When Refresh 1 is pressed, the display of the value of the DR register is updated (since the USART1 is configured to receive and data is constantly coming to it).
When collapsing-unfolding USART1, the display of the value of the DR register is also updated.
But when Refresh 2 or Refresh 3 are pressed, the display of the value of the DR register IS NOT UPDATED.
When performing any of these actions, the message "Reading 28 bytes @ address 0x40013800" is displayed in the terminal window.
Similar behavior for TIM6 (the timer continuously counts)
Refresh 1
is pressed, the display of the value of theDR
register is updated (since theUSART1
is configured to receive and data is constantly coming to it). When collapsing-unfoldingUSART1
, the display of the value of theDR
register is also updated. But whenRefresh 2
orRefresh 3
are pressed, the display of the value of the DR register IS NOT UPDATED.When performing any of these actions, the message "Reading 28 bytes @ address 0x40013800" is displayed in the terminal window.
Similar behavior for
(the timer continuously counts)