mcneel / rhino3dm

Libraries based on OpenNURBS with a RhinoCommon style
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Cannot get text from text entities #585

Closed fraguada closed 3 months ago

fraguada commented 4 months ago

Seems reading these on windows works fine, but breaks under linux.

fraguada commented 4 months ago

py work fine on linux but takes different routes to get Plain Text and Rich Text, etc js/py bindings go to

const ON_wString ON_Annotation::PlainText() const
  if (nullptr == m_text)
    return ON_wString::EmptyString;
  const ON_TextRunArray* runs = m_text->TextRuns(true);
  if (nullptr != runs && 0 == runs->Count())
    BoundingBox();  // Side effect of building text runs
  return m_text->PlainText();

and dotnet:

RH_C_FUNCTION void ON_V6_Annotation_GetTextString(const ON_Annotation* constAnnotation, ON_wString* wstring, bool rich)
  if (nullptr != wstring)
    if (constAnnotation)
      if (rich)
        const ON_TextContent* text_content = constAnnotation->Text();
        if(nullptr != text_content)
          (*wstring) = text_content->PlatformRichTextFromRuns();
        (*wstring) = constAnnotation->PlainText();
      *wstring = ON_wString::EmptyString;
fraguada commented 4 months ago

js / py only have RichText and PlainText exposed, need to expose PlainTextWithFields. js outputs empty string for RichText.

fraguada commented 4 months ago

For a 3dm with a text entity that has "Hello World!" as text, the outputs on linux

fraguada commented 3 months ago

Works across languages and platforms!

fraguada commented 3 months ago

published a beta to nuget: