Open tkittel opened 8 months ago
For reference, here is how far I got on a script which does this based on an exported json file of commands:
_docompile_shared_data = [ None ]
def _worker( cmd_data ):
import subprocess
import os
import time
shared_data = _docompile_shared_data[0]
assert shared_data is not None
cmd_env = shared_data['env']
cwd = shared_data['cwd']
thefile = os.path.relpath(cmd_data['file'],cwd)
thecmd = cmd_data['command']
theworkdir = cmd_data['directory']
print(f"Compiling {thefile}")
t0 = time.time() thecmd,
env=cmd_env )
t1 = time.time()
return ( thefile, float(t1-t0) )
def time_cmds( json_cmd_file, *, repeat = 1 ):
import json
import pathlib
import os
cmds = json.loads(pathlib.Path(json_cmd_file).read_text()) * repeat
cwd = os.getcwd()
#FIXME _simple_build_system -> .
from _simple_build_system.envsetup import apply_envunsetup_to_dict
cmd_env = os.environ.copy()
apply_envunsetup_to_dict( cmd_env )
_docompile_shared_data[0] = dict( env = cmd_env,
cwd = cwd )
#FIXME cmds = [e for e in cmds if 'mcpl2phits/main.c' in e['file']]
from multiprocessing import Pool
with Pool(5) as pool:
worker_results = (, cmds))
results = {}
for fn, t in worker_results:
if fn not in results:
results[fn] = []
# results = dict( (k, sum(v)/len(v)) for k,v in results.items() )
results = dict( (f, min(times)) for f,times in results.items() )
total = sum( t for f,t in results.items() )
commul = 0.0
for t,f in sorted( ((v,k) for k,v in results.items()), reverse=True ):
commul += t
print(f'{t:>7.3f}s [{t*100.0/total:>7.3f} %] [{commul*100.0/total:>7.3f} %] {f}')
print( f"Total: {total} seconds" )
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
repeat = 1 if len(sys.argv) <= 2 else int(sys.argv[2])
time_cmds( sys.argv[1], repeat = repeat )
Not surprisingly, a lot of the time is spent on python-c++ code...
It would be nice to be able to easily tell where we are spending our build times, and for that it would be nice to be able to time all compilation and link commands - in order to be able to potentially come up with some nice speedups.
One option is to use
and execute the commands again while timing them.