mcs07 / PubChemPy

Python wrapper for the PubChem PUG REST API.
MIT License
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testing glucose example #28

Open pgreisen opened 6 years ago

pgreisen commented 6 years ago

Hi , I am trying to test the glucose example to retrieve compunds from pubchem - I am using a jupyter notebook with python 3:

import pubchempy as pcp results = pcp.get_compounds('Glucose', 'name') results

which only returns one of the

5793 C([C@@H]1C@HO)O)O)O

where I would expect the different forms of glc - the type is a list. has there been any changes to this lately ?

mcs07 commented 6 years ago

Yes, PubChem now manually override the search results for some common chemical chemical names. There is a section about this in the docs: Getting a full results list for common compound names

I should replace the glucose search example in the "Getting Started" section with some other compound that returns multiple results, to make things clearer.