 30-Jul-2020 00:37:14.424;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::72:: Delta VM: Avail -185 -> 134119183 MB, Used +138 -> 1519 MB, Peak +117 -> 1541 MB; RAM: Avail +7 -> 16246 MB, Used +65 -> 1582 MB, Peak +54 -> 1612 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8668, Used 1332, User: Used 1302 
 'E 30-Jul-2020 00:37:23.554;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    316 ,    187
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
' 1:< SLOG $148c83e1 2020-07-30 00:37:23.656 .LockUsers  R locked 
' 0:< SLOG $148c83e1 2020-07-30 00:37:23.668 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 73740 -- no deltas 
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 0 hits = NaN ratio 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0100) - Since Last Record = 0.0100 (%0.23) - Pre-initialize .net
(0.6140) - Since Last Record = 0.6040 (%13.69) - Post-initialize .net
(0.7650) - Since Last Record = 0.1510 (%3.42) - after create and load AppSettings
(0.7660) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.1530) - Since Last Record = 0.3870 (%8.77) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.1610) - Since Last Record = 0.0080 (%0.18) - construct CMainFrame
(1.3060) - Since Last Record = 0.1450 (%3.29) - after load CMainFrame
(2.7370) - Since Last Record = 1.4310 (%32.43) - after initialize license manager
(2.7560) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.43) - after loading of cursor resources
(2.7670) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.25) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(2.7860) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.43) - Pre auto load plugins
(2.8420) - Since Last Record = 0.0560 (%1.27) - Toolbars
(2.8450) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.07) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(2.8470) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.05) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(2.8500) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.07) - RDK:Initialize: start
(2.8500) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(2.8640) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.32) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(2.8640) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(2.8640) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(2.8780) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.32) - RDK:Initialize: end
(2.8780) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(2.8780) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(2.8780) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(2.9150) - Since Last Record = 0.0370 (%0.84) - Renderer Development Kit
(3.0980) - Since Last Record = 0.1830 (%4.15) - Commands
(3.1050) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.16) - Snapshots
(3.1160) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.25) - Rhino Render
(3.1900) - Since Last Record = 0.0740 (%1.68) - RDK_EtoUI
(3.1970) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.16) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(3.2620) - Since Last Record = 0.0650 (%1.47) - RhinoCycles
(3.2760) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.32) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(3.2830) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.16) - Displacement
(3.3650) - Since Last Record = 0.0820 (%1.86) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(3.3660) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - after load default render engine
(3.3660) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(3.3790) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.29) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(3.3830) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.09) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(3.4760) - Since Last Record = 0.0930 (%2.11) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(3.4790) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.07) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(3.8430) - Since Last Record = 0.3640 (%8.25) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(3.8430) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(3.8660) - Since Last Record = 0.0230 (%0.52) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(3.8660) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(3.8660) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(4.0410) - Since Last Record = 0.1750 (%3.97) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(4.0410) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(4.0410) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(4.4130) - Since Last Record = 0.3720 (%8.43) - after Process Shell Commands
(4.4130) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::142:: Delta VM: Avail -98895 -> 134068827 MB, Used +205 -> 9196 MB; RAM: Avail -705 -> 14823 MB, Used +704 -> 10275 MB, Peak +165 -> 10275 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8656, Used 1344, User: Used 1354 
'  6.429096!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::142:: Delta VM: Avail -620 -> 134068207 MB, Used +252 -> 9449 MB; RAM: Avail -209 -> 14615 MB, Used +298 -> 10573 MB, Peak +298 -> 10574 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8655, Used 1345, User: Used 1352 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 28-Jul-2020 14:03:21.202;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6600, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6601, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6602, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6603, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6604, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6605, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6606, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6607, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6608, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6609, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6610, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6611, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6612, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6613, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::143:: Delta VM: Avail -17 -> 134068191 MB, Used +3 -> 9452 MB; RAM: Avail +4 -> 14619 MB, Used +3 -> 10577 MB, Peak +3 -> 10577 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8655, Used 1345, User: Used 1351 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6614, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6615, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6616, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6617, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6618, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::143:: Delta VM: Avail +0 -> 134068192 MB, Used -81 -> 9371 MB, Peak +2 -> 9455 MB; RAM: Avail +62 -> 14682 MB, Used -78 -> 10499 MB, Peak +2 -> 10579 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8655, Used 1345, User: Used 1351 
' 14.860898   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 28-Jul-2020 14:03:21.594;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
' 1:< ::143:: Delta VM: Avail -4 -> 134068188 MB, Used +11 -> 9383 MB; RAM: Avail +7 -> 14689 MB, Used +12 -> 10511 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8649, Used 1351, User: Used 1344 
' 1:< SLOG $08e4beec 2020-07-28 14:03:21.887 .LockUsers  R locked 
' 0:< SLOG $08e4beec 2020-07-28 14:03:21.907 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 200 -- no deltas 
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 0 hits = NaN ratio 
' 3:< SLOG $08e4beec 2020-07-28 14:03:22.000 .Auto:LockUsers  R unlocked 
' 2:< >ER::dumpCache 0 OLD versus 0 NEW 
' 2:< <ER::dumpCache 
' 0:< SLOG $08e4beec 2020-07-28 14:03:22.011 <Auto 
 'E 28-Jul-2020 14:03:22.098;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 28-Jul-2020 14:03:22.102;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 'E 28-Jul-2020 14:03:29.455;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    814 ,    116
 'E 28-Jul-2020 14:03:29.455;   0:< 
 ' [Jrn.ModelOperation] Rvt.Attr.Scenario: ModelSave COMMON.OS_VERSION: Microsoft Windows 10 Rvt.Attr.ModelVerEpisode: 40b28d16-2bde-473b-9124-cb96a5f76762 11 , Rvt.Attr.ModelPath: RVT[1301755253577930031] Rvt.Attr.ModelSize: 0 Rvt.Attr.DetectDuration: 34266 Rvt.Attr.Worksharing: WorkShared Rvt.Attr.ModelState: Normal 
' 1:< ::147:: Delta VM: Avail +1619 -> 134069808 MB, Used -81 -> 9302 MB; RAM: Avail +1590 -> 16280 MB, Used -1596 -> 8916 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8655, Used 1345, User: Used 1344 
' 1:< SLOG $08e4beec 2020-07-28 14:03:32.968 .LockUsers  R locked 
' 0:< SLOG $08e4beec 2020-07-28 14:03:32.979 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 200 -- no deltas 
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 0 hits = NaN ratio 
' 3:< SLOG $08e4beec 2020-07-28 14:03:33.023 .Auto:LockUsers  R unlocked 
' 2:< >ER::dumpCache 0 OLD versus 0 NEW 
' 2:< <ER::dumpCache 
' 0:< SLOG $08e4beec 2020-07-28 14:03:33.034 <Auto 
' 1:< SLOG $08e4beec 2020-07-28 14:03:38.201 .LockUsers  R locked 
' 0:< SLOG $08e4beec 2020-07-28 14:03:38.212 >Auto 
' 3:< EP::readDeltas 200 -- no deltas 
' 4:< syncEPtoDisk stats: 0 misses / 0 hits = NaN ratio 
' 3:< SLOG $08e4beec 2020-07-28 14:03:38.255 .Auto:LockUsers  R unlocked 
' 2:< >ER::dumpCache 0 OLD versus 0 NEW 
' 2:< <ER::dumpCache 
' 0:< SLOG $08e4beec 2020-07-28 14:03:38.266 <Auto 
 'E 28-Jul-2020 14:03:39.618;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,     56 ,    449
 'E 28-Jul-2020 14:03:39.618;   0:< 

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandRhino:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino"
'  0.118973   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 28-Jul-2020 14:03:39.739;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::149:: Delta VM: Avail -206 -> 134069603 MB, Used +135 -> 9438 MB, Peak +37 -> 9492 MB; RAM: Avail -92 -> 16189 MB, Used +100 -> 9017 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8537, Used 1463, User: Used 1476 
 'E 28-Jul-2020 14:03:53.852;   0:< 
 Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling" , "FileDialog(Win7Open,Open).SelectFile(200728_ModelSc00-2\.3dm,Supported Files \(*\.*\))"
 ' 0:< ::150:: Delta VM: Avail -118 -> 134069485 MB, Used +105 -> 9543 MB, Peak +133 -> 9626 MB; RAM: Avail +2 -> 16191 MB, Used +2 -> 9019 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8646, Used 1354, User: Used 1368 
 'E 28-Jul-2020 14:03:59.544;   0:< 
 Jrn.Wheel      0 , -120 ,   6960 ,   1863
 'H 28-Jul-2020 14:03:59.551;   0:< 
 Jrn.Directive "ProjToPage"  _
         , "[]", "3D View: KC_3D-Sc00-2" _
         , 1295.13685208863672 _
         , 1295.13685208863672, 0.00000000000000, 0.00000000000000 _

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0080) - Since Last Record = 0.0080 (%0.16) - Pre-initialize .net
(0.7610) - Since Last Record = 0.7530 (%15.14) - Post-initialize .net
(0.9390) - Since Last Record = 0.1780 (%3.58) - after create and load AppSettings
(0.9400) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.6610) - Since Last Record = 0.7210 (%14.49) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.6690) - Since Last Record = 0.0080 (%0.16) - construct CMainFrame
(1.8380) - Since Last Record = 0.1690 (%3.40) - after load CMainFrame
(2.1060) - Since Last Record = 0.2680 (%5.39) - after initialize license manager
(2.1310) - Since Last Record = 0.0250 (%0.50) - after loading of cursor resources
(2.1400) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.18) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(3.3480) - Since Last Record = 1.2080 (%24.28) - Pre auto load plugins
(3.3990) - Since Last Record = 0.0510 (%1.03) - Toolbars
(3.4010) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.04) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(3.4030) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.04) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(3.4070) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.08) - RDK:Initialize: start
(3.4070) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(3.4200) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.26) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(3.4200) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(3.4200) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(3.4330) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.26) - RDK:Initialize: end
(3.4330) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(3.4330) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(3.4330) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(3.4670) - Since Last Record = 0.0340 (%0.68) - Renderer Development Kit
(3.6350) - Since Last Record = 0.1680 (%3.38) - Commands
(3.6400) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.10) - Snapshots
(3.6490) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.18) - Rhino Render
(3.7230) - Since Last Record = 0.0740 (%1.49) - RDK_EtoUI
(3.7300) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.14) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(3.8840) - Since Last Record = 0.1540 (%3.10) - RhinoCycles
(3.8980) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.28) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(3.9040) - Since Last Record = 0.0060 (%0.12) - Displacement
(3.9240) - Since Last Record = 0.0200 (%0.40) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\Plug-ins\SectionTools.rui
(3.9690) - Since Last Record = 0.0450 (%0.90) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(3.9690) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - SectionTools
(4.0050) - Since Last Record = 0.0360 (%0.72) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(4.0050) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(4.0050) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(4.0060) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(4.0070) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(4.0650) - Since Last Record = 0.0580 (%1.17) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(4.0660) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(4.3690) - Since Last Record = 0.3030 (%6.09) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(4.3690) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(4.3900) - Since Last Record = 0.0210 (%0.42) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(4.3900) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(4.3900) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(4.5390) - Since Last Record = 0.1490 (%2.99) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(4.5390) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(4.5390) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(4.5940) - Since Last Record = 0.0550 (%1.11) - after Process Shell Commands
(4.9750) - Since Last Record = 0.3810 (%7.66) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< TaskDialog "An unsupported openNURBS version is already loaded. Rhino.Inside cannot run."
'Id : RhinoInside.Revit.Addin.CheckSetup.OpenNURBSConflict
'Command Links:
'1001 : More information
'1002 : Report Error
'DefaultButton : 1002 

Console Log

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts

Company Name Product Name Product Version Type Name Assembly Name Assembly Location
Autodesk FormIt Converter FormItConverter.Ribbon FormItConverterRibbon, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files\Autodesk\FormItConverterForRevit2020\Addon\FormItConverterRibbon.dll
Geometry Gym Pty Ltd GGYM IFC for Revit GGYM.App ggRevitIFC, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files\Geometry Gym\Revit\ggRevitIFC2020.dll
eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< TaskDialog "This WIP build expires in 5 days"
'Id : RhinoInside.Revit.Addin.CheckIsExpired
'Command Links:
'1001 : Check for updates
'DefaultButton : 1001 
' 2:< ::69:: Delta VM: Avail -31 -> 134210689 MB, Used -5 -> 834 MB, Peak +7 -> 846 MB; RAM: Avail -9 -> 21430 MB, Used +13 -> 916 MB, Peak +13 -> 916 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9169, Used 831, User: Used 456 
'  3.129420!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::69:: Delta VM: Avail -132 -> 134210558 MB, Used +28 -> 863 MB, Peak +20 -> 866 MB; RAM: Avail -80 -> 21351 MB, Used +52 -> 969 MB, Peak +52 -> 969 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9130, Used 870, User: Used 460 
' 15.751887!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::69:: Delta VM: Avail -98808 -> 134111750 MB, Used +158 -> 1021 MB, Peak +158 -> 1025 MB; RAM: Avail -158 -> 21194 MB, Used +154 -> 1124 MB, Peak +160 -> 1129 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8841, Used 1159, User: Used 1203 
' 30.875781!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::69:: Delta VM: Avail -75 -> 134111675 MB, Used +101 -> 1122 MB, Peak +97 -> 1123 MB; RAM: Avail -120 -> 21074 MB, Used +116 -> 1241 MB, Peak +111 -> 1241 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8837, Used 1163, User: Used 1202 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:47:58.853;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    509 ,    229
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:47:58.854;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6464, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6465, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6466, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6467, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6468, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6469, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6470, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6471, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6472, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6473, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6474, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6475, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6476, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6477, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6478, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6479, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6480, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6481, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6482, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::71:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 134111674 MB, Used -21 -> 1102 MB, Peak +7 -> 1130 MB; RAM: Avail +5 -> 21080 MB, Used -20 -> 1221 MB, Peak +6 -> 1248 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8837, Used 1163, User: Used 1201 
' 55.795115   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 11-Aug-2020 09:47:59.055;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 1:< ::71:: Delta VM: Avail -19 -> 134111655 MB, Used +13 -> 1115 MB; RAM: Avail 21080 MB, Used +13 -> 1235 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8827, Used 1173, User: Used 1202 
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:47:59.358;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    570 ,    268
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:47:59.358;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:47:59.363;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 ' 0:< ::74:: Delta VM: Avail 134111655 MB, Used +0 -> 1116 MB; RAM: Avail +25 -> 21105 MB, Used 1235 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8832, Used 1168, User: Used 1202 
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:48:34.842;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    116 ,      2
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:48:34.842;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandRhino:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino"
'H 11-Aug-2020 09:48:34.922;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
' 0:< ::76:: Delta VM: Avail -248 -> 134111408 MB, Used +155 -> 1272 MB, Peak +144 -> 1275 MB; RAM: Avail +545 -> 21650 MB, Used +66 -> 1301 MB, Peak +81 -> 1329 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8672, Used 1328, User: Used 1346 
'C 11-Aug-2020 09:49:24.508;   0:< Executing AddInJournaling : FileDialog(Win7Open,Open).SelectFile(NASA LaRC SMC B2106-Revit\.3dm,Supported Files \(*\.*\)) 
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:49:24.508;   0:< 
 Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling" , "FileDialog(Win7Open,Open).SelectFile(NASA LaRC SMC B2106-Revit\.3dm,Supported Files \(*\.*\))"
 ' 0:< ::77:: Delta VM: Avail -494 -> 134110914 MB, Used +393 -> 1665 MB, Peak +550 -> 1825 MB; RAM: Avail -220 -> 21430 MB, Used +230 -> 1532 MB, Peak +353 -> 1683 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8791, Used 1209, User: Used 1234 
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:49:35.917;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    453 ,    179
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:49:35.961;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    453 ,    179
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:49:35.961;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    453 ,    179
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:49:37.053;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,      3 ,     63
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:49:37.053;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandImport:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport"
'C 11-Aug-2020 09:49:40.728;  [00004470]DBG_INFO: Invalid path detected in file exists task: C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Autodesk Shared/Materials/Textures/\Environments\SunAndSky\Presets\3\adp:?asset=\C9E50FAA-E207-48DB-9723-E88BDFE782EF\Resources\A06CA3BB-FA28-4EF6-A297-64D0519C35DB_physmat_aspects_1:Generic\thumbnail\0\8ffcca00Rating - Fire (2 hr)_png: line 26 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\utility\tasks\taskfileexists.cpp. 
' 1:< ::82:: Delta VM: Avail -120 -> 134110794 MB, Used +123 -> 1788 MB; RAM: Avail -119 -> 21312 MB, Used +120 -> 1652 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8769, Used 1231, User: Used 1235 
'C 11-Aug-2020 09:49:41.216;  DBG_INFO: Could not get material property type from RenderingAsset! Name is GenericSchema.: line 247 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\revit\revitdb\rvtlink\externalfileutils.cpp. 
'C 11-Aug-2020 09:49:41.255;  DBG_INFO: Surface simplification was not able to maintain a surface envelope. We will proceed without one.: line 161 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\brepbuildernurbssurfacegeometry.cpp. 
'C 11-Aug-2020 09:49:41.264;  DBG_INFO: No envelope for BRepBuilderRevitSurfaceGeometry; proceeding withtout it.: line 346 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\brepbuilder.cpp. 
'C 11-Aug-2020 09:49:42.071;  DBG_INFO: Informational message: inaccurate edge-curve, but edge refinement may eliminate the inaccuracy later. A sample point on the edge had distance 0.000936 feet from the curve.: line 1671 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\brepbuilder.cpp. 
'C 11-Aug-2020 09:49:42.072;  DBG_INFO: There is a gap between the previous co-edge and the current co-edge; conversion of this BRep will be aborted.: line 1567 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\brepbuilder.cpp. 
' 1:< ::82:: Delta VM: Avail -19 -> 134110776 MB, Used +19 -> 1808 MB; RAM: Avail -5 -> 21307 MB, Used +6 -> 1659 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8769, Used 1231, User: Used 1235 
'C 11-Aug-2020 09:49:42.753;  DBG_INFO: Cyclical edge sort is ambiguous;: line 5196 of d:\ship\2020_px64\source\foundation\geomutil\edge.cpp. 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0580) - Since Last Record = 0.0580 (%0.16) - Pre-initialize .net
(12.3160) - Since Last Record = 12.2580 (%33.06) - Post-initialize .net
(12.7720) - Since Last Record = 0.4560 (%1.23) - after create and load AppSettings
(12.7730) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(13.5590) - Since Last Record = 0.7860 (%2.12) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(13.7140) - Since Last Record = 0.1550 (%0.42) - construct CMainFrame
(14.1230) - Since Last Record = 0.4090 (%1.10) - after load CMainFrame
(15.1630) - Since Last Record = 1.0400 (%2.80) - after initialize license manager
(15.2680) - Since Last Record = 0.1050 (%0.28) - after loading of cursor resources
(15.6060) - Since Last Record = 0.3380 (%0.91) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(31.1830) - Since Last Record = 15.5770 (%42.01) - Pre auto load plugins
(31.5320) - Since Last Record = 0.3490 (%0.94) - Toolbars
(31.7830) - Since Last Record = 0.2510 (%0.68) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(31.7880) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.01) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(31.8040) - Since Last Record = 0.0160 (%0.04) - RDK:Initialize: start
(31.8040) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(31.8320) - Since Last Record = 0.0280 (%0.08) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(31.8320) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(31.8320) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(31.9410) - Since Last Record = 0.1090 (%0.29) - RDK:Initialize: end
(31.9410) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(31.9410) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(31.9410) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(32.0550) - Since Last Record = 0.1140 (%0.31) - Renderer Development Kit
(32.8350) - Since Last Record = 0.7800 (%2.10) - Commands
(32.9350) - Since Last Record = 0.1000 (%0.27) - Snapshots
(32.9830) - Since Last Record = 0.0480 (%0.13) - Rhino Render
(33.2570) - Since Last Record = 0.2740 (%0.74) - RDK_EtoUI
(33.5270) - Since Last Record = 0.2700 (%0.73) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(34.0390) - Since Last Record = 0.5120 (%1.38) - RhinoCycles
(34.3660) - Since Last Record = 0.3270 (%0.88) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(34.5210) - Since Last Record = 0.1550 (%0.42) - Displacement
(35.0100) - Since Last Record = 0.4890 (%1.32) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(35.0110) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(35.0110) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(35.0220) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.03) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(35.0420) - Since Last Record = 0.0200 (%0.05) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(35.1310) - Since Last Record = 0.0890 (%0.24) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(35.1330) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(35.5330) - Since Last Record = 0.4000 (%1.08) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(35.5330) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(35.6280) - Since Last Record = 0.0950 (%0.26) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(35.6280) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(35.6280) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(35.8690) - Since Last Record = 0.2410 (%0.65) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(35.8690) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(35.8690) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(37.0770) - Since Last Record = 1.2080 (%3.26) - after Process Shell Commands
(37.0770) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< TaskDialog "An unsupported openNURBS version is already loaded. Rhino.Inside cannot run."
'Id : RhinoInside.Revit.Addin.CheckSetup.OpenNURBSConflict
'Command Links:
'1001 : More information
'1002 : Report Error
'DefaultButton : 1002 

Console Log

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts

Company Name Product Name Product Version Type Name Assembly Name Assembly Location
RevitToRevizto 4.4.38544 Revizto.RevitToRevizto RevitToRevizto2020, Version=4.4.38544.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files\Vizerra LLC\Revizto4\Bin\RevitToRevizto2020.dll
Enscape GmbH Enscape.Revit.Plugin 2.7.1 Enscape.Revit.Plugin.EnscapeRevitPlugin Enscape.Revit.Plugin, Version=0.0.20090.750, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files\Enscape\Bin64\Enscape.Revit.Plugin.dll
Ideate, Inc. Ideate Software ISW for Revit 2020 2.8 Ideate.RevitExtApp.IdeateSoftwareISW.Application.IdeateSoftwareApplication IdeateSoftwareISW, Version=2.8.36800.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\Program Files\Ideate\Ideate Software 2020\IdeateSoftwareISW.dll
PyRevitLoader 2016.0.0.0 PyRevitLoader.PyRevitLoaderApplication PyRevitLoader, Version=2016.0.0.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\HdM-DT\pyRevit4\pyrevitlib\pyrevit\loader\addin\277\PyRevitLoader.dll
RevitPythonShell 2018.1.0.0 RevitPythonShell.RevitPythonShellApplication RevitPythonShell, Version=2018.1.0.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null C:\HDM-DT\RevitPythonShell2020\RevitPythonShell.dll
eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::548:: Delta VM: Avail -156563 -> 134043537 MB, Used +332 -> 9006 MB; RAM: Avail -308 -> 41966 MB, Used +413 -> 8225 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8847, Used 1153, User: Used 1266 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 11-Aug-2020 10:53:43.194;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6424, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6425, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6426, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6427, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6428, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6429, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6430, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6431, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6432, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6433, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6434, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6435, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6436, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6437, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6438, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6439, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6440, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6441, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6442, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::549:: Delta VM: Avail +127 -> 134043665 MB, Used -15 -> 8991 MB; RAM: Avail +11 -> 41977 MB, Used -14 -> 8211 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8847, Used 1153, User: Used 1265 
' 10.871825   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 11-Aug-2020 10:53:43.460;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 1:< ::549:: Delta VM: Avail -18 -> 134043647 MB, Used +10 -> 9001 MB; RAM: Avail 41977 MB, Used +10 -> 8222 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8836, Used 1164, User: Used 1267 
 'E 11-Aug-2020 10:53:43.711;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 11-Aug-2020 10:53:43.714;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 'E 11-Aug-2020 10:53:47.046;   0:< 

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandImport:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport"
' 1:< ::552:: Delta VM: Avail -63 -> 134043584 MB, Used +43 -> 9045 MB; RAM: Avail -130 -> 41848 MB, Used +53 -> 8276 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8791, Used 1209, User: Used 1274 
' 1:< DBG_INFO: Surface simplification was not able to maintain a surface envelope. We will proceed without one.: line 161 of BRepBuilderNurbsSurfaceGeometry.cpp. 
' 1:< DBG_INFO: No envelope for BRepBuilderRevitSurfaceGeometry; proceeding withtout it.: line 346 of BRepBuilder.cpp. 
' 1:< DBG_INFO: Nurbs surface is not formally C2-continuous in the u coordinate.: line 412 of NURBSValidation.cpp. 
' 1:< DBG_INFO: TempImportNurbsSurf::convertToSurfRev: cannot setControlCurve, or the curve is degenerate: line 2392 of TempImportNurbsSurf.cpp. 
' 1:< DBG_WARN: Invalid input for getProfilesForNurbsRuledSurf: both Nurbs surface control curves are degenerate.: line 2093 of TempImportNurbsSurf.cpp. 
' 1:< DBG_INFO: Invalid input for HermiteSurf::compute.: line 1609 of HermiteSurf.cpp. 
'  5.622967!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 3:< ;PERF;MISC;FullUpdateGraphicCacheUpdater::updateAll() DBView3d id=94242: 445 elements need cache update 
' 3:< ;PERF;MISC;FullUpdateGraphicCacheUpdater::updateAll() DBViewProject id=1213: 190 elements need cache update 
' 1:< ::552:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 134043583 MB, Used -1 -> 9044 MB; RAM: Avail +14 -> 41862 MB, Used +11 -> 8287 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8794, Used 1206, User: Used 1274 
'C 11-Aug-2020 10:53:55.125;   1:< Managed exception caught from external API application 'RhinoInside.Revit' in method 'Autodesk.Revit.DB.Mesh ToMesh(Rhino.Geometry.Mesh)' Exception type: '<System.NullReferenceException>,' Exception method: '<Object reference not set to an instance of an object.>,' Stack trace '      at RhinoInside.Revit.Convert.Geometry.MeshEncoder.ToMesh(Mesh mesh)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Convert.Geometry.ShapeEncoder.<ToGeometryObjectMany>d__2.MoveNext()
''   at System.Linq.Enumerable.<SelectManyIterator>d__17`2.MoveNext()
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Convert.Geometry.ShapeEncoder.<ToGeometryObjectMany>d__2.MoveNext()
''   at System.Linq.Enumerable.<OfTypeIterator>d__95`1.MoveNext()
''   at System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)
''   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.Convert.Geometry.ShapeEncoder.ToShape(GeometryBase geometry, Double factor)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport.ImportObject(Document doc, File3dm model, GeometryBase geometry, ObjectAttributes attributes, Dictionary`2 materials, Double scaleFactor)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport.Import3DMFileToProject(Document doc, String filePath, BuiltInCategory builtInCategory)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.ActivationGate.Open[T](Func`1 func, Object state)
''   at RhinoInside.Revit.External.UI.Command.Autodesk.Revit.UI.IExternalCommand.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements) 
' 2:< ::552:: Delta VM: Avail -38 -> 134043546 MB, Used +2 -> 9046 MB; RAM: Avail 41862 MB, Used +2 -> 8290 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8784, Used 1216, User: Used 1283 
'  2.496320!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::552:: Delta VM: Avail -149 -> 134043397 MB, Used +649 -> 9696 MB; RAM: Avail -54 -> 41809 MB, Used +29 -> 8319 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8786, Used 1214, User: Used 1282 
'  2.526357    2:<<<;PERF;MISC;drawing 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0090) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.15) - Pre-initialize .net
(0.5030) - Since Last Record = 0.4940 (%8.35) - Post-initialize .net
(0.6850) - Since Last Record = 0.1820 (%3.07) - after create and load AppSettings
(0.6850) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(3.4060) - Since Last Record = 2.7210 (%45.97) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(3.4150) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.15) - construct CMainFrame
(3.5660) - Since Last Record = 0.1510 (%2.55) - after load CMainFrame
(4.4480) - Since Last Record = 0.8820 (%14.90) - after initialize license manager
(4.4650) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.29) - after loading of cursor resources
(4.4730) - Since Last Record = 0.0080 (%0.14) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(4.4990) - Since Last Record = 0.0260 (%0.44) - Pre auto load plugins
(4.5480) - Since Last Record = 0.0490 (%0.83) - Toolbars
(4.5500) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.03) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(4.5520) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.03) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(4.5560) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.07) - RDK:Initialize: start
(4.5560) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(4.5720) - Since Last Record = 0.0160 (%0.27) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(4.5720) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(4.5720) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(4.5870) - Since Last Record = 0.0150 (%0.25) - RDK:Initialize: end
(4.5870) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(4.5870) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(4.5870) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(4.6200) - Since Last Record = 0.0330 (%0.56) - Renderer Development Kit
(4.8000) - Since Last Record = 0.1800 (%3.04) - Commands
(4.8060) - Since Last Record = 0.0060 (%0.10) - Snapshots
(4.8180) - Since Last Record = 0.0120 (%0.20) - Rhino Render
(4.8940) - Since Last Record = 0.0760 (%1.28) - RDK_EtoUI
(4.9010) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.12) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(4.9640) - Since Last Record = 0.0630 (%1.06) - RhinoCycles
(4.9740) - Since Last Record = 0.0100 (%0.17) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(4.9800) - Since Last Record = 0.0060 (%0.10) - Displacement
(5.0070) - Since Last Record = 0.0270 (%0.46) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(5.0070) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(5.0070) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(5.0190) - Since Last Record = 0.0120 (%0.20) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(5.0210) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.03) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(5.0800) - Since Last Record = 0.0590 (%1.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(5.0830) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.05) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(5.4050) - Since Last Record = 0.3220 (%5.44) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(5.4050) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(5.4270) - Since Last Record = 0.0220 (%0.37) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(5.4270) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(5.4270) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(5.6110) - Since Last Record = 0.1840 (%3.11) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(5.6110) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(5.6110) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(5.9190) - Since Last Record = 0.3080 (%5.20) - after Process Shell Commands
(5.9190) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::169:: Delta VM: Avail -132 -> 134207080 MB, Used +24 -> 3795 MB, Peak +26 -> 3797 MB; RAM: Avail -52 -> 51881 MB, Used +50 -> 3340 MB, Peak +50 -> 3340 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9189, Used 811, User: Used 465 
'  2.244136!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::169:: Delta VM: Avail -156331 -> 134050749 MB, Used +312 -> 4108 MB, Peak +311 -> 4109 MB; RAM: Avail -249 -> 51633 MB, Used +355 -> 3695 MB, Peak +355 -> 3696 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8890, Used 1110, User: Used 1219 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:20:01.187;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1026 ,    436
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:20:01.187;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6424, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6425, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6426, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6427, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6428, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6429, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6430, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6431, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6432, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6433, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6434, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6435, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6436, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6437, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6438, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6439, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6440, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6441, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6442, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 16.685239   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 11-Aug-2020 09:20:01.397;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 1:< ::171:: Delta VM: Avail -28 -> 134050722 MB, Used +3 -> 4112 MB, Peak +13 -> 4122 MB; RAM: Avail +3 -> 51637 MB, Used +4 -> 3700 MB, Peak +6 -> 3703 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8879, Used 1121, User: Used 1221 
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:20:01.682;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    954 ,    452
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:20:01.682;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:20:01.686;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 ' 1:< ::174:: Delta VM: Avail +431 -> 134051153 MB, Used -506 -> 3606 MB, Peak +0 -> 4123 MB; RAM: Avail -26 -> 51611 MB, Used -14 -> 3686 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8892, Used 1108, User: Used 1208 
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:20:13.741;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    322 ,   1315
 'E 11-Aug-2020 09:20:13.741;   1:< 
 Jrn.Command "Internal" , "Open an existing project , ID_REVIT_FILE_OPEN"
 'H 11-Aug-2020 09:20:13.741;   1:< 
 Jrn.Data "File Name"  _
         , "IDOK", "..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Dropbox (Personal)\WORK\1917_AMP_QQTower\50_Production\REVIT\SOE-MOD-200710-RVT[05]-COORDINATION_200810_AFC-DIRECT-IMPORT.rvt"
 ' 1:< INVISIBLE timing block  
 ' 1:<   System (MB) [Available /  Total ]  [Revit Memory Usage (MB)   ] 
 ' 1:< RAM Statistics:    51610 /    65269      3687=InUse     3703=Peak  
 ' 1:< VM  Statistics: 134051145 / 134217727      3607=InUse     4123=Peak  
 ' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(BIM360); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(d2c3617d-7a16-45bc-b395-44897852f485); ServiceId(b3892e5f-9161-4bbc-958a-c8ef75e94e96) } 
  'E 11-Aug-2020 09:20:13.758;   2:< 
  ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: d2c3617d-7a16-45bc-b395-44897852f485 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: b3892e5f-9161-4bbc-958a-c8ef75e94e96 
  ' 2:< File: Open 
  ' 3:< Connecting session [$6a3e07d3] to Worksharing Log [%LOCALAPPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit 2019\Journals\journal.0030.txt] 
  ' 3:< Additional IP address/name found for host LAPTOP-75MEJADB:  
   ' 5:< ::177:: Delta VM: Avail -555 -> 134050599 MB, Used +1 -> 3608 MB; RAM: Avail -3 -> 51609 MB, Used +2 -> 3688 MB 
   ' 5:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8891, Used 1109, User: Used 1208 
   'E 11-Aug-2020 09:20:13.788;   5:< 
   ' [Jrn.BasicFileInfo] Rvt.Attr.Worksharing: Not enabled Rvt.Attr.UserName:  Rvt.Attr.CentralModelPath:  Rvt.Attr.RevitBuildVersion: Autodesk Revit 2019 (Build: 20190108_1515(x64)) Rvt.Attr.LastSavePath: C:\Dropbox (Personal)\WORK\1917_AMP_QQTower\50_Production\REVIT\SOE-MOD-200710-RVT[05]-COORDINATION_2000810_AFC-DIRECT-IMPORT.rvt Rvt.Attr.LTProject: notLTProject Rvt.Attr.LocaleWhenSaved: ENG Rvt.Attr.FileExt: rvt 
   ' 6:< [ISL] On open, Adler Checksum: 0x7d43a182 [C:\Dropbox (Personal)\WORK\1917_AMP_QQTower\50_Production\REVIT\SOE-MOD-200710-RVT[05]-COORDINATION_200810_AFC-DIRECT-IMPORT.rvt] 
   '  0.234122        6:<<<Checking Checksum 
   ' 5:< [ISL] Read last modification time: 10-Aug-2020 12:09:14 (UTC: 10-Aug-2020 02:09:14) 
   ' 5:< File was saved in Autodesk Revit 2019 (Build: 20190108_1515(x64)) 
   ' 7:< ::178:: Delta VM: Avail -976 -> 134049623 MB, Used +438 -> 4047 MB, Peak +289 -> 4412 MB; RAM: Avail -1231 -> 50378 MB, Used +1029 -> 4717 MB, Peak +1562 -> 5265 MB 
   ' 7:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8890, Used 1110, User: Used 1208 
   ' 7:< Loaded elemStream#124: uncompSize=581030523, compSize=283670359, count=14721 
   ' 7:< LoadLatestEpoch::loadLatestEpoch 0x00000000000=thelper.currentPos() 0x00010e87757=thelper.targetPos() 
   '  2.433842         7:<<<loadLatestVersion 
   '  2.456499        6:<<loadSelectedEpochs 
   ' 4:< ::178:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 134049622 MB, Used 4047 MB; RAM: Avail +186 -> 50565 MB, Used 4717 MB 
   ' 4:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8887, Used 1113, User: Used 1218 
   '  2.862503       5:<<TrustedUtility::readStreams 
   ' 3:< ::178:: Delta VM: Avail 134049622 MB, Used 4047 MB; RAM: Avail 50565 MB, Used -179 -> 4539 MB 
   ' 3:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8886, Used 1114, User: Used 1218 
   '  3.122243      4:<<loadSerialize/ALL_GAPS   0.259740/Threshold_GAPs 35% 
   '  3.122414     3:<<LoadFromStorage 
   ' 4:< Unnecessary nesting;Document\PostLoadDocument.cpp;201;String_Revit_DelayedPropagatoinRegen ;N++E(N); 
   ' 5:<   System (MB) [Available /  Total ]  [Revit Memory Usage (MB)   ] 
   ' 5:< RAM Statistics:    50565 /    65269      4539=InUse     5265=Peak  
   ' 5:< VM  Statistics: 134049622 / 134217727      4047=InUse     4412=Peak  
   ' 5:< Element Expansion Statistics: 
   ' 5:<  0% Opening Plans                    (0) 
   ' 5:<  0% Opening RC Plans                 (0) 
   ' 5:<  2% Opening 3d Views                 (14266993) 
   ' 5:<  0% Opening Elevations and Sections  (0) 
   ' 5:<  53% In Regnerate                     (334428582) 
   ' 5:<  0% In Autojoin                      (0) 
   ' 5:<  0% In Overlap Checking              (0) 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0090) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.08) - Pre-initialize .net
(1.7790) - Since Last Record = 1.7700 (%16.62) - Post-initialize .net
(1.9870) - Since Last Record = 0.2080 (%1.95) - after create and load AppSettings
(1.9880) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(4.7440) - Since Last Record = 2.7560 (%25.88) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(4.7560) - Since Last Record = 0.0120 (%0.11) - construct CMainFrame
(4.8840) - Since Last Record = 0.1280 (%1.20) - after load CMainFrame
(5.7540) - Since Last Record = 0.8700 (%8.17) - after initialize license manager
(5.7730) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.18) - after loading of cursor resources
(5.7820) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.08) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(9.2410) - Since Last Record = 3.4590 (%32.48) - Pre auto load plugins
(9.2920) - Since Last Record = 0.0510 (%0.48) - Toolbars
(9.2960) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.04) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(9.2980) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.02) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(9.3030) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.05) - RDK:Initialize: start
(9.3030) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(9.3200) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.16) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(9.3200) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(9.3200) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(9.3350) - Since Last Record = 0.0150 (%0.14) - RDK:Initialize: end
(9.3350) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(9.3350) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(9.3350) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(9.3710) - Since Last Record = 0.0360 (%0.34) - Renderer Development Kit
(9.5630) - Since Last Record = 0.1920 (%1.80) - Commands
(9.5690) - Since Last Record = 0.0060 (%0.06) - Snapshots
(9.5810) - Since Last Record = 0.0120 (%0.11) - Rhino Render
(9.6580) - Since Last Record = 0.0770 (%0.72) - RDK_EtoUI
(9.6650) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.07) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(9.7320) - Since Last Record = 0.0670 (%0.63) - RhinoCycles
(9.7450) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.12) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(9.7520) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.07) - Displacement
(9.7860) - Since Last Record = 0.0340 (%0.32) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(9.7870) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - after load default render engine
(9.7870) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(9.7980) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.10) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(9.8010) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.03) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(9.8610) - Since Last Record = 0.0600 (%0.56) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(9.8640) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.03) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(10.1530) - Since Last Record = 0.2890 (%2.71) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(10.1530) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(10.1750) - Since Last Record = 0.0220 (%0.21) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(10.1750) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(10.1750) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(10.3520) - Since Last Record = 0.1770 (%1.66) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(10.3520) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(10.3520) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(10.6500) - Since Last Record = 0.2980 (%2.80) - after Process Shell Commands
(10.6500) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::108:: Delta VM: Avail -129 -> 134207021 MB, Used +25 -> 3926 MB, Peak +6 -> 3928 MB; RAM: Avail -14 -> 15702 MB, Used +49 -> 3729 MB, Peak +27 -> 3729 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9128, Used 872, User: Used 514 
'  1.353131!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::108:: Delta VM: Avail -156211 -> 134050810 MB, Used +170 -> 4097 MB, Peak +173 -> 4102 MB; RAM: Avail +2287 -> 17990 MB, Used +299 -> 4029 MB, Peak +306 -> 4035 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8835, Used 1165, User: Used 1262 
'  8.775731!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::108:: Delta VM: Avail -80 -> 134050731 MB, Used +127 -> 4224 MB, Peak +122 -> 4224 MB; RAM: Avail -198 -> 17793 MB, Used +146 -> 4175 MB, Peak +140 -> 4176 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8835, Used 1165, User: Used 1258 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 10-Aug-2020 17:20:36.406;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    857 ,    341
 'E 10-Aug-2020 17:20:36.406;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< ::110:: Delta VM: Avail 134050731 MB, Used 4224 MB; RAM: Avail -17 -> 17776 MB, Used 4175 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8835, Used 1165, User: Used 1258 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< ::110:: Delta VM: Avail -16 -> 134050715 MB, Used 4224 MB; RAM: Avail -29 -> 17747 MB, Used +0 -> 4176 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8835, Used 1165, User: Used 1257 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6424, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6425, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6426, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6427, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6428, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6429, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6430, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6431, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::110:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 134050714 MB, Used 4224 MB, Peak +0 -> 4225 MB; RAM: Avail -118 -> 17630 MB, Used 4176 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8835, Used 1165, User: Used 1258 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6432, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6433, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6434, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6435, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::110:: Delta VM: Avail 134050714 MB, Used +0 -> 4225 MB; RAM: Avail -25 -> 17606 MB, Used +0 -> 4177 MB, Peak +0 -> 4177 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8835, Used 1165, User: Used 1258 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6436, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::110:: Delta VM: Avail 134050714 MB, Used +0 -> 4226 MB, Peak +0 -> 4226 MB; RAM: Avail -16 -> 17590 MB, Used +0 -> 4178 MB, Peak +0 -> 4178 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8835, Used 1165, User: Used 1258 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6437, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::110:: Delta VM: Avail 134050714 MB, Used +0 -> 4227 MB, Peak +0 -> 4227 MB; RAM: Avail +69 -> 17660 MB, Used +0 -> 4179 MB, Peak +0 -> 4179 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8835, Used 1165, User: Used 1258 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6438, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::110:: Delta VM: Avail 134050714 MB, Used 4227 MB, Peak +0 -> 4228 MB; RAM: Avail +102 -> 17762 MB, Used 4179 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8835, Used 1165, User: Used 1258 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6439, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::110:: Delta VM: Avail 134050714 MB, Used +0 -> 4228 MB; RAM: Avail +126 -> 17888 MB, Used +0 -> 4180 MB, Peak +0 -> 4180 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8835, Used 1165, User: Used 1258 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6440, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< ::110:: Delta VM: Avail 134050714 MB, Used 4228 MB; RAM: Avail +90 -> 17979 MB, Used 4180 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8835, Used 1165, User: Used 1258 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6441, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< ::110:: Delta VM: Avail 134050714 MB, Used +0 -> 4229 MB, Peak +0 -> 4229 MB; RAM: Avail -18 -> 17962 MB, Used +0 -> 4181 MB, Peak +0 -> 4181 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8835, Used 1165, User: Used 1258 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6442, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::110:: Delta VM: Avail 134050714 MB, Used -13 -> 4217 MB; RAM: Avail -187 -> 17776 MB, Used -13 -> 4168 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8834, Used 1166, User: Used 1258 
' 15.964470   1:<<API External Command Time 
'H 10-Aug-2020 17:20:36.730;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 1:< ::110:: Delta VM: Avail -20 -> 134050695 MB, Used +11 -> 4229 MB, Peak +10 -> 4240 MB; RAM: Avail +511 -> 18287 MB, Used +12 -> 4181 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8826, Used 1174, User: Used 1260 
 'E 10-Aug-2020 17:20:37.140;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,   1370 ,    745
 'E 10-Aug-2020 17:20:37.140;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 10-Aug-2020 17:20:37.146;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 ' 0:< ::113:: Delta VM: Avail +510 -> 134051205 MB, Used -604 -> 3625 MB; RAM: Avail +421 -> 18709 MB, Used -482 -> 3699 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8837, Used 1163, User: Used 1255 
 'E 10-Aug-2020 17:20:40.704;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    561 ,     20
 'E 10-Aug-2020 17:20:40.704;   0:< 

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandRhino:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino"
' 0:< ::115:: Delta VM: Avail 134051205 MB, Used 3625 MB; RAM: Avail +41 -> 18750 MB, Used -2 -> 3698 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8837, Used 1163, User: Used 1255 
'H 10-Aug-2020 17:20:40.798;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
' 0:< Threaded version of fileExists is enabled. 47.610 seconds elapsed for threaded fileExists \\\Project002\S18006_QQ Tower\04_TRANSFER\02_OUT\__WEEKLY LANDSCAPE MODEL__\20200417\LA-MOD-XX-XX-001-RVT-XX - Landscape.rvt 
 ' 0:< ::115:: Delta VM: Avail -33039 -> 134018167 MB, Used +206 -> 3832 MB; RAM: Avail -166 -> 18585 MB, Used +84 -> 3782 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8673, Used 1327, User: Used 1405 
 'E 10-Aug-2020 17:21:10.087;   0:< 
 Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling" , "FileDialog(Win7Open,Open).SelectFile(200731 - 18014-Productionmodel-Rev07 - AFC Drawing incl building SHOP1-RVT-v2\.3dm,Supported Files \(*\.*\))"
 ' 0:< ::116:: Delta VM: Avail -2163 -> 134016005 MB, Used +1800 -> 5632 MB, Peak +1441 -> 5681 MB; RAM: Avail -1906 -> 16680 MB, Used +1609 -> 5392 MB, Peak +1224 -> 5406 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8792, Used 1208, User: Used 1292 
 'E 10-Aug-2020 17:21:31.381;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    553 ,    598
 ' 0:< ::117:: Delta VM: Avail 134016005 MB, Used 5632 MB; RAM: Avail -14 -> 16667 MB, Used 5392 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8791, Used 1209, User: Used 1292 
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 ' 0:< ::117:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 134016004 MB, Used +0 -> 5633 MB; RAM: Avail -125 -> 16542 MB, Used 5392 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8792, Used 1208, User: Used 1292 
 'E 10-Aug-2020 17:21:31.454;   0:< 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0120) - Since Last Record = 0.0120 (%0.14) - Pre-initialize .net
(0.6470) - Since Last Record = 0.6350 (%7.60) - Post-initialize .net
(0.8630) - Since Last Record = 0.2160 (%2.59) - after create and load AppSettings
(0.8640) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(4.2850) - Since Last Record = 3.4210 (%40.95) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(4.3020) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.20) - construct CMainFrame
(4.6850) - Since Last Record = 0.3830 (%4.58) - after load CMainFrame
(5.8130) - Since Last Record = 1.1280 (%13.50) - after initialize license manager
(5.8410) - Since Last Record = 0.0280 (%0.34) - after loading of cursor resources
(5.8670) - Since Last Record = 0.0260 (%0.31) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(5.9210) - Since Last Record = 0.0540 (%0.65) - Pre auto load plugins
(5.9870) - Since Last Record = 0.0660 (%0.79) - Toolbars
(5.9910) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.05) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(5.9940) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.04) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(5.9990) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.06) - RDK:Initialize: start
(5.9990) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(6.0170) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.22) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(6.0170) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(6.0170) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(6.0350) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.22) - RDK:Initialize: end
(6.0350) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(6.0350) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(6.0350) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(6.0880) - Since Last Record = 0.0530 (%0.63) - Renderer Development Kit
(6.3110) - Since Last Record = 0.2230 (%2.67) - Commands
(6.3400) - Since Last Record = 0.0290 (%0.35) - Snapshots
(6.3580) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.22) - Rhino Render
(6.4530) - Since Last Record = 0.0950 (%1.14) - RDK_EtoUI
(6.4630) - Since Last Record = 0.0100 (%0.12) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(6.5750) - Since Last Record = 0.1120 (%1.34) - RhinoCycles
(6.6280) - Since Last Record = 0.0530 (%0.63) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(6.6490) - Since Last Record = 0.0210 (%0.25) - Displacement
(6.7480) - Since Last Record = 0.0990 (%1.19) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(6.7490) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.01) - after load default render engine
(6.7490) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(6.7590) - Since Last Record = 0.0100 (%0.12) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(6.7610) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.02) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(6.8530) - Since Last Record = 0.0920 (%1.10) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(6.8560) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.04) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(7.6190) - Since Last Record = 0.7630 (%9.13) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(7.6190) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(7.6470) - Since Last Record = 0.0280 (%0.34) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(7.6470) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(7.6470) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(7.8900) - Since Last Record = 0.2430 (%2.91) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(7.8900) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(7.8900) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(8.3540) - Since Last Record = 0.4640 (%5.55) - after Process Shell Commands
(8.3540) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -121 -> 134210340 MB, Used +16 -> 935 MB, Peak +14 -> 936 MB; RAM: Avail -16 -> 19734 MB, Used +34 -> 1013 MB, Peak +32 -> 1013 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9101, Used 899, User: Used 489 
' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell assembly
'Addin's module mscorlib of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module System.Windows.Forms of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module PresentationFramework of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module System of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module WindowsBase of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module PresentationCore of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module System.Drawing of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module System.Core of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module WindowsFormsIntegration of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } 
' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack assembly
'Addin's module mscorlib of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module System of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module System.Windows.Forms of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module System.Core of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } 
' 2:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -7 -> 134210333 MB, Used +1 -> 937 MB, Peak +4 -> 940 MB; RAM: Avail -84 -> 19650 MB, Used +7 -> 1020 MB, Peak +7 -> 1020 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9081, Used 919, User: Used 495 
'  9.753222!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 0:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in websocket-sharp assembly
'Addin's module mscorlib of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module System of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module System.Core of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } 
' 2:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -123453 -> 134086881 MB, Used +240 -> 1178 MB, Peak +241 -> 1182 MB; RAM: Avail -363 -> 19287 MB, Used +278 -> 1299 MB, Peak +283 -> 1304 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8634, Used 1366, User: Used 1423 
' 16.511429!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -23 -> 134086859 MB, Used +89 -> 1268 MB, Peak +89 -> 1271 MB; RAM: Avail -70 -> 19218 MB, Used +99 -> 1399 MB, Peak +98 -> 1403 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8631, Used 1369, User: Used 1413 
' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Bifocals assembly
'Addin's module Grasshopper of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module GH_IO of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025 } 
' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in BrickBox2 assembly
'Addin's module Grasshopper of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module RhinoCommon of version 5.1.30000.15 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025 } 
' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in bf7_Installer assembly
'Addin's module Grasshopper of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module RhinoCommon of version 5.1.30000.13 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module mscorlib of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module System.Windows.Forms of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } 
' 1:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail +0 -> 134086860 MB, Used +5 -> 1273 MB, Peak +1 -> 1273 MB; RAM: Avail +14 -> 19232 MB, Used +5 -> 1404 MB, Peak +1 -> 1404 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8631, Used 1369, User: Used 1413 
' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in GENERATION assembly
'Addin's module mscorlib of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module Microsoft.VisualBasic of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module Grasshopper of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module System.Drawing of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module System of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module RhinoCommon of version 5.0.15006.0 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025 } 
' 1:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail 134086860 MB, Used -18 -> 1256 MB; RAM: Avail +9 -> 19242 MB, Used -17 -> 1388 MB, Peak +0 -> 1405 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8631, Used 1369, User: Used 1413 
' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Human assembly
'Addin's module Grasshopper of version 6.2.18065.11031 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module RhinoCommon of version 6.2.18065.11031 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module GH_IO of version 6.2.18065.11031 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025 } 
' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in GH_Kangaroo assembly
'Addin's module Grasshopper of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module GH_IO of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module RhinoCommon of version 5.1.30000.13 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module RhinoCommon of version 5.1.30000.4 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module mscorlib of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module System.Drawing of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } 
' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in KangarooLib assembly
'Addin's module RhinoCommon of version 5.1.30000.13 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025 } 
' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Meshedit2000 assembly
'Addin's module Grasshopper of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module RhinoCommon of version 5.1.30000.16 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025 } 
' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Millipede assembly
'Addin's module Grasshopper of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module RhinoCommon of version 5.1.30000.12 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module GH_IO of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module RhinoCommon of version 5.1.30000.4 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module System.Drawing of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version
'Addin's module mscorlib of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } 
' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in MillipedeShared assembly
'Addin's module Grasshopper of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025 } 
' 1:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -51 -> 134086809 MB, Used +3 -> 1259 MB; RAM: Avail -6 -> 19236 MB, Used +4 -> 1393 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8631, Used 1369, User: Used 1413 
' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in SawapanStatRhino assembly
'Addin's module RhinoCommon of version 5.1.30000.12 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module System.Drawing of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version } 
' 1:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -5 -> 134086805 MB, Used +7 -> 1267 MB; RAM: Avail -28 -> 19209 MB, Used +8 -> 1401 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8583, Used 1417, User: Used 1413 
' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in Octopus assembly
'Addin's module Grasshopper of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module GH_IO of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module GalapagosComponents of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module RhinoCommon of version 5.1.30000.16 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025 } 
' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in SharpNeatLib-Octopus assembly
'Addin's module RhinoCommon of version 5.1.30000.16 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025 } 
' 1:< ::63:: Delta VM: Avail -3 -> 134086803 MB, Used +4 -> 1272 MB; RAM: Avail -11 -> 19198 MB, Used +5 -> 1407 MB, Peak +2 -> 1407 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8583, Used 1417, User: Used 1413 
' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in PlanktonGh assembly
'Addin's module RhinoCommon of version 5.1.30000.12 conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module Grasshopper of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025 } 
' 1:< API_ERROR { : Assembly version conflict in some references in LunchBox assembly
'Addin's module Grasshopper of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module GH_IO of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version 7.0.20196.12025
'Addin's module Newtonsoft.Json of version conflicts with same preloaded module of version

Console Log

Loading V-Ray for Rhino, version 4.20.02 ( May  5 2020 )
(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0300) - Since Last Record = 0.0300 (%0.15) - Pre-initialize .net
(8.7770) - Since Last Record = 8.7470 (%42.70) - Post-initialize .net
(9.4450) - Since Last Record = 0.6680 (%3.26) - after create and load AppSettings
(9.4460) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(13.3990) - Since Last Record = 3.9530 (%19.30) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(13.4170) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.09) - construct CMainFrame
(13.7020) - Since Last Record = 0.2850 (%1.39) - after load CMainFrame
(15.1890) - Since Last Record = 1.4870 (%7.26) - after initialize license manager
(15.2550) - Since Last Record = 0.0660 (%0.32) - after loading of cursor resources
(15.2690) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.07) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(15.3110) - Since Last Record = 0.0420 (%0.21) - Pre auto load plugins
(15.4100) - Since Last Record = 0.0990 (%0.48) - Toolbars
(15.5910) - Since Last Record = 0.1810 (%0.88) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(15.5950) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.02) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(15.6010) - Since Last Record = 0.0060 (%0.03) - RDK:Initialize: start
(15.6010) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(15.6200) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.09) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(15.6200) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(15.6200) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(15.6660) - Since Last Record = 0.0460 (%0.22) - RDK:Initialize: end
(15.6660) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(15.6660) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(15.6660) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(15.7160) - Since Last Record = 0.0500 (%0.24) - Renderer Development Kit
(15.9700) - Since Last Record = 0.2540 (%1.24) - Commands
(16.0260) - Since Last Record = 0.0560 (%0.27) - Snapshots
(16.0570) - Since Last Record = 0.0310 (%0.15) - Rhino Render
(16.1880) - Since Last Record = 0.1310 (%0.64) - RDK_EtoUI
(16.3900) - Since Last Record = 0.2020 (%0.99) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(16.8120) - Since Last Record = 0.4220 (%2.06) - RhinoCycles
(17.1760) - Since Last Record = 0.3640 (%1.78) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(18.3510) - Since Last Record = 1.1750 (%5.74) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\Plug-ins\VRayForRhino.rui
(18.6560) - Since Last Record = 0.3050 (%1.49) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(18.6560) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - V-Ray for Rhino
(18.6990) - Since Last Record = 0.0430 (%0.21) - Displacement
(18.7420) - Since Last Record = 0.0430 (%0.21) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(18.7430) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(18.7430) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(18.7450) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(18.7470) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(18.7640) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.08) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(18.7660) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(19.2650) - Since Last Record = 0.4990 (%2.44) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(19.2650) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(19.3000) - Since Last Record = 0.0350 (%0.17) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(19.3000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(19.3000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(19.5430) - Since Last Record = 0.2430 (%1.19) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(19.5430) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(19.5430) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(19.7660) - Since Last Record = 0.2230 (%1.09) - after Process Shell Commands
(20.4830) - Since Last Record = 0.7170 (%3.50) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::118:: Delta VM: Avail -90938 -> 134117833 MB, Used +300 -> 3065 MB, Peak +267 -> 3066 MB; RAM: Avail -490 -> 20295 MB, Used +360 -> 2782 MB, Peak +360 -> 2783 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8818, Used 1182, User: Used 1228 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 07-Aug-2020 15:29:36.952;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6415, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6416, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6417, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6418, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6419, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6420, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6421, name: , text: Aboutc, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6422, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6423, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6424, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6425, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6426, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6427, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6428, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6429, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6430, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6431, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6432, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6433, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::119:: Delta VM: Avail -2 -> 134117832 MB, Used -12 -> 3053 MB, Peak +5 -> 3071 MB; RAM: Avail +7 -> 20302 MB, Used -10 -> 2772 MB, Peak +5 -> 2788 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8821, Used 1179, User: Used 1228 
' 29.364521   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 07-Aug-2020 15:29:37.405;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
'H 07-Aug-2020 15:29:37.406;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "Restricted Propagation"  _
        , 2, 10
' 0:< ::119:: Delta VM: Avail -32 -> 134117800 MB, Used +16 -> 3070 MB, Peak +2 -> 3073 MB; RAM: Avail 20302 MB, Used +16 -> 2789 MB, Peak +1 -> 2789 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8818, Used 1182, User: Used 1207 
' 0:< Operation - ReadServerPermissionUpdatesTask: ModelSessionToken: User's Name takahiro.ishihara_BGPU, User's Machine Name SJ003, Operation GUID c2e434dc-a63d-44ee-8f26-ed706a4446ea, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{458f411f-71ea-44b3-82aa-11b05cca1561}䒬\{a14e7497-bd8e-47bc-9d58-9d11265842b4}ItBXQOf.rvt",  
' 0:< Time: 8/7/2020 15:29:37:733 Calling: readAllPermissionsUpdates (Correlation ID = c2e434dc-a63d-44ee-8f26-ed706a4446ea) 
' 0:< ::119:: Delta VM: Avail +11 -> 134117811 MB, Used 3070 MB; RAM: Avail -1 -> 20301 MB, Used 2789 MB, Peak +0 -> 2790 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8820, Used 1180, User: Used 1206 
' 0:< <<Begin update Provider-triggered panels>>
'Edit mode: IDR_COMMON
'Category: 1
'Bar list: 
'   Dialog_Revit_DynamicLabelDBar
'   Dialog_Revit_FamilyBar
'   Dialog_Essentials_FilterSelectionWs
'   Dialog_Essentials_FilterSelectionNew
'   Dialog_Family_FamInstOffsetDbar
'   Dialog_Massing_RelatedHosts
'   Dialog_Revit_EditLoadedFamilyDbar
'Provider list: 
'   PP_Elements_Are_In_ModScope
'Product: Revit
'CT [Modify | Generic Models]:
'   {1} spacer_shr
'   {342} Dialog_Family_FamInstOffsetDbar
'   {426} Dialog_Massing_CreateFaf+Dialog_Massing_RelatedHosts
'   {10} Dialog_Revit_EditLoadedFamilyDbar
'<<End update Provider-triggered panels>> 
' 0:< Time: 8/7/2020 15:29:37:915 Returned from: readAllPermissionsUpdates 
 'E 07-Aug-2020 15:29:37.926;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 07-Aug-2020 15:29:37.930;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 0:< ::121:: Delta VM: Avail +28 -> 134117840 MB, Used -1 -> 3069 MB; RAM: Avail +11 -> 20312 MB, Used -12 -> 2778 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8825, Used 1175, User: Used 1204 
' 0:< Operation - ReadServerPermissionUpdatesTask: ModelSessionToken: User's Name takahiro.ishihara_BGPU, User's Machine Name SJ003, Operation GUID 97216e85-7bfd-4a1a-a62b-1b58b86da7b2, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{458f411f-71ea-44b3-82aa-11b05cca1561}䒬\{a14e7497-bd8e-47bc-9d58-9d11265842b4}ItBXQOf.rvt",  
' 0:< Time: 8/7/2020 15:30:30:343 Calling: readAllPermissionsUpdates (Correlation ID = 97216e85-7bfd-4a1a-a62b-1b58b86da7b2) 
' 0:< Time: 8/7/2020 15:30:30:612 Returned from: readAllPermissionsUpdates 
' 0:< ::121:: Delta VM: Avail -4 -> 134117836 MB, Used +1 -> 3071 MB, Peak +1 -> 3075 MB; RAM: Avail -70 -> 20243 MB, Used +1 -> 2779 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8825, Used 1175, User: Used 1206 
' 0:< Operation - ReadServerPermissionUpdatesTask: ModelSessionToken: User's Name takahiro.ishihara_BGPU, User's Machine Name SJ003, Operation GUID 2c7a13f2-81e8-4ede-abb0-b4202fd1d239, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{458f411f-71ea-44b3-82aa-11b05cca1561}䒬\{a14e7497-bd8e-47bc-9d58-9d11265842b4}ItBXQOf.rvt",  
' 0:< Time: 8/7/2020 15:30:38:114 Calling: readAllPermissionsUpdates (Correlation ID = 2c7a13f2-81e8-4ede-abb0-b4202fd1d239) 
' 0:< Time: 8/7/2020 15:30:38:307 Returned from: readAllPermissionsUpdates 
' 0:< ::121:: Delta VM: Avail -8 -> 134117828 MB, Used 3071 MB; RAM: Avail +94 -> 20338 MB, Used 2779 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8825, Used 1175, User: Used 1203 
' 0:< Operation - ReadServerPermissionUpdatesTask: ModelSessionToken: User's Name takahiro.ishihara_BGPU, User's Machine Name SJ003, Operation GUID d64ae4cc-7f64-4517-a740-06671d51d75b, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{458f411f-71ea-44b3-82aa-11b05cca1561}䒬\{a14e7497-bd8e-47bc-9d58-9d11265842b4}ItBXQOf.rvt",  
' 0:< Time: 8/7/2020 15:31:03:288 Calling: readAllPermissionsUpdates (Correlation ID = d64ae4cc-7f64-4517-a740-06671d51d75b) 
' 0:< Time: 8/7/2020 15:31:03:510 Returned from: readAllPermissionsUpdates 
' 0:< ::121:: Delta VM: Avail -1 -> 134117827 MB, Used 3071 MB; RAM: Avail -64 -> 20274 MB, Used 2779 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8825, Used 1175, User: Used 1204 
' 0:< Operation - ReadServerPermissionUpdatesTask: ModelSessionToken: User's Name takahiro.ishihara_BGPU, User's Machine Name SJ003, Operation GUID 1a1d0e33-16cd-4572-a7ac-11cec8ebfee5, Central server = "", Path = "CLD:\\{458f411f-71ea-44b3-82aa-11b05cca1561}䒬\{a14e7497-bd8e-47bc-9d58-9d11265842b4}ItBXQOf.rvt",  
' 0:< Time: 8/7/2020 15:31:29:320 Calling: readAllPermissionsUpdates (Correlation ID = 1a1d0e33-16cd-4572-a7ac-11cec8ebfee5) 
' 0:< Time: 8/7/2020 15:31:29:608 Returned from: readAllPermissionsUpdates 
 'E 07-Aug-2020 15:31:30.870;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    501 ,    241

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0180) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.13) - Pre-initialize .net
(4.3250) - Since Last Record = 4.3070 (%31.00) - Post-initialize .net
(4.5220) - Since Last Record = 0.1970 (%1.42) - after create and load AppSettings
(4.5240) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(6.6780) - Since Last Record = 2.1540 (%15.50) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(6.6980) - Since Last Record = 0.0200 (%0.14) - construct CMainFrame
(6.9140) - Since Last Record = 0.2160 (%1.55) - after load CMainFrame
(8.3610) - Since Last Record = 1.4470 (%10.42) - after initialize license manager
(8.3890) - Since Last Record = 0.0280 (%0.20) - after loading of cursor resources
(8.4430) - Since Last Record = 0.0540 (%0.39) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(11.9930) - Since Last Record = 3.5500 (%25.55) - Pre auto load plugins
(12.0470) - Since Last Record = 0.0540 (%0.39) - Toolbars
(12.0570) - Since Last Record = 0.0100 (%0.07) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(12.0600) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.02) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(12.0650) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.04) - RDK:Initialize: start
(12.0650) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(12.0810) - Since Last Record = 0.0160 (%0.12) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(12.0810) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(12.0810) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(12.1050) - Since Last Record = 0.0240 (%0.17) - RDK:Initialize: end
(12.1050) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(12.1050) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(12.1050) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(12.1420) - Since Last Record = 0.0370 (%0.27) - Renderer Development Kit
(12.3370) - Since Last Record = 0.1950 (%1.40) - Commands
(12.3450) - Since Last Record = 0.0080 (%0.06) - Snapshots
(12.3560) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.08) - Rhino Render
(12.4390) - Since Last Record = 0.0830 (%0.60) - RDK_EtoUI
(12.4490) - Since Last Record = 0.0100 (%0.07) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(12.5410) - Since Last Record = 0.0920 (%0.66) - RhinoCycles
(12.5560) - Since Last Record = 0.0150 (%0.11) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(12.5650) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.06) - Displacement
(12.6090) - Since Last Record = 0.0440 (%0.32) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(12.6090) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(12.6090) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(12.6180) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.06) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(12.6200) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(12.6850) - Since Last Record = 0.0650 (%0.47) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(12.6870) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(13.3840) - Since Last Record = 0.6970 (%5.02) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(13.3840) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(13.4280) - Since Last Record = 0.0440 (%0.32) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(13.4280) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(13.4280) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(13.6100) - Since Last Record = 0.1820 (%1.31) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(13.6100) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(13.6100) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(13.8930) - Since Last Record = 0.2830 (%2.04) - after Process Shell Commands
(13.8930) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< ::47:: Delta VM: Avail -91360 -> 134119637 MB, Used +510 -> 1117 MB, Peak +530 -> 1137 MB; RAM: Avail -556 -> 15780 MB, Used +566 -> 1285 MB, Peak +584 -> 1303 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9450, Used 550, User: Used 992 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 06-Aug-2020 16:31:36.805;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentChanged event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
'An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 3, position 41. 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6485, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6486, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6487, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6488, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6489, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6490, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6491, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6492, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6493, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6494, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6495, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6496, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6497, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6498, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6499, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6500, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6501, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6502, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6503, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 0:< ::48:: Delta VM: Avail -9 -> 134119629 MB, Used -25 -> 1092 MB; RAM: Avail +13 -> 15793 MB, Used -25 -> 1260 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9450, Used 550, User: Used 993 
' 42.750661   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 06-Aug-2020 16:31:37.010;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::48:: Delta VM: Avail +11 -> 134119641 MB, Used +19 -> 1111 MB; RAM: Avail -40 -> 15754 MB, Used +19 -> 1280 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9448, Used 552, User: Used 993 
 'E 06-Aug-2020 16:31:41.161;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Rhinoceros%CommandRhino:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino"
'H 06-Aug-2020 16:31:41.251;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
' 0:< ::49:: Delta VM: Avail -95 -> 134119546 MB, Used +139 -> 1251 MB, Peak +128 -> 1266 MB; RAM: Avail +4 -> 15758 MB, Used +37 -> 1318 MB, Peak +20 -> 1323 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9311, Used 689, User: Used 1077 
'C 06-Aug-2020 16:32:21.336;   0:< Executing AddInJournaling : WinformWindow(GH_UnrecognizedObjectsForm,Unrecognized Objects).WinformButton(0,CloseButton).Click() 
 'E 06-Aug-2020 16:32:21.336;   0:< 
 Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling" , "WinformWindow(GH_UnrecognizedObjectsForm,Unrecognized Objects).WinformButton(0,CloseButton).Click()"
 ' 0:< ::50:: Delta VM: Avail -13 -> 134119534 MB, Used +18 -> 1269 MB, Peak +10 -> 1276 MB; RAM: Avail +509 -> 16267 MB, Used +19 -> 1337 MB, Peak +21 -> 1345 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9318, Used 682, User: Used 1076 
 'E 06-Aug-2020 16:33:03.503;   0:< 
 Jrn.Command "Ribbon" , "Open an existing project , ID_REVIT_FILE_OPEN"
' 0:< ::51:: Delta VM: Avail -219 -> 134119315 MB, Used +17 -> 1287 MB, Peak +10 -> 1287 MB; RAM: Avail +14 -> 16282 MB, Used +30 -> 1368 MB, Peak +23 -> 1368 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9166, Used 834, User: Used 1153 
'H 06-Aug-2020 16:33:18.800;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "FileOpenSubDialog"  _
        , "OpenAsLocalCheckBox", "True"
' 0:< ::51:: Delta VM: Avail +1 -> 134119316 MB, Used -1 -> 1286 MB; RAM: Avail -25 -> 16258 MB, Used 1368 MB, Peak +0 -> 1369 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9272, Used 728, User: Used 1072 
'H 06-Aug-2020 16:33:20.475;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "File Name"  _
        , "IDOK", "J:\S-F\270000\273421-00\4 Internal Project Data\4-03 Drawings\Struct\Revit Model\Uber Sculpture - Struc - R20.rvt"
' 0:< TaskDialog "You are trying to create a new local copy with the same name as one that already exists. What do you want to do?"
'Id : TaskDialog_File_Name_In_Use
'CommonButtons : Cancel
'Command Links:
'1001 : Overwrite existing copy
'1002 : Append timestamp to existing copy 
'H 06-Aug-2020 16:33:22.498;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "TaskDialogResult"  _
        , "You are trying to create a new local copy with the same name as one that already exists. What do you want to do?",  _
         "Overwrite existing copy", "1001"
' 0:< createNewLocal: starting to create a new local file from "J:\S-F\270000\273421-00\4 Internal Project Data\4-03 Drawings\Struct\Revit Model\Uber Sculpture - Struc - R20.rvt". 
'C 06-Aug-2020 16:33:30.154;   0:< LicenseUpd(1)  
' 0:< ::51:: Delta VM: Avail +14 -> 134119331 MB, Used +2 -> 1289 MB, Peak +10 -> 1297 MB; RAM: Avail -3 -> 16255 MB, Used +3 -> 1372 MB, Peak +11 -> 1380 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9271, Used 729, User: Used 1072 
' 0:< createNewLocal: finished creating the new local file from "J:\S-F\270000\273421-00\4 Internal Project Data\4-03 Drawings\Struct\Revit Model\Uber Sculpture - Struc - R20.rvt". 
'H 06-Aug-2020 16:34:01.864;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "WorksetConfig"  _
        , "Custom", 0
' 1:<   System (MB) [Available /  Total ]  [Revit Memory Usage (MB)   ] 
' 1:< RAM Statistics:    16255 /    32573      1372=InUse     1380=Peak  
' 1:< VM  Statistics: 134119331 / 134217727      1289=InUse     1297=Peak  
' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(BIM360); VendorId(ADSK); ServerId(d2c3617d-7a16-45bc-b395-44897852f485); ServiceId(b3892e5f-9161-4bbc-958a-c8ef75e94e96) } 
 'E 06-Aug-2020 16:34:01.951;   2:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: d2c3617d-7a16-45bc-b395-44897852f485 Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: b3892e5f-9161-4bbc-958a-c8ef75e94e96 
' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentOpening event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } 
' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering DocumentCreating event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } 
' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } 
' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentOpened event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } 
' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSavedAs event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } 
' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentClosing event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } 
' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Registering ViewActivated event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } 
' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } 
' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizingWithCentral event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } 
' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Registering DocumentSynchronizedWithCentral event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } 
' 2:< API_SUCCESS { Registering WorksharedOperationProgressChanged event by application Collaborate (14f73f04-900e-4e24-8d85-44c71092b6e9). } 
'C 06-Aug-2020 16:34:02.051;  File: Open 
' 3:< Connecting session [$9e8f511a] to Worksharing Log [%LOCALAPPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit 2020\Journals\journal.0061.txt] 
' 3:< Additional IP address/name found for host S-FLT5CD944673D: fe80::bc73:ab4f:19ce:d2a4%4  

Console Log

Loading Legacy Rhino Render, version 1.50, Jul 21 2020, 16:03:34
Read 4 annotation styles that references 1 font that is not installed on this device.

Annotation styles referencing a missing font:

0.25 Major Title / Helvetica Neue LT Std 97 Black Condensed [HelveticaNeueLTStd-BlkCn]

Standard / Helvetica Neue LT Std 97 Black Condensed [HelveticaNeueLTStd-BlkCn]

Annotative / Helvetica Neue LT Std 97 Black Condensed [HelveticaNeueLTStd-BlkCn]

ISO-25 / Helvetica Neue LT Std 97 Black Condensed [HelveticaNeueLTStd-BlkCn]

Missing font:

Helvetica Neue LT Std 97 Black Condensed [HelveticaNeueLTStd-BlkCn]

Successfully read file "%LOCALAPPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\AutoSave\Structural Model v1.3 (71988) RhinoAutosave.3dm"
(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0090) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.04) - Pre-initialize .net
(0.6650) - Since Last Record = 0.6560 (%2.86) - Post-initialize .net
(1.1210) - Since Last Record = 0.4560 (%1.99) - after create and load AppSettings
(1.1220) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.4940) - Since Last Record = 0.3720 (%1.62) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.5040) - Since Last Record = 0.0100 (%0.04) - construct CMainFrame
(1.7060) - Since Last Record = 0.2020 (%0.88) - after load CMainFrame
(3.0500) - Since Last Record = 1.3440 (%5.87) - after initialize license manager
(3.0690) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.08) - after loading of cursor resources
(3.0770) - Since Last Record = 0.0080 (%0.03) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(3.0990) - Since Last Record = 0.0220 (%0.10) - Pre auto load plugins
(3.1470) - Since Last Record = 0.0480 (%0.21) - Toolbars
(3.1490) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(3.1510) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.01) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(3.1550) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.02) - RDK:Initialize: start
(3.1550) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(3.1690) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.06) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(3.1690) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(3.1690) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(3.1820) - Since Last Record = 0.0130 (%0.06) - RDK:Initialize: end
(3.1820) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(3.1820) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(3.1820) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(3.2200) - Since Last Record = 0.0380 (%0.17) - Renderer Development Kit
(3.3920) - Since Last Record = 0.1720 (%0.75) - Commands
(3.3970) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.02) - Snapshots
(3.4060) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.04) - Rhino Render
(3.4770) - Since Last Record = 0.0710 (%0.31) - RDK_EtoUI
(3.4830) - Since Last Record = 0.0060 (%0.03) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(3.5460) - Since Last Record = 0.0630 (%0.28) - RhinoCycles
(3.5630) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.07) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(3.5680) - Since Last Record = 0.0050 (%0.02) - Displacement
(3.6170) - Since Last Record = 0.0490 (%0.21) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(3.6170) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(3.6170) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(3.6280) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.05) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(3.6310) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.01) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(3.7120) - Since Last Record = 0.0810 (%0.35) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(3.7150) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.01) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(4.1770) - Since Last Record = 0.4620 (%2.02) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(4.1770) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(4.2090) - Since Last Record = 0.0320 (%0.14) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(4.2090) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(4.2090) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(4.3980) - Since Last Record = 0.1890 (%0.83) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(4.3980) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(4.3980) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(20.4140) - Since Last Record = 16.0160 (%69.93) - RPC
(20.4260) - Since Last Record = 0.0120 (%0.05) - Legacy Rhino Render
(22.9040) - Since Last Record = 2.4780 (%10.82) - after Process Shell Commands
(22.9040) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected

eirannejad commented 4 years ago

Ticket Info

Support Ticket

Host Info

Journal Report

Section of journal after loading Rhino.Inside.Revit (100 lines)

 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 2:< ::75:: Delta VM: Avail -120 -> 134210093 MB, Used +20 -> 1070 MB, Peak +21 -> 1072 MB; RAM: Avail -66 -> 9809 MB, Used +43 -> 1294 MB, Peak +43 -> 1294 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9134, Used 866, User: Used 462 
'  1.427266!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::75:: Delta VM: Avail -66087 -> 134144006 MB, Used +158 -> 1229 MB, Peak +167 -> 1239 MB; RAM: Avail -189 -> 9621 MB, Used +207 -> 1502 MB, Peak +210 -> 1505 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8843, Used 1157, User: Used 1234 
'  4.665542!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 1:< ::75:: Delta VM: Avail -66 -> 134143941 MB, Used +124 -> 1354 MB, Peak +156 -> 1395 MB; RAM: Avail -126 -> 9495 MB, Used +145 -> 1647 MB, Peak +174 -> 1679 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8844, Used 1156, User: Used 1230 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Grasshopper); VendorId(RMA); ServerId(b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf); ServiceId(e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6) } 
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:08.125;   1:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    530 ,    103
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:08.125;   1:< 
 ' [Jrn.RegisterExternalServer] Rvt.Attr.ExternalServer: b45a29b1-4343-4035-989e-044e8580d9cf Rvt.Attr.ExternalService: e454a471-b9f3-4cb7-96b1-bab4cf7742a6 
'C 04-8-2020 11:48:10.095;   1:< Managed exception caught from external API application 'RhinoInside.Revit' in method 'Void CheckWin32Error()' Exception type: '<System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception>,' Exception method: '<ϵͳҲָļ>,' Stack trace '       Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.WindowHandle.CheckWin32Error()
''    RhinoInside.Revit.Rhinoceros.Startup()
''    RhinoInside.Revit.Revit.OnStartup(UIControlledApplication applicationUI)
''    RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements)
''    RhinoInside.Revit.External.ActivationGate.Open[T](Func`1 func, Object state)
''    RhinoInside.Revit.External.UI.Command.Autodesk.Revit.UI.IExternalCommand.Execute(ExternalCommandData data, String& message, ElementSet elements) 
' 2:< ::77:: Delta VM: Avail -5 -> 134143936 MB, Used +1 -> 1356 MB; RAM: Avail -22 -> 9474 MB, Used +11 -> 1659 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8833, Used 1167, User: Used 1240 
'  7.432004!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 2:< ::77:: Delta VM: Avail -32795 -> 134111141 MB, Used +5 -> 1362 MB; RAM: Avail +4 -> 9479 MB, Used +1 -> 1661 MB 
' 2:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8825, Used 1175, User: Used 1234 
' 21.026560!!! 2:!!!BIG_GAP API External Command Time 
' 0:< ::77:: Delta VM: Avail +32819 -> 134143961 MB, Used -39 -> 1323 MB; RAM: Avail +12 -> 9491 MB, Used -33 -> 1628 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8834, Used 1166, User: Used 1232 
' 34.841190   1:<<API External Command Time 
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:31.720;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    798 ,    395
'H 04-8-2020 11:48:31.720;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 0:< ::78:: Delta VM: Avail -15 -> 134143946 MB, Used 1323 MB; RAM: Avail -193 -> 9299 MB, Used 1628 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8837, Used 1163, User: Used 1233 
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:41.143;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    465 ,    258
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:41.144;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    465 ,    258
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:42.171;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    510 ,      1
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:42.171;   0:< 
 Jrn.Command "AccelKey" , "ȡǰ , ID_CANCEL_EDITOR"
' 0:< Unnecessary nesting;ArrowUI_4;-1;ID_CANCEL_EDITOR ;N++EB(NB); 
'C 04-8-2020 11:48:42.181;   0:< idle0_doc 
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:42.743;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Add-Ins%Rhinoceros%CommandRhinoInside:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoInside"
' 1:< External Command Registration Exception: Invalid long description format.
' EntityName ʱ  3 Уλ 41 
' 1:< ::83:: Delta VM: Avail -16 -> 134143930 MB, Used +2 -> 1326 MB; RAM: Avail +1 -> 9300 MB, Used +2 -> 1631 MB 
' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8830, Used 1170, User: Used 1231 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6418, name: , text: Sample files, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandSampleFiles, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6419, name: , text: APIDocs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAPIDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6420, name: , text: TheBuildingCoder, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandTheBuildingCoder, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6421, name: , text: Rhino Dev Docs, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoDevDocs, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6422, name: , text: McNeel Discourse, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandDiscourse, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6423, name: , text: Updates, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandCheckForUpdates, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6424, name: , text: About, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandAbout, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6425, name: , text: Rhino, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhino, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6426, name: , text: Import, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandImport, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6427, name: , text: Preview, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandRhinoPreview, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6428, name: , text: Python, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandPython, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6429, name: , text: Grasshopper, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6430, name: , text: Off, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6431, name: , text: Wireframe, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewWireframe, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6432, name: , text: Shaded, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPreviewShaded, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6433, name: , text: Solver, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperSolver, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6434, name: , text: Recompute, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperRecompute, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6435, name: , text: Bake Selected, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperBake, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Registering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Added pushbutton Id: 6436, name: , text: Player, class: RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopperPlayer, assembly: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2020\RhinoInside.Revit\RhinoInside.Revit.dll } 
'  0.138586   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 04-8-2020 11:48:42.881;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
 ' 1:< ::83:: Delta VM: Avail -19 -> 134143912 MB, Used +14 -> 1340 MB; RAM: Avail -7 -> 9293 MB, Used +14 -> 1646 MB 
 ' 1:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8828, Used 1172, User: Used 1233 
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:43.113;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:43.117;   1:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "ComboCurrentChangedEvent:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%Category:"
' 1:< API_SUCCESS { Unregistering Idling event by application Rhino.Inside (02eff7f0-4921-4fd3-91f6-a87b6ba9bf74). } 
 ' 0:< ::85:: Delta VM: Avail -20 -> 134143892 MB, Used +2 -> 1342 MB; RAM: Avail 9293 MB, Used +2 -> 1648 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8831, Used 1169, User: Used 1231 
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:44.406;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    284 ,      1
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:44.406;   0:< 
 Jrn.RibbonEvent "Execute external command:CustomCtrl_%CustomCtrl_%Rhinoceros%Grasshopper%CommandGrasshopper:RhinoInside.Revit.UI.CommandGrasshopper"
' 0:< ::87:: Delta VM: Avail -12 -> 134143881 MB, Used -2 -> 1341 MB; RAM: Avail -1 -> 9292 MB, Used -2 -> 1646 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8828, Used 1172, User: Used 1232 
'  0.111422   1:<<<API External Command Time 
'H 04-8-2020 11:48:44.519;   0:< 
Jrn.Data "APIStringStringMapJournalData"  _
        , 0
' 0:< ::87:: Delta VM: Avail +16 -> 134143897 MB, Used +1 -> 1342 MB; RAM: Avail +85 -> 9378 MB, Used +3 -> 1649 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8809, Used 1191, User: Used 1278 
'C 04-8-2020 11:48:50.662;   0:< Executing AddInJournaling : WinformWindow(GH_AutoSaveLastChanceForm,Last Chance Recovery).WinformButton(0,ButtonOpenRecovery).Click() 
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:50.662;   0:< 
 Jrn.AddInEvent "AddInJournaling" , "WinformWindow(GH_AutoSaveLastChanceForm,Last Chance Recovery).WinformButton(0,ButtonOpenRecovery).Click()"
' 0:< ::88:: Delta VM: Avail -158 -> 134143740 MB, Used +135 -> 1478 MB, Peak +89 -> 1485 MB; RAM: Avail -121 -> 9257 MB, Used +140 -> 1789 MB, Peak +111 -> 1791 MB 
' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8807, Used 1193, User: Used 1271 
'  1.290338   1:<<<;PERF;MISC;drawing 
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:57.389;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    619 ,    213
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:57.391;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    619 ,    213
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:57.400;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    591 ,    214
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:57.400;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    591 ,    214
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:57.430;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    597 ,    219
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:57.430;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    597 ,    219
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:58.549;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    0 ,    583 ,    227
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:58.549;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonDown    1 ,    583 ,    227
 ' 0:< Candidates (curIdx = -1):  
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:58.696;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    599 ,    240
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:58.696;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    601 ,    242
 ' 0:< ::98:: Delta VM: Avail +11 -> 134143751 MB, Used +2 -> 1480 MB; RAM: Avail -2 -> 9255 MB, Used +2 -> 1792 MB, Peak +0 -> 1792 MB 
 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 8813, Used 1187, User: Used 1269 
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:59.629;   0:< 
 Jrn.MouseMove    1 ,    986 ,    574
 'E 04-8-2020 11:48:59.630;   0:< 
 Jrn.LButtonUp    0 ,    986 ,    574
 'H 04-8-2020 11:48:59.656;   0:< 
 Jrn.Data "Selection action"  _
         , "REPLACE",  _
          "SEL RESULT: 4 items," & _
          "ģ 1," & _
          "Ҿ 1," & _
          "¥ 2"
 ' 0:< <<Begin build CT>>
 'Edit mode: IDR_COMMON
 'Category: 3
 'Bar list: 

Console Log

(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0290) - Since Last Record = 0.0290 (%0.59) - Pre-initialize .net
(0.7680) - Since Last Record = 0.7390 (%15.16) - Post-initialize .net
(1.2790) - Since Last Record = 0.5110 (%10.48) - after create and load AppSettings
(1.2810) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.04) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.3160) - Since Last Record = 0.0350 (%0.72) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(1.3340) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.37) - construct CMainFrame
(2.0060) - Since Last Record = 0.6720 (%13.78) - after load CMainFrame
(2.3920) - Since Last Record = 0.3860 (%7.92) - after initialize license manager
(2.4500) - Since Last Record = 0.0580 (%1.19) - after loading of cursor resources
(2.5350) - Since Last Record = 0.0850 (%1.74) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(2.5840) - Since Last Record = 0.0490 (%1.00) - Pre auto load plugins
(2.6640) - Since Last Record = 0.0800 (%1.64) - Toolbars
(2.6840) - Since Last Record = 0.0200 (%0.41) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(2.7030) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.39) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(2.7110) - Since Last Record = 0.0080 (%0.16) - RDK:Initialize: start
(2.7110) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(2.7400) - Since Last Record = 0.0290 (%0.59) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(2.7410) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(2.7410) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(2.7700) - Since Last Record = 0.0290 (%0.59) - RDK:Initialize: end
(2.7700) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(2.7700) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(2.7700) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(2.8060) - Since Last Record = 0.0360 (%0.74) - Renderer Development Kit
(3.0550) - Since Last Record = 0.2490 (%5.11) - Commands
(3.0690) - Since Last Record = 0.0140 (%0.29) - Snapshots
(3.0910) - Since Last Record = 0.0220 (%0.45) - Rhino Render
(3.2080) - Since Last Record = 0.1170 (%2.40) - RDK_EtoUI
(3.2350) - Since Last Record = 0.0270 (%0.55) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(3.3500) - Since Last Record = 0.1150 (%2.36) - RhinoCycles
(3.4250) - Since Last Record = 0.0750 (%1.54) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(3.4400) - Since Last Record = 0.0150 (%0.31) - Displacement
(3.5360) - Since Last Record = 0.0960 (%1.97) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(3.5360) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(3.5360) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(3.5520) - Since Last Record = 0.0160 (%0.33) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(3.5550) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.06) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(3.6380) - Since Last Record = 0.0830 (%1.70) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(3.6410) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.06) -   - Start TryLoadRuiFile: %APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(4.1200) - Since Last Record = 0.4790 (%9.82) -   - END TryLoadRuiFile
(4.1200) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) -   - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(4.1510) - Since Last Record = 0.0310 (%0.64) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(4.1510) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after  m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(4.1510) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(4.4490) - Since Last Record = 0.2980 (%6.11) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(4.4490) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(4.4490) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - before Process Shell Commands
(4.8760) - Since Last Record = 0.4270 (%8.76) - after Process Shell Commands
(4.8760) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()

Third-party Addons

⚠️ shows addons with known conflicts Addon data not collected