mcuadros / OctoPrint-TFT

A OctoPrint touch interface for TFT touch modules based on GTK+3
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
171 stars 81 forks source link

Screen get's stuck after few minutes in printing status menu #34

Open mrcg opened 5 years ago

mrcg commented 5 years ago

I really love the OctoPrint-TFT addon. Unfortunately i have the issue that OctoPrint-TFT get's stuck after few minutes.

The problem happens only in the printing status menu. In all other menu's the issue is not happening. That's the reason why i think it is not related to screen timeout settings.

The issue happens also in the printing status menu if printer is in idle mode (no print ongoing). After few minutes screen get's stuck (no screen updates) and it is also not possible to go back to home screen.

Would be great to get this fixed soon. Thanks for support.

Dryphter commented 5 years ago

@mrcg When I install the octoprint-tftv0.1.2#34-fix_stretch.deb fix, my TFT screen just shows the terminal / command prompt. ie it doesn't load the X application. Any ideas?

mrcg commented 5 years ago

After installation you need to configure octoprint-tft:

  1. Modifiy octoprint-tft configuration: sudo vi /etc/octoprint-tft-environment This two changes need to be done ... OCTOPRINT_HOST=http://localhost OCTOPRINT_APIKEY= enter your API key here
  2. Modify octoprint-tft service configuration: sudo vi /lib/systemd/system/ You need to change TFT output from 0 to 1: ExecStart=/usr/bin/xinit /usr/bin/OctoPrint-TFT -- :1 -nolisten tcp -nocursor

Afterwards octoprint-tft should appear on the LCD ... hopefully. Hope this helps.

Dryphter commented 5 years ago

GOT IT! Odd error. Worked fine with the original 0.1.2 deb file, but whenever I installed the #34-fix deb file, I would only see the terminal/command prompt.

Tried the above suggestion from @mrcg - no go.

So I ran journalctl -u octoprint-tft and looked through the output.
image Fatal error trying to open /home/pi/octoprint/ (this is set in the octoprint-tft-environment file) No idea why as this same file works with the v0.1.2 build.

I deleted /home/pi/octoprint from the octoprint-tft-environment config file and left it blank. Boom! started working.
--------------------------My Settings in case it helps someone else----------------------------------







----------------/lib/systemd/system/octoprint-tft.service------------------------ ExecStart=/usr/bin/xinit /usr/bin/OctoPrint-TFT -- :0 -nolisten tcp -nocursor

Now to get the Profiles to stop throwing a json error....

nickm324 commented 5 years ago

I have version 0.1.2 installed and am having the freezing issue after it has been running for a few minutes. Is there an official fix for this yet? Shame to have to switch to TouchUI since this is so much nicer.

majorkuso commented 5 years ago

I recently installed the octoprint-tft and freezes occassionally, however I can restart it by issuing the command sudo service octoprint-tft restart. it restarts the tft and doesnt stop the print. I may create a cron job to restart it every 2 minutes or so.

TheNeskik commented 5 years ago

Hi, I had the same problem and using the solution package, the error disappears but at startup I have an interface that does not allow me to return to previous menus. For example, if I go to the menu to move my axes, I have six buttons but none to return to the main menu.