mcobit / retrosmc

An easier way to get retropie onto osmc
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script failing #34

Closed dustinarden closed 7 years ago

dustinarden commented 7 years ago

Based on what i see here i'm going to walk through the script and see if i can get it to work manually but i figured i'd report this up. Not sure if something has changed on the OS side requiring this to work correctly again or not ... might be just me.

`--2017-03-02 08:49:12-- Resolving (,,, ... Connecting to (||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 1439 (1.4K) [text/plain] Saving to: ‘/home/osmc/RetroPie/scripts/’

/home/osmc/RetroPie/scripts/ 100%[==========================================================================================>] 1.41K --.-KB/s in 0s

2017-03-02 08:49:13 (10.5 MB/s) - ‘/home/osmc/RetroPie/scripts/’ saved [1439/1439]

--2017-03-02 08:49:13-- Resolving (,,, ... Connecting to (||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 1116 (1.1K) [text/plain] Saving to: ‘/home/osmc/RetroPie/scripts/’

/home/osmc/RetroPie/scripts/retropie_watchd 100%[==========================================================================================>] 1.09K --.-KB/s in 0s

2017-03-02 08:49:13 (7.84 MB/s) - ‘/home/osmc/RetroPie/scripts/’ saved [1116/1116]

/home/osmc/ line 68: amixer: command not found /home/osmc/ line 73: git: command not found /home/osmc/ line 74: cd: /home/osmc/RetroPie-Setup: No such file or directory sudo: ./ command not found `

dustinarden commented 7 years ago


Looks like alsa-utils and git is not installed by default anymore with osmc (assuming they were before when this script was written)?

i'm just doing that part manually after ensuring the software is installed. I assume that'll allow me to continue with retropie install.

dustinarden commented 7 years ago

update: (sorry to keep spamming here)

Looks like my filesystem had some issues or something. kept getting all kinds of dpkg errors, read only filesystem (due to fs errors i guess) error etc. formatted card, and started from scratch and so far everything seems to have worked (i installed git before hand jujst to be extra sure) ... still configuring kodi but i'll report back if anything else is dumb. otherwise its just me being dumb.