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locales fr - bad format date with invitations #975

Open aguerson opened 4 years ago

aguerson commented 4 years ago

I followed the instructions found here:

Everything is ok except for sending invitations where the date format is not the right one. I should have the format mm / dd / yyyy and I end up with dd / mm / yyyy. The email cannot therefore be sent because the date format is not correct.

Here is what I find in the logs:

EN: 2020-04-20 22:25:30.180 [INFO ] Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"xxx", "invite"=>{"users"=>"2", "starts_on"=>"04/20/2020", "starts_on_time(1i)"=>"1", "starts_on_time(2i)"=>"1", "starts_on_time(3i)"=>"1", "starts_on_time(4i)"=>"22", "starts_on_time(5i)"=>"25", "ends_on"=>"04/20/2020", "ends_on_time(1i)"=>"1", "ends_on_time(2i)"=>"1", "ends_on_time(3i)"=>"1", "ends_on_time(4i)"=>"23", "ends_on_time(5i)"=>"25", "title"=>"test", "message"=>"test"}, "commit"=>"Send", "id"=>"usertest"} (pid:1006)

FR: 2020-04-20 22:24:23.159 [INFO ] Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"xxx", "invite"=>{"users"=>"2", "starts_on"=>"20/04/2020", "starts_on_time(1i)"=>"1", "starts_on_time(2i)"=>"1", "starts_on_time(3i)"=>"1", "starts_on_time(4i)"=>"22", "starts_on_time(5i)"=>"25", "ends_on"=>"20/04/2020", "ends_on_time(1i)"=>"1", "ends_on_time(2i)"=>"1", "ends_on_time(3i)"=>"1", "ends_on_time(4i)"=>"23", "ends_on_time(5i)"=>"25", "title"=>"test", "message"=>"test"}, "commit"=>"Envoyer ", "id"=>"usertest"} (pid:1006)

I do not know if there is a problem in the file /var/www/mconf-web/current/config/locales/fr/_base.yml or in the file /var/www/mconf-web/current/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/momentjs-rails-2.8.3/vendor/assets/javascripts/moment/fr.js

Could you help me ? Thk