mculig / TemtemTracker

A tracker for the MMO Temtem
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Temtem tracker only work once time #14

Open vxtrlx opened 2 years ago

vxtrlx commented 2 years ago

i open the temtem tracker, and only work once time when i opened it. i need restart the tracker every time when i go into a battle. I have checked different graphic options and nothing. ty for help

vxtrlx commented 2 years ago

The first encounter works for me, and it counts for the tracker, but if I keep looking for fights, the tracker stops working and only the first fight I do is registered once the tracker is opened

mculig commented 2 years ago

This happens if the minimap is obstructed OR the aspect ratio of your game client is unsupported or wrongly configured (i.e. playing at a 16:10 aspect ratio on a 16:9 monitor which yes, happens to people for some reason).

I've also seen this or outright non-detection happen in game clients where the colors of UI elements were changed due to things like running ReShade or other external changes to game graphics.

Finally, I have seen sufficient people running Temtem on Linux and reporting issues despite the game not being supported on the platform to also want to mention that TemtemTracker is untested on Linux and I have no intention of offering support for Linux.

Basically, this is an issue that has something to do with how things are running on your end and not with the code of the tracker itself.

vxtrlx commented 2 years ago

and can it be fixed? I would like to have the tracker functional

mculig commented 2 years ago

and can it be fixed? I would like to have the tracker functional

It can. Don't cover the minimap, check your settings. Make sure you're running at an aspect ratio and resolution your monitor actually supports and that that aspect ratio is actually supported by the tracker.

This is on your end, meaning the problem is with something you're doing and not something I can fix.

vxtrlx commented 2 years ago

image i cant fix it, the monitor configuration its ok, in game settings are ok, and i dont know whats happening

vxtrlx commented 2 years ago

image i have the temtracker where it dos not cover nothing

vxtrlx commented 2 years ago

may it be a nvidia control panel problem?

mculig commented 2 years ago

The screenshot you sent is not 1920x1080 resolution. I am getting 1911x1075. If you did not crop any of it away then something is wrong with the resolution you got set up.

The radar UI may also be interfering with minimap detection, but I have not had a reported case of this yet and with your screenshot not being 1920x1080 I can't compare to my detection spots to be sure.

vxtrlx commented 2 years ago

image this is a monitor screen whit the keyboard. I thought I had the right resolution. And you may be right about the radar, I'm going to finish it, and see if it works for me later. Thank you very much for the tip

mculig commented 2 years ago

What might help right now is if you open the TemtemTracker folder, then open config, and open the config.json file. Scroll down until you find the "aspectRatios" part. There, find a block starting with "aspectRatio":"16:9" and go down inside that block until you find spot8HeightPercentage. Replace the value there (should be 0.2083) with 0.2037. You can go as low as 0.2 and should be fine. That'll move spot 8 a bit higher and may help avoid the radar UI if it's being clipped in your case.


mculig commented 2 years ago

Also radars do not work in Saipark.

vxtrlx commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much, the problem is the aspect ratio. ty for all the help man!!!! it works very nice now

mculig commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much, the problem is the aspect ratio. ty for all the help man!!!! it works very nice now

The aspect ratio in your game settings, or changing the config?

vxtrlx commented 2 years ago

changing the config in config.json

vxtrlx commented 2 years ago

it works very well now, ty so much bro

mculig commented 2 years ago

Okay. Gonna reopen this as a bug then seeing as it's the radar causing it. Gonna have to move spot 8 away by a bit to give it space on all aspect ratios :(

kev494 commented 1 year ago

I have a similar issue. It tracks exactly after opening the tracker. But I have a 21:9 resolution (3440x1440) and I saw in the supported resolution that it is not separately noted only for as format note for others. Does that mean it is not really supported? The game itself doesn't seem to use the full 21:9 though, there are some black lines left and right. 20230301194103_1

Thanks for your feedback, would love to use this amazing project.