mcueto / djangorestframework-auth0

Library to simply use Auth0 token authentication in DRF within djangorestframework-jwt
MIT License
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Memcached support & token validation #52

Open mcueto opened 4 years ago

mcueto commented 4 years ago

Due to recent modifications introduced on #51 memcached and token validation must be done in order to improve the now poor speed when validating user roles, permissions and groups

toinbis commented 4 years ago

Hi @mcueto - any chance you might try working on this anytime soon? :)

mcueto commented 4 years ago

Hi @toinbis i hope having this working on may 20th :smile:

A ton of work here in Chile, a "Late Capitalism" country: figure out that governmental help consists on a $70 usd monthly payment per person, only during 3 months, only for "the poorest people in the country", knowing that a person on a low budget will need 600 USD to survive. "Obviously" a savy techie won't have salary problems on the Digital Age bu you might imagine how big the social problems are here, a country where the Ministry of Health said that "our health system is one of the best of the worlds".

All the IT industry is speeding up here, i supposse the same happens pretty much everywhere, so we will need to collaborate more and more and find the harmony with our new lifestyles.

Winter is just comming by here, we will prevail!

Like mapuche people says: MARICHIWEU (ten times we will win)

toinbis commented 4 years ago

Hey mate, thanks a lot for replying!

may 20th is in 5 days, just saying...:D I also said 'will do this ticket (of my project) today' - and that was last saturday or sunday - no commits have been pushed since then:D But surely admire the determination!

Puting code aside - am wishing all the best to your country and it's people! Quite often the best you can do - have faith and patience. But yeah, irony in a form of 'late capitalism' and similar notes helps as well :)

I'd like to share back one Lithuanian(+Latvian & Estonian) video which helps to keep the spirit up during tough times for me - . It's a song (and original video shootings as a clip) of , one of the brightest moments of our history, of peaceful demonstration "Baltic way", when 2 mln. people of three nations stood in a single live chain, accross three countries. Title of song means "Baltics are awakening". Been there myself, aged 4 at a time :D It was probably the second major nail to Soviet Union's coffin after Chernobyl. Two years after this we became free, and things very slowly started to improve...

Anyhow - are you hanging out on messenger, or discord or anywhere else? Would surely like to chat more, including one question regarding djangorestframework-auth0 which is not well suited for public ticket. Feel free to catch me @ facebook, to85#0807 @ discord, or tomas.cerkasas_at_gmail - much appreciated!

mcueto commented 3 years ago

Hi @toinbis sorry for the delay. Ton of work & stuff here & there. :persevere:

I'll be working during the current week on memcached support. :partying_face:

All updates will be on features/memcached-support branch

toinbis commented 3 years ago

Yes! :) Thanks, @mcueto - looking forward! :)