mcolvin / Bluff-Lake-Project

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GAM for Intake~Macon #18

Closed mcolvin closed 4 years ago

mcolvin commented 4 years ago

@VictoriaStarnes can you run some quick GAMS, just like you did for change in surface elevation but for the elevation of water at intake versus Macon? Basically I am curious if we can do a better job predicting the elevation of water at intake for periods where we do not have actual logger data? Specifically can a GAM do a good job predicting the black line from the grey line where we don't have black line... I have a simple linear regression that does an ok job at it but the GAMs you did before might be better.


VictoriaStarnes commented 4 years ago

Added the code for GAM model to the functions script. R-sq.(adj) = 0.837


I also applied the model to the daily discharge values 1938-present. There were some funky outlier years, but I scaled the attached plot from 68-70.5m.


VictoriaStarnes commented 4 years ago

Whoops, the first plot is the fitted values for the model. This is the plot of the predicted values given discharge at Macon.
