say that full FEN is just a special sub-fen. It's only true in the early phase of games. Later especially in end game phase a given sub-fen can match to several game positions with additional pieces in squares where sub-fen contains "8". Of course exact FEN can be expressed using one "sub-fen" and one "material" rule, but it would be more convenient to use "exact-fen" only. What do you think?
I prefer to avoid introducing redundancies for the moment and keep it as orthogonal as possible. So I think sub-fen + material, as you pointed out, is the correct way to go. Eventually I can document it in README say that full FEN is just a special sub-fen. It's only true in the early phase of games. Later especially in end game phase a given sub-fen can match to several game positions with additional pieces in squares where sub-fen contains "8". Of course exact FEN can be expressed using one "sub-fen" and one "material" rule, but it would be more convenient to use "exact-fen" only. What do you think?