mcueto / djangorestframework-auth0

Library to simply use Auth0 token authentication in DRF within djangorestframework-jwt
MIT License
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Authentication credentials were not provided / Invalid payload #15

Closed sprucify closed 7 years ago

sprucify commented 7 years ago

Our token from Auth0 does contain a sub and email. But everything we tried with Curl will result in a

Authentication credentials were not provided.


Invalid payload

Do we need all four of these authentication classes?: DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES': ( 'rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication', 'rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication', 'rest_framework_jwt.authentication.JSONWebTokenAuthentication', 'rest_framework_auth0.authentication.Auth0JSONWebTokenAuthentication', ),

Our settings are now on Bearer: AUTH0 = { 'AUTH0_CLIENT_ID':'', 'AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET':'', 'AUTH0_ALGORITHM':'HS256', #default used in Auth0 apps 'JWT_AUTH_HEADER_PREFIX': 'Bearer', #default prefix used by djangorestframework_jwt }

mcueto commented 7 years ago

@sprucify can you post an example payload please? it could be usefull to solve your problem.

Yes, you need all 4 authentication classes

mcueto commented 7 years ago

@sprucify if you check the payload at is it ok? (signature verified)

sprucify commented 7 years ago

Yes we grab our auth0 token via jwt plugin and past it in curl.

sprucify commented 7 years ago

This is an example payload we have.

{ "nickname": "example", "email": "", "email_verified": true, "iss": "", "sub": "google-oauth2|123456789", "aud": "secretstring", "exp": 1475656667, "iat": 1475620667 }

mcueto commented 7 years ago

I'm working on a sample project to correct this problem, meanwhile please check that your's django AUTH0_CLIENT_ID is the same that the value returned by aud attribute on the payload given. if this solves your problem, you will have another problem, that i'm fixing right now(error 500 due to an expected payload format).

I will correct this problem as soon as possible ;) Nice weekend

ridike commented 7 years ago

Great news

ridike commented 7 years ago

So, we solved this problem by removing the 'rest_framework_jwt.authentication.JSONWebTokenAuthentication', from DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES in

mcueto commented 7 years ago

@sprucify i updated this package please check if it solves your problem, if it cant please check out the sample project

mcueto commented 7 years ago

In the next few days i'm gonna to reactivate the development of this package and the sample project, so stay alert! ;)

sprucify commented 7 years ago

Great work on the sample project! Can you show us the auth0 payload structure as well? In that way we can check what metadata is needed

mcueto commented 7 years ago

No problem! I'll provide the minimum pay load needed and test different scopes! However, you always can debug the payload in to see their structure.

Ps: I strongly recommend to use postman with chromium to test all your API endpoints

Ps2: please let me know if you solve the problem to close this issue :)

Nice Sunday for all of you

mcueto commented 7 years ago

@sprucify the payload i tested was the same that you posted, i'll try with a very very basic with only strictly necesary attributes and i'll post it! stay tuned ;)

ps: What happened with yopur problem? did you solve it? let me know to close this issue ;)

Nice weekend for all of you

ridike commented 7 years ago

HEy, @mcueto , I am working on the same project as @sprucify , as I wrote above we sovled it by removing 'rest_framework_jwt.authentication.JSONWebTokenAuthentication' class!

mcueto commented 7 years ago

@ridike ok! i didn't understand it! jajajajajaj

I close this issue then.

Thanks for use this package, don't forget to stay tuned and star it :+1:

ridike commented 7 years ago

Thank you so much, @mcueto, your package is a life-safer!

mcueto commented 7 years ago

@ridike @sprucify

Hello friends, tomorrow i'll provide a custom user and group models to allow to exced the 30 characters per username(that in case of login with a social auth can cause troubles), stay tuned! :)

PS: i'll update the documentation too

ridike commented 7 years ago

Hey @mcueto ! we were also thinking whether it is possible to make the group checking optional? We do not need groups but if payload does not have it, it causes problems. @sprucify

mcueto commented 7 years ago

Hey @mcueto ! we were also thinking whether it is possible to make the group checking optional? We do not need groups but if payload does not have it, it causes problems. @sprucify

@ridike Done, just upload the package to the last version(0.1.7) ;) i added an option to optionally use Auth0 Authorization Extension.

With the Django version 1.10 the username max_lenght is set to 150 characters, so i don't know if work on a backwards compatible model or just add django 1.10 as requirement for this package.

Nice weekend