mcneel / rhinocommon

RhinoCommon is the .NET SDK for Rhino5 / Grasshopper
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Possible Bug: RhinoMath.ToDegrees #107

Closed wortmann closed 12 years ago

wortmann commented 12 years ago

double angle = RhinoMath.ToDegrees(Math.Acos(Multiply(vec2D.Unify(vec1), vec2D.Unify(vec2))));

I have noticed that in above code sample, ToDegrees sometimes returns NaN ("not a number"). I think this is the case when the angle is super tiny, so it might be better to return 0 instead. I might also be a problem with Math.Acos, but that seems unlikely.

sbaer commented 12 years ago

I'm pretty sure the number you are passing to RhinoMath.ToDegrees is already NaN ToDegrees just multiplies the input number by the constant of 180.0 / PI

Break your code up into multiple lines and you should be able to track down the root of the problem. I suspect that your vectors may be InValid