mcs07 / ChemDataExtractor

Automatically extract chemical information from scientific documents
MIT License
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Installation on Windows 7 #3

Closed ejmurray closed 7 years ago

ejmurray commented 7 years ago

DAWG doesn't seem to install and there is a problem with lxml.

mcs07 commented 7 years ago

These components use C++ behind the scenes for improved performance, so require a compiler. I managed to get them to install with pip on Windows 10 by installing the Visual C++ build tools from here:

But this isn't really an ideal situation. I think a better solution for Windows support is to use Anaconda, because it uses binary packages for each platform. I will need to put together a ChemDataExtractor conda recipe, but then conda install ChemDataExtractor should work without a compiler.

ejmurray commented 7 years ago

Slight problem in that it is looking for it in a win-64 directory when trying to install via Anaconda.

Fetching package metadata .................Error: Could not find URL: https://gi

ejmurray commented 7 years ago

The .condarc file points to:

mcs07 commented 7 years ago

Yeah sorry, I haven't made the conda recipe yet. I'll post here when it's done.

ejmurray commented 7 years ago

Thanks again. I'm looking forward to testing it on some metabolism/metabolomics papers hence the constant barrage of questions (testing/getting it up an running).

mcs07 commented 7 years ago

Windows packages are now available on the chemdataextractor conda channel. There should be no need to add anything to your .condarc file, just run conda install -c chemdataextractor chemdataextractor