mcveanlab / mccortex

De novo genome assembly and multisample variant calling
MIT License
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No "-s" option cf. "If neither -t or -s specified, just saves output statistics" #38

Closed tseemann closed 8 years ago

tseemann commented 8 years ago

Says "If neither -t or -s specified, just saves output statistics." but -t is threads and -s doesn't exist?

usage: mccortex63 clean [options] <in.ctx> [in2.ctx ...]

  Clean a cortex graph. Joins graphs first, if multiple inputs given.
  If neither -t or -s specified, just saves output statistics.

  -h, --help               This help message
  -q, --quiet              Silence status output normally printed to STDERR
  -f, --force              Overwrite output files
  -o, --out <out.ctx>      Save output graph file [required]
  -m, --memory <mem>       Memory to use
  -n, --nkmers <kmers>     Number of hash table entries (e.g. 1G ~ 1 billion)
  -t, --threads <T>        Number of threads to use [default: 2]
  -N, --ncols <N>          Number of graph colours to use

  -T[L], --tips[=L]        Clip tips shorter than <L> kmers [default: auto]
  -U[X], --unitigs[=X]     Remove low coverage unitigs with median cov < X [default: auto]
  -B, --fallback <T>       Fall back threshold if we can't pick

  -c, --covg-before <out.csv> Save kmer coverage histogram before cleaning
  -C, --covg-after <out.csv>  Save kmer coverage histogram after cleaning
  -l, --len-before <out.csv>  Save unitig length histogram before cleaning
  -L, --len-after <out.csv>   Save unitig length histogram after cleaning

  --unitigs without a threshold, causes a calculated threshold to be used
  Default: --tips 2*kmer_size --unitigs
  Set thresholds to zero to turn-off cleaning
noporpoise commented 8 years ago

Thanks Torsten, it was supposed to say -T or -U.