mcueto / djangorestframework-auth0

Library to simply use Auth0 token authentication in DRF within djangorestframework-jwt
MIT License
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Custom User Model Support for better handling the Auth0 user_id #32

Open techdragon opened 7 years ago

techdragon commented 7 years ago

Currently the user_id has the pipe character replaced with a dot. This is necessary due to the limitations of the default Django user model.

If someone wants to or already has a custom user model that does support the pipe character in the username field, we should have a way to disable the pipe character rewriting.

mcueto commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the late answer, i agree, if someone could work on it it would be appreciated. I would although only will can in few weeks

mcueto commented 7 years ago

Hi techdragon, i will solve this issue in the following week, stay tuned! :)

nmartinezb3 commented 6 years ago

I made a PR #36 allowing to optionally replace the pipes for dots by configuring it in the settings.

IssueHuntBot commented 6 years ago

@0maxxam0 funded this issue with $6. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

IssueHuntBot commented 5 years ago

@ihackpy has started working. Visit this issue on Issuehunt

techdragon commented 5 years ago

I fixed this by building my own library that you might consider and it already has this feature. Its based on python-social-auth's existing OpenID Connect support but I've provided extensive helpers around making it simple to use Auth0.

mcueto commented 5 years ago

Hi @techdragon im reactivating the development process of this package so i will try yours in order to inspire in how we could improve both packages.

lokesh1729 commented 5 years ago

@mcueto @techdragon doesn't the package "django-auth0-user" worked??