mcohen01 / amazonica

A comprehensive Clojure client for the entire Amazon AWS api.
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Kinesis worker doesn't use amazonica credentials mechanism #471

Open Limess opened 1 year ago

Limess commented 1 year ago

Current doesn't use amazonica.core/credentials or amazonica.core/*credentials* - it instead explicitly needs credentials to be provided.

This was a minor pain when setting up a shim to the AWS SDK V2 to support AWS SSO ( as I had to create a separate provider and wire it through.

Bialogs commented 1 year ago

Perhaps off-topic for this issue.

I take part of your statement to mean that the out-of-the-box amazonica credential provider chain does not support SSO. adds this ability here? Would love to see that included at some point but the shim looks great for now. Thanks.

Limess commented 1 year ago

Hey @Bialogs - yes we've written that shim to support AWS SSO credentials using amazonica for most clients by leveraging the AWS V2 SDK, without having to modify amazonica itself - this kinesis worker is the exception we use and are aware of.